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2024. T. 129. Vyp. 2.
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2024. T. 129. Vyp. 2.

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Komissarov N.S., Dyakov M.Yu., Garibova L.V.

Ключевые слова:


macromycetes, cryostorage, cryoprotectors, reintroduction, translocation

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For citation:

Komissarov N.S., Dyakov M.Yu., Garibova L.V., Storage of pure cultures of rare macromycete species in connection with the prospects of reintroduction and translocation // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 2024. T. 129. Vyp. 2. S. 54-66

Storage of pure cultures of rare macromycete species in connection with the prospects of reintroduction and translocation

The work discusses the problems of conservaton of rare macromycetes in culture. A collection of pure cultures of 8 representatives of this group has been compiled. A comparative analysis of pure culture storage methods was carried out. Both classic and modifi ed storage protocols have been studied. Particular attention is paid to the use of various cryoprotective compounds and carrier substrates in the cryopreservation of pure cultures of macromycetes. The need for individual selection and optimization of methods for storing pure cultures for various types of macromycetes is shown.


  • Abrego N., Oivanenb P., Vinerc I., Nordéne J., Penttiläg R., Dahlbergh A., Heilmann-Clauseni J., Somervuod P., Ovaskainena O., Schigel D. Reintroduction of threatened fungal species via inoculation // Biological Conservation. 2016. Vol. 203. P. 120–124 (https://doi. org/10.1016/j.biocon.2016.09.014).
  • Belova N.V., Psurtseva N.V., Gachkova U.Yu., Ozerskaya S.M. Sokhranenie bioraznoobraziya bazidiomitsetov ex situ v spetsializirovannoi kollektsii kul’tur LE (BIN) // Mikologiya i fi topatologiya. 2005. T. 39. Vyp. 2. S. 1–10 (in Russ.).
  • Bertéli M.B.D., Pinheiro C.R., Philadelpho B.O., Otero D.M., Ribeiro C.D.F., de Souza C.O., Ferreira E.S., Ruiz S.P., do Valle J.S., Linde G.A., Colauto N.B. Long-term cryopreservation of Lentinus crinitus strains by wheat grain technique // Journal of Microbiological Methods. 2022. Vol. 198. https://doi.org/10.1016/j. mimet.2022.106491.
  • Bisko N.A., Lomberg M.L., Mykchaylova O.B., Mytropolska N.Y. Conservation of biotechnological important species diversity and genetic resources of rare and endangered fungi of Ukraine // Plant & Fungal Research. 2018. Vol. 1. Is. 1. P. 18–27 (DOI: 10.29228/plantfungalres.41).
  • Boddy, L., P. Wald, D. Parfi tt, and H. Rogers. Preliminary ecological investigation of the wood-inhabiting tiered tooth Creolophus (= Hericiumcirrhatus, coral tooth Hericium erinaceum, bearded tooth H. coralloides and oak polypore Piptoporus quercinus (= Buglossoporus pulvinus) // English Nature Report 2004. no. 616.
  • Bukhalo A.S. Vysshie s»edobnye bazidiomitsety v chistoi kul’ture. Kiev, 1988. 143 s. (in Russ.).
  • Cardinale B.J., Duffy J.E., Gonzalez A., Hooper D.U., Perrings C., Venail P., Narwani A., Mace G.M., Tilman D., Wardle D.A., Kinzig A.P., Daily G.C., Loreau M., Grace J.B., Larigauderie A., Srivastava D.S., Naeem S. Biodiversity loss and its impact on humanity // Nature. 2012. Vol. 486. P. 59–67.
  • Choi K.-D., Lee K.-T., Shim J.O., Lee Y.-S., Lee, T.-S., Lee S.S., Guo S.-X., Lee M.W. A New Method for Cultivation of Sclerotium of Grifola umbellata // Mycobiology. 2003. Vol. 31. Is. 2. P. 105–112.
  • Colauto N.B., da Eira A.F., Linde G.A. Cryopreservation at −80°C of Agaricus blazei on rice grains // World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2011. Vol. 27. Is. 12. P. 3015–3018 (https://doi.org/10.1007/ s11274-011-0772-9).
  • Crockatt M. Ecology of the rare oak polypore Piptoporus quercinus and the tooth fungi Hericium cirrhatum. H. coralloides, and H. erinaceus in the UK // 2008. ProQuest LLC.
  • Dahlberg A., Genney D.R., Heilmann-Clausen J. Developing a comprehensive strategy for fungal conservation in Europe: current status and future needs // Fungal Ecology. 2010. Vol. 3. P. 50–64.
  • Domashlinets V. List the excluded plant and fungal species from the Red Book of Ukraine (flora) // Order of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and natural resources of Ukraine February 15. 2021. № 111. Ukraine.
