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2013. T. 118. Vyp. 5.

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Kolosova E.G., Zhitina L.S., Ilyash L.V., Melnikov I.A.

Ключевые слова:


sea-ice fauna, coastal ice, spatial variability, seasonal dynamic, White Sea

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Kolosova E.G., Zhitina L.S., Ilyash L.V., Melnikov I.A., Seasonal Dynamic of Species Composition and Abundance of Fauna of Coastal Ice in the Velikaya Salma Strait of Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 2013. T. 118. Vyp. 5. S. 23-30

Seasonal Dynamic of Species Composition and Abundance of Fauna of Coastal Ice in the Velikaya Salma Strait of Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea

Species composition and abundance of ice and plankton fauna were investigated in the Velikaya Salma Strait of Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea at 4 stations from January to the end of April 1997. 22 taxa were found in ice and 19 taxa in plankton. Species composition in ice did not significant dif- fer from that in plankton. Integrated abundance (N) increased from 3,3±1,8 ·103 ind/m2 (January) to 18,0±18,7 ·103 ind/m2 (the end of April). In January – March, the dominant taxa were Harpacticoida and copepod nauplii, while in April dominant group was Nematoda. Integrated biomass (B) increased from 0,07 ± 0,02 mg C/m2 (January) to 3,62 ± 2,50 mg C/m2 (middle of April), and decreased slightly to 2,24±2,25 mg C/m2 because of ice melt to the end of April. Сopepods and polychaete larvae dominated in terms of biomass in January – March, while Nematoda had the highest biomass in April. Species diversity, N and B were lower in the upper layer of ice than that in the bottom layer. At the ice–water interface N and B of under-ice fauna increased from 2,7·103 ind/m3 and 0,4 mg C/m3 (January) to 21,5·103 ind/m3 and 8,1 mg C/m3 (middle of April). In water column N increased from 0,05·103 ind/m3 and 0,06 mg C/m3 (January) to 1,1·103 ind/m3 and 0.74 mg C/m3 (middle of April). Copepod nauplii were the most numerous individuals, copepods dominated in terms of biomass.


