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2018. T. 123. Vyp. 4.
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2018. T. 123. Vyp. 4.

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Sviridov A.V.

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Scientific-research Zoological Museum of MSU, depositarium of the Collection, Collection of A.V. Tsvetaev, data base, Noctuid Moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).

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For citation:

Sviridov A.V., Catalogue of the A.V. Tsvetaev Collection in the Scientific-research Zoological museum of Lomonossov MSU: Noctuids family (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 2018. T. 123. Vyp. 4. S. 19-43

Catalogue of the A.V. Tsvetaev Collection in the Scientific-research Zoological museum of Lomonossov MSU: Noctuids family (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

Catalogue of the Noctuids Family (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in the Collection of A.V. Tsvetaev – the largest former Lepidoptera private Collection of Russia – deposited in the Scientific–research Zoological Museum of the Lomonosov MSU. The data of the electronic computer data base, are organisate from A.V. Sviridov are in accordance with the reported in this article (for the February 2018), including reidentifications. For comfort use of base species identifications data are founded in Collection are given. By citation it is necessary to verification bei the Curator of the Collection – author of the Data Base and Catalogue.


  • Morse L.E., Pankhurst R.J., Rypka E.W. A glossary of computer-assisted biological specimen identification // Biological identification with computers. L.; N.Y., 1975. P. 315–330.

Список литературы

  • Morse L.E., Pankhurst R.J., Rypka E.W. A glossary of computer-assisted biological specimen identification // Biological identification with computers. L.; N.Y., 1975. P. 315–330.