  • Homolka L., Lisá L., Eichlerová I., Nerud F. Cryopreservation of basidiomycete strains using perlite // J. Microbiological Methods. 2001. Vol. 47. Is. 3. P. 307–313 (https://doi.org/10.1016/S0167-7012(01)00338-4).
  • Homolka L., Lisa L., Kubátová A., Váňová M., Janderová B., Nerud F. Cryopreservation of filamentous micromycetes and yeasts using perlite // Folia Microbiologica. 2007. Vol. 52, Is. 2. P. 153–157 (https://doi. org/10.1007/BF02932154).
  • Honegger R. The Impact of different long-term storage conditions on the viability of lichen-forming ascomycetes and their green algal photobiont, Trebouxia spp. // Plant Biology. 2003. Vol. 5. Is. 3. P. 324–330.
  • Hwang S.W. Effects of Ultra-Low Temperatures on the Viability of Selected Fungus Strains // Mycologia. 1960. Vol. 52. Is. 3. P. 527–529 (https://doi. org/10.2307/3755974).
  • Hwang S.W. Long-Term Preservation of Fungus Cultures with Liquid Nitrogen Refrigeration // Applied Microbiology. 1966. Vol. 14, Is. 5. P. 784–788 (https://doi. org/10.1128/am.14.5.784-788.1966).
  • Hwang S.W. Investigation of Ultra-Low Temperature for Fungal Cultures. I. An Evaluation of Liquid-Nitrogen Storage for Preservation of Selected Fungal Cultures // Mycologia. 1968. Vol. 60. Is. 3. P. 613–621 (https://doi.org/10.1080/00275514.1968.12018610).
  • Kamzolkina O.V., Bogdanov A.G. Metodicheskoe posobie po mikroskopii v issledovaniyakh gribov i vodoroslei // 2017. M., 115 s. (in Russ.).
  • Kaul T.N. Conservation of mushroom biodiversity // Mushroom biology and biotechnology (Eds. Rai R.D., Singh S.K., Yadav M.C., Tewari R.P.) 2007. Mushroom Society of India, Chambaghat, Solan. P. 115–126 (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/294889868).
  • Komissarov N.S., D’yakov M.Yu., Garibova L.V. Metody dlitel’nogo khraneniya chistykh kul’tur makromitsetov // Mikologiya i fitopatologiya. 2023. T. 57. Vyp. 3. S. 155–171 (DOI: 10.31857/S0026364823030054) (in Russ.).
  • Krasnaya kniga Rossiiskoi Federatsii // 2008. M., . 854 s. (in Russ.).
  • Krasnaya kniga Leningradskoi oblasti // 2018. SPb., 848 s. (in Russ.).
  • Krasnaya kniga prirody Leningradskoi oblasti // 2000. T. 2. SPb., 672 s. (in Russ.).
  • Larson D.W. Patterns of lichen photosynthesis and respiration following prolonged frozen storage // Canad. J. Bot. 1978. Vol. 17. P. 2119–2123.
  • Lee S.B., Milgroom M.G., Taylor J.W. A rapid, high yield mini-prep method for isolation of total genomic DNA from fungi // Fungal Genetics Reports. 1988. Vol. 35. Is. 11. P. 23–24.
  • Li Y., Wang Q. The development of the Fungal Resources Conservation System «One District, One Herbarium and Five Banks» and its application on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau // Аграрная наука Евро-Северо-Востока. 2019. Т. 20, вып. 1. С. 29–35 (DOI: 10.30766/20729081.2019.20.1.29-35).
  • Minprirody RF. Ob utverzhdenii Perechnya ob’ektov rastitel’nogo mira, zanesennykh v Krasnuyu knigu Rossiiskoi Federatsii // Prikaz № 320 ot 23.05.2023. Registratsionnyi № 74362 ot 21.07.2023. (in Russ.).
  • Pasailiuk M.V., Sukhomlyn M.M., Gryganskyi A.P., Fontana N.M. World biota conservation vs fungal conservation practice // Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology. 2022. Vol. 12. Is. 1. P. 268–284 (DOI 10.5943/cream/12/1/17).
  • Pasaylyuk M., Petrichuk Y., Tsvyd N., Sukhomlyn M. The aspects of reproduction of Clathrus archeri (Berk.) Dring by re-situ method in the National Nature Park Hutsulshchyna // Forest Research Papers. 2018. Vol. 79. Is. 3. P. 281–287 (DOI: 10.2478/frp2018-0028).
  • Piętka J., Grzywacz A. In situ inoculation of larch with the threatened wood-decay fungus Fomitopsis officinalis (Basidiomycota) – experimental studies // Polish Botanical Journal. 2005. Vol. 50. Is. 2. P. 225–231.
  • Psurtseva N.V., Kiyashko A.A., Gachkova E.Y., Belova N.V. Basidiomycetes Culture Collection LE (BIN): Catalogue of Strains. M., 2007. 116 p.
  • Shirokikh A.A., Shirokikh I.G. K voprosu ob okhrane gribov // Agrarnaya nauka Evro-Severo-Vostoka. 2021. T. 22. Vyp. 5. S. 641–660 (https:// doi.org/10.30766/2072-9081.2021.22.5.641-660) (in Russ.).
  • Tukey J.W. Comparing individual means in the analysis of variance // Biometrics. 1949. Vol. 5. Is. 2. P. 99–114.

