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2024. T. 129. Vyp. 2.

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Tolpysheva T.Yu., Golubkina B.A.

Ключевые слова:


selenium, lichens, herbarium

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Tolpysheva T.Yu., Golubkina B.A., Selenium in the Herbarium Specimens оf Lichen Cladonia rangiferina // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 2024. T. 129. Vyp. 2. S. 67-73

Selenium in the Herbarium Specimens оf Lichen Cladonia rangiferina

In the herbarium specimens of terricolous lichen Cladonia rangiferina were studied the content of selenium microelement by fluorometric method. High levels of selenium were in the specimens which were collected near the seas and in the mountains. The specimens of lichen with the plains contented more low concentration of selenium. Offer to use the selenium content in herbarium samples of C. rangiferina lichen for environmental monitoring purpose.


  • Alfthan G.V. A micromethod for the determination of selenium in tissues and biological fluids by single-test-tube fluorimetry // Anal. Chim. Acta. 1984. Vol. 165. P. 187–194 / https: doi.org/10.1016/S0003-2670(00)85199-5.
  • Bajpai R., Shukla V., Raju A., Singh C.P., Uprieti D.K. A geostatistical approach to compare metal accumulating pattern by lichen in plain and mountains regions of noithern and central India // Environmental Earth Sciences. 2022. Vol. 81. N 203. /https://doi.org./10/1007/S12665-022-10336-6.
  • Barashkova E.A. Pitanie kladonii olen’ei cherez mertvuyu chast’ podetsiev // Bot. zhurn., 1963. T. 48. № 4. S. 588–591 (In Russ.).
  • Blyum O.B., Tyutyunnik B.G. Istoricheskii monitoring soderzhaniya svintsa v atmosfere s pomoshch’yu lishainikov, osushchestvlyaemyi metodom biogeokhimicheskoi likhenoindikatsii (na primere Ukrainskoi SSR) // Problemy ekologicheskogo monitoringa i modelirovaniya ekosistem. L., 1989. T. 12. S. 73–87 (In Russ.).
  • Bubach D., Dufou L., Catán S.P. Evaluation of dispersal volcanic products of recent events in lichens in environmental gradient, Nahuel Huapi National Park, Argentina // Environ. Monit. Assess. 2014. Vol. 186. P. 4997–5007.
  • Burkin A.A., Tolpysheva T.Yu., Kononenko G.P. Sokhrannost’ vtorichnykh metabolitov gribov v gerbarnykh obraztsakh lishainikov // Vestn. Mosk. un-ta. Ser. 16. Biologiya. 2012. № 3. S. 28–32 (In Russ.).
  • Byazrov L.G. Lishainiki v ekologicheskom monitoringe. M., 2002. 336 s. (In Russ.).
  • Byazrov L.G. Lichens as indicators of radioactive contamination. KMK Scientific Press Ltd. Moscow. 2005. 476 s. (In Russ.).
  • Combs Jr.G.F. Selenium in global food systems //Brit. J. Nutr. 2001. Vol. 85. P. 517–547.
  • Connor J.J. Geochemistry of Ohia and soil lichen Puhimau thermal area, Hawaii // The Science of the Total Environment. 1979. Vol. 12. P. 241–250.
