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2021. T. 126. Vyp. 3.

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Kupriyanova L.A., Safronova L.D., Sychyova V.B., Chekunova A.I., Osipov F.A.

Ключевые слова:


viviparous lizard Zootoca vivipara, sex chromosomes, early oogenesis, oocytes, prophase 1 meiosis, SC karyotype, lampbrush chromosomes.

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Kupriyanova L.A., Safronova L.D., Sychyova V.B., Chekunova A.I., Osipov F.A. , Study of Oocytes in the Early Oogenesis of the Viviparous Lizard (Zootoca vivipara) in Prophase of the 1st Meiosis // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 2021. T. 126. Vyp. 3. S. 3-11

Study of Oocytes in the Early Oogenesis of the Viviparous Lizard (Zootoca vivipara) in Prophase of the 1st Meiosis

In females of Russian form of Zootoca vivipara (Lichtenstein, 1823) (family Lacertidae) (♀ 2 n = 35, Z1Z2W sex chromosomes) the development of early oogenesis and early meiosis were analyzed. The method of Dresser and Moses was used for preparing of spreading oocytes. On the preparations fluorescent analysis with a help of incubation with primary and secondary antibodies (SYPC3) (the protein of synaptonemal complexes [SC] of central elements) and fluorochrome AT DAPI staining was performed. It was shown that during the oogenesis of the female the primary follicles enter the early stages of prophase 1 meiosis. Some immuno-cytochemical characteristics of early oocytes at the early stages of prophase 1 were observed. At the stages of late zygotene-middle pachytene SC were visualized as thin friable threads and rare formed a so-called “bunch” . At the stages of middle pachytene-early diplotene the lampbrush chromosomes were formed. On the basis of light microscopic analysis and taking into account the length of SC elements staining by silver nitrate solution SC karyotype, consisting 19 elements (n =19), was presented. Some specific features in the morphology and the structure of SC elements and in the stability in their number (n =19) were observed. This stability in the forming of haploid number (n = 19) of SC elements during the meiosis of diploid female with 2 n = 35, where Z1Z2W sex chromosome, confirms a specific meiotic behavior of these sex chromosomes. These tree sex chromosomes do not form complex units, trivalent etc. remaining perhaps by 3 univalents. Thus the results obtained for an early oogenesis and meiosis of Z. vivipara demonstrate  the similarity of   immuno-cytochemical structures as well as  the stability of haploid number of SC elements (n = 19) and of mechanisms of meiosis, what maintain the  multiply sex chromosomes and genetic system of the species as a whole.


  • Куприянова Л.А. Цитогенетические подходы к проблеме формо- и подвидообразования в комплексе Lacerta (Zootoca) vivipara (Lacertidae, Sauria) // Цитология. 2004. Т.46. № 7. С. 649–658 [Kupriyanova L.A. Tsitogeneticheskie podkhody k probleme formo- i podvidoobrazovaniya v komplekse Lacerta (Zootoca) vivipara (Lacertidae, Sauria) // Tsitologiya. 2004. T.46. № 7 S. 649–658].
  • Куприянова Л.А., Руди Е. Сравнительно-кариологический анализ популяций живородящей ящерицы (Lacerta vivipara, Lacertidae, Sauria) // Зоол. журн. 1990. Т. 69. Вып. 6. С. 93–101 [Kupriyanova L.A., Rudi E. Sravnitel’no-kariologicheskij analiz populyatsij zhivorodyashchej yashcheritsy (Lacerta vivipara, Lacertidae, Sauria) // Zool. zhurn. 1990. T. 69. Vyp. 6. S. 93–101].
  • Куприянова Л.А. Итоги и перспективы хромосомных и молекулярных исследований у  модельного евразийского вида живородящая ящерица (внутривидовая структура, биоразнообразие, распространение и охрана) // Мат-лы Юбилейной отчетной научной сессии ЗИН РАН. СПб., 2017. 238 с. С. 108–111 [Kupriyanova L.A. Itogi i perspektivy khromosomnykh i molekulyarnykh issledovanij u  model’nogo evraziiskogo vida zhivorodyashchaya yashcheritsa (vnutrividovaya struktura, bioraznoobrazie, rasprostranenie i okhrana) // Mat-ly Yubilejnoj otchetnoji nauchnoi sessii ZIN RAN. SPb., 2017. 238 s. S. 108–111].
