The stomatal density may characterize the contribution of stem photosynthesis to the biomass production, and the orientation of stem stomata can be of diagnostic importance in some taxa, however there is lack of information on the density and the orientation of stomata in the epidermis of stems. The aim of the present study was to analyze the differences in density and orientation of stomata in the epidermis of stems in some common species from different ecological groups of the Lower Volga region: Salicornia prostrata Pall., Chenopodiaceae Vent., Calligonum aphyllum (Pall.) Guerke, Atraphaxis replicata Lam., Fallopia convolvulus (L.) A. Love, Polygonaceae Juss., Convolvulus arvensis L., Convolvulaceae Horan., Linaria biebersteinii Besser, Plantaginaceae Juss., Dodartia orientalis L., Mazaceae Reveal. The differences in the stomatal density of the stem epidermis are obviously caused by the presence of leaves. The stomatal density may change according to branching order due to the leaves shedding during the ontogenesis. The peculiarities of the orientation of stomata are probably related to osmotic and growth processes.
2018. T. 123. Vyp. 3.
2018. T. 123. Vyp. 3.
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The Density and the Orientation of Stomata in the Epidermis of Stems in some Common Species of the Lower Volga Region
- Барыкина Р.П., Чубатова Н.В. Большой практикум по ботанике. Экологическая анатомия цветковых растений. М., 2005. 77 c. [Barykina R.P., Chubato-va N.V. Bol’shoi praktikum po botanike. Ekologicheskaya anatomiya tsvetkovykh rastenii. M., 2005. 77 c.].
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- Evert, R.F. Esau’s Plant anatomy: meristems, cells, and tissues of the plant body: their structure, function and development. New Jersey, 2006. 601p.
- Gibson A. C. Structure-Function Relations of Warm Desert Plants. Berlin, 1996. 216 p.
- Gibson A. Anatomy of photosynthetic old stems of nonsucculent dicotyledons from North American deserts // Botanical Gazette. 1983. Vol. 144. N 3. P. 347–362.
- Katschnig D., Broekman R., Rozema J. Salt tolerance in the halophyte Salicornia dolichostachya Moss: Growth, morphology and physiology // Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2013. Vol. 92. P. 32–42.
- Mauseth J. D. Structure–Function Relationships in Highly Modified Shoots of Cactaceae // Annals of Botany. 2006. Vol. 98. N 5. P. 901–926.
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- Ogburn R.M., Edwards E.J. The Ecological Water-Use Strategies of Succulent Plants // Advances in Botanical Research. 2010. Vol. 55. P. 179–225.
- Rudall P.J., Hilton J., Bateman R.M. Several developmental and morphogenetic factors govern the evolution of stomatal patterning in land plants // New Phytologist. 2013. Vol. 200. N 3. P. 598–614.
- Rudall P.J., Chen E.D., Cullen E. Evolution and development of monocot stomata // Am. J. of Botany. 2017. Vol. 104. N 8. P. 1122–1141.
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- Tanaka Y., Sugano S.S., Shimada T., Hara-Nishimura I. Enhancement of leaf photosynthetic capacity through increased stomatal density in Arabidopsis // New Phytologist. 2013. Vol. 198. N 3. P. 757–764.
- Voznesenskaya E.V., Akhani H., Koteyeva N.K., Chuong S.D.X., Roalson E.H., Kiirats O., Franceschi V.R., Edwards G.E. Structural, biochemical, and physiological characterization of photosynthesis in two C4 subspecies of Tecticornia indica and the C3 species Tecticornia pergranulata (Chenopodiaceae) // Journal of Experimental Botany. 2008. Vol. 59. N 7. P. 1715–1734.
- Winter K., Kramer D., Troughton J.H., Card K.A., Fischer K. C4 pathway of photosynthesis in a member of the Polygonaceae: Calligonum persicum (Boiss. & Burse) Boiss. // Zeitschrift für Pflanzenphysiologie. 1976. Bd 81. Hf. 4. P. 341–346.
- Xu Z., Zhou G. Responses of leaf stomatal density to water status and its relationship with photosynthesis in a grass // Journal of Experimental Botany. 2008. Vol. 59. N 12. P. 3317–3325.
Список литературы
- Барыкина Р.П., Чубатова Н.В. Большой практикум по ботанике. Экологическая анатомия цветковых растений. М., 2005. 77 c. [Barykina R.P., Chubato-va N.V. Bol’shoi praktikum po botanike. Ekologicheskaya anatomiya tsvetkovykh rastenii. M., 2005. 77 c.].
- Волкова П.А., Шипунов А.Б. Статистическая обработка данных в учебно-исследовательских работах. М., 2012. 96 с. [Volkova P.A., Shipunov A.B. Statisticheskaya obrabotka dannykh v uchebno-issledovatel’skikh rabotakh. M., 2012. 96 s.].
- Akcin T.A., Akcin A., Yalcin E. Anatomical changes induced by salinity stress in Salicornia freitagii (Amaranthaceae) [Электронный ресурс] // Brazilian Journal of Botany. 2017. URL: (дата обращения 10.10.2017).
