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2018. T. 123. Vyp. 4.

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Matveev A.V., Gmoshinskiy V.I., Botyakov V.N., Novozhilov Yu.K.

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myxomycetes, slime moulds, biodiversity, Primorsky Territory, Krasnodar Territory.

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Matveev A.V., Gmoshinskiy V.I., Botyakov V.N., Novozhilov Yu.K., First Records of Physarella oblonga (Myxomycetes) in Russia // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 2018. T. 123. Vyp. 4. S. 66-77

First Records of Physarella oblonga (Myxomycetes) in Russia

The data on the distribution and ecology of Physarella oblonga are summarized in this paper. Description of the first findings of this species on the territory of Russia is given as well. Specimens were found in the Ussuriysky Nature Reserve (Shkotovsky District, Primorsky Territory) and in the Kanevskoy District, Krasnodar Territory.


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