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2015. T. 120. Vyp. 1.

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Toskina I.N.

Ключевые слова:


Lasioderma, Ptilinus, Oligomerus, Peritheca, Ptilininae, Xyletininae, Ptinidae, Coleoptera, new species, Palaearctica

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Toskina I.N., Two New Species of Wood-Borer Beetles (Coleoptera: Ptinidae) from Central Asia // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 2015. T. 120. Vyp. 1. S. 35-39

Two New Species of Wood-Borer Beetles (Coleoptera: Ptinidae) from Central Asia

Two new species are described from Uzbekistan: Lasioderma bukhariensis sp. nov. (subfam. Xyletininae) and Ptilinus uzbekiensis sp. nov. (subfam. Ptilininae). L. bukhariensis is rufous, pubescence slightly raised, light yellow. Antennae: 3rd segment as long as the 2nd one; 4–7th segments with straight apical and lateral margins, longitudinal; eyes separated by 1.9 eye diameters. Pronotum 1.6 times as wide as long, without posterior angles, pubescence parted to two sides; surface with dual punctation. Elytra 1.6 times as long as wide, surface with fine wrinkles and punctures. Anterior rims of metasternum are very slightly approximated in the middle. Fore tibiae not dilated towards apex. Aedeagus: internal penial sac with two spines at the apex, sinuous row of 6 spines and 2 small spines. Length 2.85 mm. L. bukhariensis differs from L. logvinovskii Toskina, 1998, L. pectecapillum Toskina, 2011, and L. redtenbacheri (Bach, 1852) having rufous colour, pubescence parted to two sides on pronotum, and not dilated fore tibiae, by antennomeres which are strongly transverse in the first species, with convex lateral margins in the second species, and with long 3rd segment (1.5–1.7 times as long as the 2nd segment) in the third species. Also elytra are shorter in L. pectecapillum (ratio between length and width is 1.4 in the latter and 1.6 in the new species); pronotum with posterior angles in L redtenbacheri (pronotum without posterior angles in new species). Internal penial sac is provided with different armaments (6 spines of various sizes in L. pectecapillum, and 3 large spines and 2 rows of small spines in L redtenbacheri).

Ptilinus uzbekiensis is black, antennae and tarsi yellow. Eyes separated by about 2 eye diameters. Antennae: 3rd segment triangular, with notch, ramus of 7th segment is 4 times as long as the segment itself. Pronotum 1.1 times as wide as long, without shining places and coarse large teeth. Elytra 2 times as long as wide, almost without “costae”; bands of punctures are broad. Fore tibiae with rather long apical tooth. Aedeagus: paramerae with long notch. Length 4.0 mm. The new species differs from other Ptilinus in Central Asia with short rami of antennomeres (P. fuscus Geoffroy, 1785, P. iranicus Toskina, 1995, P. panfilovi Toskina, 1995) by the following characters. All the three species have short tooth on fore tibia apex. 3rd antennomere with digitate process and 6–7th segments with rami which are 5 times as long as their segment in P. fuscus and P. panfilovi. On the contrary, P. iranicus has shorter rami: 3 times as long as the 7th antennomere itself; pronotum with deep middle line and transverse bulge. The end of aedeagus of P. fuscus is shown for comparison.

Oligomerus retowskii Schilsky, 1898 is found for the first time in the Central Asia (Tadzhikistan).

It was established that Peritheca gyrosa Logvinovskij, 1978 and P. phototropus Logvinovskij, 1978 belong to different genera, and the latter should be removed from the genus Peritheca to another genus.


