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2014. Т. 119. Вып. 2.

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Чикурова Е.А.

Ключевые слова:


одичавший крупный рогатый скот, зебу, буйволы, коровы, островные популяции, микроэволюция, сохранение биоразнообразия, инвазивные виды, чужеродные виды, Bos taurus, Bos indicus, Bubalus bubalus, управление одичавшими популяциями

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For citation:

Чикурова Е.А. , Островные популяции одичавшего крупного рогатого скота в первое десятилетие XXI в . // Бюл. МОИП. Отд. биол. 2014. Т. 119. Вып. 2. С. 3-13

Островные популяции одичавшего крупного рогатого скота в первое десятилетие XXI в .

Дан обзор современных мировых островных популяций одичавшего крупного скота (коров, зебу, буйволов). Рассмотрены популяции островов Атлантического океана: Своны (Оркнейские); Инаксессибл (Тристан-да-Кунья); Инагуа (Багамские). Упомянуты популяции островов Индийского океана: Андаманские и Никобарские острова; Амстердам. Сообщается    о популяциях островов Тихого океана: Умнак, Чирикова, Сайнак (Алеутские); Грейам (Королевы Шарлотты); Кучино-Шима (Японские); Гавайи, Молокаи, Кауаи, Оаху (Гавайские); Гуам, Тиниан, Паган (Марианские); Исабела (Галапагосские); Новая Британия (Бисмарка), Фату Хива, Хива Оа и Нуки Хива (Маркизские); Санта-Ана, Три сестры (Соломоновы); Савайи (Самоа); Таити (Общества); Вануа-Леву, Вити-Леву (Фиджи); Раивави, Руруту, Тубуаи (Тубуаи); Рапа-Ити (Басские) и острова Хуан-Фернандес. Упоминается популяция о. Маражо (р. Амазонка). Среди одичавших видов крупного рогатого скота в островных популяциях широко распространена корова (Bos taurus), локально на многочисленных Андаманских и Никобарских островах распространен зебу (Bos indicus), по ряду островов вид неизвестен, по другим предполагается зебу или корова, одичавший буйвол (Bubalus bubalus) отмечен на двух островах: Гуамо и Маражо.


