Ethics of scientific publications

The journal “Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Naturalists. Biological Series” pays great attention to the ethics of scientific publications.

Below are the key principles that should guide the relations between participants in the scientific publishing process, such as authors, reviewers, and members of the Editorial Board. Cases of ethical violations not discussed below are considered by the Editorial Board. Based on the results of the discussion, members of the Editorial Board develop a common position on violations of the ethics of scientific publications.

Editorial Board

The activities of the Editorial Board members are free of charge.

The Editorial Board is guided by the reliability of the data and the scientific significance of the work when making a decision on publication. Members of the Editorial Board evaluate manuscripts regardless of the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious views, origin, citizenship, social status, or political preferences of the authors. Unpublished data obtained from manuscripts submitted for consideration cannot be used by members of the Editorial Board for personal purposes or transferred to third parties. Any information obtained during editing is kept confidential and cannot be used for personal gain.

The Editorial Board does not allow manuscripts to be published if there are sufficient grounds to believe that they contain plagiarism.


The activities of reviewers are free of charge.

The reviewer carries out a scientific examination of the author’s materials. The reviewer reserves the right to remain anonymous.

A manuscript received for review is considered a confidential document that cannot be passed on for review or discussion to third parties not authorised by the editor. The reviewer is obliged to give an objective and reasoned assessment of the presented research results. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable. The reviewer should not use any unpublished data obtained from manuscripts for personal purposes. A reviewer who, in his or her opinion, does not have sufficient qualifications to evaluate the manuscript or has a conflict of interest with the author or organisation must inform the editorial board about this with a request to exclude him from the review process.


The activities of the authors are free of charge. There are no publication fee, and no royalties are paid.

The author (or a team of authors) should not submit to the journal a manuscript that has been sent to another journal or is under consideration somewhere, as well as a paper that has already been published in other journals, books, or collections.

By submitting a manuscript, the corresponding author guarantees that all co-authors have read the final manuscript and agree with its publication in the journal “Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Naturalists. Biological Series.”

The author is aware that he or she is responsible for the novelty and reliability of the results of scientific research. Authors must provide reliable scientific results. Knowingly erroneous or falsified statements are unacceptable. The authors must ensure that the research results reported in the submitted manuscript are completely original. Borrowed fragments or statements must be formalised with the obligatory indication of the author and the original source. Excessive borrowing, as well as plagiarism in any form, including unformatted quotations, paraphrasing, or appropriation of rights to the results of others’ research, are unacceptable.

The paper should provide references to sources that were important during the research. The list of co-authors of the paper must include all persons who made a significant contribution to the research. It is unacceptable to include on the list of authors people who did not participate in the study.

If the author discovers significant errors or inaccuracies in the article at the stage of its consideration or after its publication, he or she must notify the Editorial Board as soon as possible.