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2019. T. 124. Vyp. 1.
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2019. T. 124. Vyp. 1.

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Danishevskaya A.Y., Filatova O.A.

Ключевые слова:


killer whale, Orcinus orca, vocal dialects, cultural traditions, gene-cultural coevolution.

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Danishevskaya A.Y., Filatova O.A., Combination of Genetically and Culturally Inherited Traits in Killer Whale Dialects // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 2019. T. 124. Vyp. 1. S. 3-11

Combination of Genetically and Culturally Inherited Traits in Killer Whale Dialects

Vocal dialects of killer whales are transmitted across generations through learning and steadily change in time. Detectable changes in killer whale dialects may occur over the span of several decades, so apparently hundreds or thousands of years of isolation should lead to completely different repertoires. In this paper, we compared killer whale repertoires using dynamic time warping to assess how genetic or geographic distance affect the unique call traits. The repertoires of more geographically distant populations turned out to be more similar than the repertoires of geographically close, but different ecotypes. At the same time, similar repertoires of geographically distant populations had specific differences in the shape of the frequency contours. The level of divergence between sub-populations within same population varied substantially across populations. The call similarity between different populations can reflect either their genetically inherited constraints of call variability or may be a result of random convergence in calls. However, if different call types change in time with different speed, it is possible that some markers in the repertoires remain stable indicating their common origin.


