The chromosomal theory of heredity is the greatest achievement of natural sciences of the first half of the twentieth century. In this paper, which is dedicated to the anniversary of this discovery, we present the development of the theory from T. Morgan’s time to the present day, which marked the beginning of a new trend in genetics – cytogenetics. Cytogenetics in the second half of the twentieth and early twenty-first century was greatly influenced by the emergence of a new direction – interphase cytogenetics, which allowed to study the organization of the cytogenetic system during genetic activity and discover the most important characteristic of the cytogenetic system – the structural and spatial regularity, the violation of which leads to systemic diseases. The development of molecular cytogenetic methods and methods of computer analysis of images allows to use the interphase nucleus as a biosensor system in clinical monitoring and in studies of heredity epigenetic mechanisms.
2017. T. 122. Vyp. 5.
2017. T. 122. Vyp. 5.
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The Сhromosomal Theory of Heredity: A century later
- Беляков В.К., Билева Д.С., Василенко И.А, Горячева И.И., Кузнецов А.Б., Лукьяница А.А., Мантурова Н.Е., Монахова М.А., Ситников В.Ф., Сухенко Е.П., Тверье Е.А., Черепанова Е.В., Шмелькова А.О., Юсуфов М.И. Интерфазное ядро как биосенсорная система в клиническом мониторинге. М., 2014. 252 c. [Belyakov B.K., Bileva D.S., Vasilenko I.A., Goryacheva I.I., Kuznetsov A.B., Luk’yanitsa A.A., Manturova N.E., Monakhova M.A., Sitnikov V.F., Sukhenko E.P., Tver’e E.A., Cherepanova E.V., Shmel’kova A.O., Yusufov M.I. Interfaznoe yadro kak biosensornaya sistema v klinicheskom monitoringe. M., 2014. 252 s.].
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- Cremer T., Cremer C., Baumann H., Luedtke E.-K., Sperling K., Teuber V., Zorn C. Rabl’s model of the interphase chromosome arrangement tested in Chinise hamster cells by premature chromosome condensation and laser-UV-microbeam experiments. Human genetics. 1982. Vol. 60. N 1. P. 46–56.
- Ernst J., Kellis M. Discovery and characterization of chromatin states for systematic annotation of the human genome // Nature biotechnology. 2010. Vol. 28. N 8. P. 817–825.
- Guelen L., Pagie L., Brasset E., Meuleman W., Faza M.B., Talhout W., Eussen B.H., de Klein A., Wessels L., de Laat W., van Steensel B. Domain organization of human chromosomes revealed by mapping of nuclear lamina interactions // Nature. 2013. Vol. 500. N 7461. P. 242.
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- Morgan T., Sturtevant A., Muller H., Bridges C. The Mechanism of Mendelian Heredity. N.Y., 1915. 262 p.
- Pickersgill H., Kalverda B. Characterization of the Drosophila melanogaster genome at the nuclear lamina // Nature genetics. 2006. Vol. 38, N 9. P. 1005–1014.
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- Roach H., Bronner F., Oreffa R.O.C. Epigenetic Aspects of Chronic Diseases. L., 2011. 231 p.
- Roudier F., Ahmed I. Integrative epigenomic mapping defines four main chromatin states in Arabidopsis // EMBO journ. 2011. Vol. 30. N 10. P. 1928–1938.
- Schardin M., Cremer T., Hager H., Lang M. Specific staining of human chromosomes in Chinese Hamster man hybrid cell lines demonstrates interphase chromosome territories // Human genetics. 1985. Vol. 71. N 4. P. 281–287.
- Tanabe H., Muller S., Neusser M., von Hase J., Calcagno E., Cremer M., Solovei I., Cremer C., Cremer T. Evolutionary conservation of chromosome territory arrangements in cell nuclei from higher primates // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Sci. USA. 2002. Vol. 99, N 7. P. 4424–4429.
- Steensel van B. Chromatin: constructing the big picture // EMBO journ. 2011. Vol. 30. N 10. P.1885–1895.
Список литературы
- Беляков В.К., Билева Д.С., Василенко И.А, Горячева И.И., Кузнецов А.Б., Лукьяница А.А., Мантурова Н.Е., Монахова М.А., Ситников В.Ф., Сухенко Е.П., Тверье Е.А., Черепанова Е.В., Шмелькова А.О., Юсуфов М.И. Интерфазное ядро как биосенсорная система в клиническом мониторинге. М., 2014. 252 c. [Belyakov B.K., Bileva D.S., Vasilenko I.A., Goryacheva I.I., Kuznetsov A.B., Luk’yanitsa A.A., Manturova N.E., Monakhova M.A., Sitnikov V.F., Sukhenko E.P., Tver’e E.A., Cherepanova E.V., Shmel’kova A.O., Yusufov M.I. Interfaznoe yadro kak biosensornaya sistema v klinicheskom monitoringe. M., 2014. 252 s.].
- Жимулев И.Ф, Беляева Е.С, Акифьева А.П. Общая и молекулярная генетика. Новосибирск, 2002. 458 с. [Zhimulev I.F., Belyaeva E.S., Akif’eva A.P. Obshchaya i molekulyarnaya genetika. Novosibirsk, 2002. 458 s.].
- Закиян С.М., Артемов Г.Н., Баранов В.С., Белякин С.Н., Брусенцова И.В. Эпигенетика. Новосибирск, 2012. 586 с. [Zakiyan S.M., Artemov G.N., Baranov V.S., Belyakin S.N., Brusentsova I.V. Epigenetika. Novosibirsk, 2012. 586 s.].