  • Виноградов М.Е., Шушкина Э.А. Функционирование планктонных сообществ эпипелагиали океана. М., 1987. 240 с.
  • Корнев П.Н., Чертопруд Е.С. Веслоногие ракообразные отряда Harpacticoida Белого моря. М., 2008. 379 с.
  • Кособокова К.Н., Ратькова Т.Н., Сажин А.Ф. Ранневесенний зоопланктон подо льдом губы Чупа, Белое море. 2002г. // Океанология. 2003. Т. 43, № 5. С. 734–743.
  • Мельников И.А. Экосистема арктического морского льда. М., 1989. 191 с.
  • Перцова Н.М. Зоопланктон Кандалакшского залива Белого моря // Труды Беломорской биологической станции МГУ. М., 1970. Т. 3. С. 34–45.
  • Песенко Ю.А. Принципы и методы количественного анализа в фаунистических исследованиях. М., 1982. 288 с.
  • Прыгункова Р.В. Некоторые особенности сезонного развития зоопланктона губы Чупа Белого моря // Сезонные явления в жизни Белого и Баренцева морей. Л.: Наука, 1974. С. 4–53. (Исследования фауны морей. Т. 13 (21).
  • Сажин А.Ф., Ратькова Т.Н., Кособокова К.Н. Население прибрежного льда Белого моря в ранневесенний период // Океанология. 2004. Т. 44, № 1. С. 92–100.
  • Сажин А.Ф., Сапожников Ф.В., Ратькова Т.Н., Романова Н.Д., Шевченко В.П., Филиппов А.С. Население весеннего льда, воды и грунтов Белого моря в устьевой зоне Северной Двины // Океанология. 2011. Т. 51, № 2. С. 307–318.
  • Сажин А.Ф., Ратькова Т.Н., Мошаров С.А., Романова Н.Д Мошарова И.В., Портнова Д.А. Биологические компоненты сезонного льда // Биологические ресурсы Белого моря: изучение и использование. СПб., 2012. С. 97–115. (Исследования фауны морей. Т. 69 (77)).
  • Чесунов А.В. Биология морских нематод. М., 2006. 367 с.
  • Чесунов А.В, Портнова В.А. Свободноживущие нематоды в сезонном прибрежном льду Белого моря. Описание Hieminema obliquorun gen. et sp. n. (Nematoda, Monhys- teroidea) // Зоол. журн. 2005. Т. 84. № 8. С. 899–914.
  • Carey A.G. Marine ice fauna: Arctic // Sea Ice Biota. Boca Ra- ton, Florida, 1985. P. 173–190.
  • Friedrich C. Ecological investigations on the fauna of the Arctic sea-ice // Reports on Polar Research. 1997. Vol. 246. P. 1–211.
  • Friedrich C., De Smet W.H. The rotifer fauna of arctic sea ice from the Barents Sea, Laptev Sea and Greenland Sea // Hy- drobiologia. 2000. Vol. 432. P. 73–89.
  • Garrison D.I., Buck K.R. Organism losses during ice melting: a serious bias in sea ice community studies // Polar Biology. 1986. Vol. 6. P. 237–239.
  • Gradinger R., Zhang Q. Vertical distribution of bacteria in Arctic sea ice from the Barents and Laptev Seas // Polar Biology. 1997. Vol. 17. P. 448–454.
  • Gradinger R., Spindler M., Henschel D. Development of Arctic sea-ice organisms under graded snow cover // Polar Research. 1991. Vol. 10. P. 295–307.
  • Gradinger R., Spindler M., Weissenberger J. On the structure and development of Arctic pack ice communities in Fram Strait: a multivariate approach // Polar Biology. 1992. Vol. 12.P. 727–733.
  • Gradinger R., Friedrich C., Spindler M. Abundance, bio- mass and composition of the sea ice biota of the Green- land Sea pack ice // Deep-Sea Research. Part II. 1999. Vol. 46. P. 1457–1472.
  • Gradinger R., Meiners K., Plumley G., Zhang Q., Bluhm B. Abundance and composition of the sea-ice meiofauna in off- shore pack ice of the Beaufort Gyre in summer 2002 and 2003 // Polar Biology. 2005. Vol. 28. P. 171–181.
  • Grainger E.H., Hsiao S.I.C. Trophic relationships of the sea ice meiofauna in Frobisher Bay, Arctic Canada // Polar Biology. 1990. Vol. 10. P. 283–292.
  • Grainger E.H., Mohammed A.A., Lovrity J.E. The sea ice fauna of Frobisher Bay, Arctic Canada // Arctic. 1985. Vol. 38. P. 23–20.