  • Corapi A., Gallo L., Nicolareli V., Lucadamo L., Loppi S. Temporal trends of element concentrations and ecophysiological parameters in the lichen Pseudovernia furfuracea transplanted in and around an industrial area of S. Italy // Springer Science + Business Media Dordrecht 2014; Publisched online: 18 January, 2014.
  • Cuny D., van Haluwyn C., Shirali P., Zerimech F., Jérôme L., Haguenoer J.M. Cellular impact of metal trace elements in terricolous lichen Diploschistes muscorum (Scop.) R. Sant. – identification of oxidative stress biomarkers. // Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 2004. Vol. 152. № 1–4. P. 55-69.
  • Ermakov V.V. Subregiony i biogeokhimicheskie provintsii SSSR s razlichnym soderzhaniem selena // Tr. biogeokhimicheskoi laboratorii. 1978. T. 15. S. 54–57 (In Russ.).
  • Falandysz J. Selenium in edible mushrooms // J. Environ. Sci. and Health. Part C. 2008. Vol. 26 N 3. P. 256–299.
  • Golubkina N.A., Lapchenko V.A., Lapchenko E.V., Naumenko T.S., Krainyuk E.S., Bagrikova N.A. Fonovye urovni nakopleniya 25 elementov nekotorymi vidami lishainikov osobo okhranyaemykh prirodnykh territorii yuzhnogo i yugo-vostochnogo poberezh’ya Kryma // Byull. Nikitskogo botan. sada. 2019. Vyp. 130. S. 26–35 (In Russ.).
  • Golubkina N., Logvinenko L., Molchanova A., Caruso G. Genetic and environmental influence on macro- and microelement accumulation in plants of Artemisia species. // Aftab T., Hakeem KR eds. Chapter 17 in ‘Plant Micronutrients’. Switzerland, Springer 2020. P. 389–416.
  • Golubkina N.A., Papazyan T.T. Selen v pitanii: rasteniya, zhivotnye, chelovek. M., 2006. 254 s. (In Russ.).
  • Golubkina N., Tolpysheva T., Lapchenko V., Lapchenko H., Pirogov V., Zaitsev V., Sękara A., Tallarita A., Stoleru V., Mirariu O.C., Caruso G. Comparative evaluation of antioxidant status and mineral composition of Diploschistes ocellatus, Calvatia candida (Rostk.) Hollós, Battarrea phalloides and Artemisia lerchiana in condition of high soil salinity // Plants. 2023. Vol. 12. N 13. P. 2530–2545 (https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12132530).
  • Gupta M., Gupta S. An overview of selenium uptake, metabolism, and toxicity in plants. // Front. Plant Sci. 2017. Vol.7. P. 2074 (doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.02074).
  • Jones D., Wilson M.J., Laundon J.R. Observation on the location and form of Lead in Stereocaulon vesuvianum // Lichenologist. 1982. Vol. 14. N 3. P. 281–286.
  • Kabata-Pendiac А., Pendiac X. Trace elements in Soil and Plants. Boco Raton F.L. USA crc Press/Taylor & Francis Group. 2010. 548 pp.
  • Lawrey J.D. Lichens as monitors of pollutant elements at permanent sites in Maryland and Virginia // Bryologist. 1993. Vol. 96. N 3. P. 339–341.
  • Lawrey J.D., Hale M.E. Lichen evidence for changes in atmospheric pollution in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia //Bryologist. 1988. Vol. 91. N 1. P. 21–23.
  • Lawrey J.D., Hale M.E. Retrospective study of lichen lead accumulation in the northeastern United States //Bryologist. 1981. Vol. 84. N 4. P. 449–456.