  • Дарвин Ч. Происхождение видов путем естественного отбора или сохранение благоприятных рас в борьбе за жизнь // пер. с англ. изд. 1859 в 1991. Спб., 511 с.
  • Allen R.P. West Indean Flamingo // Endangered Species of the Bahamas. 1997. P. 1–2.
  • Allen M.G., Bourke R.M., Evans B.R., Iramu E., Maemouri R.K., Mullen B.F., Pollard A.A., Wairiu M., Watoto C., Zotalis S. Solomon Islands Smallholder Agriculture Study // Provincial Reports. 2006. Vol. 4. Canberra, Australia. 141 p.
  • Atkinson I.A.E., Atkinson T.J. Land vertebrates as invasive species on islands served by the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme // Invasive species in the Pacific: review and draft regional strategy. 2000. Samoa. P. 19–84.
  • Berteaux D., Micol T. Population studies and reproduction of the feral cattle (Bos taurus) of Amsterdam Island, Indian Ocean // J. Zool. 1992. Vol. 228. P. 265–276.
  • Brickey J., Brickey C. Reindeer, cattle of the Arctic // Alaska J. 1975. Vol. 5. N 1. P. 16–24.
  • Butler D. Report on the birds of Upland Savai’i // Rapid Biodiversity Assessment of Upland Savai’i, 2012. Samoa. P. 85–110.
  • Соnry P.J. Management of feral and exotic game species on Guam // Trans. West. Sec. Wildl. Soc. Vol. 24. P. 26–30.
  • Ebbert S.E., Byrd G.V. Eradication of invasive species to restore natural biological diversity on Alaska Martitime National Wildlife Refuge // Turning the tide: the iradication of invasive species. Occasional Paper of the IUCN Species Survival Commission. 2002. N 27. Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. P. 102–109.
  • Fall J.A., Stanek R.T., Brown L., Utermohle C. The harvest and use of fish, wildlife, and plant resources in False Pass, Unimak Island, Alaska // Technical Paper 1996. N183. 85 p.
  • Foster D. Governor’s Appeal Gives Cattle Last-Minute Reprieve // Associated press news 2 February 1985. (с сайта 03.12.2012)http://www.apnewsarchive.com/1985/Governor-s-AppealGives-Cattle-Last-Minute-Reprieve/idcf5010dc10d9d35999468bff6a5ab48d
  • Ganesh Kumar B., Jeyakumar S., Rai R.B., Raj Vir Singh, Zachariah G., Kuntola R. Economics of Cow Milk Production – A Microlevel Study in Andaman & Nicobar Islands // Indian J. of Dairy Sci. 2006. Vol. 59. N 6. P. 1–6.
  • Golumbia T., Bland L., Moore K., Bartier P. History and current status of introduced vertebrates on Haida Gwaii // Lessons from the Islands. Introduced species and what they tell us about how ecosystems work. Special Publication Canadian Wildlife Service. 2008. P. 8–28.
  • Hall S.J.G., Moore G.F. Feral cattle of Swona, Orkney Islands // Mammal Rev. 1986. Vol. 16. N 2. P. 89–96.
  • Hiendleder S, Lewalski H, Janke A. Complete mitochondrial genomes of Bos taurus and Bos indicus provide new insights into intra-species variation, taxonomy and domestication // Cytogenet. Genome Res. 2008. Vol. 120. N 1–2. Р. 150–156.
  • Hill M.J., Currie D.R., Vel T.M., Fanchette R. Felicite // Atoll Res. Bull. 2002. Vol. 495. P. 118–138.
  • Jeyakumar S., Kundu A., Yadav Jaisunder S.P., Balakrishnan M., Kundu M.S., Saiatha T., Verma S.K., Srivastava R.C. Diversity and conservation of Farm animal genetic resources (FAnGR) of Andaman and Nicobar Islands // Ecology and faunal communites on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 2012. Springer. P. 313–337.
  • Kawahara-Miki R., Tsuda K., Shiwa Y., Arai-Kichise Y., Matsumoto T., Kanesaki Y., Oda S., Ebihara Sh., Yajima Sh., Yoshikawa H., Kono T. Whole-genome resequencing shows numerous genes with nonsynonymous SNPs in the Japanese native cattle Kuchinoshima-Ushi // BMC Genomics. 2011. Vol. 12. P. 103.
  • Kimura D., Ihobe H. Feral Cattle (Bos taurus) on Kuchinoshima Island, Southwestern Japan: Their Stable Ranging and Unstable Grouping // J. Ethol. 1985. Vol. 3. P. 39–47.
  • Lemke T.O. Status of the Marianas Fruit Bat (Pteropus mariannus) in the Northern Mariana Islands North of Saipan // Pacific Island Flying Foxes: Proceedings of an International Conservation Conference. 1992. Vol. 90. N 23. P. 68–73.
