В 2019 г. исполняется 80 лет со дня рождения одного из лучших отечественных специалистов по фауне и окружающей среде ледникового периода А.В. Шера. Последние годы своей жизни он тесно сотрудничал с частным Музеем ледникового периода. Приведены воспоминания создателя музея и главного хранителя научной коллекции.
2019. Т. 124. Вып. 2.
2019. Т. 124. Вып. 2.
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Андрей Владимирович Шер и Музей ледникового периода
- Спасская Н.Н., Кузнецова Т. В., Шер А.В.. Морфометрическое исследование черепа позднеплейстоценовой мумии билибинской лошади с западной Чукотки // Палеонтологический журнал. 2012. № 1. C. 89–101 [Spasskaya N.N., Kuznetsova T.V., Sher A.V. Morfometricheskoe issledovanie cherepa pozdnepleistotsenovoj mumii bilibinskoj loshadi s zapadnoj Chukotki // Paleontologicheskij zhurnal, 2012. № 1. S. 89–101].
- Gilbert M.T.P., Tomsho L.P., Rendulic S., Packard M., Drautz D.I., Sher A., Tikhonov A., Dalén L., Kuznetsova T., Kosintsev P., Campos P.F., Higham Th., Collins M.J., Wilson A.S., Shidlovskiy F., Buigues B., Ericson P.G.P., Germonopré M., Lacumin P., Nikolaev V., Novak-Kemp M., Willerslev E., Knight J.R., Irzyk G.P., Perbost C.S., Fredrikson K.M., Harkins T.T., Sheridan Sh., Miller W., Schuster S.C. Whole-Genome Shotgun Sequencing of Mitochondria from Ancient Hair Shafts // Science. 2007. Vol. 317. P. 1927.
- Kirillova I. V., Shidlovskiy F.K. Estimation of individual age and season of death in woolly rhinoceros, Coelodonta antiquitatis (Blumenbach, 1799), from Sakha-Yakutia, Russia // Quaternary Science Reviews, 2010. Vol. 29. P. 3106–3114.
- Kirillova I.V., Shidlovskiy F. K., Titov V.V. Kastykhtakh mammoth from Taimyr (Russia) // Quaternary International, 2012. Vol. 276–277. P. 269–277.
- Kirillova I.V., Tiunov A.V., Levchenko V.A., Chernova O.F., Yudin V.G., Bertuch F., Shidlovskiy F.K. On the discovery of a cave lion from the Malyi Anyui River (Chukotka, Russia) // Quaternary Science Reviews, 2015a. Vol. 117. P. 135–153.
- Kirillova I.V., Zanina O.G., Chernova O.F., Lapteva E.G., Trofimova S.S., Lebedev V.S., Tiunov A.V. Soares A.E.R., Shidlovskiy F.K., Shapiro B. An ancient bison from the mouth of the Rauchua River (Chukotka, Russia) // Quaternary Research, 2015b. Vol. 84. P. 232–245.
- Kirillova I. V., Argant J., Lapteva E.G., Korona O.M., van der Plicht, Zinovyev E.V., Kotov A.A., Chernova O.F., Fadeeva E.O., Baturina O.A., Kabilov M.R., Shudlovskkiy F.K., Zanina O.G. The diet and environment of mammoths in North-East Russia reconstructed from the contents of their feces // Quaternary International., 2016a. Vol. 406. P. 147–161.
- Kirillova I.V., van der Plicht J., Gubin S.V., Zanina O.G., Chernova O.F., Lapteva E.G., Trofimova S.S., Zinovyev E.V., Zharov A.A., Fadeeva E.O., van Kolfschotench, Shidlovskiy F.K., Kotov A.A. Taphonomic phenomenon of ancient hair from Glacial Beringia: perspectives for palaeoecological reconstructions // BOREAS 2016b, N 3. P. 455–469. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/bor.2016.45.issue-3/issuetoc.
- Kirillova I. V., Chernova O.F., van der Made J., Kukarskih V.V., Shapiro B., van der Plicht J., Shidlovskiy F.K., Heintzmane P.D., van Kolfschotench T., Zanina O.G. Discovery of the skull of Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jäger, 1839) above the Arctic Circle // Quaternary Research, 2017, N 3. P. 537–550.
- Kirillova I. V., Shidlovskiy F. K., Zinoviev A.V. Metapodials of ancient bison (Bison priscus Boj.) of north-east Russia: “Stress markers”, sex and withers height // Integrative Zoology, 2018 [in press].