  • McDonough A.M., Bird A.W., Luciani M.A., Todd A.K. Establishing trace element concentrations for lichens and bryophytes in the ring of fire region of the Hudson Bay Lowlands, Ontario, Canada // Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2022. Vol. 194. N 226 (https:// doi.org/10.1007/S10661022-09890-0).
  • Nash T.H. Influence of effluents from a zinc factory on lichens //Ecol. Monogr. 1975. Vol. 45. N 2. P. 183–198.
  • Pacheco A.M.G., Freitas M.C. Are lower epiphytes really that better than higher plants for indicating airborne contaminants? An insight into elemental contents of lichen thalli and tree bark by INAA //J. Radional. Nucl. Chem. 2004. Vol. 259. P. 27–33.
  • Poblet A., Andrade S., Scagliola M., Vodopivez C., Curtosi A., Pucci A., Macrovecchio J. The use of epilithic antarctic lichens (Usnea aurantiacoatra and Usnea antartica) to determine deposition patterns of heavy metals in the Shetland Islands, Antarctica // Sci. Total Environ. 1997. Vol. 207. N 2–3. P. 187–194.
  • Purvis O.W., Halls S. A review of lichens in metal-erriched environments //Lichenologist. 1996. Vol. 1996. Vol. 28. N 6. P. 571–601.
  • Richardson D.H.S., Nieboer E., Lavoie P., Padovan D. Anion accumulation by lichens. I. The characteristics and kinetics of arsenate uptake by Umbilicaria muhlenbergii //New Phytologist. 1984. Vol. 94. N 1. P. 71–82.
  • Steinnes E. Mercury, arsenic, selenium fall-out from industrial complex studied by means of lichen transplants // Oikos. 1977. Vol. 28. P. 160–164.
  • Storeheier P.V., Mathiesen S.D., Tyler N.J.C., Olsen M.A. Nutritive value of terricolous lichens for reindeer in winter // Lichenologist. 2002. Vol. 34. N 4. P. 247–257.
  • Sukov V.P. Soderzhanie podvizhnykh form selena i ftora v pochvakh Chernovitskoi oblasti i nekotorye mineral’nye udobreniya // Selen v biologii. Mat-ly nauch. konf. Baku, 1981. S. 13–14 (In Russ.).
  • Taisaev T.G., Konstantinova I.M. Kontsentratsiya zolota v yagele na zolotorudnykh polyakh gol’tsovykh landshaftov // DAN SSSR. 1988. T. 302. № 3. S. 706-709 (In Russ.).
  • Trass Kh.Kh. Sem. Cladoniaceae // Opredelitel’ lishainikov SSSR. 1978. Vyp. 5. S. 7–79 (In Russ.).
  • Ventura M.C., Freitas M.C, Pacheco A.M.C. Selenium levels in Mainland Portugal // Water, Air and Soil Pollutions. 2005. N 166. P. 167–179.
  • Vershinina S.E., Vershinin K.E., Kravchenko O.Yu., Chebykin E.P., Vodneva E.N. Elementnyi sostav lishainikov r. Cetraria Ach. iz razlichnykh regionov Rossii // Khimiya rastitel’nogo syr’ya. 2009. № 1. S. 141–146 (In Russ.).
  • Vinogradov A.P. Geokhimiya redkikh i rasseyannykh elementov. M., 1957. 218 s. (In Russ.).
  • Wen H., Carignan J. Ocean to continent transfer of atmospheric Se as revealed by epiphytic lichens // Environmental Pollution. 2009. Vol. 157. P. 2790–2797.
  • White F.J. Selenium accumulation by plants // Ann. Bot. 2016. Vol.117. N 2. P. 217–235.