  • Hillebrand H., Durselen C. D., Kirschtel D., Pollingher U., Zohary T. Biovolume calculation for pelagic and benthic mi- croalgae. // Journal of Phycology. 1999. Vol. 35. P. 403– 424.
  • Hsiao S.I.C., Pinkewycz N., Mohammed A.A., Grainger E.H. Sea ice biota and under-ice plankton from southeastern Hud- son Bay in 1983 // Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 1984. Vol. 494. P. 1–49.
  • Kern J.C., Carey A.G. The faunal assemblage inhabiting sea- sonal sea ice in the nearshore Arctic Ocean with emphasis on copepods // Marine Ecology Progress Series. 1983. Vol. 10. P. 159–167.
  • Krembs C., Gradinger R., Spindler M. Implications of brine channel geometry and surface area for the interaction of sympagic organisms in Arctic sea ice // Journal of Ex- perimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2000. Vol. 243. P. 55–80.
  • Marquardt M., Kramer M., Carnat G., Werner I. Vertical distri- bution of sympagic meiofauna in ice in the Canadian Beaufort Sea // Polar Biology. 2011. Vol. 34. P. 1887–1900.
  • Menden-Deuer S., Lessard D.J. Carbon to volume relationships for dinoflagellates, diatoms, and other protist plankton // Lim- nology and Oceanography. 2000. Vol. 45. P. 569–579.
  • Michel C., Nielsen T.G., Nozais C., Gosselin M. Significance of sedimentation and grazing by ice micro- and meiofauna for carbon cycling in annual sea ice (northern Baffin Bay) // Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 2002. Vol. 30. P. 57–68.
  • Nozais C., Gosselin M., Michel C., Tita G. Abundance, biomass, composition and grazing impact of the sea-ice meiofauna in the North Water, northern Baffin Bay // Marine Ecology Prog- ress Series. 2001. Vol. 217. P. 235–250.
  • O’Reilly M. Rotifera // European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Eds. Costello M.J., Emblow C., White R. Collection Patrimoines Naturels. 2001. Vol. 50. P. 149–151.
  • Polyakov I.V.,Timokhov L.A., Alexeev V.A.,Bacon S., Dmi- trenko I.A., Fortier L., Frolov I.E., Gascard J.-C., Han- sen E., Ivanov V.I., Laxon S., Mauritzen S., Perovich D., Shimada K., Simmons Y.L., Sokolov V.T., Steele M., Toole
  • J. Arctic ocean warming contributes to reduced polar ice cap // Journal of Physical Oceanography. 2010. Vol. 40. P. 2743–2756.
  • Sazhin A. Phototrophic and heterotrophic nano- and microor- ganisms of sea ice and sub-ice water in Guba Chupa (Chupa Inlet), White Sea, in April 2002 // Polar Research. 2004. Vol. 23. P. 11 – 18.
  • Shünemann H., Werner I. Seasonal variations in distribution patterns of sympagic meiofauna in Arctic pack ice // Marine Biology. 2005. Vol 146. P. 1091–1102.
  • Sime-Ngando T., Gosselin M., Juniper S.K., Levasseur M. Changes in sea-ice phagotrophic microprotists (20–200 μm) during the spring algal bloom, Canadian Arctic Archipelago // Journal of Marine Systems. 1997. Vol. 11. P. 163–172.
  • Tchesunov A.V., Riemann F. Arctic sea ice nematodes (Monhys- teroidea), with descriptions of Cryonema crassum gen. n., sp.n. and C. tenue sp. n. // Nematologica. 1995. Vol. 41. P. 35–50.
  • Walsh, J.E. Climate of the Arctic environment // Ecological Ap- plications. 2008. Vol. 18. P. S3–S22.
  • Weissenberger J., Dieckmann G., Gradinger R., Spindler M. Sea ice: a cast technique to examine and analyze brine pockets and channel structure // Limnology and Oceanography. 1992. Vol. 37. P. 179–183.
  • Werner I., Arbizu P.M. The sub-ice fauna of the Laptev Sea and the adjacent Arctic Ocean in summer 1995 // Polar Biology. 1999. Vol. 21. P. 71–79.

