European mink (Mustela lutreola Linnaeus, 1761) is the contender for inclusion to the new edition of the Russian Red Data Book. In ХIХ century mink inhabited the vast area from eastern border of Spain to Irtysh River. However, by the middle of ХIХ century this species had disappeared from the most part of its range. In the twentieth century, its range has continued to decline, and the population was reduced by 90%. Currently the European mink is the most endangered small carnivore in Europe and it was given the status CR (Critically Endangered – the species critically endangered). The current rangeof the European mink in Russia consists of the isolated fragmented areas and if urgently not to begin actions on conservation and restoration of this species, the European mink will disappear from Russia. Two ways for conservation of the species are offered: conservation of wild populations of the European mink and the establishment of new settlements in ranges of its former habitat, including animals born in captivity. Captive breeding may be a useful tool to support genetic diversity and abundance of the species in the wild.
2017. T. 122. Vyp. 4.
2017. T. 122. Vyp. 4.
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Status of the European Mink in Russia and Actions on Conservation
- Красная книга Российской Федерации (животные). М., 2001. 862 с. [Krasnaya kniga Rossijskoj Federatsii (zhivotnye). M., 2001. 862 s.].
- Скуматов Д.В. Фактическое состояние европейской норки (Mustela lutreola) в регионах РФ и значение Красной книги для существования вида // Актуальные проблемы сохранения биоразнообразия в регионах Российской Федерации. Красная книга как объект государственной экологической экспертизы: мат-лы межрег. науч.-практ. конф. (Пермь, 27–29 октября 2015 г.). Пермь, 2015. С. 153–157 [Skumatov D.V. Fakticheskoe sostoyanie evropejskoj norki (Mustela lutreola) v regionakh RF i znachenie Krasnoj knigi dlya sushchestvovaniya vida // Aktualnye problemy sokhraneniya bioraznoobraziya v regionakh Rossijskoj Federatsii. Krasnaya kniga kak ob’ekt gosudarstvennoj ekologicheskoj ekspertizy: mat-ly mezhreg. nauch.-prakt. konf. (Perm’, 27–29 oktyabrya 2015 g.). Perm’, 2015. S. 153–157].
- Киселева Н.В. Современные проблемы европейской норки (анализ данных региональных Красных книг) // Животные: экология, биология и охрана. Мат-лы всерос. науч. конф. Саранск, 2012. С. 185–188 [Kiseleva N.V. Sovremennye problemy evropejskoj norki (analiz dannykh regional’nykh Krasnykh knig // Zhivotnye: ekologiya, biologiya i okhrana. Mat-ly vseros. nauch. konf. Saransk, 2012. S. 185–188].
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- Туманов И.Л. Редкие хищные млекопитающие России (мелкие и средние виды). СПб, 2009. 448 c. [Tumanov I.L. Redkie khishchnye mlekopitayushchie Rossii (melkie i srednie vidy). SPb, 2009. 448 s.].
- Туманов И.Л. Сохраним европейскую норку // Охота и охотничье хозяйство. 2016. N 7. С. 16–18 [Tumanov I.L. Sokhranim evropejskuyu norku // Okhota i okhotnich’e khozyajstvo, 2016. N 7. S. 16–18].
- Biggins D.E., Godbey J.L., Hanebury L.R., Luce B., Marinari P. E., Matchett M.R., Vargas A. The effect of rearing methods on survival of reintroduced black-footed ferrets. Journal of Wildlife Management. 1998. Vol. 62. P. 643–653.
- Biggins D.E., Vargas A., Godbey J.L., Anderson S.H. Influence of prerelease experience on reintroduced black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) // Biological Conservation. 1999. Vol. 89. P. 121–129.
- Kiseleva N.V. Experimental study of intersexual interactions in the American mink (Neovison vison) and intraguild predation // International Journal of Current Research. 2016. Vol. 8 (10). P. 40722–40725 (
- Macdonald D.W., Sidorovich V.E., Maran T., Kruuk H. The Darwin Initiative. European mink, Mustela lutreola: Analyses for Conservation. Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, University of Oxford, 2002. 122 p.
- Maran T. Conservation biology of the European mink, Mustela lutreola (Linnaeus 1761): decline and causes of extinction. Tallinn, 2007. 38 p.