  • Lemke B. Australian Water buffalo. Genetic and Reproduction Improvements // Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation / Australian Goverment. 2008. RIRDC Publication N 08/189, RIRDC Project № PRJ000634. 58 p.
  • Long J.J. Introduced mammals of the World: their history, distribution and influence // 2003. Wallington. 591 p.
  • Lujan D.T., Wiles G.J. Population Size and Distribution of Wild Asiatic Water Buffalo on Guam // Job progress Report Research Progect Segment N W-1R-5. October 1, 1996 to September 30, 1997. http://www.guamdawr.org/reports/fy97/97_WatBuff.PDF
  • Lujan D.T. Monitor Population Size and Distribution of Wild Asiatic Water Buffalo on Guam // Job progress Report Research Progect Segment N W-1R-7 October 1, 1998 to September 30, 1999. http://www.guamdawr.org/reports/fy99/99Carabao.pdf
  • MacDonald M., Simon J. Cattle, Solanization, and Climate Change. Brazil’s Agricultural Revolution // Brighter Green. 2011. 41 p.
  • MacHugh D.E., Shriver M.D., Loftus R.T., Cunningham P., Bradley D.G. 1997. Microsatellite DNA Variation and the Evolution, Domestication and Phylogeography of Taurine and Zebu Cattle (Bos taurus and Bos indicus) // Genetics. Vol. 146. P. 1071–1086.
  • MacNeil M.D., Cronin M.A., Blackburn H.D., Richards C.M., Lockwood D.R., Alexander L.J. Genetic relationships between feral cattle from Chirikof Island, Alaska and other breeds // Animal Genetics. Vol. 38. N 3. 2007. Р. 193–197.
  • Matheson D. Enderby Island Cattle. // A New Zeland Rare Breed Society Rescue project 2002. http://www.rarebreeds.co.nz/endcattlepro.html
  • Micol T., Jouventin P. Restoration of Amsterdam Island, South Indian Ocean, following control of feral cattle // Biological conservation. 1995. Vol. 73. P. 199–206.
  • Minezawa M. 2002. Cattle Genetic Resources in Japan: One Successful Crossbreeding Story and Genetic Diversity Erosion // Cattle Genetic Resources in Japan. P. 74–87. [яп. яз.]
  • Nakanishi Y., Fujihashi D., Manda M. Significance of indigenous domestic or feral animals in the Tokara Island, Kogoshima prefecture – a survey on the population of Kuchinoshima feral cattle and their habitat for conservation // The Progress Report of the 2000 and 2001 Survey of the Research Project Social Homeostasis of Small Islands in Southern Japan. 2003. P. 97–103. [яп. яз.]
  • Olson, T.A. Choice of a wild-type standard in color genetics of domestic cattle. // J. Hered. 1980. Vol. 72. Р. 442–444.
  • Pharo K. Nature redesigned Aleutian cow herd // Beef producer. 2010. Feb. P. 3.
  • Scotsman. Back to the herd instinct //The Scotsman. News. 14 June 2003. (с сайта 22.01.2012) http://www.scotsman.com/news/back-to-the-herd-instinct-1-651949
  • Shackleton D. M. 1999 Hoofed mammals of British Columbia. UBS Press. 265 р.
  • Sherley G., Lowe S. Towards a regional invasive species strategy for the South Pacific: issues and options // Invasive species in the Pacific: review and draft regional strategy. South Pacific Regional Environment Programme. Apia, Samoa. 2000. P. 7–18.
  • Stinson D.W., Glass P.O., Taisacan E.M. Declines and Trade in Fruit Bats on Saipan, Tinian, Aguijan, and Rota // Pacific Island Flying Foxes: Proceedings of an International Conservation Conference. Biological Report. 1992. Vol. 90. N 23. P. 61–67.
  • Stone C.P., Anderson S.J. Introduced animals in Hawaii’s natural areas // Proceedings of the Thirteenth Vertebrate Pest Conference. 1988. Р. 133–142.
  • Wigglesworth A. Falkland people // Peter Owen Limited. 1992. 136 p.
  • Joint Region Marianas Naval Base Guam Ungulate Management Plan / Navy Base Guam. FPO AP 96540-2937. Published on 01.09. 2012 (общедоступный файл, с сайта 01.12.2012) http://sablan.house.gov/sites/sablan.house.gov/ files/documents/NBG-1_Draft%20NBG%20Ungulate%20 Management%20Plan_9-23-12.pdf/
  • Swona – abandoned island of feral cattle / Published on 17.02.2013. (общедоступный фоторяд, с сайта 10.04.2013) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5Q38n7bM78
  • Vancouver Bull Hunting In Hawaii / Published on 19.03.2012 (общедоступный файл, с сайта 09.02.2013) http://hog-blog. com/vancouver-bull-hunting-in-hawaii/