Список литературы

  • Виноградов М.Е., Шушкина Э.А. Функционирование планктонных сообществ эпипелагиали океана. М., 1987. 240 с.
  • Корнев П.Н., Чертопруд Е.С. Веслоногие ракообразные отряда Harpacticoida Белого моря. М., 2008. 379 с.
  • Кособокова К.Н., Ратькова Т.Н., Сажин А.Ф. Ранневесенний зоопланктон подо льдом губы Чупа, Белое море. 2002г. // Океанология. 2003. Т. 43, № 5. С. 734–743.
  • Мельников И.А. Экосистема арктического морского льда. М., 1989. 191 с.
  • Перцова Н.М. Зоопланктон Кандалакшского залива Белого моря // Труды Беломорской биологической станции МГУ. М., 1970. Т. 3. С. 34–45.
  • Песенко Ю.А. Принципы и методы количественного анализа в фаунистических исследованиях. М., 1982. 288 с.
  • Прыгункова Р.В. Некоторые особенности сезонного развития зоопланктона губы Чупа Белого моря // Сезонные явления в жизни Белого и Баренцева морей. Л.: Наука, 1974. С. 4–53. (Исследования фауны морей. Т. 13 (21).
  • Сажин А.Ф., Ратькова Т.Н., Кособокова К.Н. Население прибрежного льда Белого моря в ранневесенний период // Океанология. 2004. Т. 44, № 1. С. 92–100.
  • Сажин А.Ф., Сапожников Ф.В., Ратькова Т.Н., Романова Н.Д., Шевченко В.П., Филиппов А.С. Население весеннего льда, воды и грунтов Белого моря в устьевой зоне Северной Двины // Океанология. 2011. Т. 51, № 2. С. 307–318.
  • Сажин А.Ф., Ратькова Т.Н., Мошаров С.А., Романова Н.Д Мошарова И.В., Портнова Д.А. Биологические компоненты сезонного льда // Биологические ресурсы Белого моря: изучение и использование. СПб., 2012. С. 97–115. (Исследования фауны морей. Т. 69 (77)).
  • Чесунов А.В. Биология морских нематод. М., 2006. 367 с.
  • Чесунов А.В, Портнова В.А. Свободноживущие нематоды в сезонном прибрежном льду Белого моря. Описание Hieminema obliquorun gen. et sp. n. (Nematoda, Monhys- teroidea) // Зоол. журн. 2005. Т. 84. № 8. С. 899–914.
  • Carey A.G. Marine ice fauna: Arctic // Sea Ice Biota. Boca Ra- ton, Florida, 1985. P. 173–190.
  • Friedrich C. Ecological investigations on the fauna of the Arctic sea-ice // Reports on Polar Research. 1997. Vol. 246. P. 1–211.
  • Friedrich C., De Smet W.H. The rotifer fauna of arctic sea ice from the Barents Sea, Laptev Sea and Greenland Sea // Hy- drobiologia. 2000. Vol. 432. P. 73–89.
  • Garrison D.I., Buck K.R. Organism losses during ice melting: a serious bias in sea ice community studies // Polar Biology. 1986. Vol. 6. P. 237–239.
  • Gradinger R., Zhang Q. Vertical distribution of bacteria in Arctic sea ice from the Barents and Laptev Seas // Polar Biology. 1997. Vol. 17. P. 448–454.
  • Gradinger R., Spindler M., Henschel D. Development of Arctic sea-ice organisms under graded snow cover // Polar Research. 1991. Vol. 10. P. 295–307.
  • Gradinger R., Spindler M., Weissenberger J. On the structure and development of Arctic pack ice communities in Fram Strait: a multivariate approach // Polar Biology. 1992. Vol. 12.P. 727–733.
  • Gradinger R., Friedrich C., Spindler M. Abundance, bio- mass and composition of the sea ice biota of the Green- land Sea pack ice // Deep-Sea Research. Part II. 1999. Vol. 46. P. 1457–1472.
  • Gradinger R., Meiners K., Plumley G., Zhang Q., Bluhm B. Abundance and composition of the sea-ice meiofauna in off- shore pack ice of the Beaufort Gyre in summer 2002 and 2003 // Polar Biology. 2005. Vol. 28. P. 171–181.
  • Grainger E.H., Hsiao S.I.C. Trophic relationships of the sea ice meiofauna in Frobisher Bay, Arctic Canada // Polar Biology. 1990. Vol. 10. P. 283–292.
  • Grainger E.H., Mohammed A.A., Lovrity J.E. The sea ice fauna of Frobisher Bay, Arctic Canada // Arctic. 1985. Vol. 38. P. 23–20.
