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2019. T. 124. Vyp. 4.
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2019. T. 124. Vyp. 4.

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Popova K.B., Lysenkov S.N., Talyzina I.A., Cellarius F.A.

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Silene latifolia, specific leaf area, functional traits, life strategies, sexual dimorphism, age varia-tion.

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Popova K.B., Lysenkov S.N., Talyzina I.A., Cellarius F.A., Intraspecifi c Variability оf Specific Leaf Area аnd Ecological Strategies in Silene latifolia Poir. (Caryophyllaceae) // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 2019. T. 124. Vyp. 4. S. 37-47

Intraspecifi c Variability оf Specific Leaf Area аnd Ecological Strategies in Silene latifolia Poir. (Caryophyllaceae)

Plant functional traits, including specific leaf area (SLA), and life strategies vary widely due to plant reaction on environmental factors and variation in other morphological and physiological traits. SLA and life strategies intrapopulation variation due to age, sex and habitat conditions was studied in dioecious perennial species Silene latifolia. SLA in Silene latifolia is significantly bigger in conditions with richer soils and lower herb layer (286,6 ± 11,8 cm2/g, n = 38), then in poorer and acid soils with higher herb layer (256,6 ± 7,8 см2/г, n = 43). SLA in Silene latifolia does not depend on plant sex and age. SLA is higher in lower individuals due to shadowing in the herb layer. Life strategies in Silene latifolia do not differ in male and female individuals, but depend on the habitat. Silene latifolia is more ruderal and less competitive on regularly mowed field (C:S:R (%) = 20:12:68), then on the field without use (C:S:R (%) = 30:9:61). The life strategy in Silene latifolia fits to the ecological conditions only from the second year of life.