  • Куприянова Л.А., Сафронова Л.Д., Чекунова А.И. Мейотические хромосомы, синаптонемные комплексы (СК) самки живородящей ящерицы (Zootoca vivipara) в профазе 1 мейоза // Генетика. 2019. Т. 55 С. 728–733 (DOI: 10.1134/S0016675819060080) [Kupriyanova L.A, Safronova L.D., Chekunova A.I. Mejoticheskie khromosomy, sinaptonemnye kompleksy (SK) samki zhivorodyashchej yashcheritsy (Zootoca vivipara) v profaze 1 mejoza // Genetika. 2019. T. 55. S. 728–733 (DOI: 10.1134/S0016675819060080)].
  • Куприянова  Л.А., Сафронова Л.Д. Итоги и перспективы цито- и генетического изучения «криптической» группы из семейства Lacertidae // Тр. Зоол. ин-та РАН. 2020. Т. 324. № 1. С. 100–107 [Kupriyanova L.A, Safronova L.D. Itogi i perspektivy tsito- i geneticheskogo izucheniya «kripticheskoj» gruppy iz semejstva Lacertidae // Tr. Zool. in-ta RAN. 2020. T. 324, № 1. S. 100–107].
  • Сафронова Л.Д., Куприянова Л.А. Метафазные и мейотические хромосомы, синаптонемные комплексы (СК) живородящей ящерицы Zootoca vivipara // Генетика. 2016. Т. 52. № 11. C. 1–7 [Mejoticheskie  khromosomy, sinaptonemnye kompleksy (SK) samki zhivorodyashchej yashcheritsy (Zootoca vivipara) v profaze 1 mejoza // Genetika.Kupriyanova L.A. Metafaznye i mejoticheskie khromosomy, sinaptonemnye kompleksy (SK) zhivorodyashchej yashcheritsy Zootoca vivipara // Genetika. 2016. T. 52. № 11. S. 1–7].
  • Сафронова Л.Д., Крысанов Е.Ю. Синаптонемный комплекс двух видов рыб рода Nothobranchius) (CYPRINODONTIDAE) // Генетика. 2015. Т. 51. № 10. С. 1203–1206 [Safronova L.D., Krysanov E.Yu. Sinaptonemnyj kompleks dvukh vidov ryb roda Nothobranchius) (Cyprinodontidae) // Genetika. 2015. T. 51. № 10. S. 1203–1206].
  • Стегний В.Н. Генетика сальтационного видообразования и системные мутации. Томск, 2019. 264 с. [Stegnii V.N. Genetika sal’tatsionnogo vidoobrazovaniya i sistemnye mutatsii. Tomsk, 2019. 264 s.].
  • Чмилевский Д,А. Оогенез рыб в норме и при экстремальных воздействиях. СПб., 2017. 155 с. [Chmilevskij D.A. Oogenez ryb v norme i pri ekstremal’nykh vozdejstviyakh. SPb., 2017. 155 s.].
  • Aracely A. Newton.1, Robert R. Schnittker., Zulin Yu, Sarah S. Munday., Diana P.Baumann, William B. Neaves, P. Baumann. Widespread failure to complete mejosis does not impair fecundity in parthenogenetic whiptail lizards // Development. 2016. Vol. 143. P.  4486–4494.
  • Arrayago MJ., Bea A., Heulin B. Hybridization experiment between oviparous and viviparous strains of Lacerta vivipara:a new insight into the evolution of viviparity in Reptiles and other vertebrates // Herpetologica.1996. Vol. 52 P. 333–342.
  • Capriglione T., Olmo E., Odierna G., Kupriyanova L. Mechanisms of differentiation in the sex chromosomes of some Lacertidae // Amphibia-Reptilia. 1994. Vol. 15. P. 1–8.
  • Dresser M., Moses M. Synaptonemal complex karyotyping in spermatocytes of the Chinese hamster (Cricetulus gricus). IY. Light and electron microscopy of synapsis and nucleolar development by silver staining // Chromosoma. 1980. Vol. 76. P. 1–22.
  • Goux J.-M., Pasteur G. A sex-linked enzyme in a reptile – association with a recent centric fusion in the common lizard // Genet. Res. Camb.1986. Vol.48. P. 21–25.
  • Grishaeva T.M., Bogdanov Y.F. Conservation and variability of synaptonemal complex proteins in phylogenesis of Eukaryotes // Int. J. Evol. Biol. 2014.  Article ID 856230, 16 pages (DOI:10.1155/2014/856230).
