Population monitoring of small mammals and abundance dynamics of individual species are relevant zoological objectives. The studies of microtine rodents and insect-eating mammals at the interface of the areas of species are of urgent. Climate transformations and pollution of the air basin may influence the distribution, abundance and correlation of the species. Apart from applied significance the long-term population studies of small mammals have some basic character: they contribute to the knowledge of functional pattern of northern ecosystems. The most long-term species abundance monitoring of land mammals in the Barents Sea region was carried out at the stations of Northern Fennoscandia and Scandinavia. The studies of rodents has been carried out at the monitoring sites of the Lapland reserve since 1936, in Kilpisjarvi – since 1946, in Kandalaksha reserve since 1952 and at Finse, Pallasjarvi station – since 1970. The establishment of a Russian-Norwegian reserve Pasvik in the Paz River valley in 1994 provided another opportunity for population and demographic monitoring of small mammals in the border area. Abundance dynamics and community peculiarities of shrews, voles and lemmings were studied in the region which had never earlier been subjected to mammological studies. Long-term dynamics of vole abundance is synchronous and shows 5-year cyclicity (1994–2003) and 4-year cycle (2004–2012). The population phases of grey-sided and red-backed voles were asynchronous during the period of 1994–2003 in Rovvavarra station: the letter species entered each phase with one year in advance. This violation of cycle of the red-backed vole can be explained by regional air-borne industrial impact. Monitoring studies shows that the reduction of emissions from the Pechenganikel smelter was followed by an increase in vole abundance at both stations with priority growth rates of red-backed vole at Rovvavarra station – in 2.3 times, the fact indicates the temporary environmental improvement in the Region.
2015. T. 120. Vyp. 3.
2015. T. 120. Vyp. 3.
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Monitoring populations of small mammals Micromammalia North Taiga Fennoscandia
- Безель В.С. Оценка состояния природных популяций мелких млекопитающих в условиях техногенного загрязнения // Экология. 1987. № 4. С. 39–49.
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- Черненькова Т.В., Бутусов О.В., Сычев В.В., Конева Г.Г., Кабиров Р.Р., Степанов А.М., Куперман Р.Г., Катаев Г.Д. Воздействие металлургических производств на лесные экосистемы Кольского полуострова. СПб., 1995. 252 с.
- Angerbjorn A., Tannerfeld M., Lundberg H. Geographical and temporal patterns of lemming population dynamics in Fennoscandia. Copengagen, 2001. Р. 298–308.
- Framstad E. The dynamics of lemmings and other rodents at Finse: variations in time and space. // WWF meeting on Lemmings Finse, Norway 20–21 April 1995. Rapport frain Varldsnaturfonden WWF N 3. Р. 95.
- Henttonen H., McGuire A.D., Hansson L. Comparisons of amplitudes and frequencies (spectral analises) of density variations in long-term data sets of Clethrionomys species // An. Zool. Fenn. 1985. Vol. 22. P. 221–227.
- Henttonen H. The rodent project at Pallasjarvi / Loven, L. аnd Salmela, S. (eds), Pallas-Symposium 1996. Metsantutkimuslaitoksen tiedonantoja. 1997. Vol. 623. P. 49–58.
- Henttonen H. Long-term patterns in arvicoline rodents Finnish Lapland: the importance of community approach // Mammals of Northern Eurasia: Life in the Northern Latitudes: The Materials of the International Scientific conference (April, 6–10, 2014, Surgut). – Surgut: Information Centre of Surgut State University, 2014. 65–66.
- Henttonen, H., Wallgren, H. Rodents dynamics and communities in birch forest zone of northern Fennoscandia// In Nordic Mountain Birch System. UNESCO. (Wielgolaski F.E., ed.). 2001. P. 261–278.
- Ims R. A., Fuglei, E. Trophic interaction cycles in tundra ecosystems and the impact of climate change. Bioscience. 2005.Vol. 55. N 4. P. 311–322.