Список литературы

  • Alfthan G.V. A micromethod for the determination of selenium in tissues and biological fluids by single-test-tube fluorimetry // Anal. Chim. Acta. 1984. Vol. 165. P. 187–194 / https: doi.org/10.1016/S0003-2670(00)85199-5.
  • Bajpai R., Shukla V., Raju A., Singh C.P., Uprieti D.K. A geostatistical approach to compare metal accumulating pattern by lichen in plain and mountains regions of noithern and central India // Environmental Earth Sciences. 2022. Vol. 81. N 203. /https://doi.org./10/1007/S12665-022-10336-6.
  • Barashkova E.A. Pitanie kladonii olen’ei cherez mertvuyu chast’ podetsiev // Bot. zhurn., 1963. T. 48. № 4. S. 588–591 (In Russ.).
  • Blyum O.B., Tyutyunnik B.G. Istoricheskii monitoring soderzhaniya svintsa v atmosfere s pomoshch’yu lishainikov, osushchestvlyaemyi metodom biogeokhimicheskoi likhenoindikatsii (na primere Ukrainskoi SSR) // Problemy ekologicheskogo monitoringa i modelirovaniya ekosistem. L., 1989. T. 12. S. 73–87 (In Russ.).
  • Bubach D., Dufou L., Catán S.P. Evaluation of dispersal volcanic products of recent events in lichens in environmental gradient, Nahuel Huapi National Park, Argentina // Environ. Monit. Assess. 2014. Vol. 186. P. 4997–5007.
  • Burkin A.A., Tolpysheva T.Yu., Kononenko G.P. Sokhrannost’ vtorichnykh metabolitov gribov v gerbarnykh obraztsakh lishainikov // Vestn. Mosk. un-ta. Ser. 16. Biologiya. 2012. № 3. S. 28–32 (In Russ.).
  • Byazrov L.G. Lishainiki v ekologicheskom monitoringe. M., 2002. 336 s. (In Russ.).
  • Byazrov L.G. Lichens as indicators of radioactive contamination. KMK Scientific Press Ltd. Moscow. 2005. 476 s. (In Russ.).
  • Combs Jr.G.F. Selenium in global food systems //Brit. J. Nutr. 2001. Vol. 85. P. 517–547.
  • Connor J.J. Geochemistry of Ohia and soil lichen Puhimau thermal area, Hawaii // The Science of the Total Environment. 1979. Vol. 12. P. 241–250.
  • Corapi A., Gallo L., Nicolareli V., Lucadamo L., Loppi S. Temporal trends of element concentrations and ecophysiological parameters in the lichen Pseudovernia furfuracea transplanted in and around an industrial area of S. Italy // Springer Science + Business Media Dordrecht 2014; Publisched online: 18 January, 2014.
  • Cuny D., van Haluwyn C., Shirali P., Zerimech F., Jérôme L., Haguenoer J.M. Cellular impact of metal trace elements in terricolous lichen Diploschistes muscorum (Scop.) R. Sant. – identification of oxidative stress biomarkers. // Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 2004. Vol. 152. № 1–4. P. 55-69.
  • Ermakov V.V. Subregiony i biogeokhimicheskie provintsii SSSR s razlichnym soderzhaniem selena // Tr. biogeokhimicheskoi laboratorii. 1978. T. 15. S. 54–57 (In Russ.).
  • Falandysz J. Selenium in edible mushrooms // J. Environ. Sci. and Health. Part C. 2008. Vol. 26 N 3. P. 256–299.
  • Golubkina N.A., Lapchenko V.A., Lapchenko E.V., Naumenko T.S., Krainyuk E.S., Bagrikova N.A. Fonovye urovni nakopleniya 25 elementov nekotorymi vidami lishainikov osobo okhranyaemykh prirodnykh territorii yuzhnogo i yugo-vostochnogo poberezh’ya Kryma // Byull. Nikitskogo botan. sada. 2019. Vyp. 130. S. 26–35 (In Russ.).
  • Golubkina N., Logvinenko L., Molchanova A., Caruso G. Genetic and environmental influence on macro- and microelement accumulation in plants of Artemisia species. // Aftab T., Hakeem KR eds. Chapter 17 in ‘Plant Micronutrients’. Switzerland, Springer 2020. P. 389–416.
  • Golubkina N.A., Papazyan T.T. Selen v pitanii: rasteniya, zhivotnye, chelovek. M., 2006. 254 s. (In Russ.).
  • Golubkina N., Tolpysheva T., Lapchenko V., Lapchenko H., Pirogov V., Zaitsev V., Sękara A., Tallarita A., Stoleru V., Mirariu O.C., Caruso G. Comparative evaluation of antioxidant status and mineral composition of Diploschistes ocellatus, Calvatia candida (Rostk.) Hollós, Battarrea phalloides and Artemisia lerchiana in condition of high soil salinity // Plants. 2023. Vol. 12. N 13. P. 2530–2545 (https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12132530).