  • Fraune J., Alsheimer M., Volff J.-N. et al. Hydra mejosis reveals unexpected conservation of structural synaptonemal complex proteins across metazoans // Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 2012. Vol. 109. N 41. P. 16588–16593.
  • Heulin B., Arrayago M.J., Bea A.. Expérience d’hybridation entre les souches ovipare et vivipare du lézard Lacerta vivipara // C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris. 1989.Vol. 308. Ser. 111.  P. 341–346.
  • Heulin B., Arrayago MJ., Bea A., Brana F. Caractéristiques de la coquille des oeufs chez la souche hybride (ovipare x vivipara) du lizard Lacerta vivipara // Canad. Jour. оf Zool. 1992. Vol. 70. N 1. P. 2242–2246.
  • Heulin B., Surget-Groba Y., Guiller A., Guillaume C., Deunff J. 1999. Comparisons of mitochondrial DNA (mt DNA) sequences (16S rRNA gene) between oviparous and viviparous strains of Lacerta vivipara: a preliminary study // Molecular Ecology. 1999. Vol. 8.                   P. 1627–1631.
  • Horreo J., Peláez M., Suárez T., Fitze P. 2018. Development and characterization of 79 nuclear markers amplifying in viviparous and oviparous clades of the European common lizard // Genetica. 2018. Vol. 146. P. 115–121.
  • Hotta Y., Ito H., Stern H. Synthesis of DNA during mejosis // Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. 1966.  Vol. 66. P. 1184–1191.
  • Mayer W., Böhme W., Tiedemann F., Bischoff W. 2000. On oviparous populations of Zootoca vivipara (Jaqouin, 1787) in south-eastern Central Europe and their phylogenetic relationship to neighbouring viviparous and South-west European oviparous populations // Herpetozoa, 2000. Vol. 13. N ½. P. 59–69.
  • Kupriyanova L., Böhme W. New data on the distribution of different forms of Zootoca vivipara in eastern and western Europe: chromosomal analysis // Herpetologia Bonnensis, 1997. Vol. 13. P. 199–205.
  • Kupriyanova L., Böhme W. A review of the cryptic diversity of the viviparous lizard, Zootoca vivipara (Lichtenstein, 1823) (Squamata: Lacertidae) in Central Europe and its postglacial re-colonization out of the Carpathian basin: chromosomal and molecular data / The book: Europe: Environmental, Political and Social Issues. Elias A. Thygesen (Editor). Nova Science  Publisher, NY, USA. 2020. Ch. 2. P. 25– 43.
  • Kupriyanova L., Odierna G., Caproglione T., Olmo E., Aprea G. Chromosomal changes and form-formation, subspeciation in the wideranged Europasian species Zootoca vivipara (evolution, biogeography) // Herpetologia Petropolitana / N. Ananjeva, O. Tsinenko (eds). SPb., 2005. P. 47–52.
  • Kupriyanova L., Mayer W., Böhme W. Karyoptype diversity of the Eurasian species Zootoca vivipara (Jacquin, 1787) from Central Europe and the evolution of viviparity / M. Vences, Kűhler J., Ziegler T., Böhme W. (eds). Herpetologia Bonnensis 11, Koenig Museum, Bonn and SHE. Bonn, 2006. P. 67–72.
  • Kupiyanova L., Niskanen M., and Oksanen T. Karyotype dispersal of the common lizard Zootoca vivipara (Lichtenstein, 1823) in eastern and northeastern Fennoscandia // Mem. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn. 2014.Vol.  90. P. 83–90.
  • Odierna G., Aprea G., Capriglione T., Arribas O., Kupriyanova L., Olmo. Progressive differentiation of the W sex chromosome between oviparous and viviparous populations of Zootoca vivipara (Reptilia, Lacertidae) // Ital. J. Zool. 1998. Vol. 65. P. 295–302.
  • Odierna G., Aprea G., Capriglione T., Puky O. Chromosomal evidence for the double origin of viviparity in the European common lizards Lacerta (Zootoca) vivipara // Herpetol. J. 2004. Vol. 14. P. 157–160.
