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2013. T. 118. Vyp. 6.

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Toskina I.N.

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Lasioderma, Xyletininae, Ptinidae, Coleoptera, new species, Turkey

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Toskina I.N. , New Species of Wood-Borers of the Genus Lasioderma Stephens, 1835 (Coleoptera: Ptinidae: Xyletininae) from Turkey // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 2013. T. 118. Vyp. 6. S. 27-35

New Species of Wood-Borers of the Genus Lasioderma Stephens, 1835 (Coleoptera: Ptinidae: Xyletininae) from Turkey

In the present paper there are described four new species of wood-borers of the genus Lasioderma

from Turkey: L. fuligineum, L. hreblayi, L. ronkayi, L. szalokii spp.nov.

L. fuligineum is black, with reddish elytral apices, with oval eyes, with 3rd antennal segment 1.5 times as long as the 2nd one, 4–5th segments with oblique and concave apical margin, 6–10th segments with convex lateral margins; pronotum 1.5 times as wide as long, with posterior angles, pubescence not parted to two sides on pronotum; elytra 1.56 times as long as wide; surface with uniform puncta- tion; metasternum with anterior rims approximated in the middle, first rim is straightened, the second one curved forward; fore tibiae not dilate towards their apices; styles conical, 1.4 times as long as their thickness at the base, coxites with about ten short chaetae on their top. Length 2.8 mm, width 1.25 mm.

L. fuligineum differs from L. obscurum by pubescence not parted to two sides on pronotum, antennae and metasternum (4–10th antennal segments with straight lateral margins and anterior rims strongly curved forwards in L. obscurum). L. fuligineum differs from L. anatolica by monochromatic colour of dorsal surface (which is two-coloured in L. anatolica), longer body, appressed pubescence.

L. hreblayi is brown, antennae yellow; eyes large, separated by 1.85 eye diameters; 3rd antennal segment 1.5 times as long as the 2nd one, 4–5th segments with oblique anterior margin, 6–10th segments with concave lateral margin; pronotum 1.6 times as wide as long, with posterior angles, pubescence not parted to two sides on pronotum; elytra 1.6 times as long as wide, their surface with punctation sparser than that on pronotum; anterior rims of metasternum are not approximated in the middle; fore tibiae not dilate towards their apices; internal penial sac with 4 various spines. Length 3.75 mm, width

1.7 mm. This species differs from L. haemorrhoidale and L. kiesenwetteri by antennae (6–10th seg- ments with convex lateral margins), metasternum (anterior rims of metasternum are approximated in the middle, curved forward in the first species, and straightened in the 2nd one), and aedeagus.

L. ronkayi is brown, antennae yellow; 3rd antennal segment 1.5 times as long as the 2nd one, 4th segment with oblique anterior margin, 5–10th segments with convex lateral margin; pronotum 1.5 times as long as wide, without posterior angles, with pubescence parted to two sides on apical third of pronotum; elytra 1.6 times as long as wide, surface with dual punctation; metasternum 1.8 times as long as the 1st visible abdominal sternite, anterior rims slightly approximated in the middle and evenly rounded; fore tibiae dilate towards the apices; internal penial sac with 2 rows (7+7) of small spines, 4 spines of medium sizes, and 3 very small spines. Length 3.75 mm, width 1.7 mm. L. ronkayi dif- fers from L. serricorne by long 3rd antennal segment, pubescence parted to two sides on apical third of pronotum, by long metasternum (metasternum is as long as the 1st visible abdominal sternite in L. serricorne), by longer body, armaments of penial sac, by general colour.

L. szalokii is brown, with yellow antennae; 3rd antennal segment is not longer than the 2nd segment, 4th segment with oblique anterior margin, 5–10th segments with very slightly convex lateral margin; pronotum 1.66 times as wide as long, pubescence parted to two sides on pronotal apical half, posterior angles rounded, surface with uniform punctation; elytra 1.5 times as long as wide, surface with dual punctation; metasternum 1.3 times as long as the 1st visible abdominal sternite, anterior rims evenly rounded; fore tibiae dilate towards their apices. Styles are cylindrical, 2 times as long as thick, coxite top with long chaetae. Length 3.5 mm, width 1.7 mm. L. szalokii differs from L. serricorne by antennal segments with almost straight lateral margins (antennal segments with convex lateral margins in L. serricorne), by pronotum with posterior angles and pubescence parted to two sides on apical half (pro- notum without posterior angles and with pubescence directed to base of pronotum in L. serricorne), by longer body (1.3–1.4 as long as wide in L. serricorne), by body colour (L. serricorne is rufous).


  • Логвиновский В.Д. Обзор жуков-точильщиков рода Lasioderma Stephens (Coleoptera, Anobiidae) из СССР и Монголии // Насекомые Монголии. 1977. Т. 5. Л., С. 278–289.
  • Логвиновский В.Д. Точильщики – семейство Anobiidae // Фауна СССР. Насекомые жесткокрылые. 1985. Т. 14. Вып. 2. Л., С. 1–175.
  • Español F. Contribucion al conocimiento de los Xyletininae (Col. Anobiidae) del Gabón (Mision H. Coiffait, 1963) // Biologia Gabonica. 1972. Vol. 8. Fasc.2. P. 175–189.
  • Español F. Fauna Iberica. Vol. 2. Coleoptera: Anobiidae. Madrid, 1992. 195 p.
  • Sakai M. Hyperisus as a distinct genus, with description of a new species from Japan (Coleoptera, Anobiidae) // Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology. 2001. Vol. 7. N 2. P. 327–332.
  • Zahradník P. Four new species of Anobiidae (Coleoptera) from Turkey and Rhodes Island // Folia Heyrovskyana. 1996. Vol. 4. N 3. P. 93–101.
  • Zahradník P. Anobiidae of Turkey (Coleoptera) // Klapalekiana. 1998. Vol. 34. P. 263–286.
  • Zahradník P. Subfamily Xyletininae // Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera / Eds I. Löbl et A. Smetana. Stenstrup. 2007. Vol. 4. Ptinidae. P. 357–362.

Список литературы

  • Логвиновский В.Д. Обзор жуков-точильщиков рода Lasioderma Stephens (Coleoptera, Anobiidae) из СССР и Монголии // Насекомые Монголии. 1977. Т. 5. Л., С. 278–289.
  • Логвиновский В.Д. Точильщики – семейство Anobiidae // Фауна СССР. Насекомые жесткокрылые. 1985. Т. 14. Вып. 2. Л., С. 1–175.
  • Español F. Contribucion al conocimiento de los Xyletininae (Col. Anobiidae) del Gabón (Mision H. Coiffait, 1963) // Biologia Gabonica. 1972. Vol. 8. Fasc.2. P. 175–189.
  • Español F. Fauna Iberica. Vol. 2. Coleoptera: Anobiidae. Madrid, 1992. 195 p.
  • Sakai M. Hyperisus as a distinct genus, with description of a new species from Japan (Coleoptera, Anobiidae) // Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology. 2001. Vol. 7. N 2. P. 327–332.
  • Zahradník P. Four new species of Anobiidae (Coleoptera) from Turkey and Rhodes Island // Folia Heyrovskyana. 1996. Vol. 4. N 3. P. 93–101.
  • Zahradník P. Anobiidae of Turkey (Coleoptera) // Klapalekiana. 1998. Vol. 34. P. 263–286.
  • Zahradník P. Subfamily Xyletininae // Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera / Eds I. Löbl et A. Smetana. Stenstrup. 2007. Vol. 4. Ptinidae. P. 357–362.