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2017. T. 122. Vyp. 2.
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2017. T. 122. Vyp. 2.

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Barykina R.P., Alyonkin V.Yu.

Ключевые слова:


Boraginaceae, Ehretioideae, Coldenia, Tiquilia, anatomy, assimilative leaves, stem, root.

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Barykina R.P., Alyonkin V.Yu., Comparative Anatomy of Vegetative Organs in Some Species of Coldenia L. and Tiquilia Pers. (Boraginaceae) in Relation to their Ecology, Life Forms and Systematic Position // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 2017. T. 122. Vyp. 2. S. 55-67

Comparative Anatomy of Vegetative Organs in Some Species of Coldenia L. and Tiquilia Pers. (Boraginaceae) in Relation to their Ecology, Life Forms and Systematic Position

A microscopic study of vegetative organs in Coldenia procumbens L., Tiquilia canescens (DC.) A.T. Richardson, T. palmeri (A. Gray) A.T. Richardson, T. nuttallii (Hook.) A.T. Richardson has shown the presence of many structural traits these species have in common, despite the fact they belong to different genera. A number of anatomical traits characteristic to the species, reflecting the habitat ecology, plants’ life forms and taxonomic position, can be pointed out. Coldenia procumbens is known to have hygromesophilous structure, while species of Tiquilia are xeromorphic. Great resemblance in shoot and root anatomy of annual Tiquilia palmeri and T. nuttallii proves their close relationship. Meanwhile, T. canescens, being a subshrub, differs greatly from annual representatives of the genus by its revolute leaf blade, peculiar structure of the palisades and phellem, the latter including thick-walled lignified phelloids in addition to thin-walled cells. Another trait of difference is the absence of inner phloem at the edge of the pith zone and sites of intraxylary phloem in the axial organs of T. canescens – these features are very so typical of annual Tiquilia but their absence may suggest resemblance to Coldenia procumbens.


  • Барыкина Р.П. Биолого-морфологические особенности и стратегии структурной адаптации однолетников семейства лютиковых // Бюл. МОИП. Отд. биол. 1992. Т. 97. Вып. 1 С. 68-80 [Barykina R.P. Biologo-morfologicheskie osobennosti i strategii strukturnoi adaptatsii odnoletnikov semeistva lyutikovykh. // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 1992. T. 97. Vyp. 1 S. 68–80].
  • Барыкина Р.П. Некоторые биоморфологические и анатомические признаки Ehretia acuminata и E. corylifolia (Boraginaceae) // Бот. журн. 2012. Т. 97. № 7. C. 872–883 [Barykina R.P. Nekotorye biomorfologicheskie i anatomicheskie priznaki Ehretia acuminata i E. corylifolia (Boraginaceae) // Bot. zhurn. 2012. T. 97. № 7. C. 872–883].
  • Барыкина Р.П., Веселова Т.Д., Девятов А.Г., Джалилова Х.Х., Ильина Г.М., Чубатова Н.В. Справочник по ботанической микротехнике. Основы и методы. M., 2004. 312 с. [Barykina R.P., Veselova T.D., Devyatov A.G., Dzhalilova Kh.Kh., Il’ina G.M., Chubatova N.V. Spravochnik po botanicheskoi mikrotekhnike. Osnovy i metody. M., 2004. 312 s.].
  • Доброчаева Д.Н. Сем. Boraginaceae Juss. – Бурачниковые // Флора Европ. части СССР. М., 1981. Т. 5. С. 113–179 [Dobrochaeva D.N. Sem. Boraginaceae Juss. – Burachnikovye // Flora Evrop. chasti SSSR. M., 1981. T. 5. S. 113–179].
  • Carlquist S. Types of cambial activity and wood anatomy of Stilidium (Stilidiaceae) // Amer. J. Bot. 1981. Vol. 68. N 6. P. 778–785.
  • Carlquist S. Wood and bark anatomy of Salvadoraceae: ecology, relationships, histology of interxylary phloem // J. Torrey Bot. Society. 2002. Vol. 129. N 1. P.10–20.
  • Gottsching M., Hilger H.H. Phylogenetic analysis and character evolution of Ehretia and Bourreria (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales) based on ITS1 sequences // Bot. Jahrb. 2001. Vol. 123. P. 249–268.
  • Guerke M. Boraginaceae (Asperifoliaceae) // Engler A., Prantl K. Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien. Leipzig, 1897. Teil 4, Abt. 3a. S. 71–131.
  • Humphrey R.R. The morphology, physiology and ecology of Coldenia canescens. Ecology, 1932. Vol. 13. N 2. P. 153–158.
  • Meyer F.J. Das tropische Parenchym. A. Assimilationsgewebe // Handbuch der Pflanzenanatomie. Berlin, 1962. Band 4. Teil. 7A. 188 S.
  • Metcalfe C.R., Chalk L. Anatomy of dicotyledones. Oxford, 1950. Vol. 2.P. 945–954
  • Mikesell J.E. Anomalous secondary thickening in Phytolacca americana L. (Phytolaccaceae) // Amer. J. Bot.1979. Vol. 66. N 9. P. 997–1005.
  • Moore M.J, Jansen R.K. Molecular evidence of the age, origin, and evolutionary history of the American desert plant genus Tiquilia (Boraginaceae) // Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2006. Vol. 39. P. 668–687.
  • Mullenders W. L’Origine du phloème interxylémien chez Stylidium et Thunbergia. Etude anatomique. Cellue, 1947. Vol. 51. N 1. P. 5–48.
  • Patil V.S., Marcati C.R., Rajput K.S. Development of intra- and interxylary secondary phloem in Coccinia indica (Cucurbitaceae) // IAWA Journal, 2011. Vol. 32 N 4. P. 475–491.
  • Richardson A.T. Monograph of the genus Tiquilia (Coldenia, Sensu Lato) Boraginaceae: Ehretioideae. Rhodora, 1977. Vol. 79. N 820. P. 467–572.
  • Venkateswarlu J., Atchutaramamurti B. Embryological studies in Boraginaceae // J. Indian Bot. Soc. 1955. Vol. 34. N 3. P. 235–247.
  • Stevens P.F. Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. Version 12, July 2012 [and more or less continuously updated since] will do. http://www.mobot.org/MOBOT/research/APweb/