Список литературы

  • Дарвин Ч. Происхождение видов путем естественного отбора или сохранение благоприятных рас в борьбе за жизнь // пер. с англ. изд. 1859 в 1991. Спб., 511 с.
  • Allen R.P. West Indean Flamingo // Endangered Species of the Bahamas. 1997. P. 1–2.
  • Allen M.G., Bourke R.M., Evans B.R., Iramu E., Maemouri R.K., Mullen B.F., Pollard A.A., Wairiu M., Watoto C., Zotalis S. Solomon Islands Smallholder Agriculture Study // Provincial Reports. 2006. Vol. 4. Canberra, Australia. 141 p.
  • Atkinson I.A.E., Atkinson T.J. Land vertebrates as invasive species on islands served by the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme // Invasive species in the Pacific: review and draft regional strategy. 2000. Samoa. P. 19–84.
  • Berteaux D., Micol T. Population studies and reproduction of the feral cattle (Bos taurus) of Amsterdam Island, Indian Ocean // J. Zool. 1992. Vol. 228. P. 265–276.
  • Brickey J., Brickey C. Reindeer, cattle of the Arctic // Alaska J. 1975. Vol. 5. N 1. P. 16–24.
  • Butler D. Report on the birds of Upland Savai’i // Rapid Biodiversity Assessment of Upland Savai’i, 2012. Samoa. P. 85–110.
  • Соnry P.J. Management of feral and exotic game species on Guam // Trans. West. Sec. Wildl. Soc. Vol. 24. P. 26–30.
  • Ebbert S.E., Byrd G.V. Eradication of invasive species to restore natural biological diversity on Alaska Martitime National Wildlife Refuge // Turning the tide: the iradication of invasive species. Occasional Paper of the IUCN Species Survival Commission. 2002. N 27. Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. P. 102–109.
  • Fall J.A., Stanek R.T., Brown L., Utermohle C. The harvest and use of fish, wildlife, and plant resources in False Pass, Unimak Island, Alaska // Technical Paper 1996. N183. 85 p.
  • Foster D. Governor’s Appeal Gives Cattle Last-Minute Reprieve // Associated press news 2 February 1985. (с сайта 03.12.2012)http://www.apnewsarchive.com/1985/Governor-s-AppealGives-Cattle-Last-Minute-Reprieve/idcf5010dc10d9d35999468bff6a5ab48d
  • Ganesh Kumar B., Jeyakumar S., Rai R.B., Raj Vir Singh, Zachariah G., Kuntola R. Economics of Cow Milk Production – A Microlevel Study in Andaman & Nicobar Islands // Indian J. of Dairy Sci. 2006. Vol. 59. N 6. P. 1–6.
  • Golumbia T., Bland L., Moore K., Bartier P. History and current status of introduced vertebrates on Haida Gwaii // Lessons from the Islands. Introduced species and what they tell us about how ecosystems work. Special Publication Canadian Wildlife Service. 2008. P. 8–28.
  • Hall S.J.G., Moore G.F. Feral cattle of Swona, Orkney Islands // Mammal Rev. 1986. Vol. 16. N 2. P. 89–96.
  • Hiendleder S, Lewalski H, Janke A. Complete mitochondrial genomes of Bos taurus and Bos indicus provide new insights into intra-species variation, taxonomy and domestication // Cytogenet. Genome Res. 2008. Vol. 120. N 1–2. Р. 150–156.
  • Hill M.J., Currie D.R., Vel T.M., Fanchette R. Felicite // Atoll Res. Bull. 2002. Vol. 495. P. 118–138.
  • Jeyakumar S., Kundu A., Yadav Jaisunder S.P., Balakrishnan M., Kundu M.S., Saiatha T., Verma S.K., Srivastava R.C. Diversity and conservation of Farm animal genetic resources (FAnGR) of Andaman and Nicobar Islands // Ecology and faunal communites on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 2012. Springer. P. 313–337.
  • Kawahara-Miki R., Tsuda K., Shiwa Y., Arai-Kichise Y., Matsumoto T., Kanesaki Y., Oda S., Ebihara Sh., Yajima Sh., Yoshikawa H., Kono T. Whole-genome resequencing shows numerous genes with nonsynonymous SNPs in the Japanese native cattle Kuchinoshima-Ushi // BMC Genomics. 2011. Vol. 12. P. 103.
  • Kimura D., Ihobe H. Feral Cattle (Bos taurus) on Kuchinoshima Island, Southwestern Japan: Their Stable Ranging and Unstable Grouping // J. Ethol. 1985. Vol. 3. P. 39–47.
  • Lemke T.O. Status of the Marianas Fruit Bat (Pteropus mariannus) in the Northern Mariana Islands North of Saipan // Pacific Island Flying Foxes: Proceedings of an International Conservation Conference. 1992. Vol. 90. N 23. P. 68–73.
