The spore morphology and ultrasculpture of 18 horsetails (Equisetum) taxa is described by light and scanning electron microscopy. The measured characteristics and micrographics are provided. The basic similarity of spores of different species is noted as well as the variability of spore size in various samples of species with a large geographic range. Recommendations for interpretation of horsetail spores at their mass occurrence in pollen spectra are given.
2016. T. 121. Vyp. 5.
2016. T. 121. Vyp. 5.
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The Spore Morphology and Ultrasculpture of Horsetails (Equisetum)
- Бобров А.Е., Куприянова Л.А., Литвинцева М.В., Тарасевич В.Ф. Споры папоротникообразных и пыльца голосеменных и однодольных растений флоры Европейской части СССР. Л., Наука. 1983. 208 с.[Bobrov A.E., Kupriyanova L.A., Litvintseva M.V., Tarasevich V.F. Spory paporotnikoobraznykh i pyl’tsa golosemennykh i odnodol’nykh rastenii flory Evropeiskoi chasti SSSR. L., Nauka. 1983. 208 s.]
- Скворцов В.Э. Род Equisetum L. в российской и мировой флоре. Морфология, экология, таксономия. Автореф. дис. … канд. биол. наук М. 2008. 22 с. [Skvortsov V.E. Rod Equisetum L. v rossiiskoi i mirovoi flore. Morfologiya, ekologiya, taksonomiya. Avtoref. dis. … kand. biol. nauk M. 2008. 22 s.]
- Channing A., Zamuner A., Edwards D., Guido D. Equisetum thermale sp. nov. (Equisetales) from the Jurassic San Agust in hot spring deposit, Paeagonia: anatomy, paleoecology, and inferred paleoecophysiology // American Journal of Botany 2011. V.98, N.4. P.680–697.
- Chester P.I., Raine J.I. Pollen and spore keys for Quaternary deposits in the northern Pindos Mountains, Greece. // Grana. 2001. V.40, N.6. P.299–387, DOI: 10.1080/00173130152987535
- Cronquist A., Takhtajan A., Zimmermann W. On the higher taxa of Embryophyta // Taxon. 1966. Vol. 15. P. 129–134.
- Dayanandan P. Stomata in Equisetum: A structural and functional study. Doctoral Dissertation (Botany). University of Michigan. 1977.
- Demske et al., Atlas of pollen, spores and further non-pollen palynomorphs recorded in the glacial-interglacial late Quaternary sediments of Lake Suigetsu, central Japan //Quaternary International. 2013. 290-291. P.164–238.
- Des Marais D.L., Smith A.R., Britton D.M., Pryer K.M. Phylogenetic relationships and evolution of extant horsetails, Equisetum, based on chloroplast DNA sequence data (rbcL and trnL-F) //Int. J. Plant Sci. 2003. Vol.164, N.5. P.737–751.
- Duckett J. G. Spore Size in the Genus Equisetum //New Phytologist. 1970. Vol. 69, N. 2. P.333-346.
- Ferrarini E., Campolini F., Pichi-Sermolli R.E.G., Marchetti M. Iconographia Palynologica Pteridophytorum Italiae // Webbia. 1986. Vol.40. P.1–202.
- Grauvogel-Stamm L., Lugardon B. Erratum to: Phylogeny and evolution of the horsetails: Evidence from spore wall ultrastructure [Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 156 (2009) 116–129] //Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 2010. Vol.159, Iss. 1–2. P. 141-142.
- Guillon J.-M. Molecular phylogeny of horsetails (Equisetum) including chloroplast atpB sequences. Journal of Plant Research. 2007. Vol. 120. 569–574.
- Guillon J.-M. Phylogeny of horsetails (Equisetum) based on the chloroplast rps4 gene and adjascent noncoding sequences. Systematic Botany 2004. Vol. 29. P. 251–259.
- Hammer et al., 2001: Hammer Ø., Harper, D.A.T., Ryan P.D. PAST: Paleontological Statistics Software Package for Education and Data Analysis [Электронный ресурс] //Palaeontologia Electronica. 2001. Vol. 4, N 1. P. 9. URL: (Дата обращения 04.08.2015).
- Hassler M., Swale B. Family Equisetaceae, genus Equisetum; world species list. [Электронный ресурс]. 2001, 2002. URL: (Дата обращения 21.08.2015).
- Hauke R. L. The natural history of Equisetum in Costa Rica // Revista de Biologia Tropical 1969. Vol. 15. P. 269–281.