  • Филатова О.А., Бурдин А.М., Хойт Э. «Горизонтальный» перенос вокальных традиций в диалектах косаток (Orcinus orca) // Зоол. журн. 2010. Т. 89. № 11. С. 1–8  [Filatova O.A., Burdin A.M., Khojt E. “Gorizontal’nyj” perenos vokal’nykh traditsij v dialektakh kosatok  (Orcinus orca) // Zool. zhurn. 2010. T. 89. № 11. S. 1–8].
  • Филатова О. А., Гузеев М.А., Федутин И.Д., Бурдин А.М., Хойт Э. Зависимость акустической сигнализации косаток (Orcinus orca) от типа активности и социального контекста // Зоол. журн. 2013. Т. 92. № 5. С. 612–618 [Filatova O.A., Guzeev M.A., Fedutin I.D., Burdin A.M., Khojt E. Zavisimost’ akusticheskoj signalizatsii kosatok (Orcinus orca)  ot tipa aktivnosti i sotsial’nogo konteksta // Zool. zhurn. 2013. T. 92. № 5. S. 612–618].
  • Филатова О.А. Эволюция диалектов косаток северной части Тихого океана: Дис. … докт. биол. наук. М., 2014. 321 с. [Filatova O.A. Evolyutsiya dialektov kosatok severnoj chasti Tikhogo okeana. Dis. … dokt. Biol. nauk. M., 2014. 321 s.].
  • Филатова О.А., Борисова Е.А., Шпак О.В., Мещерский И.Г., Тиунов А.В., Гончаров А.В., Федутин И.Д., Бурдин А.М. Репродуктивно изолированные экотипы косаток Orcinus orca в морях Дальнего Востока России // Зоол. журн. 2014. Т. 93. №. 11. С. 1345–1353 [Filatova O.A., Borisova E.A., Shpak O.V., Meshcherskij I.G., Tiunov A.V., Goncharov A.V., Fedutin I.D., Burdin A.M. Reproduktivno izolirovannye ekotipy  kosatok Orcinus orca v moryakh Dal’nego Vostoka Rossii // Zool. zhurn. 2014. T. 93. № 11. S. 1345–1353].
  • Шабалина А.О., Филатова О.А., Федутин И.Д., Бурдин А.М., Хойт Э. Вокальные диалекты и популяционная структура рыбоядных косаток восточной Камчатки и Командорских островов // Мат-лы круглого стола по косатке, VII Междунар. конф. «Морские млекопитающие Голарктики». 2012. С. 8–12 [Shabalina A.O., Filatova O.A., Fedutin I.D., Burdin A.M., Khojt E. Vokal’nye dialekty i populyatsionnaya struktura ryboyadnykh kosatok vostochnoj Kamchatki i Komandorskikh ostrovov // Mat-ly kruglogo stola po kosatke. VII Mezhdunar. konf. “Morskie mlekopitayushchie  Golarktiki”. 2012. S. 8–12].
  • Balaban E. Cultural and genetic variation in swamp sparrows (Melospiza georgiana): II. Behavioral salience of geographic song variants // Behaviour. 1988. P. 292–322.
  • Barrett-Lennard L.G. Population structure and mating patterns of killer whales (Orcinus orca) as revealed by DNA analysis: PhD thesis / University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 2000. 102 p.
  • Bigg M. A., Olesiuk P. F., Ellis G. M., Ford J. K. B., Balcomb K. C. Social organization and genealogy of resident killer whales (Orcinus orca) in the coastal waters of British Columbia and Washington State // Report of the International Whaling Commission, Special Issue. 1990. Vol. 12. P. 383–405.
  • Deecke V. B., Ford J.K.B., Spong P. Dialect change in resident killer whales: implications for vocal learning and cultural transmission // Animal behaviour. 2000. Vol. 60. N 5. P. 629–638.
  • Deecke V. B., Ford J.K.B, Slater P.J.B. The vocal behaviour of mammal-eating killer whales: communicating with costly calls // Animal Behaviour. 2005. Vol. 69. N 2. P. 395–405.
  • Filatova O. A., Fedutin I.D., Burdin A.M., Hoyt E. The structure of the discrete call repertoire of killer whales Orcinus orca from Southeast Kamchatka // Bioacoustics. 2007. Vol. 16. N 3. P. 261–280.
  • Filatova O.A., Fedutin I.D., Nagaylik M.M., Burdin A.M., Hoyt E. Usage of monophonic and biphonic calls by free-ranging resident killer whales (Orcinus orca) in Kamchatka, Russian Far East //Acta ethologica. 2009. Vol. 12. N 1. P. 37–44.
  • Filatova O.A., Miller P.J.O., Yurk H., Samarra F.I.P., Hoyt E., Ford J.K.B., Matkin C.O., Barrett-Lennard L.G. Killer whale call frequency is similar across the oceans, but varies across sympatric ecotypes // J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 2015. Vol. 138. N 1. P. 251–257.
  • Ford J.K.B. Vocal traditions among resident killer whales, Orcinus orca, in coastal waters of British Columbia // Can. J. Zool. 1991. Vol. 69. N 6. P. 1454–1483.
  • Foote A.D., Nystuen J.A. Variation in call pitch among killer whale ecotypes // The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2008. Vol. 123. N 3. P. 1747–1752.
  • Foote A. D, Morin P.A., Durban J.W., Willerslev E., Orlando L., Gilbert M.T.P. Out of the Pacific and back again: insights into the matrilineal history of Pacific killer whale ecotypes // PloS one. 2011. Vol. 6. N 9. P. e24980.
  • Gowans S., Whitehead H., Hooker S.K. Social organization in northern bottlenose whales, Hyperoodon ampullatus: not driven by deep-water foraging? // Animal behaviour. 2001. Vol. 62. N 2. P. 369–377.
  • Hoelzel A. R., Hey J., Dahlheim M.E., Nicholson C., Burkanov V., Black N. Evolution of population structure in a highly social top predator, the killer whale // Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2007. Vol. 24. N 6. P. 1407–1415.
  • Moore S.E., Francine J.K., Bowles A.E., Ford J.K.B. Analysis of calls of killer whales, Orcinus orca, from Iceland and Norway // Rit Fiske Dildar .1988. Vol. 11. P. 225–250.
  • Morin P.A., Archer F.I., Foote A.D., Vilstrup J., Allen E.E., Wade P., Durban J., Parsons K., Pitman R., Li L., Bouffard P., Abel Nielsen S.C., Rasmussen M., Willerslev E., Gilbert M.T.P., Harkins T. Complete mitochondrial genome phylogeographic analysis of killer whales (Orcinus orca) indicates multiple species // Genome Research. 2010. Vol. 20. P. 908–916.
  • Moura A. E., Kenny J.G., Chaudhuri R.R., Hughes M.A., Reisinger R.R., de Bruyn P.J.N., Dahlheim M.E., Hall N., Hoelzel A.R. Phylogenomics of the killer whale indicates ecotype divergence in sympatry // Heredity. 2015. Vol. 114. N 1. P. 48.
  • Riesch R., Barrett-Lennard L.G., Ellis G.M., Ford J.K.B, Deecke V.B. Cultural traditions and the evolution of reproductive isolation: ecological speciation in killer whales? // Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 2012. Vol. 106. N 1. P. 1–17.
  • Simon M., Ugarte F., Wahlberg M., Miller L.A. Icelandic killer whales Orcinus orca use a pulsed call suitable for manipulating the schooling behaviour of herring Clupea harengus // Bioacoustics. 2006. Vol. 16. N 1. P. 57–74.
  • Strager H., Ugarte F. A comparison of killer whale calls from Norway, British Columbia and Iceland // ECS Proc. Lugano, 1995. P. 26–27.

