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2023. T. 128. Vyp. 5.
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2023. T. 128. Vyp. 5.

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Bocharnikov M.V., Vojcekhovskaya S.O.

Ключевые слова:


ecosystem, altitudinal belt, type of altitudinal zonality, botanical diversity, climate, orography, mapping

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For citation:

Bocharnikov M.V., Vojcekhovskaya S.O., Towards an evaluation of spatial organization of vegetation cover in Southern Siberian mountains at regional and topological levels // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 2023. T. 128. Vyp. 5. S. 93-104

Towards an evaluation of spatial organization of vegetation cover in Southern Siberian mountains at regional and topological levels

Problems of identification and evaluation of mountain ecosystems, solved on the basis of different approaches, require the use of a multilevel approach to analyze diversity and spatial structure of ecosystems. In this paper some methods of analysis are suggested according to altitudinal structure of vegetation in Southern Siberian mountains and Prebaikalia at regional and topological levels. For each level climatic and orographic parameters are suggested to identify the key patterns of vegetation cover.


  • Bartalev S.A., Egorov V.A., Ershov D.V., Isaev A.S., Lupyan E.A., Plotnikov D.E., Uvarov I.A. Sputnikovoe kartografi rovanie rastitel’nogo pokrova Rossii po dannym spektroradiometra MODIS // Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa. 2011. T. 8. № 4. S. 285–302 (in Russian).
  • Belov A.V. Karta rastitel’nosti yuga Vostochnoi Sibiri. Printsipy i metody kartografi rovaniya // Geobotanicheskoe kartografi rovanie. 1973. S. 16–30 (in Russian).
  • Bocharnikov M.V. Relationship of phytocenotic diversity of the Northeastern Transbaikal orobiome with bioclimatic parameters // Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2022. T. 107. № 3. S. 211–236 (in Russian).
  • Grebenshchikov O.S. Opyt klimaticheskoi kharakteristiki osnovnykh rastitel’nykh formatsii Kavkaza // Botanicheskii zhurnal. 1974. T. 59 (2). S. 161–173 (in Russian).
  • Drobushevskaya O.V., Tsaregorodtsev V.G. Geografo-klimaticheskie varianty svetlokhvoinykh travyanykh lesov Sibiri // Sibirskii ekologicheskii zhurnal. 2007. № 2. S. 211–219 (in Russian).
  • Karta «Biomy Rossii» (M. 1: 7 500 000) v serii kart prirody dlya vysshei shkoly. Izdanie 2-e pererabotannoe i dopolnennoe / G.N. Ogureeva, N.B. Leonova, L.G. Emel’yanova i dr. M., 2018 (in Russian).
  • Korolyuk A.Yu., Makunina N.I. True steppes of the Altai-Sayan mountain area (order Stipetalia krylovii Kononov, Gogoleva et Mironova 1985) // Rastitel’nyi mir Aziatskoi Rossii. 2009. № 2 (4). S. 43–53 (in Russian).
  • Kuvaev V.B. Flora subarkticheskikh gor Evrazii i vysotnoe raspredelenie ee vidov. M., 2006. 566 s. (in Russian).
  • Nazimova D.I., Ermakov N.B., Andreeva N.M., Stepanov N.V. Kontseptual’naya model’ strukturnogo bioraznoobraziya zonal’nykh klassov lesnykh ekosistem Severnoi Evrazii // Sibirskii ekologicheskii zhurnal. 2004. T. 11 (5). S. 745–756 (in Russian).