- Hauke R. L. A taxonomic monograph of Equisetum subgenus Equisetum // Nova Hedwigia. 1978. Vol. 30. P. 385–455.
- Hauke R. L. A taxonomic monograph of the genus Equisetum subgenus Hippochaete // Nova Hedwigia. 1963. Vol. 8. P. 1–123.
- Hesse M., Halbritter H., Zetter R., Weber M., Buchner, R., Frosch-Radivo R.A., Ulrich S. Pollen Terminology. Wien: Springer-Verlag. 2009. 261 p.
- Husby C. Biology and Functional Ecology of Equisetum with Emphasis on the Giant Horsetails // The Botanical Review. 2013. Vol. 79, Iss. 2. P. 147-177.
- Kedves M, Pardutz A. Ultrastructural study of X-ray irradiated spores of Equisetum arvense L. // Taiwania. 1998. Vol. 43. P. 215-224.
- Lehmann H., Neidhart H. V., Schlenkermann G. Ultrastructural Investigations on Sporogenesis in Equisetum tluviatile// Protoplasma. 1984. Vol. 123. P.38–47.
- Renzaglia K.S., Garbary D.J. Motile Gametes of Land Plants: Diversity, Development, and Evolution // Critical reviews in plant sciences. 2001. Vol.20. N.2. DOI: 10.1080/20013591099209
- Rincón-Barón E.J., Forero Ballesteros H.G., Gélvez Landazábal L.V., Andrés Torres G., Hilda Rolleri C. Ontogeny of strobili, sporangia development and sporogenesis in Equisetum giganteum (Equisetaceae) from the Colombian Andes //Rev. Biol. Trop. 2011. Vol. 59(4) P.1845-1858.
- Rincón-Baron E.J., Torres GA, Rolleri CH. Sporogenesis and spores of Equisetum bogotense (Equisetaceae) from mountain areas of Colombia. //Rev Biol Trop. 2013. Vol.61(3) P.1067-1081.
- The Plant List. A working list of all plant species. Version 1.1. [Электронный ресурс]. 2013. URL: (Дата обращения 24.08.2015).
- Tryon A. F., Lugardon B. Spores of the pteridophyta: surface, wall structure, and diversity based on electron microscope studies. N. Y.: Springer. 1991. 648 p.
- Uehara K., Kurita S. An ultrastructural study of spore wall morphogenesis in Equisetum arvense // Am. J. Bot. 1989. Vol.76. P. 939–951.
Список литературы
- Бобров А.Е., Куприянова Л.А., Литвинцева М.В., Тарасевич В.Ф. Споры папоротникообразных и пыльца голосеменных и однодольных растений флоры Европейской части СССР. Л., Наука. 1983. 208 с.[Bobrov A.E., Kupriyanova L.A., Litvintseva M.V., Tarasevich V.F. Spory paporotnikoobraznykh i pyl’tsa golosemennykh i odnodol’nykh rastenii flory Evropeiskoi chasti SSSR. L., Nauka. 1983. 208 s.]
- Скворцов В.Э. Род Equisetum L. в российской и мировой флоре. Морфология, экология, таксономия. Автореф. дис. … канд. биол. наук М. 2008. 22 с. [Skvortsov V.E. Rod Equisetum L. v rossiiskoi i mirovoi flore. Morfologiya, ekologiya, taksonomiya. Avtoref. dis. … kand. biol. nauk M. 2008. 22 s.]
- Channing A., Zamuner A., Edwards D., Guido D. Equisetum thermale sp. nov. (Equisetales) from the Jurassic San Agust in hot spring deposit, Paeagonia: anatomy, paleoecology, and inferred paleoecophysiology // American Journal of Botany 2011. V.98, N.4. P.680–697.
- Chester P.I., Raine J.I. Pollen and spore keys for Quaternary deposits in the northern Pindos Mountains, Greece. // Grana. 2001. V.40, N.6. P.299–387, DOI: 10.1080/00173130152987535
- Cronquist A., Takhtajan A., Zimmermann W. On the higher taxa of Embryophyta // Taxon. 1966. Vol. 15. P. 129–134.
- Dayanandan P. Stomata in Equisetum: A structural and functional study. Doctoral Dissertation (Botany). University of Michigan. 1977.
- Demske et al., Atlas of pollen, spores and further non-pollen palynomorphs recorded in the glacial-interglacial late Quaternary sediments of Lake Suigetsu, central Japan //Quaternary International. 2013. 290-291. P.164–238.