- Ávila E., Herrera A., Tezara W. Contribution of stem CO2 fixation to whole-plant carbon balance in nonsucculent species // Photosynthetica. 2014. Vol. 52. N 1. P. 3–15.
- Bocher T.W. Comparative anatomy of three of the apophyllous genus Gymnophyton // Am. J. of Bot.1972. Vol. 59. N 5. P. 494–503.
- Baranova M.A. Principles of comparative stomatographic studies of flowering plants // Bot. Rev. 1992. Vol. 58. N 1. 49–99.
- Bezic N., Dunkic V., Radonic A. Anatomical and chemical adaptation of Spartium junceum L. in arid habitat // Acta biologica Cracoviensia. Series botanica. 2003. Vol. 45. N 2. P. 43–47.
- Bossard C.C., Rejmanek M. Why have green stems? // Functional Ecology. 1992. Vol. 6. N 2. P. 197–205.
- Brewer C.A., Smith W.K. Leaf surface wetness and gas exchange in the pond lily Nuphar polysepalum (Nymphaeaceae) // Am. J. Bot. 1995. Vol. 82. N 10. P. 1271–1277.
- Camargo M.A.B., Marenco R.A. Density, size and distribution of stomata in 35 rainforest tree species in Central Amazonia // Acta Amazonica. 2001. Vol. 41. N 2. P. 205–212.
- Davy A.J., Bishop G.F., Costa C.S.B. Salicornia L. (Salicornia pusilla J. Woods, S. ramosissima J. Woods, S. europaea L., S. obscura P.W. Ball & Tutin, S. nitens P.W. Ball & Tutin, S. fragilis P.W. Ball & Tutin and S. dolichostachya Moss) // Journal of Ecology. 2001. Vol. 89. N 4. P. 681–707.
- Eggli U. Stomatal Types of Cactaceae // Pl. Syst. Evol. 1984. Vol. 146. N 3–4. P. 197–214.
- Evert, R.F. Esau’s Plant anatomy: meristems, cells, and tissues of the plant body: their structure, function and development. New Jersey, 2006. 601p.
- Gibson A. C. Structure-Function Relations of Warm Desert Plants. Berlin, 1996. 216 p.
- Gibson A. Anatomy of photosynthetic old stems of nonsucculent dicotyledons from North American deserts // Botanical Gazette. 1983. Vol. 144. N 3. P. 347–362.
- Katschnig D., Broekman R., Rozema J. Salt tolerance in the halophyte Salicornia dolichostachya Moss: Growth, morphology and physiology // Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2013. Vol. 92. P. 32–42.
- Mauseth J. D. Structure–Function Relationships in Highly Modified Shoots of Cactaceae // Annals of Botany. 2006. Vol. 98. N 5. P. 901–926.
- Ogburn R.M., Edwards E.J. Anatomical variation in Cactaceae and relatives: trait lability and evolutionary innovation // Am. J. of Botany. 2009. Vol. 96. N 2. P. 391–408.
- Ogburn R.M., Edwards E.J. The Ecological Water-Use Strategies of Succulent Plants // Advances in Botanical Research. 2010. Vol. 55. P. 179–225.
- Rudall P.J., Hilton J., Bateman R.M. Several developmental and morphogenetic factors govern the evolution of stomatal patterning in land plants // New Phytologist. 2013. Vol. 200. N 3. P. 598–614.
- Rudall P.J., Chen E.D., Cullen E. Evolution and development of monocot stomata // Am. J. of Botany. 2017. Vol. 104. N 8. P. 1122–1141.
- Sajeva. M., Mauseth. J.D. (1991). Leaf-like structure in the photosynthetic, succulent stems of cacti // Annals of Botany. 1991. Vol. 68. N 5. P. 405–411.
- Tanaka Y., Sugano S.S., Shimada T., Hara-Nishimura I. Enhancement of leaf photosynthetic capacity through increased stomatal density in Arabidopsis // New Phytologist. 2013. Vol. 198. N 3. P. 757–764.
- Voznesenskaya E.V., Akhani H., Koteyeva N.K., Chuong S.D.X., Roalson E.H., Kiirats O., Franceschi V.R., Edwards G.E. Structural, biochemical, and physiological characterization of photosynthesis in two C4 subspecies of Tecticornia indica and the C3 species Tecticornia pergranulata (Chenopodiaceae) // Journal of Experimental Botany. 2008. Vol. 59. N 7. P. 1715–1734.
- Winter K., Kramer D., Troughton J.H., Card K.A., Fischer K. C4 pathway of photosynthesis in a member of the Polygonaceae: Calligonum persicum (Boiss. & Burse) Boiss. // Zeitschrift für Pflanzenphysiologie. 1976. Bd 81. Hf. 4. P. 341–346.
- Xu Z., Zhou G. Responses of leaf stomatal density to water status and its relationship with photosynthesis in a grass // Journal of Experimental Botany. 2008. Vol. 59. N 12. P. 3317–3325.