- Инге-Вечтомов С.Г. Генетика с основами селекции. СПб., 2010. 591 с. [Inge-Vechtomov S.G. Genetika s osnovami selektsii. SPb., 2010. 591 s.].
- Монахова М.А. Цитогенетические аспекты пространственной организации интерфазного ядра // Усп. совр. биол. 1990. T. 110. C. 163–179 [Monakhova M.A. Tsitogeneticheskie aspekty prostranstvennoj organizatsii interfaznogo yadra // Usp. sovr. biol. 1990. T. 110. S. 163–179].
- Мосолов А.Н. Динамическая модель функционирования и укладки ДНК в хромосоме, учитывающая связь генома с мембраной ядра // Усп. совр. генетики. 1971. № 3. С. 122–126 [Mosolov A.N. Dinamicheskaya model’ funktsionirovaniya i ukladki DNK v khromosome, uchityvayushchaya svyaz’ genoma s membranoj yadra // Usp. sovr. genetiki. 1971. № 3. S. 122–126].
- Оловников A.M. Принцип маргинотомии в матричном синтезе полинуклеотидов // ДАН СССР. 1971. Т. 201. С. 1496–1499 [Olovnikov A.M. Printsip marginotomii v matrichnom sinteze polinukleotidov // DAN SSSR. 1971. T. 201. S. 1496–1499].
- Прокофьева-Бельговская А.А. Гетерохроматические районы хромосом. М., 1986. 430 с. [Prokof’eva-Bel’govskaya A.A. Geterokhromaticheskie rajony khromosom. M., 1986. 430 s.].
- Юров Ю.Б., Юров И.Ю., Тагирова М.К., Ворсанова С.Г. Молекулярно-цитогенетический анализ особенностей спаривания гетерохроматиновых районов хромосом в интерфазных ядрах клеток головного мозга при атаксии телеангиэктазии // Современные проблемы науки и образования. 2012. Вып. 3. URL: (дата обращения: 8.11.2016) [Yurov Yu.B., Yurov I.Yu., Tagirova M.K., Vorsanova S.G. Molekulyarno-tsitogeneticheskij analiz osobennostej sparivaniya geterokhromatinovykh rajonov khromosom v interfaznykh yadrakh kletok golovnogo mozga pri ataksii teleangiektazii // Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya. 2012. Vyp. 3. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 8.11.2016)].
- Amanda’s A to Z medical pocket books. [Электронный ресурс]. 2015. URL: (дата обращения 8.11.2016).
- Baker B.S., Carpenter A.T., Esposito M.S., Sandler L.A. The Genetic Control of Meiosis // Annual Review of Genetics. 1976. Vol. 10. № 1. P. 53–134.
- Chambeyron S., Bickmore W. Chromatin decondensation and nuclear reorganization of the HoxB locus upon induction of transcription // Genes and development. 2004. Vol.18. P. 1119–1130.
- Comings D. The rationale for an ordered arrangement of chromatin in the interphase nucleus // Human Genetics. 1968. Vol. 20. N 5. P. 440–460.
- Cremer T., Cremer C., Baumann H., Luedtke E.-K., Sperling K., Teuber V., Zorn C. Rabl’s model of the interphase chromosome arrangement tested in Chinise hamster cells by premature chromosome condensation and laser-UV-microbeam experiments. Human genetics. 1982. Vol. 60. N 1. P. 46–56.
- Ernst J., Kellis M. Discovery and characterization of chromatin states for systematic annotation of the human genome // Nature biotechnology. 2010. Vol. 28. N 8. P. 817–825.
- Guelen L., Pagie L., Brasset E., Meuleman W., Faza M.B., Talhout W., Eussen B.H., de Klein A., Wessels L., de Laat W., van Steensel B. Domain organization of human chromosomes revealed by mapping of nuclear lamina interactions // Nature. 2013. Vol. 500. N 7461. P. 242.
- Hutchinson J, Jones J, Flavell R.B. Physical mapping of plant chromosomes by in-situ hybridization // Genetic engineering. 1981. Vol. 3. P. 207–222.
- Moses M.J. Synaptinemal complex // Annual review of genetics. 1968. Vol. 2. P. 363–412.
- Morgan T., Sturtevant A., Muller H., Bridges C. The Mechanism of Mendelian Heredity. N.Y., 1915. 262 p.
- Pickersgill H., Kalverda B. Characterization of the Drosophila melanogaster genome at the nuclear lamina // Nature genetics. 2006. Vol. 38, N 9. P. 1005–1014.
- Rabl C. Über Zelltheilung // Gegenbaurs Morphol. Jahrb. 1885. Vol. 10. P. 214–330.
- Roach H., Bronner F., Oreffa R.O.C. Epigenetic Aspects of Chronic Diseases. L., 2011. 231 p.
- Roudier F., Ahmed I. Integrative epigenomic mapping defines four main chromatin states in Arabidopsis // EMBO journ. 2011. Vol. 30. N 10. P. 1928–1938.
- Schardin M., Cremer T., Hager H., Lang M. Specific staining of human chromosomes in Chinese Hamster man hybrid cell lines demonstrates interphase chromosome territories // Human genetics. 1985. Vol. 71. N 4. P. 281–287.
- Tanabe H., Muller S., Neusser M., von Hase J., Calcagno E., Cremer M., Solovei I., Cremer C., Cremer T. Evolutionary conservation of chromosome territory arrangements in cell nuclei from higher primates // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Sci. USA. 2002. Vol. 99, N 7. P. 4424–4429.
- Steensel van B. Chromatin: constructing the big picture // EMBO journ. 2011. Vol. 30. N 10. P.1885–1895.