- Maran T., Põdra M., Põlma M., Macdonald D.W. The survival of captive-born animals in restoration programmes. Case study of the endangered European mink Mustela lutreola // Biological Conservation. 2009. Vol. 142. P. 1685–1692.
- Maran T., Skumatov D., Gomez A., Põdra M., Abramov A.V., Dinets V. Mustela lutreola. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016:
- Melero Y., Plaza M., Santulli G., Savedra D., Gosa`lbez J., Ruiz-Olmo J., Palazón S. Evaluating the effect of American mink, an alien invasive species, on the abundance of a native community: is coexistence possible? // Biodivers. Conserv. 2012. Vol. 21. P. 1795–1809.
- Miller B.J., Anderson S.H., DonCarlos M.W., Thorne E.T. Biology of the endangered blackfooted ferret and the role of captive propagation in its conservation. Can. J. Zool. 1988. Vol. 66. P. 765–773.
- Palason S., Ceña C.J., Mañas S., Ceña A., Ruiz-Olmo J. Current distribution and status of the European mink (Mustela lutreola L., 1761) in Spain // Small Carnivore conservation. Newsletter and Journal of the IUCN/SSC Mustelid, Viverrid & Procyonid Specialist Group. 2002. N 26. P. 9–11.
- Razzetti E., Scali S. Reintroduction schemes for captive-bred animals // Biodiversity conservation and habitat management / E.O.L.S.S. the Encyclopaedia of life support service. UNESCO – EOLSS Joint Committee. 2002. Vol. II. (
- Sidorovich V.E., Macdonald D.W. Density dynamics and changes in habitat use by the European mink and other native mustelids in connection with the American mink expansion in Belarus // Netherlands J. Zool. 2001. Vol. 51. P. 107–126.
- The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.Version 2016-3. Mustela lutreola (European mink) //
- Zabala J., Zuberogoitia I. Modelling the incidence of fragmentation at different scales in the European Mink Mustela lutreola population and the expansion of the American Mink Mustela vison in Biscay // Small Carnivore Conservation, 2007. Vol. 36. P. 14–17.
- Zabala J., Zuberogoitia I., Martínez-Climent J.A. Factors affecting occupancy by the European mink in south-western Europe // Mammalia. 2006. Vol. 70. 193–201.
- Zabala J., Zuberogoitia I., Garin I., Aihartza J. Landscape features in the habitat selection of Europen mink (Mustela lutreola) in south-western Europe // J. Zool. London. 2003. Vol. 260. P. 415–421.
Список литературы
- Красная книга Российской Федерации (животные). М., 2001. 862 с. [Krasnaya kniga Rossijskoj Federatsii (zhivotnye). M., 2001. 862 s.].
- Скуматов Д.В. Фактическое состояние европейской норки (Mustela lutreola) в регионах РФ и значение Красной книги для существования вида // Актуальные проблемы сохранения биоразнообразия в регионах Российской Федерации. Красная книга как объект государственной экологической экспертизы: мат-лы межрег. науч.-практ. конф. (Пермь, 27–29 октября 2015 г.). Пермь, 2015. С. 153–157 [Skumatov D.V. Fakticheskoe sostoyanie evropejskoj norki (Mustela lutreola) v regionakh RF i znachenie Krasnoj knigi dlya sushchestvovaniya vida // Aktualnye problemy sokhraneniya bioraznoobraziya v regionakh Rossijskoj Federatsii. Krasnaya kniga kak ob’ekt gosudarstvennoj ekologicheskoj ekspertizy: mat-ly mezhreg. nauch.-prakt. konf. (Perm’, 27–29 oktyabrya 2015 g.). Perm’, 2015. S. 153–157].
- Киселева Н.В. Современные проблемы европейской норки (анализ данных региональных Красных книг) // Животные: экология, биология и охрана. Мат-лы всерос. науч. конф. Саранск, 2012. С. 185–188 [Kiseleva N.V. Sovremennye problemy evropejskoj norki (analiz dannykh regional’nykh Krasnykh knig // Zhivotnye: ekologiya, biologiya i okhrana. Mat-ly vseros. nauch. konf. Saransk, 2012. S. 185–188].
