In this article author describes biomorphological characteristics of Nymphoides peltata (shoot structure, forthputting model, individual lifespan etc.) using fi eld researches data and literatural sources. He determined the architectural model and seasonal growth of N. peltata and also its growth form based on the principle of C. Raunkiaer and I.G. Serebryakov classifi cations. The plant was determined as “hydrohemicryptophyte” and “additional-rooted wintergreen perennial with epigeogenous short rhizome and long stolon-like soots”.
2015. T. 120. Vyp. 1.
2015. T. 120. Vyp. 1.
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Biomorphological Characteristics and Seasonal Growth of Nymphoides peltata (Gmel.) O. Kuntze
- Azovskii M.G., Chepinoga V.V. Vysshie vodnye rasteniya ozera Baikal. Irkutsk, 2007. 157 s.
- Bezdelev A.B., Bezdeleva T.A. Zhiznennye formy semennykh rastenii rossiiskogo Dal’nego Vostoka. Vladivostok, 2006. 296 s.
- Gubanov I.A., Kiseleva K.V., Novikov V.S., Tikhomirov V.N. Illyustrirovannyi opredelitel’ rastenii srednei Rossii. T. 3: Pokrytosemennye (dvudol’nye: razdel’nolepestnye). M., 2004. 520 s.
- Zhmylev P.Yu., Alekseev Yu.E., Karpukhina E.A., Balandin S.A. Biomorfologiya rastenii: illyustrirovannyi slovar’. M., 2005. 256 s.
- Zhmylev P. Yu., Lednev S. A. Biomorfologicheskoe raznoobrazie vodnykh sosudistykh rastenii ZBS / Tr. Zvenigorodskoi biologicheskoi stantsii MGU. M., 2011. C. 80–85.
- Zhmylev P.Yu., Lednev S.A., Shcherbakov A.V. Biomorfologiya vodnykh rastenii Moskovskoi oblasti: problemy i podkhody k klassifikatsii zhiznennykh form / Leonid Vasil’evich Kudryashov. Ad memoriam: sbornik statei. M., C. 101–128.
- Katanskaya V. M. Vysshaya vodnaya rastitel’nost’ kontinental’nykh vodoemov SSSR. L., 1981. 187 s.
- Kokin K.A. Ekologiya vysshikh vodnykh rastenii. M., 1982. 157 s.
- Lapirov A.G. Osnovnye terminy i ponyatiya gidrobotaniki // Bot. zhurn. 2002. T. 87. № 2. S. 113–119
- Lelekova E.V. Biomorfologiya vodnykh i pribrezhno-vodnykh semennykh rastenii Severo-Vostoka Evropeiskoi Rossii. Avtoref. kand. dis. Perm’, 2006. 21 s.
- Petukhova D.Yu. Biomorfologiya stolonno-rozetochnykh gidrofitov. Avtoref. kand. dis. Syktyvkar, 2008. 21 s.
- Savinykh N.P. O zhiznennykh formakh vodnykh rastenii / Gidrobotanika: metodologiya, metody. Rybinsk, 2003. S. 39–48.
- Sviridenko B.F. Zhiznennye formy tsvetkovykh gidrofitov severnogo Kazakhstana // Bot. zhurn. 1991. T. 76. № 5. S. 687–698.
- Serebryakov I.G. Ekologicheskaya morfologiya rastenii. M., 1962. 377 s.
- Shcherbakov A.V., Maiorov S.R. Vodnye adventivnye rasteniya Moskovskogo regiona // Vestnik Udmurtskogo universiteta. 2013. № 2. S. 57–61
- Brock Th.C.M., Arts G.H.P., Goossen I.L.M., Rutenfrans A.H.M. Structure and annual biomass production of Nymphoides peltata (Gmel.) O. Kuntze (Menyanthaceae) // Aquatic Botany. 1983. N 17. P. 167–188.
- Cook C.D.К. Aquatic plant book. SPB Acad. Pub. Netherlands, 1990. 228 p.
- Cook C.D.K. Range extension of aquatic vascular plant species / J. of Aquatic Plant Management. N 23. 1985. P. 1–6.
- Ellenberg H., Muller-Dombois D. A key to Raunkiaer plant life forms with revised subdivisions / Aims and Methods of Vegetation Ecology. John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1974. P. 449–465.
- Exkursionsflora von Deutschland / begr. von Werner Rothmaler. Bd 3. Jena, Stuttgart, 1995. 753 S.
- Hill R., Williams S. Maine field guide to invasive aquatic plants and their common native look alikes. Maine Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program. 2007. 147 p.