  • Puky  M., Adam H., Surget-Groba Y., Heulin B., Odierna G. Fajvedelmi programok letjogosultsaga es feladatai Magyarorszagon: a Elevenszulo gyik (Zootoca vivipara Mayer & Bischoff, 1996) Vizsgalatanakeredmenyei – estanulsagai. Termeszetvedelmi // Kozlemenyek. 2004.Vol. 11. P. 411–418.
  • Recknagel H., Kamenos N., Elmer K. R. Common lizards break Dollo’s law of irreversibility: Genome-wide phylogenomics support a single origin of viviparity and revolution of oviparity // Molecular phylogenetics and evolution. 2018. Vol. 127. P. 579–588 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2018.05.029).
  • Salvidio S., Pasteur G., Heulin B., Böhme W., Kupriyanova L., Guillaume C. Natural selection and geographical variation in a known sex-linked gene of Common lizard in Europe. Implications for chromosomal evolution // Heredity. 1990. Vol. 64. P. 131–138.
  • Stern H., Hotta Y. Biochemical control of mejosis. // Ann. Rev. Genet. 1973. Vol. 7. P. 3766.
  • Surget-Groba Y., Heulin B., Guillaume C.-P., Thorpe R., Kupriyanova L.Vogrin N., Maslak R., Venczel M., Ghira J., Odierna G., Leontyeva O., Monney J., Smith N. Intraspecific phylogeography of Lacerta vivipara and the evolution of viviparity // Mol. Phylogen. Evol. 2001. Vol. 18. P. 449–459.
  • Surget-Groba Y., Heulin B., Guillaume C.-P.,Puky M., Semenov D., Orlova V., Kupriyanova L., Chira L. and Smajda B. Multiple origin of viviparity, or reversal from viviparity to oviparity and the evolution of viviparity // Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 2006. Vol. 87. P. 1–11.
  • Velekei B., Lakatos F., Biro P., Acs E., Puky M. The genetic structure of Zootoca vivipara (Lichtenstein, 1823) populations did not support the existence of a north-south corridor of the VB haplogroup in eastern Hungary // N.-W. J. Zool. 2014. Vol. 10. N P. 187–189.
  • Petraccioli A., Guarino F., Kupriyanova L. et al. Isolation and characterization of interspersed repeated sequences in the European common lizard, Zootoca vivipara, and their conservation in Squamata // Cytogenetic and Genome Research. 2019. Vol. 157. N., P. 65 –76 (DOI: 10.1159/000497304).

Список литературы

  • Куприянова Л.А. Цитогенетические подходы к проблеме формо- и подвидообразования в комплексе Lacerta (Zootoca) vivipara (Lacertidae, Sauria) // Цитология. 2004. Т.46. № 7. С. 649–658 [Kupriyanova L.A. Tsitogeneticheskie podkhody k probleme formo- i podvidoobrazovaniya v komplekse Lacerta (Zootoca) vivipara (Lacertidae, Sauria) // Tsitologiya. 2004. T.46. № 7 S. 649–658].
  • Куприянова Л.А., Руди Е. Сравнительно-кариологический анализ популяций живородящей ящерицы (Lacerta vivipara, Lacertidae, Sauria) // Зоол. журн. 1990. Т. 69. Вып. 6. С. 93–101 [Kupriyanova L.A., Rudi E. Sravnitel’no-kariologicheskij analiz populyatsij zhivorodyashchej yashcheritsy (Lacerta vivipara, Lacertidae, Sauria) // Zool. zhurn. 1990. T. 69. Vyp. 6. S. 93–101].
  • Куприянова Л.А. Итоги и перспективы хромосомных и молекулярных исследований у  модельного евразийского вида живородящая ящерица (внутривидовая структура, биоразнообразие, распространение и охрана) // Мат-лы Юбилейной отчетной научной сессии ЗИН РАН. СПб., 2017. 238 с. С. 108–111 [Kupriyanova L.A. Itogi i perspektivy khromosomnykh i molekulyarnykh issledovanij u  model’nogo evraziiskogo vida zhivorodyashchaya yashcheritsa (vnutrividovaya struktura, bioraznoobrazie, rasprostranenie i okhrana) // Mat-ly Yubilejnoj otchetnoji nauchnoi sessii ZIN RAN. SPb., 2017. 238 s. S. 108–111].