  • Lemke B. Australian Water buffalo. Genetic and Reproduction Improvements // Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation / Australian Goverment. 2008. RIRDC Publication N 08/189, RIRDC Project № PRJ000634. 58 p.
  • Long J.J. Introduced mammals of the World: their history, distribution and influence // 2003. Wallington. 591 p.
  • Lujan D.T., Wiles G.J. Population Size and Distribution of Wild Asiatic Water Buffalo on Guam // Job progress Report Research Progect Segment N W-1R-5. October 1, 1996 to September 30, 1997. http://www.guamdawr.org/reports/fy97/97_WatBuff.PDF
  • Lujan D.T. Monitor Population Size and Distribution of Wild Asiatic Water Buffalo on Guam // Job progress Report Research Progect Segment N W-1R-7 October 1, 1998 to September 30, 1999. http://www.guamdawr.org/reports/fy99/99Carabao.pdf
  • MacDonald M., Simon J. Cattle, Solanization, and Climate Change. Brazil’s Agricultural Revolution // Brighter Green. 2011. 41 p.
  • MacHugh D.E., Shriver M.D., Loftus R.T., Cunningham P., Bradley D.G. 1997. Microsatellite DNA Variation and the Evolution, Domestication and Phylogeography of Taurine and Zebu Cattle (Bos taurus and Bos indicus) // Genetics. Vol. 146. P. 1071–1086.
  • MacNeil M.D., Cronin M.A., Blackburn H.D., Richards C.M., Lockwood D.R., Alexander L.J. Genetic relationships between feral cattle from Chirikof Island, Alaska and other breeds // Animal Genetics. Vol. 38. N 3. 2007. Р. 193–197.
  • Matheson D. Enderby Island Cattle. // A New Zeland Rare Breed Society Rescue project 2002. http://www.rarebreeds.co.nz/endcattlepro.html
  • Micol T., Jouventin P. Restoration of Amsterdam Island, South Indian Ocean, following control of feral cattle // Biological conservation. 1995. Vol. 73. P. 199–206.
  • Minezawa M. 2002. Cattle Genetic Resources in Japan: One Successful Crossbreeding Story and Genetic Diversity Erosion // Cattle Genetic Resources in Japan. P. 74–87. [яп. яз.]
  • Nakanishi Y., Fujihashi D., Manda M. Significance of indigenous domestic or feral animals in the Tokara Island, Kogoshima prefecture – a survey on the population of Kuchinoshima feral cattle and their habitat for conservation // The Progress Report of the 2000 and 2001 Survey of the Research Project Social Homeostasis of Small Islands in Southern Japan. 2003. P. 97–103. [яп. яз.]
  • Olson, T.A. Choice of a wild-type standard in color genetics of domestic cattle. // J. Hered. 1980. Vol. 72. Р. 442–444.
  • Pharo K. Nature redesigned Aleutian cow herd // Beef producer. 2010. Feb. P. 3.
  • Scotsman. Back to the herd instinct //The Scotsman. News. 14 June 2003. (с сайта 22.01.2012) http://www.scotsman.com/news/back-to-the-herd-instinct-1-651949
  • Shackleton D. M. 1999 Hoofed mammals of British Columbia. UBS Press. 265 р.
  • Sherley G., Lowe S. Towards a regional invasive species strategy for the South Pacific: issues and options // Invasive species in the Pacific: review and draft regional strategy. South Pacific Regional Environment Programme. Apia, Samoa. 2000. P. 7–18.
  • Stinson D.W., Glass P.O., Taisacan E.M. Declines and Trade in Fruit Bats on Saipan, Tinian, Aguijan, and Rota // Pacific Island Flying Foxes: Proceedings of an International Conservation Conference. Biological Report. 1992. Vol. 90. N 23. P. 61–67.
  • Stone C.P., Anderson S.J. Introduced animals in Hawaii’s natural areas // Proceedings of the Thirteenth Vertebrate Pest Conference. 1988. Р. 133–142.
  • Wigglesworth A. Falkland people // Peter Owen Limited. 1992. 136 p.
  • Joint Region Marianas Naval Base Guam Ungulate Management Plan / Navy Base Guam. FPO AP 96540-2937. Published on 01.09. 2012 (общедоступный файл, с сайта 01.12.2012) http://sablan.house.gov/sites/sablan.house.gov/ files/documents/NBG-1_Draft%20NBG%20Ungulate%20 Management%20Plan_9-23-12.pdf/
  • Swona – abandoned island of feral cattle / Published on 17.02.2013. (общедоступный фоторяд, с сайта 10.04.2013) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5Q38n7bM78
  • Vancouver Bull Hunting In Hawaii / Published on 19.03.2012 (общедоступный файл, с сайта 09.02.2013) http://hog-blog. com/vancouver-bull-hunting-in-hawaii/