  • Аринушкина Е.В. Руководство по химическому анализу почв. М., 1970. 488 с. [Arinushkina E.V. Rukovodstvo po khimicheskomu analizu pochv. M., 1970. 488 s.].
  • Ахметжанова А.А., Онипченко В.Г., Эльканова М.Х., Стогова А.В., Текеев Д.К. Изменение эколого-морфологических параметров листьев альпийских растений при внесении элементов минерального питания // Журнал общей биологии. 2011. Т. 72. № 5. С. 388–400 [Akhmetzhanova A.A., Onipchenko V.G., El’kanova M.Kh., Stogova A.V., Tekeev D.K. Izmenenie ekologo-morfologicheskikh parametrov list’ev al’piiskikh rastenii pri vnesenii elementov mineral’nogo pitaniya // Zhurnal obshchei biologii. 2011. T. 72. № 5. S. 388–400].
  • Воробьева Л.А. Химический анализ почв. М., 1998. 272 с. [Vorob’eva L.A. Khimicheskii analiz pochv. M., 1998. 272 s.].
  • Ли Ч. Введение в популяционную генетику. М., 1978. 557 c. [Li Ch. An Introduction to Population Genetics. Peking, 1978. 557 p.].
  • Уланова Н.Г., Жмылев П.Ю. Эколого-ценотический анализ растительных сообществ: Учебное пособие. М., 2014. 80 с. [Ulanova N.G., Zhmylev P.Yu. Ekologo-tsenoticheskii analiz rastitel’nykh soobshchestv: Uchebnoe posobie. M., 2014. 80 s.].
  • Albert C.H., Thuiller W., Yoccoz N.G., Soudant A., Boucher F., Saccone P., Lavorel S. Intraspecific functional variability: extent, structure and sources of variation // J. Ecology. 2010. Vol. 98. Is. 3. P. 604–613.
  • Bernasconi G., Antonovics J., Biere A., Charlesworth D., Delph L., Filatov D., Giraud T., Hood M., Marais G., McCauley D., Pannell J., Shykoff J., Vyskot B., Wolfe L.M., Widmer A. Silene as a model system in ecology and evolution // Heredity. 2009. Vol. 103. N 1. P. 5–14.
  • ten Brink D-J., Bruun H.H. Seedling stage strategies as a means of habitat specialization in herbaceous plants // PLoS ONE. 2011. Vol. 6. N 7. e23006.
  • Dayrell R., Arruda A., Pierce S., Negreiros D., Lambers H., Silveira F. Ontogenetic shifts in plant ecological strategies // Functional Ecology. 2018. Vol. 0. Is. 0. P. 1–12.
  • Delph L.F., Andicoechea J., Steven J.C., Herlihy C.R., Scarpino S.V., Bell D.L. Environment-dependent intralocus sexual conflict in a dioecious plant // New Phytologist. 2011. Vol. 192. Is. 2. P. 542–552.
  • Delph L.F., Arntz A.M., Scotti Saintagne C., Scotti I. The genomic architecture of sexual dimorphism in the dioecious plant Silene latifolia // Evolution. 2010. Vol. 64. Is. 10. P. 2873–2886.
  • Delph L.F., Gehring J.L., Arntz A.M., Levri M., Frey F.M. Genetic correlations with floral display lead to sexual dimorphism in the cost of reproduction // The American Naturalist. 2005. Vol. 166. N S4. P. S31–S41.
  • Delph L.F., Knapczyk F.N., Taylor D.R. Among-population variation and correlations in sexually dimorphic traits of Silene latifolia // J. Evol. Biol. 2002. Vol. 15. Is. 6. P. 1011–1020.
  • Garnier E. Growth analysis of congeneric annual and perennial grass species // J. Ecol. 1992. Vol. 80. N 4. P. 665–675.
  • Garnier E., Navas M.L., Grigulis K. Plant Functional Diversity. Organism Traits, Community Structure and Ecosystem Properties. Oxford, 2016. 231 p.
  • Grime J.P. Vegetation classification by reference to strategies // Nature. 1974. Vol. 250. N 5461. P. 26–31.
  • Lambers H., Chapin III F.S., Pons T.L. Plant Physiological Ecology. N.Y., 2008. 610 p.
  • Meziane D., Shipley B. Direct and indirect relationships between specific leaf area, leaf nitrogen and leaf gas exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply // Annals of Botany. 2001. Vol. 88. Is. 5. P. 915–927.
  • Perez-Harguindeguy N., Diaz S., Garnier E., Lavorel S., Poorter H., Jaureguiberry P., Bret-Harte M.S., Cornwell W., Craine J., Gurvich D., Urcelay C., Veneklaas E., Reich P., Poorter L., Wright I.J., Ray P., Enrico L., Pausas J.G., de Vos A.C., Cornelissen J. New handbook for standardized measurement of plant functional traits worldwide // Australin Journal of Botany. 2013. Vol. 61. N 3. P. 167–234.
  • Pickup M., Westoby M., Basden A. Dry mass costs of deploying leaf area in relation to leaf size // Func. Ecol. 2005. Vol. 19. N 1. P. 88–97.
  • Pierce S., Negreiros D., Cerabolini B., Kattge J., Diaz S., Kleyer M., Shipley B., Wright S. J., Soudzilovskaia N., Onipchenko V., Bodegom P., Frenette D.C., Weiher E., Pinho B., Cornelissen J., Grime P.J., Thompson K., Hunt R., Wilson P., Tampucci D. A global method for calculating plant CSR ecological strategies applied across biomes world-wide // Functional Ecology. 2017. Vol. 35. Is. 10. P. 444–457.
  • Poorter H., Remkes C. Leaf area ratio and net assimilation rate of 24 wild species differing in relative growth rate // Oecologia. 1990. Vol. 83. Is. 4. P. 553–559.
  • Roderick M.L., Berry S.L., Noble I.R. Farquhar G.D. A theoretical approach to linking the composition and morphology with the function of leaves // Functional Ecology. 1999. Vol. 13. Iss. 5. P. 683–695.
  • Steven J. C., Delph L. F., Brodie E. D. Sexual dimorphism in the quantitative genetic architecture of floral, leaf, and allocation traits in Silene latifolia // Evolution. 2007. Vol. 61. Is. 1. P. 42–57.
  • Valladares F., Niinemets U. Shade tolerance, A key plant feature of complex nature and consequence // Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics. 2008. Vol. 39. P. 237–257.

