Quantity and compound of the pollen bearing by insects (mostly flies), visiting generalist plants differing with the pollen grain size were evaluated. The pollen was washed and cleansed off into an eppendorf and were quantified by Goryaev’s chamber. This method yields significantly larger pollen load sizes than were documented in other researches. The quantities of pollen of different plant species does not correlate with each other. The most of studied generalist pollinators do not show high flower constancy bearing significant amount of pollen, belonging not to the plant species from which the insect was collected. Apparently there is individual variation in insect preferences to different plants.
2014. T. 119. Vyp. 1.
2014. T. 119. Vyp. 1.
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Quantity and Сompound of Pollen Bearing on the Bodies of Insects in Generalized Plant-pollinator Systems
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- Philipp, M., Böcher J., Siegismund, H. R., Nielsen, L. R. 2006 Structure of a plant-pollinator network on a pahoehoe lava desert of the Galápagos Islands // Ecography. Vol. 29. P. 531–540
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- Yeboah Gyan K., Woodell S.R.J. Analysis of insect pollen loads and pollination efficiency of some common insect visitors of four species of woody rosaceae// Functional Ecology. 1987. Vol. 1. P. 269–274
- Zangerl A.R., Berenbaum M.R. Effects of florivory on floral volatile emissions and pollination success in the wild parsnip // Arthropod-Plant Interactions. 2009. Vol. 3. P. 181–191
- Zych M. On flower visitors and true pollinators: the case of protandrous Heracleum sphondylium L. (Apiaceae) // Plant Systematics and Evolution. 2007. Vol. 263. P. 159–179.
Список литературы
- Длусский Г.М., Лаврова Н.В. Сравнение имагинального питания некоторых видов журчалок (Diptera, Syrphidae) // Журн. общ. биол. 2001. Т. 62. С. 57–65
- Длусский Г.М., Лаврова Н.В., Ерофеева Е.А. 2000 Механизмы ограничения круга опылителей у иван-чая (Chamaenerion angustifolium) и двух видов герани (Geranium palustre и G. pratense) // Журн. общ. биол. 2000. Т. 61. С. 181–197
- Bernhardt. P. 1984 The pollination biology of Hibbertia stricta (Dilleniaceae)// Plant Systematics and Evolution. 1984. Vol. 147. P. 267–277
- Escaverage N., Wagner J. 2004 Pollination effectiveness and pollen dipersal in a Rhododendron ferrugineum (Ericaceae) population // Plant Biology. 2004. Vol. 6. P. 606–615
- Gómez J.M., Zamora R. Pollination by ants: consequences of the quantitative effects on a mutualistic system // Oecologia. 1992. Vol. 91. P. 410–418
- Kearns C.A., Inouye D.W. Techniques for pollination biologists. Niwot, 1993. 583 pp.
- Kwak M.M., Hoffmann F., Hunneman H. Pollination quantity and quality in relation to plant population size, flower diversity and flower constancy of syrphids in the devil’s bit scabious Succisa pratensis (Dipsacaceae) // Hoffmann F. Biodiversity and pollination. Flowering plants and flower-visiting insects in agricultural and semi-natural landscapes. Groeningen, 2005. 224. P.
- Lamborn E., Ollerton J. Experimental assessment of the functional morphology of inflorescences of Daucus carota (Apiaceae): testing the ‘fly catcher effect’// Functional Ecology. 2000. Vol. 14. P. 445–454
- Ne’eman G., Shavit O., Shaltiel L., Shmida A. Foraging by male and female solitary bees with implications for pollination // J. Insect Behavior. 2006. Vol. 19. P. 383–401
- Paton D.C., Turner V. 1985 Pollination of Banksia ericifolia Smith: birds, mammals and insects as pollen vectors // Australian J. Botany. Vol. 33. P. 271–286
- Philipp, M., Böcher J., Siegismund, H. R., Nielsen, L. R. 2006 Structure of a plant-pollinator network on a pahoehoe lava desert of the Galápagos Islands // Ecography. Vol. 29. P. 531–540
- Waser N.M. Interspecific pollen transfer and competition between co-occurring plant species // Oecologia. 1978. Vol. 34. P. 223–236
- Waser N.M. Flower constancy: definition, cause and measurement // The American Naturalist. 1986. Vol. 127. P. 593–603
- Yeboah Gyan K., Woodell S.R.J. Analysis of insect pollen loads and pollination efficiency of some common insect visitors of four species of woody rosaceae// Functional Ecology. 1987. Vol. 1. P. 269–274
- Zangerl A.R., Berenbaum M.R. Effects of florivory on floral volatile emissions and pollination success in the wild parsnip // Arthropod-Plant Interactions. 2009. Vol. 3. P. 181–191
- Zych M. On flower visitors and true pollinators: the case of protandrous Heracleum sphondylium L. (Apiaceae) // Plant Systematics and Evolution. 2007. Vol. 263. P. 159–179.