Список литературы

  • Филатова О.А., Бурдин А.М., Хойт Э. «Горизонтальный» перенос вокальных традиций в диалектах косаток (Orcinus orca) // Зоол. журн. 2010. Т. 89. № 11. С. 1–8  [Filatova O.A., Burdin A.M., Khojt E. “Gorizontal’nyj” perenos vokal’nykh traditsij v dialektakh kosatok  (Orcinus orca) // Zool. zhurn. 2010. T. 89. № 11. S. 1–8].
  • Филатова О. А., Гузеев М.А., Федутин И.Д., Бурдин А.М., Хойт Э. Зависимость акустической сигнализации косаток (Orcinus orca) от типа активности и социального контекста // Зоол. журн. 2013. Т. 92. № 5. С. 612–618 [Filatova O.A., Guzeev M.A., Fedutin I.D., Burdin A.M., Khojt E. Zavisimost’ akusticheskoj signalizatsii kosatok (Orcinus orca)  ot tipa aktivnosti i sotsial’nogo konteksta // Zool. zhurn. 2013. T. 92. № 5. S. 612–618].
  • Филатова О.А. Эволюция диалектов косаток северной части Тихого океана: Дис. … докт. биол. наук. М., 2014. 321 с. [Filatova O.A. Evolyutsiya dialektov kosatok severnoj chasti Tikhogo okeana. Dis. … dokt. Biol. nauk. M., 2014. 321 s.].
  • Филатова О.А., Борисова Е.А., Шпак О.В., Мещерский И.Г., Тиунов А.В., Гончаров А.В., Федутин И.Д., Бурдин А.М. Репродуктивно изолированные экотипы косаток Orcinus orca в морях Дальнего Востока России // Зоол. журн. 2014. Т. 93. №. 11. С. 1345–1353 [Filatova O.A., Borisova E.A., Shpak O.V., Meshcherskij I.G., Tiunov A.V., Goncharov A.V., Fedutin I.D., Burdin A.M. Reproduktivno izolirovannye ekotipy  kosatok Orcinus orca v moryakh Dal’nego Vostoka Rossii // Zool. zhurn. 2014. T. 93. № 11. S. 1345–1353].
  • Шабалина А.О., Филатова О.А., Федутин И.Д., Бурдин А.М., Хойт Э. Вокальные диалекты и популяционная структура рыбоядных косаток восточной Камчатки и Командорских островов // Мат-лы круглого стола по косатке, VII Междунар. конф. «Морские млекопитающие Голарктики». 2012. С. 8–12 [Shabalina A.O., Filatova O.A., Fedutin I.D., Burdin A.M., Khojt E. Vokal’nye dialekty i populyatsionnaya struktura ryboyadnykh kosatok vostochnoj Kamchatki i Komandorskikh ostrovov // Mat-ly kruglogo stola po kosatke. VII Mezhdunar. konf. “Morskie mlekopitayushchie  Golarktiki”. 2012. S. 8–12].
  • Balaban E. Cultural and genetic variation in swamp sparrows (Melospiza georgiana): II. Behavioral salience of geographic song variants // Behaviour. 1988. P. 292–322.
  • Barrett-Lennard L.G. Population structure and mating patterns of killer whales (Orcinus orca) as revealed by DNA analysis: PhD thesis / University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 2000. 102 p.
  • Bigg M. A., Olesiuk P. F., Ellis G. M., Ford J. K. B., Balcomb K. C. Social organization and genealogy of resident killer whales (Orcinus orca) in the coastal waters of British Columbia and Washington State // Report of the International Whaling Commission, Special Issue. 1990. Vol. 12. P. 383–405.
  • Deecke V. B., Ford J.K.B., Spong P. Dialect change in resident killer whales: implications for vocal learning and cultural transmission // Animal behaviour. 2000. Vol. 60. N 5. P. 629–638.
  • Deecke V. B., Ford J.K.B, Slater P.J.B. The vocal behaviour of mammal-eating killer whales: communicating with costly calls // Animal Behaviour. 2005. Vol. 69. N 2. P. 395–405.
