2012. T. 117. Vyp. 4.

Romanov A.A.

Avifauna of the Subalpine Altitudinal Belt in Subarctic Mountains of Asia

Kozlov S.A., Altukhova S.A.

The Fauna of Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) of the Kostroma Region

Dolgin M.M., Kudrin A.A., Lapteva E.M.

Nematodes of Alluvial Forest Soils Pechora River

Sheveleva N.G., Popovskaya G.I., Pastukhov М.V., Alieva V.I.

Assessment of Current State of Zooplankton in the Bratsk Water Reservoir Bays

Nuraliev M.S.

Pollen/ovule Ratio in Flowers of Five Asian Species of Schefflera s.l. (Araliaceae) with Various Flower Groundplan and its Possible Significance for Reproductive Biology of these Species

Nilova M.V., Oskolski A.A.

Comparative Bark Anatomy of Representatives of the Families Pennantiaceae and Griseliniaceae (Apiales)

Mavrodiev E.V., Laktionov A.P., Alexeev Yu.E.

On the New Species Salix fursaevii Mavrodiev in Context of the Old Question about Rapid Speciation in River Plains

Salpagarova F.S., Onipchenko V.G., Agafonov V.А., Adzhiev R.K.

Specific Root Length of Alpine Plants in the Northwest Caucasus, Russia


Scientific communications

Sadyrin V.M.

Daily Changes of Species, and Trophic Structure of Size in the Community of Chironomid with Phytophilic Larvae

Ezhov O.N., Ershov R.V., Zmitrovich I.V.

On Basidiomycetes Records in Arctic Desert Environments (the Franz Josef Land)


Critique and bibliography

Kabirov R.R., Borovichev E.A. Reviev of D.A.

Davidov book: Cyanoprokaryota and their Role in Nitrogen Fixation in Terrestrial Ecosystems of Murmansk Region

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