  • Gupta M., Gupta S. An overview of selenium uptake, metabolism, and toxicity in plants. // Front. Plant Sci. 2017. Vol.7. P. 2074 (doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.02074).
  • Jones D., Wilson M.J., Laundon J.R. Observation on the location and form of Lead in Stereocaulon vesuvianum // Lichenologist. 1982. Vol. 14. N 3. P. 281–286.
  • Kabata-Pendiac А., Pendiac X. Trace elements in Soil and Plants. Boco Raton F.L. USA crc Press/Taylor & Francis Group. 2010. 548 pp.
  • Lawrey J.D. Lichens as monitors of pollutant elements at permanent sites in Maryland and Virginia // Bryologist. 1993. Vol. 96. N 3. P. 339–341.
  • Lawrey J.D., Hale M.E. Lichen evidence for changes in atmospheric pollution in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia //Bryologist. 1988. Vol. 91. N 1. P. 21–23.
  • Lawrey J.D., Hale M.E. Retrospective study of lichen lead accumulation in the northeastern United States //Bryologist. 1981. Vol. 84. N 4. P. 449–456.
  • McDonough A.M., Bird A.W., Luciani M.A., Todd A.K. Establishing trace element concentrations for lichens and bryophytes in the ring of fire region of the Hudson Bay Lowlands, Ontario, Canada // Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2022. Vol. 194. N 226 (https:// doi.org/10.1007/S10661022-09890-0).
  • Nash T.H. Influence of effluents from a zinc factory on lichens //Ecol. Monogr. 1975. Vol. 45. N 2. P. 183–198.
  • Pacheco A.M.G., Freitas M.C. Are lower epiphytes really that better than higher plants for indicating airborne contaminants? An insight into elemental contents of lichen thalli and tree bark by INAA //J. Radional. Nucl. Chem. 2004. Vol. 259. P. 27–33.
  • Poblet A., Andrade S., Scagliola M., Vodopivez C., Curtosi A., Pucci A., Macrovecchio J. The use of epilithic antarctic lichens (Usnea aurantiacoatra and Usnea antartica) to determine deposition patterns of heavy metals in the Shetland Islands, Antarctica // Sci. Total Environ. 1997. Vol. 207. N 2–3. P. 187–194.
  • Purvis O.W., Halls S. A review of lichens in metal-erriched environments //Lichenologist. 1996. Vol. 1996. Vol. 28. N 6. P. 571–601.
  • Richardson D.H.S., Nieboer E., Lavoie P., Padovan D. Anion accumulation by lichens. I. The characteristics and kinetics of arsenate uptake by Umbilicaria muhlenbergii //New Phytologist. 1984. Vol. 94. N 1. P. 71–82.
  • Steinnes E. Mercury, arsenic, selenium fall-out from industrial complex studied by means of lichen transplants // Oikos. 1977. Vol. 28. P. 160–164.
  • Storeheier P.V., Mathiesen S.D., Tyler N.J.C., Olsen M.A. Nutritive value of terricolous lichens for reindeer in winter // Lichenologist. 2002. Vol. 34. N 4. P. 247–257.
  • Sukov V.P. Soderzhanie podvizhnykh form selena i ftora v pochvakh Chernovitskoi oblasti i nekotorye mineral’nye udobreniya // Selen v biologii. Mat-ly nauch. konf. Baku, 1981. S. 13–14 (In Russ.).
  • Taisaev T.G., Konstantinova I.M. Kontsentratsiya zolota v yagele na zolotorudnykh polyakh gol’tsovykh landshaftov // DAN SSSR. 1988. T. 302. № 3. S. 706-709 (In Russ.).
  • Trass Kh.Kh. Sem. Cladoniaceae // Opredelitel’ lishainikov SSSR. 1978. Vyp. 5. S. 7–79 (In Russ.).
  • Ventura M.C., Freitas M.C, Pacheco A.M.C. Selenium levels in Mainland Portugal // Water, Air and Soil Pollutions. 2005. N 166. P. 167–179.
  • Vershinina S.E., Vershinin K.E., Kravchenko O.Yu., Chebykin E.P., Vodneva E.N. Elementnyi sostav lishainikov r. Cetraria Ach. iz razlichnykh regionov Rossii // Khimiya rastitel’nogo syr’ya. 2009. № 1. S. 141–146 (In Russ.).
  • Vinogradov A.P. Geokhimiya redkikh i rasseyannykh elementov. M., 1957. 218 s. (In Russ.).
  • Wen H., Carignan J. Ocean to continent transfer of atmospheric Se as revealed by epiphytic lichens // Environmental Pollution. 2009. Vol. 157. P. 2790–2797.
  • White F.J. Selenium accumulation by plants // Ann. Bot. 2016. Vol.117. N 2. P. 217–235.