In the present paper there are described 7 new species of the genus Tricorynus (Coleoptera: Ptinidae: Mesocoelopodinae) from Paraguay. All type-species are deposited in the Museo National de Historia Natural del Paraguay – NMHNP.
T. bonacei is mainly black-brown. Pubescence very fine, short, suberect. Body 1.8 times as long as wide. Eyes separated by 1.75 eye diameters. Pronotum 1.67 times as wide as long; disc evenly convex, sides bulging at acute anterior angle. Punctation dual: large punctures separated by 1 puncture diameter on disc, and they are sparse on anterior angle. Elytra 1.34 times as long as wide and 2.3 times as long as pronotum, with two lateral striae. These striae reach the level of metasternum and continue as rows of punctures to basal margin of elytra. Elytral disc with rows of large punctures. The middle of metasternum with dense large punctures, side parts with sparse small ones. Hook and carina are absent. Fore tibia with two grooves: the lower groove is complete, the upper one is short. Aedeagus: penis with 5 various spines. T. bonacei differs from other Tricorynus by large and dense punctation on the middle of metasternum and missing carina in metasternum or hook of mesosternum. Length 2.25 mm.
T. deminutus. Dorsal surface is black brown, the ventral one is dark brown. Pubescence fine, dark, a little suberect. Body nearly oval, 1.75 times as long as wide. Eyes round, separated by about 2.5 eye diameters. Pronotum 1.6 times as wide as long; punctation triple; the largest punctures separated by 1–1.5 puncture diameters near apical margin. Anterior angle acute, with the largest as on pronotum and small punctures. Elytra 1.4 times as long as wide and 2.3 times as long as pronotum, with two lateral striae. These striae reach the level of metasternum and run forward to basal margin as wrinkles and large punctures. Elytral disc with very fine, dense, uniform punctation. Mesosternum without hook, metasternum without carina. Surface of metasternum with dense punctures on its middle and sparse punctures on its sides. Fore tibiae with two grooves: the lower groove is complete, the upper one is short. Middle tibiae with one complete groove. Abdominal sternites with fine, dense, uniform punctation. T. deminutus differs from other Trycorynus by unusual punctation: triple on pronotum and fine, uniform punctation on elytral disc. Length 1.4 mm.
T. ingens, ♀, is black brown, antennae and tarsi greyish yellow. Pubescence fine, grey, appressed, arranged in unclear longitudinal bands. Body 1.7 times as long as wide. Eyes separated by 1.8 eye diameters. Pronotum 1.85 times as wide as long; punctation dual, large punctures separated by 2–4 puncture diameters on disc. Elytra 1.3 times as long as wide, and 2.4 times as long as pronotum, with two lateral striae; lower stria almost reaches the basal margin, upper stria reaches only the level of metasternum. Surface with fine transverse wrinkles on disc. The metasternum with carina; its basal third is furcate, a hook of mesosternum enters into this furcation. Surface of metasternum with fine longitudinal wrinkles. Fore tibia with complete lower groove and short upper one; middle tibia with a complete groove. Hind femora with sulcus for insertion of hind tibia. T. ingens differs from other Tricorynus by surface of metasternum covered with longitudinal wrinkles, and furcate carina. Length 3.1 mm.
T. longistriatus, ♀, beetles black-brown, with reddish head, abdomen, and elytral end; antennae and tarsi grey-yellow. Pubescence fine, grey, appressed. Body 1.8 times as long as wide. Eyes not round, separated by 1.8 longitudinal eye diameters. Pronotum 1.4*–1.6 times as wide as long; anterior angles acute, elongated, posterior ones obtuse, strongly rounded. Punctation dual on pronotal disc, large punctures separated by 1.5–2.0 diameters of a puncture. Punctation is uniform, dense on anterior angles. Elytra 1.4 times as long as wide and 2.0*–2.3 times as long as pronotum, with two complete lateral striae. Surface of elytral disc covered with small punctures arranged in unclear bands. Metasternum without carina. Its surface with dense rather small punctures in the middle, and with sparse punctures on the rest of space. Fore tibiae with two grooves: lower groove is complete, the upper one is very short; middle tibiae with one groove. T. longistriatus differs from other Tricorynus by long lateral striae of elytra, and unclear bands of small punctures on elytral disc. Length 2.5–2.7* mm.
T. parvirugosus. Pronotum and metasternum black; head, elytra, and abdomen brownish, legs dark brown. Pubescence fine, dark grey, appressed. Body 1.9 times as long as wide. Eyes separated by about 2 longitudinal eye diameters. Pronotum 1.6 times as wide as long, evenly convex, punctation dual, large punctures separated by 1–2 puncture diameters on disc, small punctures are very dense. Large punctures are denser on anterior angle. Elytra 1.3 times as long as wide, and 2.1 times as long as pronotum, with two lateral striae reaching basal margin of elytra; lower stria repeats the elytral margin. Punctation uniform; small punctures are very dense and look like fine wrinkles. Metasternum with carina. Punctation: large punctures denser on the middle and sparser to sides of metasternum. Fore tibiae with complete lower groove and short upper one. Middle tibiae with a shortened groove. Aedeagus: internal penial sac with 5–6 spines of different sizes. T. parvirugosus is related to T. rugosus Toskina, 2000 and differs from it by narrower body, pronotum evenly convex (without bulging on sides), elytra with long lateral striae (lateral striae not reach basal margin in T. rugosus). Length 2.25 mm.
T. perparvus is very small, black brown beetle. Pubescence grey, fine, appressed. Body 1.86 times as long as wide. Eyes separated by about 1.5 eye diameters. Pronotum 1.8 times as wide as long. Pronotal basal margin with two impressions. Punctation unclearly dual. Anterior angles acute, posterior ones obtuse, rounded. Elytra 1.5 times as long as wide and 2.7 times as long as pronotum, with two complete lateral striae, which are formed with small lines. Punctation dual on disc, large punctures arranged in unclear rows. Metasternum without carina. Punctation dense in the middle and at distal margin of the metasternum, sparser to proximal margin and on the sides. Fore tibiae with two grooves: lower groove is complete, the upper one is shortened; middle tibiae with one groove. T. perparvus differs from other Tricorynus by twice emarginate basal margin of pronotum and elytral lateral striae formed with short lines. Length 1.3 mm.
T. tenebricus is black-brown, antennal club is dark yellow. Pubescence fine, grey, appressed. Body 1.87 times as long as wide. Eyes separated by 1.7 eye diameters. Pronotum 1.5 times as wide as long. Anterior angles acute, posterior ones obtuse, rounded; pronotum bulging at posterior angles. Punctation dual, large punctures separated by 2–3 their diameters on disc, almost disappearing on anterior angles. Elytra 1.45 times as long as wide and 2.2 times as long as pronotum, with two lateral striae. These striae reach only the level of metasternum and run forwards as punctures. A row of punctures is seen above upper stria. Elytral disc with unclear rows of large punctures. Metasternum without carina. Large punctures are dense on the middle of metasternum, becoming sparse and then disappearing on its sides. Distal margin of metasternum with transverse fold. Fore tibiae with two grooves: complete lower groove and short upper one; middle tibiae with one complete groove. Internal penial sac with two very long spines, one spine of the middle size, and one of the small size. T. tenebricus differs from other Tricorynus by rather long body, rows of punctures on elytral disc, transverse fold along distal margin of metasternum, armaments of penial sac. Length 2.8 mm.