It is studied and analyzed the characteristics of the species composition, structure and diversity of macrobenthic subtidal communities in 4 coastal lagoon ecosystems of the White Sea. In the subtidal zone of the studied lagoons were found with 40 species of zoobenthos and 3 species of macrophytes (Zostera marina, Cladophora sericea, Fucus vesiculosus). The highest species diversity, total density and biomass of macrobenthos is characterized by the lagoon, located closer to the sea (at the exit of the corner region of the Kislaya lip) and the least – lagoon adjacent to the lake Ershovskoye. An intermediate position was occupied by a lagoons Ermolinskya and Green Cape. At the analysis dendrograms of the similarity of the macrobenthos communities studied lagoons revealed high similarity of the macrobenthos in lagoon ecosystems with similar geomorphology and water exchange with the sea water. The stronger the lagoon was regulated and, accordingly, the less was its connection with the sea, the more was found of the littoral euryhaline marine and brackish species and less-subtidal marine species.
2017. T. 122. Vyp. 3.
2017. T. 122. Vyp. 3.
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Some features of the structure and species diversity of the macrobenthos community in the coastal lagoon ecosystems (Kandalaksha Bay, White Sea)
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- Montagna P.A., Palmer T.A., Pollack J.B. Hydrological Changes and Estuarine Dynamics // Springer Briefs in Environmental Science. 2013. Vol. 8. 94 p.
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Список литературы
- Лабай В.С. 2011. Эволюция бентоса прибрежных лагун острова Сахалин: причины и следствия // Чтения памяти Владимира Яковлевича Леванидова. Вып. 5. Владивосток. С. 265–274 [Labaj V.S. Evolyutsiya bentosa pribrezhnykh lagun ostrova Sakhalin: prichiny i sledstviya // Chteniya pamyati Vladimira Yakovlevicha Levanidova. Vyp. 5. Vladivostok. S. 265–274].
- Столяров А.П. Структурно-функциональная организация эстуарных экосистем Белого моря: прототипическая модель // Усп. соврем. биол. 2012. Т. 132. № 4. С. 354–369 [Stolyarov A.P. Strukturno-funktsional’naya organizatsiya estuarnykh ekosistem Belogo morya: prototipicheskaya model’ // Usp. sovrem. biol. 2012. T. 132. N 4. S. 354–369].
- Столяров А.П. Особенности структурной организации сообщества макробентоса в эстуарных экосистемах (Кандалакшский залив, Белое море) // Усп. соврем. биол. 2013. Т. 133. № 2. С. 191–208 [Stolyarov A.P. Osobennosti strukturnoj organizatsii soobshchestva makrobentosa v estuarnykh ekosistemakh (Kandalakshskij zaliv, Beloe more) // Usp. sovrem. biol. 2013. T. 133. № 2. S. 191–208].
- Basset, A., Abbiati M. Challenges to transitional water monitoring: ecological descriptors and scales // Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2004. Special Issue 14 S1. P. 1–3.
- De Wit R. 2011. Biodiversity of Coastal Lagoon Ecosystems and Their Vulnerability to Global Change // Ecosystems Biodiversity (еd. O. Grillo, G. Venore). Ch. 2. Rijeka (Croatia). P. 29–40.
- Dennison W.C., Thomas J.E., Cain C.J., Carruthers T.J.B., Hall M.R., Jesien R.V., Wazniak C.E., Wilson D.E. Shifting Sands: Environmental and cultural change in Maryland’s Coastal Bays. Cambridge, 2009. 396 p.
- Esteves F.A., Caliman A., Santangelo J.M., Guariento R.D., Farjalla V.F., Bozelli R.L. Neotropical coastal lagoons: An appraisal of their biodiversity, functioning, threats and conservation management // Brazilian Journ. of Biol. 2008. Vol. 68. N 4. P. 967–981.
- Kjerfve B. 1994. Coastal Lagoons. Chapter 1 // Coastal lagoon processes / Kjerfve B. (ed.). Elsevier Oceanography Series, Amsterdam. P. 1–8.
- Kjerfve B., Magill K.E. Geographic and hydrodynamic characteristics of shallow coastal lagoons // Marine Geology. 1989. Vol. 88. P. 187–199.
- Montagna P.A., Palmer T.A., Pollack J.B. Hydrological Changes and Estuarine Dynamics // Springer Briefs in Environmental Science. 2013. Vol. 8. 94 p.
- Pianka E.R. 1974. Niche overlap and diffuse competition // Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. Vol. 71. P. 2141–2145.
- Shannon C., Weaver W. The mathematical theory of communication. Urbana, 1949. 117 p.
- Sørensen T.A. 1948. A new method of establishing groups of equal amplitude in plant sociology based on similarity of a species content and its application to analysis of the vegetation on Danish commons // Kgl. Dan. Videnskab. Selskab. Biol. Skr. Vol. 5. № 4. P. 1–34.