- Li Zhongqiang, Xu Jun, Cao Te, Ni Leyi, Xie Ping. Adaptive responses of a floating-leaved macrophyte, Nymphoides peltata, to a terrestrial habitat // J. of Freshwater Ecol. 2010. Vol. 25. N 3. P. 481–486.
- Mitra E. Contributions to our knowledge of Indian freshwater plants. Part 2. On some aspects of the habit, structure, lifehistory and autecology of Limnanthemum cristatum Grisreb. and Limnanthemum indicum Thw. J. Asiatic Soc.1956. Vol. 21 B. N 4. P. 170–187.
- Raunkiær Ch. Plant life forms / transl. from Danish by H. Gilbert-Carter. Oxford, 1937.
- Richards J.H., Dow M., Troxler T. Modelling Nymphoides architecture: a morphological analysis of Nymphoides aquatica (Menyanthaceae) // Am. J. of Botany 2010. N 97(11). P. 1761–1771.
- Sculthorpe C.D. The Biology of Aquatic Vascular Plants. Edward Arnold Ltd. London. 1967. 610 p.
- Smith A.J.M., De Lyon M.J.H., Van Der Velde G., Steentjes P.L.M., Roefols J.G.M. Distribution of three nymphaeid macrophytes (Nymphaea alba L., Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm. and Nymphoides peltata (Gmel.) O. Kuntze in relation to alkalinity and uptake of inorganic carbon // Aquatic Botany. 1988. N 32. P. 45–62
- Tippery N. P.,Les D.H., Jones C.S.. Evolution of inflorescence architecture in Nymphoides (Menyanthaceae) // Aquatic Botany. 2012. N 99. P. 11–19
- Tsuchiya T. Leaf life span of floating-leaved plants // Vegetatio. 1991. N 97. P. 149–160
- Vymazal J., Kröpfelová L. Wastewater treatment in constructed wetlands with horizontal sub-surface flow. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands. 2008. 566 p.
- Wang Yong, Wang Qing-Feng, Guo You-Hao, Barrett S. C. H. Reproductive consequences of interactions between clonal growth and sexual reproduction in Nymphoides peltata: a distylous aquatic plant // New Phytologist. 2005. N 165. P. 329–336
- Willby N.J., Abernethy V.J., Demars B.O.L. Attribute-based classification of European hydrophytes and its relationship to habitat utilization // Freshwater Biology. 2000. Vol. 43. P. 43–74.
- Wu Zhonghua, Yu Dan, Tu Manghui, Wang Jingwang, Li Zhongqiang. Competitive performance of Nymphoides peltata (Gmel.) O. Kuntze growing in microcosm // Hydrobiologia. 2006. N 571. P. 41–49
Список литературы
- Azovskii M.G., Chepinoga V.V. Vysshie vodnye rasteniya ozera Baikal. Irkutsk, 2007. 157 s.
- Bezdelev A.B., Bezdeleva T.A. Zhiznennye formy semennykh rastenii rossiiskogo Dal’nego Vostoka. Vladivostok, 2006. 296 s.
- Gubanov I.A., Kiseleva K.V., Novikov V.S., Tikhomirov V.N. Illyustrirovannyi opredelitel’ rastenii srednei Rossii. T. 3: Pokrytosemennye (dvudol’nye: razdel’nolepestnye). M., 2004. 520 s.
- Zhmylev P.Yu., Alekseev Yu.E., Karpukhina E.A., Balandin S.A. Biomorfologiya rastenii: illyustrirovannyi slovar’. M., 2005. 256 s.
- Zhmylev P. Yu., Lednev S. A. Biomorfologicheskoe raznoobrazie vodnykh sosudistykh rastenii ZBS / Tr. Zvenigorodskoi biologicheskoi stantsii MGU. M., 2011. C. 80–85.
- Zhmylev P.Yu., Lednev S.A., Shcherbakov A.V. Biomorfologiya vodnykh rastenii Moskovskoi oblasti: problemy i podkhody k klassifikatsii zhiznennykh form / Leonid Vasil’evich Kudryashov. Ad memoriam: sbornik statei. M., C. 101–128.
- Katanskaya V. M. Vysshaya vodnaya rastitel’nost’ kontinental’nykh vodoemov SSSR. L., 1981. 187 s.
- Kokin K.A. Ekologiya vysshikh vodnykh rastenii. M., 1982. 157 s.
- Lapirov A.G. Osnovnye terminy i ponyatiya gidrobotaniki // Bot. zhurn. 2002. T. 87. № 2. S. 113–119
- Lelekova E.V. Biomorfologiya vodnykh i pribrezhno-vodnykh semennykh rastenii Severo-Vostoka Evropeiskoi Rossii. Avtoref. kand. dis. Perm’, 2006. 21 s.