- Shidlovskiy F.K., Kirillova I.V. Horns of the woolly rhinoceros Coelodonta antiquitatis (Blumenbach, 1799) in the Ice Age Museum collection (Moscow, Russia) // Quaternary International. 2012. Vol. 255. P. 125–129.
Список литературы
- Спасская Н.Н., Кузнецова Т. В., Шер А.В.. Морфометрическое исследование черепа позднеплейстоценовой мумии билибинской лошади с западной Чукотки // Палеонтологический журнал. 2012. № 1. C. 89–101 [Spasskaya N.N., Kuznetsova T.V., Sher A.V. Morfometricheskoe issledovanie cherepa pozdnepleistotsenovoj mumii bilibinskoj loshadi s zapadnoj Chukotki // Paleontologicheskij zhurnal, 2012. № 1. S. 89–101].
- Gilbert M.T.P., Tomsho L.P., Rendulic S., Packard M., Drautz D.I., Sher A., Tikhonov A., Dalén L., Kuznetsova T., Kosintsev P., Campos P.F., Higham Th., Collins M.J., Wilson A.S., Shidlovskiy F., Buigues B., Ericson P.G.P., Germonopré M., Lacumin P., Nikolaev V., Novak-Kemp M., Willerslev E., Knight J.R., Irzyk G.P., Perbost C.S., Fredrikson K.M., Harkins T.T., Sheridan Sh., Miller W., Schuster S.C. Whole-Genome Shotgun Sequencing of Mitochondria from Ancient Hair Shafts // Science. 2007. Vol. 317. P. 1927.
- Kirillova I. V., Shidlovskiy F.K. Estimation of individual age and season of death in woolly rhinoceros, Coelodonta antiquitatis (Blumenbach, 1799), from Sakha-Yakutia, Russia // Quaternary Science Reviews, 2010. Vol. 29. P. 3106–3114.
- Kirillova I.V., Shidlovskiy F. K., Titov V.V. Kastykhtakh mammoth from Taimyr (Russia) // Quaternary International, 2012. Vol. 276–277. P. 269–277.
- Kirillova I.V., Tiunov A.V., Levchenko V.A., Chernova O.F., Yudin V.G., Bertuch F., Shidlovskiy F.K. On the discovery of a cave lion from the Malyi Anyui River (Chukotka, Russia) // Quaternary Science Reviews, 2015a. Vol. 117. P. 135–153.
- Kirillova I.V., Zanina O.G., Chernova O.F., Lapteva E.G., Trofimova S.S., Lebedev V.S., Tiunov A.V. Soares A.E.R., Shidlovskiy F.K., Shapiro B. An ancient bison from the mouth of the Rauchua River (Chukotka, Russia) // Quaternary Research, 2015b. Vol. 84. P. 232–245.
- Kirillova I. V., Argant J., Lapteva E.G., Korona O.M., van der Plicht, Zinovyev E.V., Kotov A.A., Chernova O.F., Fadeeva E.O., Baturina O.A., Kabilov M.R., Shudlovskkiy F.K., Zanina O.G. The diet and environment of mammoths in North-East Russia reconstructed from the contents of their feces // Quaternary International., 2016a. Vol. 406. P. 147–161.
- Kirillova I.V., van der Plicht J., Gubin S.V., Zanina O.G., Chernova O.F., Lapteva E.G., Trofimova S.S., Zinovyev E.V., Zharov A.A., Fadeeva E.O., van Kolfschotench, Shidlovskiy F.K., Kotov A.A. Taphonomic phenomenon of ancient hair from Glacial Beringia: perspectives for palaeoecological reconstructions // BOREAS 2016b, N 3. P. 455–469. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/bor.2016.45.issue-3/issuetoc.
- Kirillova I. V., Chernova O.F., van der Made J., Kukarskih V.V., Shapiro B., van der Plicht J., Shidlovskiy F.K., Heintzmane P.D., van Kolfschotench T., Zanina O.G. Discovery of the skull of Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jäger, 1839) above the Arctic Circle // Quaternary Research, 2017, N 3. P. 537–550.
- Kirillova I. V., Shidlovskiy F. K., Zinoviev A.V. Metapodials of ancient bison (Bison priscus Boj.) of north-east Russia: “Stress markers”, sex and withers height // Integrative Zoology, 2018 [in press].
- Shidlovskiy F.K., Kirillova I.V. Horns of the woolly rhinoceros Coelodonta antiquitatis (Blumenbach, 1799) in the Ice Age Museum collection (Moscow, Russia) // Quaternary International. 2012. Vol. 255. P. 125–129.