The brief overview of the biographo-bibliographic, editorial activity of S.Ju. Lipschitz and in the field of the history of science is presented. The full list of the works of S.Ju. Lipschitz on this topic is given.
2022. T. 127. Vyp. 4.
2022. T. 127. Vyp. 4.
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To Creative Heritage of S.Ju. Lipschitz – Prominent Biographer, Bibliographer, Historian of Science, Editor
- Istoriya estestvoznaniya. Literatura, opublikovannaya v SSSR (1917–1947). M.; L., 1949. 519 s.
- Istoriya estestvoznaniya. Literatura, opublikovannaya v SSSR (1948–1950). M., 1955. 395 s.
- Istoriya estestvoznaniya. Literatura, opublikovannaya v SSSR (1951–1956). M., 1963. 430 s.
- Istoriya estestvoznaniya. Literatura, opublikovannaya v SSSR (1957–1961). [Ch.2]. M., 1974. 547 s.
- Istoriya estestvoznaniya. Literatura, opublikovannaya v SSSR (1962–1966). M., 1977. 700 s.
- Istoriya estestvoznaniya. Literatura, opublikovannaya v SSSR (1967–1970). M., 1981. 768 s.
- Istoriya estestvoznaniya. Literatura, opublikovannaya v SSSR (1971–1975). M., 1984. 484 s.
- Istoriya estestvoznaniya. Literatura, opublikovannaya v SSSR (1976–1980). Kn.2. M., 1989. 400 s.
- Istoriya estestvoznaniya. Literatura, opublikovannaya v SSSR (1981–1983). T.9, Ch.2. M., 1995. 295 s.
- Istoriya estestvoznaniya. Literatura, opublikovannaya v SSSR (1984–1985). T.10, Ch.2. M., 2007. 281 s.
- Kalinichenko I.M. The archive materials of S.Ju. Lipschitz for the dictionary «The Russian botanists. (The botanists of Russia – USSR)» in the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg Branch // Bot. Zhurn. 2011a. T. 96. № 4. S. 551557.
- Kalinichenko I.M. The fund of S.Ju. Lipschitz in the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg Branch // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 2011b. T. 116.Vyp. 1. S. 70–71.
- Kalinichenko I.M. The unpublished materials of S.Ju. Lipschitz for the dictionary «The Russian botanists. (The botanists of Russia – USSR)» // Scientists-philosophers: forgotten names and facts. Materials of the second all-Russian conference. Orenburg, 2022. S. 9296.
- Kirpichnikov M.E., Crubov V.I. On the scientific biography of Sergei Yulyevich Lipschitz // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 1984. T. 89.Vyp. 3. S. 149163.
- Lavrenko E.M. On the 60-th birthday of Sergey Yulyevich Lipschitz // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 1965. T. 70.Vyp. 6. S. 143145.
- Lavrenko E.M. In the memory of Sergey Yulyevich Lipschitz (19051983) (from recollections) // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 1984. T. 89.Vyp. 3. S. 163166.
- Lebedev D.V., Kirpichnikov M.E. Sergei Yulyevich Lipschitz (for his 60-th birthday) // Bot. Zhurn. 1965. T. 50. № 10. S. 14691480.
- Lipschitz S.Ju. [Autobiographical intelligence] // Botanicorum Rossicorum lexicon biographo-bibliographicum / Comp. S.Ju. Lipschitz. T. 5: [Proofreading]. Moscow, 1952. S. 132135.
- Nasimovich Yu.A. Lipshits S.Yu. // Mosk. entsikl. T. 1: Litsa Moskvy. Kn. 2: I–M. M., 2008. S. 441.
- Rabotnov T.A., Tikhomirov V.N. On the 70-th birthday of S.Ju. Lipschitz // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 1975. T. 80. Vyp. 5. S. 123129.
- Syitin A.K. «In crystal-clear atmosphere of Herbarium». To centenary of S.Ju. Lipschitz // Priroda. 2005. № 10. S. 9194.
- Tihomirov V.N. Recollection S.Ju. Lipschitz // Priroda. 2005. № 10. S. 9496.
- Fainshtein F.Sh. «The Russian Botanists Dictionary» fortune // Priroda. 1992. № 8. S. 126128.
- Fedotova A.A. The history of an unfinished project the dictionary «Russian botanists» by Sergey Yu. Lipschitz // Bot. Zhurn. 2012. T. 97. № 3. S. 381398.
