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2022. T. 127. Vyp. 4.

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Tarasov K.L., Alexandrova E.N.

Ключевые слова:


crayfish, modern classification, oomycetes and true fungi, causative agents of my-coses.

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Tarasov K.L., Alexandrova E.N. , On the Position in the System of Oomycetes and Microscopic Fungi, Pathogens of Crayfish of The Subfamily Astacinae in Russia // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 2022. T. 127. Vyp. 4. S. 23-29

On the Position in the System of Oomycetes and Microscopic Fungi, Pathogens of Crayfish of The Subfamily Astacinae in Russia

Information about the causative agents of mycoses in crayfish, despite the damage caused to them, is incomplete and contradictory, and some data, clearly dubious, uncritically pass from one source to another. To date, at least 16 species of fungi and fungi-like organisms, causative agents of astacin mycoses, have been described, of which 4 species are attributed to Oomycota, 2 – to Zygomycota, and 10 – to Ascomycota. All 4 known pathogenic species from Oomycota – Aphanomyces astaci (family Leptolegniaceae) and Saprolegnia parasitica, S. australis, Scoliolegnia asterophora (family Saprolegniaceae), as well as 2 species of true fungi (Zygomycota, Mucoraceae) – Mucor racemosus and M. hiemalis – are “good” in modern systems. Of 10 described pathogenic Ascomycota, the taxonomy and identification of 5 species – Oidium astaci, Cephalosporium leptodactyli, Septocylindium eriocheir, S. astaci and Ramularia astaci – require clarification. Out of 5 other “good” species of the genus Fusarium, only F. tabacinum was reliably identified as the causative agent of melanized spots on the gills of Atlantoastacus pallipes. F. solani, F. melanochlorum, F. oxysporum and F. roseum var. culmorum are only suspected as pathogens of astacins and there is practically no specific information about them in this regard.


  • Aleksandrova E.N. Rzhavo-pyatnistaya bolezn’ rossijskikh rechnykh rakov podsemejstva Astacinae Latreille, 1802 – indikator sostoyaniya populyatsii i kachestva sredy ee obitaniya // Estestvennye i tekhnicheskie nauki. 2013. № 3. S. 85–89.
  • Aleksandrova E.N., Tarasov K.L. Posobie-opredelitel’: Mikozy rechnykh rakov i diagnostika ikh vozbuditelej. М., 2019. 44 s.
  • Lavrent’eva G.М., Voronin V.N. Diagnostika i profilaktika infektsionnykh zabolevanij rakov v usloviyakh Severo-Zapada Rossii v GosNIORKH «Sostoyanie estestvennykh zapasov, vosproizvodstvo i tovarnoe vy-rashchivanie rechnykh rakov» (Metodicheskie ukazaniya). SPb., 1994. 10 s.
  • Tarasov K.L., Aleksandrova E.N. Mitselial’nye griby – vozbuditeli mikozov rechnykh rakov i ikh sov-remennaya taksonomiya // Mikologiya i fitopatologiya. 2015. T. 49. № 6. S. 366–373.
  • Udalov G.М. Dlinnopalyj rak (Astacus leptodactylus) i ego zabolevanie rzhavo-pyatnistoj bolezn’yu v nekotorykh vodoemakh Azovo-Chernomorskogo bassejna // Avtoref. dissertats. kand. veterinarnykh nauk. М., 1973. 17 s.
  • Fedotov V.P. O rakakh: Ot rybolovstva k promyshlennomu napravleniyu – Menedzhment. SPb., 2020. 256 s.
  • Gams W. Cephalosporium-like mycelial fungi (Hyphomycetes). Stuttgart, 1971. 261 S.
  • Alderman D. J., Polglase J. L. Pathogens, Parasites and Commensals // Freshwater crayfish: Biology, man-agement and exploitation / Ed. D. M. Holdich. Nottindam, 1988. P. 167–212.
  • Makkonen J., Kokko H., Hentonnen P., Kivistik M., Huri M., Paaver T., Jussila J. Fungal isolation from Saaremaa, Estonia: Noble Crayfish (Astacus astacus) with melanised spots // Freshwater Crayfish, 2010, 17, p. 155–158.
  • Williamson E. Keys in systematic work // Science, 1922, vol. 55, p. 703.

Список литературы

  • Aleksandrova E.N. Rzhavo-pyatnistaya bolezn’ rossijskikh rechnykh rakov podsemejstva Astacinae Latreille, 1802 – indikator sostoyaniya populyatsii i kachestva sredy ee obitaniya // Estestvennye i tekhnicheskie nauki. 2013. № 3. S. 85–89.
  • Aleksandrova E.N., Tarasov K.L. Posobie-opredelitel’: Mikozy rechnykh rakov i diagnostika ikh vozbuditelej. М., 2019. 44 s.
  • Lavrent’eva G.М., Voronin V.N. Diagnostika i profilaktika infektsionnykh zabolevanij rakov v usloviyakh Severo-Zapada Rossii v GosNIORKH «Sostoyanie estestvennykh zapasov, vosproizvodstvo i tovarnoe vy-rashchivanie rechnykh rakov» (Metodicheskie ukazaniya). SPb., 1994. 10 s.
  • Tarasov K.L., Aleksandrova E.N. Mitselial’nye griby – vozbuditeli mikozov rechnykh rakov i ikh sov-remennaya taksonomiya // Mikologiya i fitopatologiya. 2015. T. 49. № 6. S. 366–373.
  • Udalov G.М. Dlinnopalyj rak (Astacus leptodactylus) i ego zabolevanie rzhavo-pyatnistoj bolezn’yu v nekotorykh vodoemakh Azovo-Chernomorskogo bassejna // Avtoref. dissertats. kand. veterinarnykh nauk. М., 1973. 17 s.
  • Fedotov V.P. O rakakh: Ot rybolovstva k promyshlennomu napravleniyu – Menedzhment. SPb., 2020. 256 s.
  • Gams W. Cephalosporium-like mycelial fungi (Hyphomycetes). Stuttgart, 1971. 261 S.
  • Alderman D. J., Polglase J. L. Pathogens, Parasites and Commensals // Freshwater crayfish: Biology, man-agement and exploitation / Ed. D. M. Holdich. Nottindam, 1988. P. 167–212.
  • Makkonen J., Kokko H., Hentonnen P., Kivistik M., Huri M., Paaver T., Jussila J. Fungal isolation from Saaremaa, Estonia: Noble Crayfish (Astacus astacus) with melanised spots // Freshwater Crayfish, 2010, 17, p. 155–158.
  • Williamson E. Keys in systematic work // Science, 1922, vol. 55, p. 703.