- Kalas J.A. Metals and selenium in wild animals from the Sor-Varanger area, North Norway. In: Lobersly E. and Kare Venn (eds.). Effects of pollutants on terrestrial ecosystems in the border area between Norway and Russia. Hroceedings from the second symposium Svanvik, Norway, 3–5.10.1994. Trondheim. 1995. P. 76–82.
- Kataev, G.D., Suomela, J., Palokangas, P. Densities of microtine rodents along a pollution gradient from a copper-nickel smelter // Oecologia. 1994. Vol. 97. P. 491–498.
- Sivertsen B., Makarova T., Hagen L., Baklanov A. Air pollution in the borden areas of Norway and Russia. 1992.NILU OR: 8/92. 14 pp.
- Smith G. J., Rongstad O. J., Small mammals heavymetal concentrations from mined and control sites. 1982. Env. Poll. 28. N 2. P. 121–134.
- Stenseth, N. Population cycles in voles and lemmings: density dependence and phase dependence in a stochastic world // Oikos. 1999. Vol. 87. P. 427–461.
- Stenseth N.C., Saitoh T. So, what do we know and what do we need to know more about the population ecology of the vole Clethrionomys rufocanus// Res. Popul. Ecol. 1998. Vol. 40. P. 153–158.
- Wikan S., Makarova O., Aarseth T., Norsk – Russisk naturreservat. Oslo. 1994. P. 96.
- Wikan S., Kataev G., Aspholm P.E. Registreringer av smagnagere og spissmus i Pasvik 2006 // Bioforsk Rapport. 2007. Vol. 2. N 29. P. 11.
Список литературы
- Безель В.С. Оценка состояния природных популяций мелких млекопитающих в условиях техногенного загрязнения // Экология. 1987. № 4. С. 39–49.
- Бернштейн А.Д., Михайлова Т.В., Апекина Н.С. Эффективность метода ловушко-линий для оценки численности и структуры популяций рыжей полевки // Зоол. журн. 1995. Т. 74. Вып. 7. С. 719–727.
- Ежегодник Кольской горно-металлургической компании. Мурманск. 2008, № 6. С. 24–25.
- Ивантер Э.В., Коросов А.В., Якимова А.Е. Эколого-статистический анализ многолетних изменений численности мелких млекопитающих на северном пределе ареала (северо-восточное Приладожье) // Экология. 2015. № 1. С. 57–63.
- Катаев Г.Д. Оценка состояния сообществ млекопитающих северо-таежных экосистем в окрестностях предприятия по производству никеля // Экология. 2005. № 6. С. 460–465.
- Катаев Г.Д. 75-летний мониторинг численности мелких млекопитающих на Кольском полуострове // Экология. 2012. № 5. С. 383–385.
- Катаев Г.Д., Окулова Н.М. Норвежский лемминг в период глобального потепления климата // Доклады Академии наук. 2010.Т. 435. № 5. С. 711–713.
- Кошкина Т.В. Сравнительная экология рыжих полевок в северной тайге // Фауна и экология грызунов. Вып. 5. М., 1957. С. 3–65.
- Кучерук В.В. Новое в методике количественного учета вредных грызунов и землероек // Организация и методы учета птиц и вредных грызунов. М., 1963.С. 159–183.
- Макарова, О.А., Бианки В.В., Хлебосолов Е.И., Катаев Г.Д., Кашулин Н.А. // Кадастр позвоночных животных заповедника Пасвик. Рязань, 2003. 72 с.
- Мичурин А.Н., Татаринский В.Н. Экологическое состояние озера Куэтсъярви и прилегающей территории. СПб., 2003. 144 с.
- Окулова Н.М., Катаев Г.Д. Многолетняя динамика численности красно-серой полевки в разных частях ареала // Зоол. журн. 2003. Т. 82. Вып. 9. С. 1095–1111.
- Севильская стратегия для биосферных заповедников // Заповедное дело. Научно-методические записки. Вып. 1. М., 1996. С. 94–109.