  • Куприянова Л.А., Сафронова Л.Д., Чекунова А.И. Мейотические хромосомы, синаптонемные комплексы (СК) самки живородящей ящерицы (Zootoca vivipara) в профазе 1 мейоза // Генетика. 2019. Т. 55 С. 728–733 (DOI: 10.1134/S0016675819060080) [Kupriyanova L.A, Safronova L.D., Chekunova A.I. Mejoticheskie khromosomy, sinaptonemnye kompleksy (SK) samki zhivorodyashchej yashcheritsy (Zootoca vivipara) v profaze 1 mejoza // Genetika. 2019. T. 55. S. 728–733 (DOI: 10.1134/S0016675819060080)].
  • Куприянова  Л.А., Сафронова Л.Д. Итоги и перспективы цито- и генетического изучения «криптической» группы из семейства Lacertidae // Тр. Зоол. ин-та РАН. 2020. Т. 324. № 1. С. 100–107 [Kupriyanova L.A, Safronova L.D. Itogi i perspektivy tsito- i geneticheskogo izucheniya «kripticheskoj» gruppy iz semejstva Lacertidae // Tr. Zool. in-ta RAN. 2020. T. 324, № 1. S. 100–107].
  • Сафронова Л.Д., Куприянова Л.А. Метафазные и мейотические хромосомы, синаптонемные комплексы (СК) живородящей ящерицы Zootoca vivipara // Генетика. 2016. Т. 52. № 11. C. 1–7 [Mejoticheskie  khromosomy, sinaptonemnye kompleksy (SK) samki zhivorodyashchej yashcheritsy (Zootoca vivipara) v profaze 1 mejoza // Genetika.Kupriyanova L.A. Metafaznye i mejoticheskie khromosomy, sinaptonemnye kompleksy (SK) zhivorodyashchej yashcheritsy Zootoca vivipara // Genetika. 2016. T. 52. № 11. S. 1–7].
  • Сафронова Л.Д., Крысанов Е.Ю. Синаптонемный комплекс двух видов рыб рода Nothobranchius) (CYPRINODONTIDAE) // Генетика. 2015. Т. 51. № 10. С. 1203–1206 [Safronova L.D., Krysanov E.Yu. Sinaptonemnyj kompleks dvukh vidov ryb roda Nothobranchius) (Cyprinodontidae) // Genetika. 2015. T. 51. № 10. S. 1203–1206].
  • Стегний В.Н. Генетика сальтационного видообразования и системные мутации. Томск, 2019. 264 с. [Stegnii V.N. Genetika sal’tatsionnogo vidoobrazovaniya i sistemnye mutatsii. Tomsk, 2019. 264 s.].
  • Чмилевский Д,А. Оогенез рыб в норме и при экстремальных воздействиях. СПб., 2017. 155 с. [Chmilevskij D.A. Oogenez ryb v norme i pri ekstremal’nykh vozdejstviyakh. SPb., 2017. 155 s.].
  • Aracely A. Newton.1, Robert R. Schnittker., Zulin Yu, Sarah S. Munday., Diana P.Baumann, William B. Neaves, P. Baumann. Widespread failure to complete mejosis does not impair fecundity in parthenogenetic whiptail lizards // Development. 2016. Vol. 143. P.  4486–4494.
  • Arrayago MJ., Bea A., Heulin B. Hybridization experiment between oviparous and viviparous strains of Lacerta vivipara:a new insight into the evolution of viviparity in Reptiles and other vertebrates // Herpetologica.1996. Vol. 52 P. 333–342.
  • Capriglione T., Olmo E., Odierna G., Kupriyanova L. Mechanisms of differentiation in the sex chromosomes of some Lacertidae // Amphibia-Reptilia. 1994. Vol. 15. P. 1–8.
  • Dresser M., Moses M. Synaptonemal complex karyotyping in spermatocytes of the Chinese hamster (Cricetulus gricus). IY. Light and electron microscopy of synapsis and nucleolar development by silver staining // Chromosoma. 1980. Vol. 76. P. 1–22.
  • Goux J.-M., Pasteur G. A sex-linked enzyme in a reptile – association with a recent centric fusion in the common lizard // Genet. Res. Camb.1986. Vol.48. P. 21–25.
  • Grishaeva T.M., Bogdanov Y.F. Conservation and variability of synaptonemal complex proteins in phylogenesis of Eukaryotes // Int. J. Evol. Biol. 2014.  Article ID 856230, 16 pages (DOI:10.1155/2014/856230).