  • Ogureeva G.N. Botaniko-geografi cheskoe raionirovanie SSSR. M., 1991. 78 s. (in Russian).
  • Ogureeva G.N. Karta «Zony i tipy poyasnosti rastitel’nosti Rossii i sopredel’nykh territorii» (m. 1: 7 500 000) / Seriya kart prirody dlya vysshei shkoly. M., 1999. (In Russian).
  • Olyunin V.N. Gory yuzhnoi Sibiri // Ravniny i gory Sibiri. M., 1975. S. 245–351 (in Russian).
  • Sochava V.B. Rastitel’nyi pokrov na tematicheskikh kartakh. Novosibirsk, 1979. 189 s. (in Russian).
  • Diao C., Liu Y., Zhao L., Zhuo G., Zhang Y. Regionalscale vegetation-climate interactions on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau // Ecological Informatics. Vol. 65. P. 101413.
  • Gavilan R.G. The use of climatic parameters and indices in vegetation distribution. A case study in the Spanish Sistema Central // International Journal of Biometeorology. 2005. Vol. 50. P. 111–120.
  • Holdridge L.R. Life zone ecology. San Jose: Tropical Science Center, 1967. 206 p.
  • Karger D.N., Conrad O., Böhner J., Kawohl T., Kreft H., Soria-Auza R.W., Zimmermann N.E., Linder H.P., Kessler M. Climatologies at high resolution for the earth’s land surface areas // Scientific Data. 2017. N 4. P. 170122.
  • Nakamura Y., Krestov P.V. Biogeographical diversity of alpine vegetation in the oceanic regions of Northeast Asia. In: Berichte der REINHOLD-TUXEN-GESELLSCHAFT. 2007. Vol. 19. P. 117–129.
  • Odland A. Interpretation of altitudinal gradients in South Central Norway based on vascular plants as environmental indicators // Ecological Indicators. 2009. 9 (3). P. 409–421.
  • Pesaresi S., Galdenzi D., Biondi E., Casavecchia S. Bioclimate of Italy: application of the worldwide bioclimatic classification system // Journal of Maps. 2014. Vol. 10, is. 4. P. 538–553.
  • Sosef M.S.M., Dauby G., Blach-Overgaard A., van der Burgt X., Catarino L., Damen T., Deblauwe V., Dessein S., Dransfield J., Droissart V., Duarte M.C., Engledow H., Fadeur G., Figueira R., Gereau R.E., Hardy O.J., Harris D.J., de Heij J., Janssens S., Klomberg Y., Ley A.C., Mackinder B.A., Meerts P., van de Poel J.L., Sonké B., Stévart T., Stoffelen P., Svenning J-C., Sepulchre P., Zaiss R., Wieringa J.J., Couvreur T.L.P. Exploring the floristic diversity of tropical Africa // BMC Biology. 2017. N 15. P. 15.
  • Retuerto R., Carballeira A. Phytoecological importance, mutual redundancy and phytological threshold values of certain climatic factors // Vegetatio. 1990. Vol. 90. P. 47–62.
  • Rivas-Martinez S., Penas A., Diaz T.E. Bioclimatic map of Europe, thermoclimatic belts. Cartographic Service. University of Leon, Spain. 2004.
  • Tuhkanen S. A circumboreal system of climatic-phytogeographical regions // Acta Botanica Fennica. 1984. Vol. 127. P. 1–50.
  • Walter H., Breckle S.-W. Okologishe Grundlagen in global sicht. Stuttgart: G. Fischer. 1991. 586 p.
  • Wiesmair M., Otte A., Waldhardt R. Relationships between plant diversity, vegetation cover, and site conditions: implications for grassland conservation in the Greater Caucasus // Biodiversity Conservation. 2017. Vol. 26. P. 273–291.

