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2014. T. 119. Vyp. 4.

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Chikurova E.А.

Ключевые слова:


feral cattle, feral cow, insular populations, conservation biology, invasive species, alien species, Bos taurus, management of cattle population management

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Chikurova E.А., Extinct Insular Populations of Feral Cattle // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 2014. T. 119. Vyp. 4. S. 3-11

Extinct Insular Populations of Feral Cattle

The article provides a review of extinct insular populations of feral bovine cattle around the world. There were reviewed the extinct feral cattle populations on the islands of the Atlantic Ocean: Cumberland; Haiti, Solt (Greater Antilles); Saint Helena; East Falkland (Falkland Islands). There were mentioned the extinct populations of feral cattle on the islands of the Indian Ocean: Felicite (Seychelles Islands); St. Paul; Kerguelen (Kerguelen archipelago). There were reviewed extinct feral cattle populations on the islands of the Pacific Ocean: Shumagin, Semenov, Caton (Aleutian Islands); Vancouver; Lanai (Hawaiian Islands); Saipan, Rota (Marianas); Sierra Negra, Santa Cruz, Floreana, San Cristóbal (Galapagos Islands); Antipodes; Enderby, Rose (Auckland Islands); Campbell; Kapiti; Chatham, Stewart, Pitt; Macquarie. The extinct island populations of feral cattle were mostly presented by domestic cow (Bos taurus). Artificial introduction was the prevailing cause of their appearance in islands. The principal reason of their extinction was regular elimination. In some cases the systematic elimination did not led success (Molokai, Tinian, Enderby). Significant degradation of vegetation is reported from islandsinhabited by cows with another feral hoofed animals (goats, sheep and pigs), or aliens (Sus scrofa). Such conditions make exact estimation of the damage caused by feral cows impossible. After extinct of the invasive hoofed in islands the plant associations were restored and populations of some aboriginal mammals were raised.


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  • Дарвин Ч. Путешествие натуралиста вокруг света на корабле «Бигль» (1831–1836). Пер. с англ. изд. 1853 г. М., 1953. 430 с.
  • Зорина 3.А., Полетаева И.И., Резникова Ж.И. Основы этологии и генетики поведения. М., 1999. 383 с.
  • Чикурова Е.А. Островные популяции одичавшего крупного рогатого скота в первое десятилетие XXI в. // Бюл. МОИП. Отд. биол. 2014. Т. 119. № 2. С. 3–13.
  • A First Lady… // Notes and News from the Rare Breeds Conservation Society of New Zealand 2009 http://www.rarebreeds. co.nz/news.html (дата обращения 28.09.2013).
  • Atkinson I.A.E., Atkinson T.J. Land vertebrates as invasive species on islands served by the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme // Invasive species in the Pacific: review and draft regional strategy. Samoa, 2000. P. 19–84.
  • Baskus L. Enderby Island Cattle: A breeding strategy for genetic conservation. Colorado, 2006. 7 p. http://www.rarebreeds.co.nz/enderbycattle.pdf (дата обращения 03.02.2013)
  • Cheke A. The timing of arrival of humans and their commensal animals on Western Indian Ocean oceanic islands // Phelsuma. 2010. Vol. 18. P. 38–69.
  • Dilks P.J. Wilson P.R. Feral sheep and cattle and royal albatrosses on Campbell Island; population trends and habitat changes. // New Zealand J. Zool.. 1979. Vol. 6. N 1. P. 127–139.
  • Godley E.J. Notes on the vegetation of Auckland Island // Ecology of Subantarctic Islands. Proceedings of the New Zealand Ecological Society. 1965. Vol. 12. P. 57–63. http:// www.nzes.org.nz/nzje/free_issues/ProNZES12_57.pdf (дата обращения 05.02.2013)
  • Grange S., Duncan P., Gaillard J.-M. Poor horse traders: large mammals trade survival for reproduction during the process of feralization // Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2009. Vol. 276. P. 1911–1919.
  • Hill M.J., Currie D.R., Vel T.M., Fanchette R. Felicite // Atoll Res. Bull. 2002. Vol. 495. P. 118–138.
  • Hyndman D.L., Littlejohn R.P., Williams J.L., Crawford A.M. Enderby Island cattle: what breed are they derived from? // Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Animal Breed Genetics (14th Conference, Queenstown, New Zealand). 2001. Vol. 14. Р. 329–331.
  • Long J.J. Introduced mammals of the World: their history, distribution and influence. CABI Publishing Wallington. 2003. 591 p.
  • Matheson D. Enderby Island Cattle. // A New Zeland Rare Breed Society Rescue project. 2002. http://www.rarebreeds.co.nz/ endcattlepro.html (дата обращения 30.09.2013)
  • McClelland P., Gummer H. Reintroduction of the critically endangered Campbell Island teal Anas nesiotis to Campbell Island, New Zealand. // Conserv. Evidence. 2006. Vol. 3. P. 61–63.
  • Moncayo C.R. Creación de un banco de germoplasma bovino mediante la criopreservación de semen post-mortem en toros del biotipo Galapagueño // Thesis. Escuela Politéсnica del Ejército. Sangolqui. Ecuador. 2010. 152 p.
  • Shackleton D.M. Hoofed mammals of British Columbia. UBS Press. 1999. 265 р.
  • Stinson D.W., Glass P.O., Taisacan E.M. Declines and Trade in Fruit Bats on Saipan, Tinian, Aguijan, and Rota // Pacific Island Flying Foxes: Proceedings of an International Conservation Conference. Biological Report. 1992. Vol. 90 (23). P.61–67.
  • Turner M.G., Bratton S.P. Fire, Grazing, and the Landscape Heterogeneity of a Georgia Barrier Island // Landscape heterogeneity and disturbance. N.Y., 1987. P. 85–101.
  • Wigglesworth A. Falkland people // Peter Owen Limited. 1992.136 p.

