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2013. T. 118. Vyp. 4.

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Poltarukha O.P.

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Barnacles, bathyal, Philippine Sea

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Poltarukha O.P., The barnacles (Cirripedia, Thoracica), collected in the Philippine Sea during 13th voyage of R/V «Akademic Oparin» // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 2013. T. 118. Vyp. 4. S. 37-42

The barnacles (Cirripedia, Thoracica), collected in the Philippine Sea during 13th voyage of R/V «Akademic Oparin»

Earlier undefined barnacles (Cirripedia, Thoracica) taken in the north part of the Philippine Sea at depth of 400–800 m during 13 voyage of R/V “Akademic Oparin”, are investigated. In 3 studied samples the following species were found: Megalasma caudata, Glyptelasma hamatum, Chionelasmus darwini. The individuals of the species studied were described, illustrated and compared to those from the publications. The data obtained extend the previously known areas of distribution of some species, supplement data on their morphology.


  • Зевина Г.Б. Усоногие раки подотряда Lepadomorpha Мирового океана. Ч. II. Л., 1982. 223 с.
  • Зевина Г.Б. Усоногие раки вершин гайтов хребтов Наска и Сала-и-Гомес // Тр. Института океанологии. 1990. Т. 124. С. 174–186.
  • Calman W.T. On barnacles of the genus Megalasma from deepsea telegraph-cables // Annals and Magazine of Natural Histoire, London. 1919. Ser. 9. Vol. 24. P. 361–374.
  • Chan B.K.K. Shallow water and deep-sea barnacles (Crustacea: Cirripedia: Thoracica) collected during the Philippine Pangalo 2005 Expedition, with description of two new species // The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. 2009. Suppl. 20. P. 47–82.
  • Chan B.K.K., Prabowo R.E., Lee K.-S. Crustacean fauna of Taiwan: barnacles, volume I – Cirripedia: Thoracica excluding the Pyrgomatidae and Acastinae. Taiwan. 2009. 298 p.
  • Foster B.A. The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Barnacles (Cirripedia: Thoracica) // New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoirs. 1978. Vol. 69. 160 p.
  • Hiro F. Notes on some new cirripedia from Japan // Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. 1931. Ser. B. Vol. 7. N 3. P. 143–158.
  • Hiro F. Report of the Japanese species of the genus Calantica (Cirripedia) // Annotation of Zoology. Japan. 1932a. Vol. 13. N 5. P. 467–486.
  • Hiro F. Report of the biological survey of Mutsu bay. 25, Cirripedia // Scientific Report of the Tôhoku Imperial University. Fourth series (Biology). 1932b. Vol. 7. N 4. P. 545–552.
  • Hiro F. Cirripeds of the Palao Islands // Palao Tropical Biological Station Studies. 1937. V. 1. P. 37–72.
  • Hiro F. Studies on the Cirripedian Fauna of Japan. IV. Cirripeds of Formosa (Taiwan) with Some Geographical and Ecological Remarks on the Littoral Forms // Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. 1939. Ser. B. Vol. 15. N 2. P. 245–284.
  • Hoek P.P.C. Report on the Cirripedia collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873–76 // Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873–76. Zoology. 1883. Part 25. Vol. 8. 169 p.
  • Jones D.S. Crustacea Cirripedia Thoracica: Chionelasmatoidea and Pachylasmatoidea (Balanomorpha) of New Caledonia, Vanuatu and Wallis and Futuna Islands, with a review of all currently assigned taxa // Resultats des Campagnes Musorstom. Vol. 21. Memoire du Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle. 2000. Vol. 184. P. 141–283.
  • Jones D.S., Hewitt M.A., Sampley A. A checklist of the Cirripedia of the South China Sea // The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. 2000. Vol. 8. P. 233–309.
  • Newman W.A. Sous-Classes des Cirripedes (Cirripedia Burmeister, 1834) Superordres des Thoraciques et des Acrothoraciques (Thoracica Darwin, 1954 – Acrothoracica Gruvel, 1905 // Traité de Zoologie, Anatomie, Systématique, Biologie. 1996. Vol. 7. Crustacé, Fasc. 2 Généralité (suite) et Systematique Paris. P. 453–540.
  • Pilsbry H.A. Hawaiian Cirripedia // Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Washington. 1907. Vol. 26. P. 181–190.
  • Rosell N.C. Crustacea: Cirripedia // Résultats des campagnes Musorstom I Philippines (18-28 mars 1976) Expéditions de lʼOffice de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outre-Mer avec le concours du Muséum National dʼHistoire Naturelle Collection Mémoirs ORSTOM. 1981. Vol. 91. P. 277–307.
  • Rosell N.C. Thoracic Cirripeds from the Musorstom 2 Expedition // Résultats des Campagnes Musorstom. Vol. 5(1) // Mémoirs Muséum National dʼHistoire Naturelle. Paris. 1989. Vol. 144. Ser. A. P. 9–35.
  • Rosell N.C. Crustacea Cirripedia Thoracica: Musorstom 3 Philippines collection. Résultats des Campagnes Musorstom, V. 9 // Mémoirs Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle. Paris. 1991. Vol. 152. Ser. A. P. 9–61.
  • Utinomi H. Further notes on Cirripeds from the Ogasawara Islands // Pacific Science. 1949a. Vol. 3. N 1. P. 93–99.
  • Utinomi H. Studies on the cirripedian fauna of Japan. VI. Cirripeds from Kyusyu and Ryukyu Islands // Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory. 1949b. Vol. 1. N 2. P. 19–37.
  • Young P.S. Deep-sea Cirripedia Thoracica (Crustacea) from the northestern Atlantic collected by French expeditions // Zoosystema. 2001. Vol. 23. N 4. P. 705–756.