Список литературы

  • Bartalev S.A., Egorov V.A., Ershov D.V., Isaev A.S., Lupyan E.A., Plotnikov D.E., Uvarov I.A. Sputnikovoe kartografi rovanie rastitel’nogo pokrova Rossii po dannym spektroradiometra MODIS // Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa. 2011. T. 8. № 4. S. 285–302 (in Russian).
  • Belov A.V. Karta rastitel’nosti yuga Vostochnoi Sibiri. Printsipy i metody kartografi rovaniya // Geobotanicheskoe kartografi rovanie. 1973. S. 16–30 (in Russian).
  • Bocharnikov M.V. Relationship of phytocenotic diversity of the Northeastern Transbaikal orobiome with bioclimatic parameters // Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2022. T. 107. № 3. S. 211–236 (in Russian).
  • Grebenshchikov O.S. Opyt klimaticheskoi kharakteristiki osnovnykh rastitel’nykh formatsii Kavkaza // Botanicheskii zhurnal. 1974. T. 59 (2). S. 161–173 (in Russian).
  • Drobushevskaya O.V., Tsaregorodtsev V.G. Geografo-klimaticheskie varianty svetlokhvoinykh travyanykh lesov Sibiri // Sibirskii ekologicheskii zhurnal. 2007. № 2. S. 211–219 (in Russian).
  • Karta «Biomy Rossii» (M. 1: 7 500 000) v serii kart prirody dlya vysshei shkoly. Izdanie 2-e pererabotannoe i dopolnennoe / G.N. Ogureeva, N.B. Leonova, L.G. Emel’yanova i dr. M., 2018 (in Russian).
  • Korolyuk A.Yu., Makunina N.I. True steppes of the Altai-Sayan mountain area (order Stipetalia krylovii Kononov, Gogoleva et Mironova 1985) // Rastitel’nyi mir Aziatskoi Rossii. 2009. № 2 (4). S. 43–53 (in Russian).
  • Kuvaev V.B. Flora subarkticheskikh gor Evrazii i vysotnoe raspredelenie ee vidov. M., 2006. 566 s. (in Russian).
  • Nazimova D.I., Ermakov N.B., Andreeva N.M., Stepanov N.V. Kontseptual’naya model’ strukturnogo bioraznoobraziya zonal’nykh klassov lesnykh ekosistem Severnoi Evrazii // Sibirskii ekologicheskii zhurnal. 2004. T. 11 (5). S. 745–756 (in Russian).
  • Ogureeva G.N. Botaniko-geografi cheskoe raionirovanie SSSR. M., 1991. 78 s. (in Russian).
  • Ogureeva G.N. Karta «Zony i tipy poyasnosti rastitel’nosti Rossii i sopredel’nykh territorii» (m. 1: 7 500 000) / Seriya kart prirody dlya vysshei shkoly. M., 1999. (In Russian).
  • Olyunin V.N. Gory yuzhnoi Sibiri // Ravniny i gory Sibiri. M., 1975. S. 245–351 (in Russian).
  • Sochava V.B. Rastitel’nyi pokrov na tematicheskikh kartakh. Novosibirsk, 1979. 189 s. (in Russian).
  • Diao C., Liu Y., Zhao L., Zhuo G., Zhang Y. Regionalscale vegetation-climate interactions on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau // Ecological Informatics. Vol. 65. P. 101413.
  • Gavilan R.G. The use of climatic parameters and indices in vegetation distribution. A case study in the Spanish Sistema Central // International Journal of Biometeorology. 2005. Vol. 50. P. 111–120.
  • Holdridge L.R. Life zone ecology. San Jose: Tropical Science Center, 1967. 206 p.
  • Karger D.N., Conrad O., Böhner J., Kawohl T., Kreft H., Soria-Auza R.W., Zimmermann N.E., Linder H.P., Kessler M. Climatologies at high resolution for the earth’s land surface areas // Scientific Data. 2017. N 4. P. 170122.
  • Nakamura Y., Krestov P.V. Biogeographical diversity of alpine vegetation in the oceanic regions of Northeast Asia. In: Berichte der REINHOLD-TUXEN-GESELLSCHAFT. 2007. Vol. 19. P. 117–129.
  • Odland A. Interpretation of altitudinal gradients in South Central Norway based on vascular plants as environmental indicators // Ecological Indicators. 2009. 9 (3). P. 409–421.
  • Pesaresi S., Galdenzi D., Biondi E., Casavecchia S. Bioclimate of Italy: application of the worldwide bioclimatic classification system // Journal of Maps. 2014. Vol. 10, is. 4. P. 538–553.
  • Sosef M.S.M., Dauby G., Blach-Overgaard A., van der Burgt X., Catarino L., Damen T., Deblauwe V., Dessein S., Dransfield J., Droissart V., Duarte M.C., Engledow H., Fadeur G., Figueira R., Gereau R.E., Hardy O.J., Harris D.J., de Heij J., Janssens S., Klomberg Y., Ley A.C., Mackinder B.A., Meerts P., van de Poel J.L., Sonké B., Stévart T., Stoffelen P., Svenning J-C., Sepulchre P., Zaiss R., Wieringa J.J., Couvreur T.L.P. Exploring the floristic diversity of tropical Africa // BMC Biology. 2017. N 15. P. 15.
  • Retuerto R., Carballeira A. Phytoecological importance, mutual redundancy and phytological threshold values of certain climatic factors // Vegetatio. 1990. Vol. 90. P. 47–62.
  • Rivas-Martinez S., Penas A., Diaz T.E. Bioclimatic map of Europe, thermoclimatic belts. Cartographic Service. University of Leon, Spain. 2004.
  • Tuhkanen S. A circumboreal system of climatic-phytogeographical regions // Acta Botanica Fennica. 1984. Vol. 127. P. 1–50.
  • Walter H., Breckle S.-W. Okologishe Grundlagen in global sicht. Stuttgart: G. Fischer. 1991. 586 p.
  • Wiesmair M., Otte A., Waldhardt R. Relationships between plant diversity, vegetation cover, and site conditions: implications for grassland conservation in the Greater Caucasus // Biodiversity Conservation. 2017. Vol. 26. P. 273–291.