- Des Marais D.L., Smith A.R., Britton D.M., Pryer K.M. Phylogenetic relationships and evolution of extant horsetails, Equisetum, based on chloroplast DNA sequence data (rbcL and trnL-F) //Int. J. Plant Sci. 2003. Vol.164, N.5. P.737–751.
- Duckett J. G. Spore Size in the Genus Equisetum //New Phytologist. 1970. Vol. 69, N. 2. P.333-346.
- Ferrarini E., Campolini F., Pichi-Sermolli R.E.G., Marchetti M. Iconographia Palynologica Pteridophytorum Italiae // Webbia. 1986. Vol.40. P.1–202.
- Grauvogel-Stamm L., Lugardon B. Erratum to: Phylogeny and evolution of the horsetails: Evidence from spore wall ultrastructure [Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 156 (2009) 116–129] //Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 2010. Vol.159, Iss. 1–2. P. 141-142.
- Guillon J.-M. Molecular phylogeny of horsetails (Equisetum) including chloroplast atpB sequences. Journal of Plant Research. 2007. Vol. 120. 569–574.
- Guillon J.-M. Phylogeny of horsetails (Equisetum) based on the chloroplast rps4 gene and adjascent noncoding sequences. Systematic Botany 2004. Vol. 29. P. 251–259.
- Hammer et al., 2001: Hammer Ø., Harper, D.A.T., Ryan P.D. PAST: Paleontological Statistics Software Package for Education and Data Analysis [Электронный ресурс] //Palaeontologia Electronica. 2001. Vol. 4, N 1. P. 9. URL: (Дата обращения 04.08.2015).
- Hassler M., Swale B. Family Equisetaceae, genus Equisetum; world species list. [Электронный ресурс]. 2001, 2002. URL: (Дата обращения 21.08.2015).
- Hauke R. L. The natural history of Equisetum in Costa Rica // Revista de Biologia Tropical 1969. Vol. 15. P. 269–281.
- Hauke R. L. A taxonomic monograph of Equisetum subgenus Equisetum // Nova Hedwigia. 1978. Vol. 30. P. 385–455.
- Hauke R. L. A taxonomic monograph of the genus Equisetum subgenus Hippochaete // Nova Hedwigia. 1963. Vol. 8. P. 1–123.
- Hesse M., Halbritter H., Zetter R., Weber M., Buchner, R., Frosch-Radivo R.A., Ulrich S. Pollen Terminology. Wien: Springer-Verlag. 2009. 261 p.
- Husby C. Biology and Functional Ecology of Equisetum with Emphasis on the Giant Horsetails // The Botanical Review. 2013. Vol. 79, Iss. 2. P. 147-177.
- Kedves M, Pardutz A. Ultrastructural study of X-ray irradiated spores of Equisetum arvense L. // Taiwania. 1998. Vol. 43. P. 215-224.
- Lehmann H., Neidhart H. V., Schlenkermann G. Ultrastructural Investigations on Sporogenesis in Equisetum tluviatile// Protoplasma. 1984. Vol. 123. P.38–47.
- Renzaglia K.S., Garbary D.J. Motile Gametes of Land Plants: Diversity, Development, and Evolution // Critical reviews in plant sciences. 2001. Vol.20. N.2. DOI: 10.1080/20013591099209
- Rincón-Barón E.J., Forero Ballesteros H.G., Gélvez Landazábal L.V., Andrés Torres G., Hilda Rolleri C. Ontogeny of strobili, sporangia development and sporogenesis in Equisetum giganteum (Equisetaceae) from the Colombian Andes //Rev. Biol. Trop. 2011. Vol. 59(4) P.1845-1858.
- Rincón-Baron E.J., Torres GA, Rolleri CH. Sporogenesis and spores of Equisetum bogotense (Equisetaceae) from mountain areas of Colombia. //Rev Biol Trop. 2013. Vol.61(3) P.1067-1081.
- The Plant List. A working list of all plant species. Version 1.1. [Электронный ресурс]. 2013. URL: (Дата обращения 24.08.2015).
- Tryon A. F., Lugardon B. Spores of the pteridophyta: surface, wall structure, and diversity based on electron microscope studies. N. Y.: Springer. 1991. 648 p.
- Uehara K., Kurita S. An ultrastructural study of spore wall morphogenesis in Equisetum arvense // Am. J. Bot. 1989. Vol.76. P. 939–951.