Список литературы

  • Зевина Г.Б. Усоногие раки подотряда Lepadomorpha Мирового океана. Ч. II. Л., 1982. 223 с.
  • Зевина Г.Б. Усоногие раки вершин гайтов хребтов Наска и Сала-и-Гомес // Тр. Института океанологии. 1990. Т. 124. С. 174–186.
  • Calman W.T. On barnacles of the genus Megalasma from deepsea telegraph-cables // Annals and Magazine of Natural Histoire, London. 1919. Ser. 9. Vol. 24. P. 361–374.
  • Chan B.K.K. Shallow water and deep-sea barnacles (Crustacea: Cirripedia: Thoracica) collected during the Philippine Pangalo 2005 Expedition, with description of two new species // The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. 2009. Suppl. 20. P. 47–82.
  • Chan B.K.K., Prabowo R.E., Lee K.-S. Crustacean fauna of Taiwan: barnacles, volume I – Cirripedia: Thoracica excluding the Pyrgomatidae and Acastinae. Taiwan. 2009. 298 p.
  • Foster B.A. The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Barnacles (Cirripedia: Thoracica) // New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoirs. 1978. Vol. 69. 160 p.
  • Hiro F. Notes on some new cirripedia from Japan // Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. 1931. Ser. B. Vol. 7. N 3. P. 143–158.
  • Hiro F. Report of the Japanese species of the genus Calantica (Cirripedia) // Annotation of Zoology. Japan. 1932a. Vol. 13. N 5. P. 467–486.
  • Hiro F. Report of the biological survey of Mutsu bay. 25, Cirripedia // Scientific Report of the Tôhoku Imperial University. Fourth series (Biology). 1932b. Vol. 7. N 4. P. 545–552.
  • Hiro F. Cirripeds of the Palao Islands // Palao Tropical Biological Station Studies. 1937. V. 1. P. 37–72.
  • Hiro F. Studies on the Cirripedian Fauna of Japan. IV. Cirripeds of Formosa (Taiwan) with Some Geographical and Ecological Remarks on the Littoral Forms // Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. 1939. Ser. B. Vol. 15. N 2. P. 245–284.
  • Hoek P.P.C. Report on the Cirripedia collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873–76 // Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873–76. Zoology. 1883. Part 25. Vol. 8. 169 p.
  • Jones D.S. Crustacea Cirripedia Thoracica: Chionelasmatoidea and Pachylasmatoidea (Balanomorpha) of New Caledonia, Vanuatu and Wallis and Futuna Islands, with a review of all currently assigned taxa // Resultats des Campagnes Musorstom. Vol. 21. Memoire du Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle. 2000. Vol. 184. P. 141–283.
  • Jones D.S., Hewitt M.A., Sampley A. A checklist of the Cirripedia of the South China Sea // The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. 2000. Vol. 8. P. 233–309.
  • Newman W.A. Sous-Classes des Cirripedes (Cirripedia Burmeister, 1834) Superordres des Thoraciques et des Acrothoraciques (Thoracica Darwin, 1954 – Acrothoracica Gruvel, 1905 // Traité de Zoologie, Anatomie, Systématique, Biologie. 1996. Vol. 7. Crustacé, Fasc. 2 Généralité (suite) et Systematique Paris. P. 453–540.
  • Pilsbry H.A. Hawaiian Cirripedia // Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Washington. 1907. Vol. 26. P. 181–190.
  • Rosell N.C. Crustacea: Cirripedia // Résultats des campagnes Musorstom I Philippines (18-28 mars 1976) Expéditions de lʼOffice de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outre-Mer avec le concours du Muséum National dʼHistoire Naturelle Collection Mémoirs ORSTOM. 1981. Vol. 91. P. 277–307.
  • Rosell N.C. Thoracic Cirripeds from the Musorstom 2 Expedition // Résultats des Campagnes Musorstom. Vol. 5(1) // Mémoirs Muséum National dʼHistoire Naturelle. Paris. 1989. Vol. 144. Ser. A. P. 9–35.
  • Rosell N.C. Crustacea Cirripedia Thoracica: Musorstom 3 Philippines collection. Résultats des Campagnes Musorstom, V. 9 // Mémoirs Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle. Paris. 1991. Vol. 152. Ser. A. P. 9–61.
  • Utinomi H. Further notes on Cirripeds from the Ogasawara Islands // Pacific Science. 1949a. Vol. 3. N 1. P. 93–99.
  • Utinomi H. Studies on the cirripedian fauna of Japan. VI. Cirripeds from Kyusyu and Ryukyu Islands // Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory. 1949b. Vol. 1. N 2. P. 19–37.
  • Young P.S. Deep-sea Cirripedia Thoracica (Crustacea) from the northestern Atlantic collected by French expeditions // Zoosystema. 2001. Vol. 23. N 4. P. 705–756.