  • Fraune J., Alsheimer M., Volff J.-N. et al. Hydra mejosis reveals unexpected conservation of structural synaptonemal complex proteins across metazoans // Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 2012. Vol. 109. N 41. P. 16588–16593.
  • Heulin B., Arrayago M.J., Bea A.. Expérience d’hybridation entre les souches ovipare et vivipare du lézard Lacerta vivipara // C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris. 1989.Vol. 308. Ser. 111.  P. 341–346.
  • Heulin B., Arrayago MJ., Bea A., Brana F. Caractéristiques de la coquille des oeufs chez la souche hybride (ovipare x vivipara) du lizard Lacerta vivipara // Canad. Jour. оf Zool. 1992. Vol. 70. N 1. P. 2242–2246.
  • Heulin B., Surget-Groba Y., Guiller A., Guillaume C., Deunff J. 1999. Comparisons of mitochondrial DNA (mt DNA) sequences (16S rRNA gene) between oviparous and viviparous strains of Lacerta vivipara: a preliminary study // Molecular Ecology. 1999. Vol. 8.                   P. 1627–1631.
  • Horreo J., Peláez M., Suárez T., Fitze P. 2018. Development and characterization of 79 nuclear markers amplifying in viviparous and oviparous clades of the European common lizard // Genetica. 2018. Vol. 146. P. 115–121.
  • Hotta Y., Ito H., Stern H. Synthesis of DNA during mejosis // Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. 1966.  Vol. 66. P. 1184–1191.
  • Mayer W., Böhme W., Tiedemann F., Bischoff W. 2000. On oviparous populations of Zootoca vivipara (Jaqouin, 1787) in south-eastern Central Europe and their phylogenetic relationship to neighbouring viviparous and South-west European oviparous populations // Herpetozoa, 2000. Vol. 13. N ½. P. 59–69.
  • Kupriyanova L., Böhme W. New data on the distribution of different forms of Zootoca vivipara in eastern and western Europe: chromosomal analysis // Herpetologia Bonnensis, 1997. Vol. 13. P. 199–205.
  • Kupriyanova L., Böhme W. A review of the cryptic diversity of the viviparous lizard, Zootoca vivipara (Lichtenstein, 1823) (Squamata: Lacertidae) in Central Europe and its postglacial re-colonization out of the Carpathian basin: chromosomal and molecular data / The book: Europe: Environmental, Political and Social Issues. Elias A. Thygesen (Editor). Nova Science  Publisher, NY, USA. 2020. Ch. 2. P. 25– 43.
  • Kupriyanova L., Odierna G., Caproglione T., Olmo E., Aprea G. Chromosomal changes and form-formation, subspeciation in the wideranged Europasian species Zootoca vivipara (evolution, biogeography) // Herpetologia Petropolitana / N. Ananjeva, O. Tsinenko (eds). SPb., 2005. P. 47–52.
  • Kupriyanova L., Mayer W., Böhme W. Karyoptype diversity of the Eurasian species Zootoca vivipara (Jacquin, 1787) from Central Europe and the evolution of viviparity / M. Vences, Kűhler J., Ziegler T., Böhme W. (eds). Herpetologia Bonnensis 11, Koenig Museum, Bonn and SHE. Bonn, 2006. P. 67–72.
  • Kupiyanova L., Niskanen M., and Oksanen T. Karyotype dispersal of the common lizard Zootoca vivipara (Lichtenstein, 1823) in eastern and northeastern Fennoscandia // Mem. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn. 2014.Vol.  90. P. 83–90.
  • Odierna G., Aprea G., Capriglione T., Arribas O., Kupriyanova L., Olmo. Progressive differentiation of the W sex chromosome between oviparous and viviparous populations of Zootoca vivipara (Reptilia, Lacertidae) // Ital. J. Zool. 1998. Vol. 65. P. 295–302.
  • Odierna G., Aprea G., Capriglione T., Puky O. Chromosomal evidence for the double origin of viviparity in the European common lizards Lacerta (Zootoca) vivipara // Herpetol. J. 2004. Vol. 14. P. 157–160.
  • Puky  M., Adam H., Surget-Groba Y., Heulin B., Odierna G. Fajvedelmi programok letjogosultsaga es feladatai Magyarorszagon: a Elevenszulo gyik (Zootoca vivipara Mayer & Bischoff, 1996) Vizsgalatanakeredmenyei – estanulsagai. Termeszetvedelmi // Kozlemenyek. 2004.Vol. 11. P. 411–418.
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