  • Kryzhanovskii O.L. Sostav i rasprostranenie entomofaun zemnogo shara. M.: T-vo nauchnykh izd. KMK. 2002. 237 s.
  • Logvinovskii V.D. Obzor zhukov-tochil’shchikov roda Lasioderma Stephens (Coleoptera, Anobiidae) fauny SSSR i Mongolii // Nasekomye Mongolii. 1977. Vyp. 5. S. 278–289.
  • Logvinovskii V.D. Novye rody i vidy zhukov-tochil’shchikov (Coleoptera, Anobiidae) iz Kazakhstana i Srednei Azii // Trudy Zool. in-ta AN SSSR. 1978. T. 21. S.26–30.
  • Logvinovskii V.D. Novyi rod i novye vidy zhukov-tochil’shchikov (Coleoptera, Anobiidae) iz Srednei Azii // Trudy Zool. in-ta AN SSSR. 1979. T. 38. S. 42–44.
  • Logvinovskii V.D. Tochil’shchiki – semeistvo Anobiidae // Fauna SSSR. Nasekomye Zhestkokrylye. T. 14. Vyp. 2. 1985. Leningrad: Nauka. S. 1–175.
  • Toskina I.N. Novye vidy tochil’shchikov roda Lasioderma Stephens, 1835 (Coleoptera, Anobiidae) iz Srednei Azii, Kazakhstana i Yuzhnoi Sibiri // Byul. Mosk. o-va ispytatelei prirody. Otd. biol. 2011. T. 116. Vyp. 2. S.3–11.
  • Español F. Сoleoptera, Anobiidae // Fauna Iberica. T. 2. Madrid. 1992. 195 p.
  • Toskina I.N. Wood-borers of the genus Ptilinus (Coleoptera, Anobiidae) of Russia and adjacent countries // Russian Entomol. J. 1995. Vol. 4. No 1–4. P. 15–34.
  • Toskina I.N. Rare and new Anobiidae (Coleoptera) from the Arabian Peninsula // Fauna of Arabia. 1998. Vol. 17. P. 51–91.
  • Zahradník P. Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Eds. Löbl et A. Smetana. Vol. 4. Stenstrup. 2007. Ptinidae. P. 12–362.

Список литературы

  • Kryzhanovskii O.L. Sostav i rasprostranenie entomofaun zemnogo shara. M.: T-vo nauchnykh izd. KMK. 2002. 237 s.
  • Logvinovskii V.D. Obzor zhukov-tochil’shchikov roda Lasioderma Stephens (Coleoptera, Anobiidae) fauny SSSR i Mongolii // Nasekomye Mongolii. 1977. Vyp. 5. S. 278–289.
  • Logvinovskii V.D. Novye rody i vidy zhukov-tochil’shchikov (Coleoptera, Anobiidae) iz Kazakhstana i Srednei Azii // Trudy Zool. in-ta AN SSSR. 1978. T. 21. S.26–30.
  • Logvinovskii V.D. Novyi rod i novye vidy zhukov-tochil’shchikov (Coleoptera, Anobiidae) iz Srednei Azii // Trudy Zool. in-ta AN SSSR. 1979. T. 38. S. 42–44.
  • Logvinovskii V.D. Tochil’shchiki – semeistvo Anobiidae // Fauna SSSR. Nasekomye Zhestkokrylye. T. 14. Vyp. 2. 1985. Leningrad: Nauka. S. 1–175.
  • Toskina I.N. Novye vidy tochil’shchikov roda Lasioderma Stephens, 1835 (Coleoptera, Anobiidae) iz Srednei Azii, Kazakhstana i Yuzhnoi Sibiri // Byul. Mosk. o-va ispytatelei prirody. Otd. biol. 2011. T. 116. Vyp. 2. S.3–11.
  • Español F. Сoleoptera, Anobiidae // Fauna Iberica. T. 2. Madrid. 1992. 195 p.
  • Toskina I.N. Wood-borers of the genus Ptilinus (Coleoptera, Anobiidae) of Russia and adjacent countries // Russian Entomol. J. 1995. Vol. 4. No 1–4. P. 15–34.
  • Toskina I.N. Rare and new Anobiidae (Coleoptera) from the Arabian Peninsula // Fauna of Arabia. 1998. Vol. 17. P. 51–91.
  • Zahradník P. Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Eds. Löbl et A. Smetana. Vol. 4. Stenstrup. 2007. Ptinidae. P. 12–362.