The observations is mesic forests of Moscow regions revealed that Rhytidiadelphus squar- rosus, R. subpinnatus, R. triquetrus, Thuidium assimile, Cirriphyllum piliferum, Pleurozium schreberi, Hylocomium splendens, Ptilium crista-castrensis stop their growth in the autumn after temperature drops below +5…6°С. In spring the growth resumes after 3–4 weeks after temperature exceeds+5…6°С. The maximal growth occurs when day temperature is above
+20°С, while the day-time length shows no effect on the moss shoot elongation. Rainy periods result in abrupt linear growth accelerations, which is however soon slowing down to complete interruption even if rains continue. The annual increaments of the same species in 2013 and 2014 differs not more than 19%, while the variation among different habitat types was 1,5–5 times. Microclimate corresponding to high air humidity keeps plants moist and affects much on their elongation.