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2013. T. 118. Vyp. 5.
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2013. T. 118. Vyp. 5.

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Krasnova E.D., Nikulina T.V., Vlasova S.N., Mardashova M.V., Smirensky S.M.

Ключевые слова:


water quality, saprobity, Giltchin River, algae, phytoplankton, periphyton, zooplankton, zoobenthos, Muraviovka Park for Sustainable Land Use

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Krasnova E.D., Nikulina T.V., Vlasova S.N., Mardashova M.V., Smirensky S.M., Evaluation of the Sanitary and Biological Status of Water Bodies in Gyltchin River Watershed in June 2011 // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 2013. T. 118. Vyp. 5. S. 31-39

Evaluation of the Sanitary and Biological Status of Water Bodies in Gyltchin River Watershed in June 2011

As a result of hydrobiological investigation of Giltchin River (Amur river tributary, Amur district, Russia) and some water bodies in its watershed in June 2011 first time for the area the lists of algae and zooplankton were made. 422 species (or 439 with the lower level taxa) from 8 phyla divisions were found. Diatoms and chlorophytes were most numerous and abundant. 37 species of rotifers, 30 species of Cladocera, 21 species and Cyclopoidea, Calanoidea, and Harparticoidea were discovered in zooplankton of surveyed water bodies. Composition of phytoplankton, periphyton and zooplankton characterize all water bodies as olygo- and beta-mesosaprobic matching II and III class of water qual- ity (practically clean, with no or low amount of organic pollutants). The Mayer index for zoobenthos structure shows that waters in almost all inspected area are polluted – IV class of water quality (dirty). By integrated assessment summarizing all ecological groups the waters flowing out of Muraviovka Park for Sustainable Land Use are cleaner than in the rest area.


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  • Голлербах М.М., Полянский В.И. Пресноводные водоросли и их изучение // Определитель пресноводных водорослей СССР. Вып. 1. М., 1951. 199 с.
  • Сладечек В. Общая биологическая схема качества воды // Санитарная и техническая гидробиология. М., 1967. С. 26–31.
  • Чертопруд М.В., Чертопруд Е.С. Краткий определитель беспозвоночных пресных вод центра Европейской России. М., 2010. 196 с.
  • Harris J. (Ed.). Cranes, Agriculture and Climate Change. Pro- ceedings of a workshop organized by the International Crane Foundation and Muraviovka Park for Sustainable Land Use. Printed in China by Beijing Foundart Colour Printing Co., Ltd. 2012. 154 р.
  • Pantle F., Buck H. Die biologische Überwachung der Gewӓsser und die Darstellung der Ergebnisse. 1955. Bd 96. 18. 604 S.

Список литературы

  • Водоросли. Справочник / Вассер С.П., Кондратьева Н.В., Масюк Н.П. и др. Киев, 1989. 608 с.
  • Голлербах М.М., Полянский В.И. Пресноводные водоросли и их изучение // Определитель пресноводных водорослей СССР. Вып. 1. М., 1951. 199 с.
  • Сладечек В. Общая биологическая схема качества воды // Санитарная и техническая гидробиология. М., 1967. С. 26–31.
  • Чертопруд М.В., Чертопруд Е.С. Краткий определитель беспозвоночных пресных вод центра Европейской России. М., 2010. 196 с.
  • Harris J. (Ed.). Cranes, Agriculture and Climate Change. Pro- ceedings of a workshop organized by the International Crane Foundation and Muraviovka Park for Sustainable Land Use. Printed in China by Beijing Foundart Colour Printing Co., Ltd. 2012. 154 р.
  • Pantle F., Buck H. Die biologische Überwachung der Gewӓsser und die Darstellung der Ergebnisse. 1955. Bd 96. 18. 604 S.