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2016. T. 121. Vyp. 3.

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Kvartalnov P.V.

Ключевые слова:


Phylloscopus, Sylvioidea, Passeriformes, wintering, social behaviour, mountain fauna

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Kvartalnov P.V., On the Biology of Mountain Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus sindianus: Aves, Phylloscopidae) in the Non-Breeding Period // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 2016. T. 121. Vyp. 3. S. 27-31

On the Biology of Mountain Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus sindianus: Aves, Phylloscopidae) in the Non-Breeding Period

Distribution and biology of Mountain Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus sindianus) in non- breeding period are little known. During observations in Haridwar city (Uttarakhand, India) 7–23.03.2015 we observed two small groups of these birds that kept territories in rose (Rosa

× damascena) gardens. Although gardens were small (0.06 and 0.2 ha) Mountain Chiffchaffs rarely left it for feeding in nearby bushes or trees. Two  birds from one group were observed  for two days, other three birds stayed on their territory for at least ten days, until 19.03, when the weather became stably hot. We propose that Mountain Chiffchaffs could spend winter in Haridwar. Details of their ecology and social behaviour are discussed in comparision of Sibe- rian Chiffchaff and other warblers.


  • Квартальнов П.В., Ильина И.Ю., Абдулназаров А.Г., Грабовский А.В. Гнездовая биология горной теньковки (Phylloscopus sindianus: Aves, Phylloscopidae) // Бюл. МОИП. Отд. биол. 2015. Т. 120. № 2. С. 11–27 [Kvartalnov P.V., Ilyina I.Yu., Abdulnazarov A.G., Grabovskii A.V. Breeding biology of Mountain Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus sindianus: Aves, Phylloscopidae) // Bull. Moscow Soc. Nat., Biol. Ser. 2015. Vol. 120. N 2. P. 11–27].
  • Ali S., Ripley S.D. Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan Together with Those of Bangladesh, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan and Sri Lanka. Vol. 8. Warblers to Redstarts. Delhi; Calcutta; etc., 1997. 281 p.
  • Brooks W.E. Ornithological observations in Sikhim, the Punjab and Sind // Stray Feathers. 1880 [1879]. Vol. 8. P. 464–489.
  • Katti M. Vocal communication and territoriality during the non-breeding season in a migrant warbler // Current Sci. 2001. Vol. 80. P. 419–423.
  • Martens J., Eck S. Towards an ornithology of the Himalayas: Systematic, ecology and vocalizations of Nepal birds // Bon. Zool. Monogr. № 38. Bonn, 1995. P. 1–445.
  • Ortega-Olivencia A., Rodríguez-Riaño T., Valtueña, F.J., López J., Devesa, J.A. First confirmation of a native bird-pollinated plant in Europe // Oikos. 2005. Vol. 110. P. 578–590.
  • Osmaston B.B. On the birds of Ladakh // Ibis. Ser. 12. 1925.Vol. 1. P. 663–719.
  • Osmaston B.B. Notes on the birds of Kashmir. Part I // J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 1927. Vol. 31. P. 975–999.
  • Rasmussen P.C., Anderton J.C. Birds of South Asia. The Ripley Guide. Vol. 2: Attributes and Status. Washington, D.C.; Michigan; Barcelona, 2012. 684 p.
  • Roberts T.J. The Birds of Pakistan. Vol. 2. Passeriformes: Pittas to Buntings. Karachi; Oxford; etc., 1992. 617 p.
  • Svensson L. Identification Guide to European Passerines. Stockholm, 2011. 368 p.
  • Ticehurst C.B. A Systematic Review of the Genus Phylloscopus (Willow-Warblers or Leaf-Warblers). London, 1938. 193 p.
  • Vogel S., Westerkamp C., Thiel B., Gessner K. Ornithophilie auf den Canarischen Inseln // Plant Systematics and Evolution. 1984. Vol. 146. P. 225–248.

Список литературы

  • Квартальнов П.В., Ильина И.Ю., Абдулназаров А.Г., Грабовский А.В. Гнездовая биология горной теньковки (Phylloscopus sindianus: Aves, Phylloscopidae) // Бюл. МОИП. Отд. биол. 2015. Т. 120. № 2. С. 11–27 [Kvartalnov P.V., Ilyina I.Yu., Abdulnazarov A.G., Grabovskii A.V. Breeding biology of Mountain Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus sindianus: Aves, Phylloscopidae) // Bull. Moscow Soc. Nat., Biol. Ser. 2015. Vol. 120. N 2. P. 11–27].
  • Ali S., Ripley S.D. Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan Together with Those of Bangladesh, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan and Sri Lanka. Vol. 8. Warblers to Redstarts. Delhi; Calcutta; etc., 1997. 281 p.
  • Brooks W.E. Ornithological observations in Sikhim, the Punjab and Sind // Stray Feathers. 1880 [1879]. Vol. 8. P. 464–489.
  • Katti M. Vocal communication and territoriality during the non-breeding season in a migrant warbler // Current Sci. 2001. Vol. 80. P. 419–423.
  • Martens J., Eck S. Towards an ornithology of the Himalayas: Systematic, ecology and vocalizations of Nepal birds // Bon. Zool. Monogr. № 38. Bonn, 1995. P. 1–445.
  • Ortega-Olivencia A., Rodríguez-Riaño T., Valtueña, F.J., López J., Devesa, J.A. First confirmation of a native bird-pollinated plant in Europe // Oikos. 2005. Vol. 110. P. 578–590.
  • Osmaston B.B. On the birds of Ladakh // Ibis. Ser. 12. 1925.Vol. 1. P. 663–719.
  • Osmaston B.B. Notes on the birds of Kashmir. Part I // J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 1927. Vol. 31. P. 975–999.
  • Rasmussen P.C., Anderton J.C. Birds of South Asia. The Ripley Guide. Vol. 2: Attributes and Status. Washington, D.C.; Michigan; Barcelona, 2012. 684 p.
  • Roberts T.J. The Birds of Pakistan. Vol. 2. Passeriformes: Pittas to Buntings. Karachi; Oxford; etc., 1992. 617 p.
  • Svensson L. Identification Guide to European Passerines. Stockholm, 2011. 368 p.
  • Ticehurst C.B. A Systematic Review of the Genus Phylloscopus (Willow-Warblers or Leaf-Warblers). London, 1938. 193 p.
  • Vogel S., Westerkamp C., Thiel B., Gessner K. Ornithophilie auf den Canarischen Inseln // Plant Systematics and Evolution. 1984. Vol. 146. P. 225–248.