  • Filatova O. A., Fedutin I.D., Burdin A.M., Hoyt E. The structure of the discrete call repertoire of killer whales Orcinus orca from Southeast Kamchatka // Bioacoustics. 2007. Vol. 16. N 3. P. 261–280.
  • Filatova O.A., Fedutin I.D., Nagaylik M.M., Burdin A.M., Hoyt E. Usage of monophonic and biphonic calls by free-ranging resident killer whales (Orcinus orca) in Kamchatka, Russian Far East //Acta ethologica. 2009. Vol. 12. N 1. P. 37–44.
  • Filatova O.A., Miller P.J.O., Yurk H., Samarra F.I.P., Hoyt E., Ford J.K.B., Matkin C.O., Barrett-Lennard L.G. Killer whale call frequency is similar across the oceans, but varies across sympatric ecotypes // J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 2015. Vol. 138. N 1. P. 251–257.
  • Ford J.K.B. Vocal traditions among resident killer whales, Orcinus orca, in coastal waters of British Columbia // Can. J. Zool. 1991. Vol. 69. N 6. P. 1454–1483.
  • Foote A.D., Nystuen J.A. Variation in call pitch among killer whale ecotypes // The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2008. Vol. 123. N 3. P. 1747–1752.
  • Foote A. D, Morin P.A., Durban J.W., Willerslev E., Orlando L., Gilbert M.T.P. Out of the Pacific and back again: insights into the matrilineal history of Pacific killer whale ecotypes // PloS one. 2011. Vol. 6. N 9. P. e24980.
  • Gowans S., Whitehead H., Hooker S.K. Social organization in northern bottlenose whales, Hyperoodon ampullatus: not driven by deep-water foraging? // Animal behaviour. 2001. Vol. 62. N 2. P. 369–377.
  • Hoelzel A. R., Hey J., Dahlheim M.E., Nicholson C., Burkanov V., Black N. Evolution of population structure in a highly social top predator, the killer whale // Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2007. Vol. 24. N 6. P. 1407–1415.
  • Moore S.E., Francine J.K., Bowles A.E., Ford J.K.B. Analysis of calls of killer whales, Orcinus orca, from Iceland and Norway // Rit Fiske Dildar .1988. Vol. 11. P. 225–250.
  • Morin P.A., Archer F.I., Foote A.D., Vilstrup J., Allen E.E., Wade P., Durban J., Parsons K., Pitman R., Li L., Bouffard P., Abel Nielsen S.C., Rasmussen M., Willerslev E., Gilbert M.T.P., Harkins T. Complete mitochondrial genome phylogeographic analysis of killer whales (Orcinus orca) indicates multiple species // Genome Research. 2010. Vol. 20. P. 908–916.
  • Moura A. E., Kenny J.G., Chaudhuri R.R., Hughes M.A., Reisinger R.R., de Bruyn P.J.N., Dahlheim M.E., Hall N., Hoelzel A.R. Phylogenomics of the killer whale indicates ecotype divergence in sympatry // Heredity. 2015. Vol. 114. N 1. P. 48.
  • Riesch R., Barrett-Lennard L.G., Ellis G.M., Ford J.K.B, Deecke V.B. Cultural traditions and the evolution of reproductive isolation: ecological speciation in killer whales? // Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 2012. Vol. 106. N 1. P. 1–17.
  • Simon M., Ugarte F., Wahlberg M., Miller L.A. Icelandic killer whales Orcinus orca use a pulsed call suitable for manipulating the schooling behaviour of herring Clupea harengus // Bioacoustics. 2006. Vol. 16. N 1. P. 57–74.
  • Strager H., Ugarte F. A comparison of killer whale calls from Norway, British Columbia and Iceland // ECS Proc. Lugano, 1995. P. 26–27.