Two Aristolochia species are distinguished by microsporogenesis types and time of aperture initiation in the sporoderm development. A. clematitis has successive meiosis and forms an aperture in the late free microspore stage when the intine is maturing. A. manshuriensis has simultaneous microsporogenesis and forms aperture regions in the middle tetrad stage. However, the endexine and intine develop uniformly all over the pollen grain without any differences indicating aperture regions. Strong slowing of intine development at the end of pollen ontogeny allows pollen of A. clematitis to have an aperture which had not been formed at first. Pollen grains of A. manshuriensis, which are tardy up to the stage of intine initiation, do not have enough time to form any aperture in last stages of endexine and intine development. Only deep cracks in the ectexine weakly remind of apertures in A. manshuriensis.
2017. T. 122. Vyp. 4.
2017. T. 122. Vyp. 4.
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Comparison of the Timing of Sporoderm Development in Aristolochia clematitis L. and Aristolochia manshuriensis Kom
- Миронов А.А., Комисарчик Я.Ю., Миронов В.А. Методы электронной микроскопии в биологии и медицине. СПб., 1994. 400 с. [Mironov A.A., Komisarchik Ya.Yu., Mironov V.A. Metody elektronnoi mikroskopii v biologii i meditsine. SPb. Nauka. 1994. 400 s.].
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- Erdtman G. Pollen morphology and plant taxonomy-angiosperms. Stockholm. 1952.
- Hesse M., Halbritter H., Zetter R., Weber M., Buchner R., Frosch-Radivo A., Ulrich S. Pollen Terminology. An Illustrated Handbook. Wien, 2009. 261 р.
- Gonzalez F., Rudall P.J., Furness C.A. Microsporogenesis and systematic of Aristolochiaceae // Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 2001. Vol. 137. P. 221–242.
- Halbritter H., Weber M., Buchner R., Schneider H. Aristolochia arborea / PalDat (2016-11-03) – a palynological database. Published on the Internet [accessed 2017-02-11].
- Nakonechnaya O.V., Sidorenko V.S., Koren’ O.G., Nesterova S.V., Zhuravlev Yu.N. Specific features of pollination in the Manchurian birthwort, Aristolochia manshuriensis //Biology Bulletin. 2008. Vol. 35. N 5. P. 459–465.
- Neinhuis C., Wanke S., Hilu K.W., Muller K., Borsch T. 2005. Phylogeny of Aristolochiaceae based on parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian analyses of trnL–trnF sequences // lant Syst. Evol. Vol. 250. P. 7–26.
- Ohi-Toma T., Sugawara T., Murata H., Wanke S., Neinhuis C., Murata J. Molecular phylogeny of Aristolochia sensu lato (Aristolochiaceae) based on sequences of rbcL, matK, and phyA genes, with special reference to differentiation of chromosome numbers // Systematic Botany. 2006. Vol. 31. N 3. P. 481–492.
- Polevova S.V. Ultrastructure and development of sporoderm in Aristolochia clematitis (Aristolochiaceae) // Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 2015. Vol. 222. P. 104–115.
- Stevens P.F. (2001 onwards). Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. Version 12, July 2012 [and more or less continuously updated since].”
Список литературы
- Миронов А.А., Комисарчик Я.Ю., Миронов В.А. Методы электронной микроскопии в биологии и медицине. СПб., 1994. 400 с. [Mironov A.A., Komisarchik Ya.Yu., Mironov V.A. Metody elektronnoi mikroskopii v biologii i meditsine. SPb. Nauka. 1994. 400 s.].
- Полевова С.В. Пыльца двух видов кирказона: сходство и отличия на разных стадиях развития // «Палеоботаника и эволюция растений», Конференция, посвященная 80-летию со дня рождения Сергея Викторовича Мейена (1935–1987) Москва, Главный ботанический сад РАН, 15–16 декабря 2015 г. [Polevova S.V. Pyl’tsa dvukh vidov kirkazona: skhodstvo i otlichiya na raznykh stadiyakh razvitiya // «Paleobotanika i evolyutsiya rastenii», Konferentsiya, posvyashchennaya 80-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya Sergeya Viktorovicha Meiena (1935–1987) Moskva, Glavnyi botanicheskii sad RAN, 15–16 dekabrya 2015 g.].
- Bennett M.D., Lewis K.R., Harberd D.J. The time and duration of meiosis // Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B. Biol. Sci. 1977. Vol.277. N 955. P. 201–226.
- Erdtman G. Pollen morphology and plant taxonomy-angiosperms. Stockholm. 1952.
- Hesse M., Halbritter H., Zetter R., Weber M., Buchner R., Frosch-Radivo A., Ulrich S. Pollen Terminology. An Illustrated Handbook. Wien, 2009. 261 р.
- Gonzalez F., Rudall P.J., Furness C.A. Microsporogenesis and systematic of Aristolochiaceae // Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 2001. Vol. 137. P. 221–242.
- Halbritter H., Weber M., Buchner R., Schneider H. Aristolochia arborea / PalDat (2016-11-03) – a palynological database. Published on the Internet [accessed 2017-02-11].
- Nakonechnaya O.V., Sidorenko V.S., Koren’ O.G., Nesterova S.V., Zhuravlev Yu.N. Specific features of pollination in the Manchurian birthwort, Aristolochia manshuriensis //Biology Bulletin. 2008. Vol. 35. N 5. P. 459–465.
- Neinhuis C., Wanke S., Hilu K.W., Muller K., Borsch T. 2005. Phylogeny of Aristolochiaceae based on parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian analyses of trnL–trnF sequences // lant Syst. Evol. Vol. 250. P. 7–26.
- Ohi-Toma T., Sugawara T., Murata H., Wanke S., Neinhuis C., Murata J. Molecular phylogeny of Aristolochia sensu lato (Aristolochiaceae) based on sequences of rbcL, matK, and phyA genes, with special reference to differentiation of chromosome numbers // Systematic Botany. 2006. Vol. 31. N 3. P. 481–492.
- Polevova S.V. Ultrastructure and development of sporoderm in Aristolochia clematitis (Aristolochiaceae) // Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 2015. Vol. 222. P. 104–115.
- Stevens P.F. (2001 onwards). Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. Version 12, July 2012 [and more or less continuously updated since].”