Список литературы

  • Аринушкина Е.В. Руководство по химическому анализу почв. М., 1970. 488 с. [Arinushkina E.V. Rukovodstvo po khimicheskomu analizu pochv. M., 1970. 488 s.].
  • Ахметжанова А.А., Онипченко В.Г., Эльканова М.Х., Стогова А.В., Текеев Д.К. Изменение эколого-морфологических параметров листьев альпийских растений при внесении элементов минерального питания // Журнал общей биологии. 2011. Т. 72. № 5. С. 388–400 [Akhmetzhanova A.A., Onipchenko V.G., El’kanova M.Kh., Stogova A.V., Tekeev D.K. Izmenenie ekologo-morfologicheskikh parametrov list’ev al’piiskikh rastenii pri vnesenii elementov mineral’nogo pitaniya // Zhurnal obshchei biologii. 2011. T. 72. № 5. S. 388–400].
  • Воробьева Л.А. Химический анализ почв. М., 1998. 272 с. [Vorob’eva L.A. Khimicheskii analiz pochv. M., 1998. 272 s.].
  • Ли Ч. Введение в популяционную генетику. М., 1978. 557 c. [Li Ch. An Introduction to Population Genetics. Peking, 1978. 557 p.].
  • Уланова Н.Г., Жмылев П.Ю. Эколого-ценотический анализ растительных сообществ: Учебное пособие. М., 2014. 80 с. [Ulanova N.G., Zhmylev P.Yu. Ekologo-tsenoticheskii analiz rastitel’nykh soobshchestv: Uchebnoe posobie. M., 2014. 80 s.].
  • Albert C.H., Thuiller W., Yoccoz N.G., Soudant A., Boucher F., Saccone P., Lavorel S. Intraspecific functional variability: extent, structure and sources of variation // J. Ecology. 2010. Vol. 98. Is. 3. P. 604–613.
  • Bernasconi G., Antonovics J., Biere A., Charlesworth D., Delph L., Filatov D., Giraud T., Hood M., Marais G., McCauley D., Pannell J., Shykoff J., Vyskot B., Wolfe L.M., Widmer A. Silene as a model system in ecology and evolution // Heredity. 2009. Vol. 103. N 1. P. 5–14.
  • ten Brink D-J., Bruun H.H. Seedling stage strategies as a means of habitat specialization in herbaceous plants // PLoS ONE. 2011. Vol. 6. N 7. e23006.
  • Dayrell R., Arruda A., Pierce S., Negreiros D., Lambers H., Silveira F. Ontogenetic shifts in plant ecological strategies // Functional Ecology. 2018. Vol. 0. Is. 0. P. 1–12.
  • Delph L.F., Andicoechea J., Steven J.C., Herlihy C.R., Scarpino S.V., Bell D.L. Environment-dependent intralocus sexual conflict in a dioecious plant // New Phytologist. 2011. Vol. 192. Is. 2. P. 542–552.
  • Delph L.F., Arntz A.M., Scotti Saintagne C., Scotti I. The genomic architecture of sexual dimorphism in the dioecious plant Silene latifolia // Evolution. 2010. Vol. 64. Is. 10. P. 2873–2886.
  • Delph L.F., Gehring J.L., Arntz A.M., Levri M., Frey F.M. Genetic correlations with floral display lead to sexual dimorphism in the cost of reproduction // The American Naturalist. 2005. Vol. 166. N S4. P. S31–S41.
  • Delph L.F., Knapczyk F.N., Taylor D.R. Among-population variation and correlations in sexually dimorphic traits of Silene latifolia // J. Evol. Biol. 2002. Vol. 15. Is. 6. P. 1011–1020.
  • Garnier E. Growth analysis of congeneric annual and perennial grass species // J. Ecol. 1992. Vol. 80. N 4. P. 665–675.
  • Garnier E., Navas M.L., Grigulis K. Plant Functional Diversity. Organism Traits, Community Structure and Ecosystem Properties. Oxford, 2016. 231 p.
  • Grime J.P. Vegetation classification by reference to strategies // Nature. 1974. Vol. 250. N 5461. P. 26–31.
  • Lambers H., Chapin III F.S., Pons T.L. Plant Physiological Ecology. N.Y., 2008. 610 p.
  • Meziane D., Shipley B. Direct and indirect relationships between specific leaf area, leaf nitrogen and leaf gas exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply // Annals of Botany. 2001. Vol. 88. Is. 5. P. 915–927.
  • Perez-Harguindeguy N., Diaz S., Garnier E., Lavorel S., Poorter H., Jaureguiberry P., Bret-Harte M.S., Cornwell W., Craine J., Gurvich D., Urcelay C., Veneklaas E., Reich P., Poorter L., Wright I.J., Ray P., Enrico L., Pausas J.G., de Vos A.C., Cornelissen J. New handbook for standardized measurement of plant functional traits worldwide // Australin Journal of Botany. 2013. Vol. 61. N 3. P. 167–234.
  • Pickup M., Westoby M., Basden A. Dry mass costs of deploying leaf area in relation to leaf size // Func. Ecol. 2005. Vol. 19. N 1. P. 88–97.
  • Pierce S., Negreiros D., Cerabolini B., Kattge J., Diaz S., Kleyer M., Shipley B., Wright S. J., Soudzilovskaia N., Onipchenko V., Bodegom P., Frenette D.C., Weiher E., Pinho B., Cornelissen J., Grime P.J., Thompson K., Hunt R., Wilson P., Tampucci D. A global method for calculating plant CSR ecological strategies applied across biomes world-wide // Functional Ecology. 2017. Vol. 35. Is. 10. P. 444–457.
  • Poorter H., Remkes C. Leaf area ratio and net assimilation rate of 24 wild species differing in relative growth rate // Oecologia. 1990. Vol. 83. Is. 4. P. 553–559.
  • Roderick M.L., Berry S.L., Noble I.R. Farquhar G.D. A theoretical approach to linking the composition and morphology with the function of leaves // Functional Ecology. 1999. Vol. 13. Iss. 5. P. 683–695.
  • Steven J. C., Delph L. F., Brodie E. D. Sexual dimorphism in the quantitative genetic architecture of floral, leaf, and allocation traits in Silene latifolia // Evolution. 2007. Vol. 61. Is. 1. P. 42–57.
  • Valladares F., Niinemets U. Shade tolerance, A key plant feature of complex nature and consequence // Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics. 2008. Vol. 39. P. 237–257.