Список литературы

  • Дарвин Ч. Происхождение видов путем естественного отбора или сохранение благоприятных рас в борьбе за жизнь. Пер. с англ. изд. 1859 г. СПб., 1991. 511 с.
  • Дарвин Ч. Путешествие натуралиста вокруг света на корабле «Бигль» (1831–1836). Пер. с англ. изд. 1853 г. М., 1953. 430 с.
  • Зорина 3.А., Полетаева И.И., Резникова Ж.И. Основы этологии и генетики поведения. М., 1999. 383 с.
  • Чикурова Е.А. Островные популяции одичавшего крупного рогатого скота в первое десятилетие XXI в. // Бюл. МОИП. Отд. биол. 2014. Т. 119. № 2. С. 3–13.
  • A First Lady… // Notes and News from the Rare Breeds Conservation Society of New Zealand 2009 http://www.rarebreeds. co.nz/news.html (дата обращения 28.09.2013).
  • Atkinson I.A.E., Atkinson T.J. Land vertebrates as invasive species on islands served by the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme // Invasive species in the Pacific: review and draft regional strategy. Samoa, 2000. P. 19–84.
  • Baskus L. Enderby Island Cattle: A breeding strategy for genetic conservation. Colorado, 2006. 7 p. http://www.rarebreeds.co.nz/enderbycattle.pdf (дата обращения 03.02.2013)
  • Cheke A. The timing of arrival of humans and their commensal animals on Western Indian Ocean oceanic islands // Phelsuma. 2010. Vol. 18. P. 38–69.
  • Dilks P.J. Wilson P.R. Feral sheep and cattle and royal albatrosses on Campbell Island; population trends and habitat changes. // New Zealand J. Zool.. 1979. Vol. 6. N 1. P. 127–139.
  • Godley E.J. Notes on the vegetation of Auckland Island // Ecology of Subantarctic Islands. Proceedings of the New Zealand Ecological Society. 1965. Vol. 12. P. 57–63. http:// www.nzes.org.nz/nzje/free_issues/ProNZES12_57.pdf (дата обращения 05.02.2013)
  • Grange S., Duncan P., Gaillard J.-M. Poor horse traders: large mammals trade survival for reproduction during the process of feralization // Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2009. Vol. 276. P. 1911–1919.
  • Hill M.J., Currie D.R., Vel T.M., Fanchette R. Felicite // Atoll Res. Bull. 2002. Vol. 495. P. 118–138.
  • Hyndman D.L., Littlejohn R.P., Williams J.L., Crawford A.M. Enderby Island cattle: what breed are they derived from? // Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Animal Breed Genetics (14th Conference, Queenstown, New Zealand). 2001. Vol. 14. Р. 329–331.
  • Long J.J. Introduced mammals of the World: their history, distribution and influence. CABI Publishing Wallington. 2003. 591 p.
  • Matheson D. Enderby Island Cattle. // A New Zeland Rare Breed Society Rescue project. 2002. http://www.rarebreeds.co.nz/ endcattlepro.html (дата обращения 30.09.2013)
  • McClelland P., Gummer H. Reintroduction of the critically endangered Campbell Island teal Anas nesiotis to Campbell Island, New Zealand. // Conserv. Evidence. 2006. Vol. 3. P. 61–63.
  • Moncayo C.R. Creación de un banco de germoplasma bovino mediante la criopreservación de semen post-mortem en toros del biotipo Galapagueño // Thesis. Escuela Politéсnica del Ejército. Sangolqui. Ecuador. 2010. 152 p.
  • Shackleton D.M. Hoofed mammals of British Columbia. UBS Press. 1999. 265 р.
  • Stinson D.W., Glass P.O., Taisacan E.M. Declines and Trade in Fruit Bats on Saipan, Tinian, Aguijan, and Rota // Pacific Island Flying Foxes: Proceedings of an International Conservation Conference. Biological Report. 1992. Vol. 90 (23). P.61–67.
  • Turner M.G., Bratton S.P. Fire, Grazing, and the Landscape Heterogeneity of a Georgia Barrier Island // Landscape heterogeneity and disturbance. N.Y., 1987. P. 85–101.
  • Wigglesworth A. Falkland people // Peter Owen Limited. 1992.136 p.