Список литературы

  • Барыкина Р.П. Биолого-морфологические особенности и стратегии структурной адаптации однолетников семейства лютиковых // Бюл. МОИП. Отд. биол. 1992. Т. 97. Вып. 1 С. 68-80 [Barykina R.P. Biologo-morfologicheskie osobennosti i strategii strukturnoi adaptatsii odnoletnikov semeistva lyutikovykh. // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 1992. T. 97. Vyp. 1 S. 68–80].
  • Барыкина Р.П. Некоторые биоморфологические и анатомические признаки Ehretia acuminata и E. corylifolia (Boraginaceae) // Бот. журн. 2012. Т. 97. № 7. C. 872–883 [Barykina R.P. Nekotorye biomorfologicheskie i anatomicheskie priznaki Ehretia acuminata i E. corylifolia (Boraginaceae) // Bot. zhurn. 2012. T. 97. № 7. C. 872–883].
  • Барыкина Р.П., Веселова Т.Д., Девятов А.Г., Джалилова Х.Х., Ильина Г.М., Чубатова Н.В. Справочник по ботанической микротехнике. Основы и методы. M., 2004. 312 с. [Barykina R.P., Veselova T.D., Devyatov A.G., Dzhalilova Kh.Kh., Il’ina G.M., Chubatova N.V. Spravochnik po botanicheskoi mikrotekhnike. Osnovy i metody. M., 2004. 312 s.].
  • Доброчаева Д.Н. Сем. Boraginaceae Juss. – Бурачниковые // Флора Европ. части СССР. М., 1981. Т. 5. С. 113–179 [Dobrochaeva D.N. Sem. Boraginaceae Juss. – Burachnikovye // Flora Evrop. chasti SSSR. M., 1981. T. 5. S. 113–179].
  • Carlquist S. Types of cambial activity and wood anatomy of Stilidium (Stilidiaceae) // Amer. J. Bot. 1981. Vol. 68. N 6. P. 778–785.
  • Carlquist S. Wood and bark anatomy of Salvadoraceae: ecology, relationships, histology of interxylary phloem // J. Torrey Bot. Society. 2002. Vol. 129. N 1. P.10–20.
  • Gottsching M., Hilger H.H. Phylogenetic analysis and character evolution of Ehretia and Bourreria (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales) based on ITS1 sequences // Bot. Jahrb. 2001. Vol. 123. P. 249–268.
  • Guerke M. Boraginaceae (Asperifoliaceae) // Engler A., Prantl K. Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien. Leipzig, 1897. Teil 4, Abt. 3a. S. 71–131.
  • Humphrey R.R. The morphology, physiology and ecology of Coldenia canescens. Ecology, 1932. Vol. 13. N 2. P. 153–158.
  • Meyer F.J. Das tropische Parenchym. A. Assimilationsgewebe // Handbuch der Pflanzenanatomie. Berlin, 1962. Band 4. Teil. 7A. 188 S.
  • Metcalfe C.R., Chalk L. Anatomy of dicotyledones. Oxford, 1950. Vol. 2.P. 945–954
  • Mikesell J.E. Anomalous secondary thickening in Phytolacca americana L. (Phytolaccaceae) // Amer. J. Bot.1979. Vol. 66. N 9. P. 997–1005.
  • Moore M.J, Jansen R.K. Molecular evidence of the age, origin, and evolutionary history of the American desert plant genus Tiquilia (Boraginaceae) // Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2006. Vol. 39. P. 668–687.
  • Mullenders W. L’Origine du phloème interxylémien chez Stylidium et Thunbergia. Etude anatomique. Cellue, 1947. Vol. 51. N 1. P. 5–48.
  • Patil V.S., Marcati C.R., Rajput K.S. Development of intra- and interxylary secondary phloem in Coccinia indica (Cucurbitaceae) // IAWA Journal, 2011. Vol. 32 N 4. P. 475–491.
  • Richardson A.T. Monograph of the genus Tiquilia (Coldenia, Sensu Lato) Boraginaceae: Ehretioideae. Rhodora, 1977. Vol. 79. N 820. P. 467–572.
  • Venkateswarlu J., Atchutaramamurti B. Embryological studies in Boraginaceae // J. Indian Bot. Soc. 1955. Vol. 34. N 3. P. 235–247.
  • Stevens P.F. Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. Version 12, July 2012 [and more or less continuously updated since] will do. http://www.mobot.org/MOBOT/research/APweb/