Список литературы

  • Abrego N., Oivanenb P., Vinerc I., Nordéne J., Penttiläg R., Dahlbergh A., Heilmann-Clauseni J., Somervuod P., Ovaskainena O., Schigel D. Reintroduction of threatened fungal species via inoculation // Biological Conservation. 2016. Vol. 203. P. 120–124 (https://doi. org/10.1016/j.biocon.2016.09.014).
  • Belova N.V., Psurtseva N.V., Gachkova U.Yu., Ozerskaya S.M. Sokhranenie bioraznoobraziya bazidiomitsetov ex situ v spetsializirovannoi kollektsii kul’tur LE (BIN) // Mikologiya i fi topatologiya. 2005. T. 39. Vyp. 2. S. 1–10 (in Russ.).
  • Bertéli M.B.D., Pinheiro C.R., Philadelpho B.O., Otero D.M., Ribeiro C.D.F., de Souza C.O., Ferreira E.S., Ruiz S.P., do Valle J.S., Linde G.A., Colauto N.B. Long-term cryopreservation of Lentinus crinitus strains by wheat grain technique // Journal of Microbiological Methods. 2022. Vol. 198. https://doi.org/10.1016/j. mimet.2022.106491.
  • Bisko N.A., Lomberg M.L., Mykchaylova O.B., Mytropolska N.Y. Conservation of biotechnological important species diversity and genetic resources of rare and endangered fungi of Ukraine // Plant & Fungal Research. 2018. Vol. 1. Is. 1. P. 18–27 (DOI: 10.29228/plantfungalres.41).
  • Boddy, L., P. Wald, D. Parfi tt, and H. Rogers. Preliminary ecological investigation of the wood-inhabiting tiered tooth Creolophus (= Hericiumcirrhatus, coral tooth Hericium erinaceum, bearded tooth H. coralloides and oak polypore Piptoporus quercinus (= Buglossoporus pulvinus) // English Nature Report 2004. no. 616.
  • Bukhalo A.S. Vysshie s»edobnye bazidiomitsety v chistoi kul’ture. Kiev, 1988. 143 s. (in Russ.).
  • Cardinale B.J., Duffy J.E., Gonzalez A., Hooper D.U., Perrings C., Venail P., Narwani A., Mace G.M., Tilman D., Wardle D.A., Kinzig A.P., Daily G.C., Loreau M., Grace J.B., Larigauderie A., Srivastava D.S., Naeem S. Biodiversity loss and its impact on humanity // Nature. 2012. Vol. 486. P. 59–67.
  • Choi K.-D., Lee K.-T., Shim J.O., Lee Y.-S., Lee, T.-S., Lee S.S., Guo S.-X., Lee M.W. A New Method for Cultivation of Sclerotium of Grifola umbellata // Mycobiology. 2003. Vol. 31. Is. 2. P. 105–112.
  • Colauto N.B., da Eira A.F., Linde G.A. Cryopreservation at −80°C of Agaricus blazei on rice grains // World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2011. Vol. 27. Is. 12. P. 3015–3018 (https://doi.org/10.1007/ s11274-011-0772-9).
  • Crockatt M. Ecology of the rare oak polypore Piptoporus quercinus and the tooth fungi Hericium cirrhatum. H. coralloides, and H. erinaceus in the UK // 2008. ProQuest LLC.
  • Dahlberg A., Genney D.R., Heilmann-Clausen J. Developing a comprehensive strategy for fungal conservation in Europe: current status and future needs // Fungal Ecology. 2010. Vol. 3. P. 50–64.
  • Domashlinets V. List the excluded plant and fungal species from the Red Book of Ukraine (flora) // Order of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and natural resources of Ukraine February 15. 2021. № 111. Ukraine.
  • Homolka L., Lisá L., Eichlerová I., Nerud F. Cryopreservation of basidiomycete strains using perlite // J. Microbiological Methods. 2001. Vol. 47. Is. 3. P. 307–313 (https://doi.org/10.1016/S0167-7012(01)00338-4).
  • Homolka L., Lisa L., Kubátová A., Váňová M., Janderová B., Nerud F. Cryopreservation of filamentous micromycetes and yeasts using perlite // Folia Microbiologica. 2007. Vol. 52, Is. 2. P. 153–157 (https://doi. org/10.1007/BF02932154).
  • Honegger R. The Impact of different long-term storage conditions on the viability of lichen-forming ascomycetes and their green algal photobiont, Trebouxia spp. // Plant Biology. 2003. Vol. 5. Is. 3. P. 324–330.