- Семенов-Тян-Шанский О.И. Цикличность в популяциях лесных полевок // Бюл. МОИП. Отд. биол. 1970. Т. 75. Вып. 2. С. 11–26.
- Смирнов В.С. Методы учета численности млекопитающих // Тр. Ин-та биологии УФАН СССР. Свердловск, 1964. 67 с.
- Черненькова Т.В., Бутусов О.В., Сычев В.В., Конева Г.Г., Кабиров Р.Р., Степанов А.М., Куперман Р.Г., Катаев Г.Д. Воздействие металлургических производств на лесные экосистемы Кольского полуострова. СПб., 1995. 252 с.
- Angerbjorn A., Tannerfeld M., Lundberg H. Geographical and temporal patterns of lemming population dynamics in Fennoscandia. Copengagen, 2001. Р. 298–308.
- Framstad E. The dynamics of lemmings and other rodents at Finse: variations in time and space. // WWF meeting on Lemmings Finse, Norway 20–21 April 1995. Rapport frain Varldsnaturfonden WWF N 3. Р. 95.
- Henttonen H., McGuire A.D., Hansson L. Comparisons of amplitudes and frequencies (spectral analises) of density variations in long-term data sets of Clethrionomys species // An. Zool. Fenn. 1985. Vol. 22. P. 221–227.
- Henttonen H. The rodent project at Pallasjarvi / Loven, L. аnd Salmela, S. (eds), Pallas-Symposium 1996. Metsantutkimuslaitoksen tiedonantoja. 1997. Vol. 623. P. 49–58.
- Henttonen H. Long-term patterns in arvicoline rodents Finnish Lapland: the importance of community approach // Mammals of Northern Eurasia: Life in the Northern Latitudes: The Materials of the International Scientific conference (April, 6–10, 2014, Surgut). – Surgut: Information Centre of Surgut State University, 2014. 65–66.
- Henttonen, H., Wallgren, H. Rodents dynamics and communities in birch forest zone of northern Fennoscandia// In Nordic Mountain Birch System. UNESCO. (Wielgolaski F.E., ed.). 2001. P. 261–278.
- Ims R. A., Fuglei, E. Trophic interaction cycles in tundra ecosystems and the impact of climate change. Bioscience. 2005.Vol. 55. N 4. P. 311–322.
- Kalas J.A. Metals and selenium in wild animals from the Sor-Varanger area, North Norway. In: Lobersly E. and Kare Venn (eds.). Effects of pollutants on terrestrial ecosystems in the border area between Norway and Russia. Hroceedings from the second symposium Svanvik, Norway, 3–5.10.1994. Trondheim. 1995. P. 76–82.
- Kataev, G.D., Suomela, J., Palokangas, P. Densities of microtine rodents along a pollution gradient from a copper-nickel smelter // Oecologia. 1994. Vol. 97. P. 491–498.
- Sivertsen B., Makarova T., Hagen L., Baklanov A. Air pollution in the borden areas of Norway and Russia. 1992.NILU OR: 8/92. 14 pp.
- Smith G. J., Rongstad O. J., Small mammals heavymetal concentrations from mined and control sites. 1982. Env. Poll. 28. N 2. P. 121–134.
- Stenseth, N. Population cycles in voles and lemmings: density dependence and phase dependence in a stochastic world // Oikos. 1999. Vol. 87. P. 427–461.
- Stenseth N.C., Saitoh T. So, what do we know and what do we need to know more about the population ecology of the vole Clethrionomys rufocanus// Res. Popul. Ecol. 1998. Vol. 40. P. 153–158.
- Wikan S., Makarova O., Aarseth T., Norsk – Russisk naturreservat. Oslo. 1994. P. 96.
- Wikan S., Kataev G., Aspholm P.E. Registreringer av smagnagere og spissmus i Pasvik 2006 // Bioforsk Rapport. 2007. Vol. 2. N 29. P. 11.