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2017. T. 122. Vyp. 3.
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2017. T. 122. Vyp. 3.

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Seregin A.P.

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Seregin A.P., Further Spreading of Poa supina Schrad. (Gramineae) in Middle Russia – Tula and Lipetsk Provinces // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 2017. T. 122. Vyp. 3. S. 61-62

Further Spreading of Poa supina Schrad. (Gramineae) in Middle Russia – Tula and Lipetsk Provinces

No abstract.


Alexeev Y.E. Sem. Gramineae Juss., nom. altern. [Poaceae (R.Br.) Barnh.] – Zlaki // Mayevsky P.F. Flora sredney polosy evropeyskoy chasti Rossii. Ed. 11. Moscow, 2014. Pp. 509–568. – Seregin A.P. Local floras of the Moscow State University zonal practice: 1. Zaseki (Tula Oblast); 2. Polibino (Lipetsk Oblast) // Fitoraznoobrazie Vostochnoy Evropy. 2011. Iss. 9. P. 149–177. – Seregin A.P. Expansions of plant species to the flora of Vladimir Oblast (Russia) in the last decade. Second report // Russian Journal of Biological Invasions. 2015a. Vol. 6, № 3. P. 202–221. – Seregin A.P. Local floras of the Moscow State University zonal practice: 3. Khrenovskoy Bor (Voronezh Region); 4 & 5. Additions to the floras of Zaseki (Tula Region) and Polibino (Lipetsk Region) // Fitoraznoobrazie Vostochnoy Evropy. Vol. 9, № 2. P. 42–73. – Valdés B., Scholz H., with contributions from Raab-Straube E. von, Parolly G. Poaceae (pro parte majore). Euro+Med Plantbase – the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity: [Electronic resource]. 2009. Available at: http://ww2.bgbm.org/EuroPlusMed/query.asp (accessed 11 Mar 2017). – Vinogradova Y.K., Mayorov S.R., Khorun L.V. Chernaya kniga flory Srednei Rossii (Chuzherodnye vidy rastenii v ekosistemakh Srednei Rossii). Moscow, 2009. 494 p.

Список литературы

Alexeev Y.E. Sem. Gramineae Juss., nom. altern. [Poaceae (R.Br.) Barnh.] – Zlaki // Mayevsky P.F. Flora sredney polosy evropeyskoy chasti Rossii. Ed. 11. Moscow, 2014. Pp. 509–568. – Seregin A.P. Local floras of the Moscow State University zonal practice: 1. Zaseki (Tula Oblast); 2. Polibino (Lipetsk Oblast) // Fitoraznoobrazie Vostochnoy Evropy. 2011. Iss. 9. P. 149–177. – Seregin A.P. Expansions of plant species to the flora of Vladimir Oblast (Russia) in the last decade. Second report // Russian Journal of Biological Invasions. 2015a. Vol. 6, № 3. P. 202–221. – Seregin A.P. Local floras of the Moscow State University zonal practice: 3. Khrenovskoy Bor (Voronezh Region); 4 & 5. Additions to the floras of Zaseki (Tula Region) and Polibino (Lipetsk Region) // Fitoraznoobrazie Vostochnoy Evropy. Vol. 9, № 2. P. 42–73. – Valdés B., Scholz H., with contributions from Raab-Straube E. von, Parolly G. Poaceae (pro parte majore). Euro+Med Plantbase – the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity: [Electronic resource]. 2009. Available at: http://ww2.bgbm.org/EuroPlusMed/query.asp (accessed 11 Mar 2017). – Vinogradova Y.K., Mayorov S.R., Khorun L.V. Chernaya kniga flory Srednei Rossii (Chuzherodnye vidy rastenii v ekosistemakh Srednei Rossii). Moscow, 2009. 494 p.