- Petukhova D.Yu. Biomorfologiya stolonno-rozetochnykh gidrofitov. Avtoref. kand. dis. Syktyvkar, 2008. 21 s.
- Savinykh N.P. O zhiznennykh formakh vodnykh rastenii / Gidrobotanika: metodologiya, metody. Rybinsk, 2003. S. 39–48.
- Sviridenko B.F. Zhiznennye formy tsvetkovykh gidrofitov severnogo Kazakhstana // Bot. zhurn. 1991. T. 76. № 5. S. 687–698.
- Serebryakov I.G. Ekologicheskaya morfologiya rastenii. M., 1962. 377 s.
- Shcherbakov A.V., Maiorov S.R. Vodnye adventivnye rasteniya Moskovskogo regiona // Vestnik Udmurtskogo universiteta. 2013. № 2. S. 57–61
- Brock Th.C.M., Arts G.H.P., Goossen I.L.M., Rutenfrans A.H.M. Structure and annual biomass production of Nymphoides peltata (Gmel.) O. Kuntze (Menyanthaceae) // Aquatic Botany. 1983. N 17. P. 167–188.
- Cook C.D.К. Aquatic plant book. SPB Acad. Pub. Netherlands, 1990. 228 p.
- Cook C.D.K. Range extension of aquatic vascular plant species / J. of Aquatic Plant Management. N 23. 1985. P. 1–6.
- Ellenberg H., Muller-Dombois D. A key to Raunkiaer plant life forms with revised subdivisions / Aims and Methods of Vegetation Ecology. John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1974. P. 449–465.
- Exkursionsflora von Deutschland / begr. von Werner Rothmaler. Bd 3. Jena, Stuttgart, 1995. 753 S.
- Hill R., Williams S. Maine field guide to invasive aquatic plants and their common native look alikes. Maine Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program. 2007. 147 p.
- Li Zhongqiang, Xu Jun, Cao Te, Ni Leyi, Xie Ping. Adaptive responses of a floating-leaved macrophyte, Nymphoides peltata, to a terrestrial habitat // J. of Freshwater Ecol. 2010. Vol. 25. N 3. P. 481–486.
- Mitra E. Contributions to our knowledge of Indian freshwater plants. Part 2. On some aspects of the habit, structure, lifehistory and autecology of Limnanthemum cristatum Grisreb. and Limnanthemum indicum Thw. J. Asiatic Soc.1956. Vol. 21 B. N 4. P. 170–187.
- Raunkiær Ch. Plant life forms / transl. from Danish by H. Gilbert-Carter. Oxford, 1937.
- Richards J.H., Dow M., Troxler T. Modelling Nymphoides architecture: a morphological analysis of Nymphoides aquatica (Menyanthaceae) // Am. J. of Botany 2010. N 97(11). P. 1761–1771.
- Sculthorpe C.D. The Biology of Aquatic Vascular Plants. Edward Arnold Ltd. London. 1967. 610 p.
- Smith A.J.M., De Lyon M.J.H., Van Der Velde G., Steentjes P.L.M., Roefols J.G.M. Distribution of three nymphaeid macrophytes (Nymphaea alba L., Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm. and Nymphoides peltata (Gmel.) O. Kuntze in relation to alkalinity and uptake of inorganic carbon // Aquatic Botany. 1988. N 32. P. 45–62
- Tippery N. P.,Les D.H., Jones C.S.. Evolution of inflorescence architecture in Nymphoides (Menyanthaceae) // Aquatic Botany. 2012. N 99. P. 11–19
- Tsuchiya T. Leaf life span of floating-leaved plants // Vegetatio. 1991. N 97. P. 149–160
- Vymazal J., Kröpfelová L. Wastewater treatment in constructed wetlands with horizontal sub-surface flow. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands. 2008. 566 p.
- Wang Yong, Wang Qing-Feng, Guo You-Hao, Barrett S. C. H. Reproductive consequences of interactions between clonal growth and sexual reproduction in Nymphoides peltata: a distylous aquatic plant // New Phytologist. 2005. N 165. P. 329–336
- Willby N.J., Abernethy V.J., Demars B.O.L. Attribute-based classification of European hydrophytes and its relationship to habitat utilization // Freshwater Biology. 2000. Vol. 43. P. 43–74.
- Wu Zhonghua, Yu Dan, Tu Manghui, Wang Jingwang, Li Zhongqiang. Competitive performance of Nymphoides peltata (Gmel.) O. Kuntze growing in microcosm // Hydrobiologia. 2006. N 571. P. 41–49