- Терновский Д.В., Терновская Ю.Г. Экология куницеобразных. Новосибирск, 1994. 223 с. [Ternovskij D.V., Ternovskaya Yu.G. Ekologiya kunitseobraznykh. Novosibirsk, 1994. 223 s.].
- Туманов И.Л. Редкие хищные млекопитающие России (мелкие и средние виды). СПб, 2009. 448 c. [Tumanov I.L. Redkie khishchnye mlekopitayushchie Rossii (melkie i srednie vidy). SPb, 2009. 448 s.].
- Туманов И.Л. Сохраним европейскую норку // Охота и охотничье хозяйство. 2016. N 7. С. 16–18 [Tumanov I.L. Sokhranim evropejskuyu norku // Okhota i okhotnich’e khozyajstvo, 2016. N 7. S. 16–18].
- Biggins D.E., Godbey J.L., Hanebury L.R., Luce B., Marinari P. E., Matchett M.R., Vargas A. The effect of rearing methods on survival of reintroduced black-footed ferrets. Journal of Wildlife Management. 1998. Vol. 62. P. 643–653.
- Biggins D.E., Vargas A., Godbey J.L., Anderson S.H. Influence of prerelease experience on reintroduced black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) // Biological Conservation. 1999. Vol. 89. P. 121–129.
- Kiseleva N.V. Experimental study of intersexual interactions in the American mink (Neovison vison) and intraguild predation // International Journal of Current Research. 2016. Vol. 8 (10). P. 40722–40725 (
- Macdonald D.W., Sidorovich V.E., Maran T., Kruuk H. The Darwin Initiative. European mink, Mustela lutreola: Analyses for Conservation. Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, University of Oxford, 2002. 122 p.
- Maran T. Conservation biology of the European mink, Mustela lutreola (Linnaeus 1761): decline and causes of extinction. Tallinn, 2007. 38 p.
- Maran T., Põdra M., Põlma M., Macdonald D.W. The survival of captive-born animals in restoration programmes. Case study of the endangered European mink Mustela lutreola // Biological Conservation. 2009. Vol. 142. P. 1685–1692.
- Maran T., Skumatov D., Gomez A., Põdra M., Abramov A.V., Dinets V. Mustela lutreola. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016:
- Melero Y., Plaza M., Santulli G., Savedra D., Gosa`lbez J., Ruiz-Olmo J., Palazón S. Evaluating the effect of American mink, an alien invasive species, on the abundance of a native community: is coexistence possible? // Biodivers. Conserv. 2012. Vol. 21. P. 1795–1809.
- Miller B.J., Anderson S.H., DonCarlos M.W., Thorne E.T. Biology of the endangered blackfooted ferret and the role of captive propagation in its conservation. Can. J. Zool. 1988. Vol. 66. P. 765–773.
- Palason S., Ceña C.J., Mañas S., Ceña A., Ruiz-Olmo J. Current distribution and status of the European mink (Mustela lutreola L., 1761) in Spain // Small Carnivore conservation. Newsletter and Journal of the IUCN/SSC Mustelid, Viverrid & Procyonid Specialist Group. 2002. N 26. P. 9–11.
- Razzetti E., Scali S. Reintroduction schemes for captive-bred animals // Biodiversity conservation and habitat management / E.O.L.S.S. the Encyclopaedia of life support service. UNESCO – EOLSS Joint Committee. 2002. Vol. II. (
- Sidorovich V.E., Macdonald D.W. Density dynamics and changes in habitat use by the European mink and other native mustelids in connection with the American mink expansion in Belarus // Netherlands J. Zool. 2001. Vol. 51. P. 107–126.
- The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.Version 2016-3. Mustela lutreola (European mink) //
- Zabala J., Zuberogoitia I. Modelling the incidence of fragmentation at different scales in the European Mink Mustela lutreola population and the expansion of the American Mink Mustela vison in Biscay // Small Carnivore Conservation, 2007. Vol. 36. P. 14–17.
- Zabala J., Zuberogoitia I., Martínez-Climent J.A. Factors affecting occupancy by the European mink in south-western Europe // Mammalia. 2006. Vol. 70. 193–201.
- Zabala J., Zuberogoitia I., Garin I., Aihartza J. Landscape features in the habitat selection of Europen mink (Mustela lutreola) in south-western Europe // J. Zool. London. 2003. Vol. 260. P. 415–421.