- Fonds and collections of the St. Petersburg branch of the Archive of the Russian academy of science. Brief guide. English-language edition / Ed. I.V. Tunkina. Saint Petersburg, 2016. 301 p.
Список литературы
- Istoriya estestvoznaniya. Literatura, opublikovannaya v SSSR (1917–1947). M.; L., 1949. 519 s.
- Istoriya estestvoznaniya. Literatura, opublikovannaya v SSSR (1948–1950). M., 1955. 395 s.
- Istoriya estestvoznaniya. Literatura, opublikovannaya v SSSR (1951–1956). M., 1963. 430 s.
- Istoriya estestvoznaniya. Literatura, opublikovannaya v SSSR (1957–1961). [Ch.2]. M., 1974. 547 s.
- Istoriya estestvoznaniya. Literatura, opublikovannaya v SSSR (1962–1966). M., 1977. 700 s.
- Istoriya estestvoznaniya. Literatura, opublikovannaya v SSSR (1967–1970). M., 1981. 768 s.
- Istoriya estestvoznaniya. Literatura, opublikovannaya v SSSR (1971–1975). M., 1984. 484 s.
- Istoriya estestvoznaniya. Literatura, opublikovannaya v SSSR (1976–1980). Kn.2. M., 1989. 400 s.
- Istoriya estestvoznaniya. Literatura, opublikovannaya v SSSR (1981–1983). T.9, Ch.2. M., 1995. 295 s.
- Istoriya estestvoznaniya. Literatura, opublikovannaya v SSSR (1984–1985). T.10, Ch.2. M., 2007. 281 s.
- Kalinichenko I.M. The archive materials of S.Ju. Lipschitz for the dictionary «The Russian botanists. (The botanists of Russia – USSR)» in the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg Branch // Bot. Zhurn. 2011a. T. 96. № 4. S. 551557.
- Kalinichenko I.M. The fund of S.Ju. Lipschitz in the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg Branch // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 2011b. T. 116.Vyp. 1. S. 70–71.
- Kalinichenko I.M. The unpublished materials of S.Ju. Lipschitz for the dictionary «The Russian botanists. (The botanists of Russia – USSR)» // Scientists-philosophers: forgotten names and facts. Materials of the second all-Russian conference. Orenburg, 2022. S. 9296.
- Kirpichnikov M.E., Crubov V.I. On the scientific biography of Sergei Yulyevich Lipschitz // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 1984. T. 89.Vyp. 3. S. 149163.
- Lavrenko E.M. On the 60-th birthday of Sergey Yulyevich Lipschitz // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 1965. T. 70.Vyp. 6. S. 143145.
- Lavrenko E.M. In the memory of Sergey Yulyevich Lipschitz (19051983) (from recollections) // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 1984. T. 89.Vyp. 3. S. 163166.
- Lebedev D.V., Kirpichnikov M.E. Sergei Yulyevich Lipschitz (for his 60-th birthday) // Bot. Zhurn. 1965. T. 50. № 10. S. 14691480.
- Lipschitz S.Ju. [Autobiographical intelligence] // Botanicorum Rossicorum lexicon biographo-bibliographicum / Comp. S.Ju. Lipschitz. T. 5: [Proofreading]. Moscow, 1952. S. 132135.
- Nasimovich Yu.A. Lipshits S.Yu. // Mosk. entsikl. T. 1: Litsa Moskvy. Kn. 2: I–M. M., 2008. S. 441.
- Rabotnov T.A., Tikhomirov V.N. On the 70-th birthday of S.Ju. Lipschitz // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 1975. T. 80. Vyp. 5. S. 123129.
- Syitin A.K. «In crystal-clear atmosphere of Herbarium». To centenary of S.Ju. Lipschitz // Priroda. 2005. № 10. S. 9194.
- Tihomirov V.N. Recollection S.Ju. Lipschitz // Priroda. 2005. № 10. S. 9496.
- Fainshtein F.Sh. «The Russian Botanists Dictionary» fortune // Priroda. 1992. № 8. S. 126128.
- Fedotova A.A. The history of an unfinished project the dictionary «Russian botanists» by Sergey Yu. Lipschitz // Bot. Zhurn. 2012. T. 97. № 3. S. 381398.
- Fonds and collections of the St. Petersburg branch of the Archive of the Russian academy of science. Brief guide. English-language edition / Ed. I.V. Tunkina. Saint Petersburg, 2016. 301 p.