Sex ratios in the population of the dioecious species Trinia multicaulis (Umbelliferae, Apiaceae) have been studied. In three coenopopulations sex ratios were significantly different, f/m was 0,6; 1,2 и 1,5. In total 409 generative individuals have been found: 198 male and 211 female. Sex ratio is close to 1:1. At the studied sites besides Trinia about 40 species are growing. Density of individuals at the sites with different floristic composition and topography varies significantly. The highest density of T. multicaulis individuals are observed at the decreasing part of the slope with the low number of other species. Cross-pollination is relatively effective, the number of mature fruits is 480–1603 units per plant; seed production is 960–3206 seeds per plant respectively. Significant correlation between males and females in the location is not found. Some trends to compact arrangement of one gender at distances 5–8 meters apart can be revealed. The geometric figure of the distribution of T. multicaulis individuals is probably a reflection of the floristic composition in the community and partly of the special type of seed dispersal (by tumbleweed type). The analysis indicates the complexity of the interpretation of the statistical data on the distribution of gender types in populations of dioecious plants.
2015. T. 120. Vyp. 4.
2015. T. 120. Vyp. 4.
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Sex Ratios in the Population of Dioecious Species Trinia multicaulis (Poir.) Schischk. (Umbelliferae)
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- Aryal R., Ming R. Sex determination in flowering plants: Papaya as a model system // Plant Sci. 2014. Vol. 217–218. P. 56–62.
- Charlesworth D. Plant sex determination and sex chromosomes // Heredity. 2002. Vol. 88. P. 94–101.
- Dellaporta’ S. L., Calderon-Urrea A. Sex determination in flowering plants // The Plant Cell. 1993. Vol. 5. P. 1241–1251.
- Diggle P.K. et al. Multiple developmental processes underlie sex differentiation in angiosperms // Trends in Genetics. 2011. Vol. 27. Iss. 9. P 368–376.
- Dorken M.E., Barrett S.C.H. Sex determination and the evolution of dioecy from monoecy in Sagittaria latifolia (Alismataceae) // Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 2004. Vol. 271. P. 213–219.
- Loyd D.G. Sex ratios in sexually dimorphic Umbelliferae / Heredity. 1973. Vol. 31. P. 239–249.
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- Pimenov M.G., Vassiljeva M.G., Leonov M.V., Daushkevich Ju.V. Karyotaxonomical analysis of the Umbelliferae. L., 2002. 468 p.
- Renner S.S., Ricklefs R.E. Dioecy and its correlates in the flowering plants // Am. J. Bot. 1995. Vol. 82. P. 596–606. Webb C.J. Breeding Systems and the Evolution of Dioecy in New Zealand Apioid Umbelliferae // Evol. 1979. Vol. 33. P. 662–672.
- Webb C.J., Loyd D.G. Sex ratios in New Zealand apioid Umbelliferae // New. Zeal. J. Bot. 1980. Vol. 18. P. 121–126.
Список литературы
- Асланян М.М., Солдатова О.П. Генетикаипроисхождение пола. М., 2010. 114 с.
- Бережной А.В., Мильков Ф.Н., Михно В.В. Дивногорье: природа и ландшафты. Воронеж, 1994. 128 с.
- Волкович В.Б. Возможные биологические механизмы формирования соотношения полов у двудомных растений // Вопросы ботаники. Нальчик, 1980. С. 103–119.
- Грабарник П.Я. Анализ горизонтальной структуры древостоя: модельный подход // Лесоведение. 2010. № 2. С. 77–85.
- Демьянова Е.И. Половой полиморфизм некоторых степных растений Центрально-черноземного заповедника // Вестн. Пермского ун-та. 2013. Вып. 2. С. 11–18.
- Демьянова Е.И., Пономарев А.Н. Половая структура природных популяций гинодиэцичных и двудомных растений лесостепи зауралья // Бот. журн. 1979. Т. 64. № 7. С. 1017–1024.
- Петрова С.Е. Онтоморфогенез и анатомия двудомного вида зонтичных Trinia multicaulis (Poir.) Schischk. (Umbelliferae) // Бюл. МОИП. Отд. биол. 2014. Т. 119. Вып. 3. С. 53–61.
- Федорончук Н.М. Цитотаксономическая характеристика двух видов рода Trinia Hoffm. (Apiaceae) // Бот. журн. 1977. № 9. C. 1305–1309.
- Федорончук Н.М. Сравнительно-кариологическая характеристика видов Trinia Hoffm. и Rumia crithmifolia (Apiaceae) // Бот. журн. 1979. № 3. C. 390–398. Флора Восточной Европы. Т. 11. Род. 7. Триния – Trinia Hoffm. / [авт. В.Н. Тихомиров]. М.; СПб., 2004. С. 347–349.
- Чайлахян М.Х., Хрянин В.Н. Пол у растений и его гормональная регуляция. М., 1982. 172 с.
- Чернобылова М.В. Растительный покров музеязаповедника Дивногорье. Автореф. канд. дис. Воронеж, 1997. 21 с.
- Aryal R., Ming R. Sex determination in flowering plants: Papaya as a model system // Plant Sci. 2014. Vol. 217–218. P. 56–62.
- Charlesworth D. Plant sex determination and sex chromosomes // Heredity. 2002. Vol. 88. P. 94–101.
- Dellaporta’ S. L., Calderon-Urrea A. Sex determination in flowering plants // The Plant Cell. 1993. Vol. 5. P. 1241–1251.
- Diggle P.K. et al. Multiple developmental processes underlie sex differentiation in angiosperms // Trends in Genetics. 2011. Vol. 27. Iss. 9. P 368–376.
- Dorken M.E., Barrett S.C.H. Sex determination and the evolution of dioecy from monoecy in Sagittaria latifolia (Alismataceae) // Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 2004. Vol. 271. P. 213–219.
- Loyd D.G. Sex ratios in sexually dimorphic Umbelliferae / Heredity. 1973. Vol. 31. P. 239–249.
- Loyd D.G., Webb C.J. Secondary sex characters in plants // Bot. Rev. 1977. Vol. 43. N 2. P. 177–216.
- Pimenov M.G., Vassiljeva M.G., Leonov M.V., Daushkevich Ju.V. Karyotaxonomical analysis of the Umbelliferae. L., 2002. 468 p.
- Renner S.S., Ricklefs R.E. Dioecy and its correlates in the flowering plants // Am. J. Bot. 1995. Vol. 82. P. 596–606. Webb C.J. Breeding Systems and the Evolution of Dioecy in New Zealand Apioid Umbelliferae // Evol. 1979. Vol. 33. P. 662–672.
- Webb C.J., Loyd D.G. Sex ratios in New Zealand apioid Umbelliferae // New. Zeal. J. Bot. 1980. Vol. 18. P. 121–126.