  • Hillebrand H., Durselen C. D., Kirschtel D., Pollingher U., Zohary T. Biovolume calculation for pelagic and benthic mi- croalgae. // Journal of Phycology. 1999. Vol. 35. P. 403– 424.
  • Hsiao S.I.C., Pinkewycz N., Mohammed A.A., Grainger E.H. Sea ice biota and under-ice plankton from southeastern Hud- son Bay in 1983 // Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 1984. Vol. 494. P. 1–49.
  • Kern J.C., Carey A.G. The faunal assemblage inhabiting sea- sonal sea ice in the nearshore Arctic Ocean with emphasis on copepods // Marine Ecology Progress Series. 1983. Vol. 10. P. 159–167.
  • Krembs C., Gradinger R., Spindler M. Implications of brine channel geometry and surface area for the interaction of sympagic organisms in Arctic sea ice // Journal of Ex- perimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2000. Vol. 243. P. 55–80.
  • Marquardt M., Kramer M., Carnat G., Werner I. Vertical distri- bution of sympagic meiofauna in ice in the Canadian Beaufort Sea // Polar Biology. 2011. Vol. 34. P. 1887–1900.
  • Menden-Deuer S., Lessard D.J. Carbon to volume relationships for dinoflagellates, diatoms, and other protist plankton // Lim- nology and Oceanography. 2000. Vol. 45. P. 569–579.
  • Michel C., Nielsen T.G., Nozais C., Gosselin M. Significance of sedimentation and grazing by ice micro- and meiofauna for carbon cycling in annual sea ice (northern Baffin Bay) // Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 2002. Vol. 30. P. 57–68.
  • Nozais C., Gosselin M., Michel C., Tita G. Abundance, biomass, composition and grazing impact of the sea-ice meiofauna in the North Water, northern Baffin Bay // Marine Ecology Prog- ress Series. 2001. Vol. 217. P. 235–250.
  • O’Reilly M. Rotifera // European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Eds. Costello M.J., Emblow C., White R. Collection Patrimoines Naturels. 2001. Vol. 50. P. 149–151.
  • Polyakov I.V.,Timokhov L.A., Alexeev V.A.,Bacon S., Dmi- trenko I.A., Fortier L., Frolov I.E., Gascard J.-C., Han- sen E., Ivanov V.I., Laxon S., Mauritzen S., Perovich D., Shimada K., Simmons Y.L., Sokolov V.T., Steele M., Toole
  • J. Arctic ocean warming contributes to reduced polar ice cap // Journal of Physical Oceanography. 2010. Vol. 40. P. 2743–2756.
  • Sazhin A. Phototrophic and heterotrophic nano- and microor- ganisms of sea ice and sub-ice water in Guba Chupa (Chupa Inlet), White Sea, in April 2002 // Polar Research. 2004. Vol. 23. P. 11 – 18.
  • Shünemann H., Werner I. Seasonal variations in distribution patterns of sympagic meiofauna in Arctic pack ice // Marine Biology. 2005. Vol 146. P. 1091–1102.
  • Sime-Ngando T., Gosselin M., Juniper S.K., Levasseur M. Changes in sea-ice phagotrophic microprotists (20–200 μm) during the spring algal bloom, Canadian Arctic Archipelago // Journal of Marine Systems. 1997. Vol. 11. P. 163–172.
  • Tchesunov A.V., Riemann F. Arctic sea ice nematodes (Monhys- teroidea), with descriptions of Cryonema crassum gen. n., sp.n. and C. tenue sp. n. // Nematologica. 1995. Vol. 41. P. 35–50.
  • Walsh, J.E. Climate of the Arctic environment // Ecological Ap- plications. 2008. Vol. 18. P. S3–S22.
  • Weissenberger J., Dieckmann G., Gradinger R., Spindler M. Sea ice: a cast technique to examine and analyze brine pockets and channel structure // Limnology and Oceanography. 1992. Vol. 37. P. 179–183.
  • Werner I., Arbizu P.M. The sub-ice fauna of the Laptev Sea and the adjacent Arctic Ocean in summer 1995 // Polar Biology. 1999. Vol. 21. P. 71–79.