  • Hwang S.W. Effects of Ultra-Low Temperatures on the Viability of Selected Fungus Strains // Mycologia. 1960. Vol. 52. Is. 3. P. 527–529 (https://doi. org/10.2307/3755974).
  • Hwang S.W. Long-Term Preservation of Fungus Cultures with Liquid Nitrogen Refrigeration // Applied Microbiology. 1966. Vol. 14, Is. 5. P. 784–788 (https://doi. org/10.1128/am.14.5.784-788.1966).
  • Hwang S.W. Investigation of Ultra-Low Temperature for Fungal Cultures. I. An Evaluation of Liquid-Nitrogen Storage for Preservation of Selected Fungal Cultures // Mycologia. 1968. Vol. 60. Is. 3. P. 613–621 (https://doi.org/10.1080/00275514.1968.12018610).
  • Kamzolkina O.V., Bogdanov A.G. Metodicheskoe posobie po mikroskopii v issledovaniyakh gribov i vodoroslei // 2017. M., 115 s. (in Russ.).
  • Kaul T.N. Conservation of mushroom biodiversity // Mushroom biology and biotechnology (Eds. Rai R.D., Singh S.K., Yadav M.C., Tewari R.P.) 2007. Mushroom Society of India, Chambaghat, Solan. P. 115–126 (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/294889868).
  • Komissarov N.S., D’yakov M.Yu., Garibova L.V. Metody dlitel’nogo khraneniya chistykh kul’tur makromitsetov // Mikologiya i fitopatologiya. 2023. T. 57. Vyp. 3. S. 155–171 (DOI: 10.31857/S0026364823030054) (in Russ.).
  • Krasnaya kniga Rossiiskoi Federatsii // 2008. M., . 854 s. (in Russ.).
  • Krasnaya kniga Leningradskoi oblasti // 2018. SPb., 848 s. (in Russ.).
  • Krasnaya kniga prirody Leningradskoi oblasti // 2000. T. 2. SPb., 672 s. (in Russ.).
  • Larson D.W. Patterns of lichen photosynthesis and respiration following prolonged frozen storage // Canad. J. Bot. 1978. Vol. 17. P. 2119–2123.
  • Lee S.B., Milgroom M.G., Taylor J.W. A rapid, high yield mini-prep method for isolation of total genomic DNA from fungi // Fungal Genetics Reports. 1988. Vol. 35. Is. 11. P. 23–24.
  • Li Y., Wang Q. The development of the Fungal Resources Conservation System «One District, One Herbarium and Five Banks» and its application on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau // Аграрная наука Евро-Северо-Востока. 2019. Т. 20, вып. 1. С. 29–35 (DOI: 10.30766/20729081.2019.20.1.29-35).
  • Minprirody RF. Ob utverzhdenii Perechnya ob’ektov rastitel’nogo mira, zanesennykh v Krasnuyu knigu Rossiiskoi Federatsii // Prikaz № 320 ot 23.05.2023. Registratsionnyi № 74362 ot 21.07.2023. (in Russ.).
  • Pasailiuk M.V., Sukhomlyn M.M., Gryganskyi A.P., Fontana N.M. World biota conservation vs fungal conservation practice // Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology. 2022. Vol. 12. Is. 1. P. 268–284 (DOI 10.5943/cream/12/1/17).
  • Pasaylyuk M., Petrichuk Y., Tsvyd N., Sukhomlyn M. The aspects of reproduction of Clathrus archeri (Berk.) Dring by re-situ method in the National Nature Park Hutsulshchyna // Forest Research Papers. 2018. Vol. 79. Is. 3. P. 281–287 (DOI: 10.2478/frp2018-0028).
  • Piętka J., Grzywacz A. In situ inoculation of larch with the threatened wood-decay fungus Fomitopsis officinalis (Basidiomycota) – experimental studies // Polish Botanical Journal. 2005. Vol. 50. Is. 2. P. 225–231.
  • Psurtseva N.V., Kiyashko A.A., Gachkova E.Y., Belova N.V. Basidiomycetes Culture Collection LE (BIN): Catalogue of Strains. M., 2007. 116 p.
  • Shirokikh A.A., Shirokikh I.G. K voprosu ob okhrane gribov // Agrarnaya nauka Evro-Severo-Vostoka. 2021. T. 22. Vyp. 5. S. 641–660 (https:// doi.org/10.30766/2072-9081.2021.22.5.641-660) (in Russ.).
  • Tukey J.W. Comparing individual means in the analysis of variance // Biometrics. 1949. Vol. 5. Is. 2. P. 99–114.