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2024. T. 129. Vyp. 1.

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Fedotov A.P., Ozerova L.V., Timonin A.C.

Ключевые слова:


petiole, lamina, adaxial meristem, forerunner tip, leaf development, Curio, Vorläuferspitze, leaf morphogenesis

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Fedotov A.P., Ozerova L.V., Timonin A.C., Leaf development in Curio muirii (L. Bolus) van Jaarsv. (Asteraceae – Senecioneae) // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 2024. T. 129. Vyp. 1. S. 31-43

Leaf development in Curio muirii (L. Bolus) van Jaarsv. (Asteraceae – Senecioneae)

Curio muirii is the only species in the genus with bifacial leaves, making it crucial for understanding leaf evolution in this group. Leaf development can be divided into three stages: initiation, bizonal primordium, and intercalary growth. The developing leaves of C. muirii are bifacial and resemble those of other angiosperms from inception to the end of the bizonal primordium stage. However, as in monocots, the primary vascular bundles differentiate at the end of the bizonal primordium stage. The unifacial forerunner tip, which is recognized for Curio species but unknown for other eudicots, is the first discernible part of the defi nitive leaf. The leaf blade and petiole in C. muirii are distinctive in their biphasic development during the intercalary stage. The petiole grows faster than the leaf blade during the first phase. During the second phase, the lamina overcomes the petiole in terms of length. In the developing leaf blade, the marginal meristem was not found. Adaxial meristem activity causes the leaf base to thicken unevenly during intercalary growth and envelopes the younger leaf primordium in the resultant depression.


  • Timonin A.C., Ozerova L.V. Structure, origin and evolution of the terete leaves in Rowleyani C. Jeffrey section of Senecio L. genus (Asteraceae) // Izv. RAN. 1993a. Т. 3. P. 393–401 (in Russian).
  • Timonin A.C., Ozerova L.V. Pseudo-bifacial leaves in Senecio serpens // Byulleten’ GBS RAN. 1993b. N 168. P. 72–78 (in Russian).
  • Avery, G. S. Structure and development of the tobacco leaf // Am. J. Bot. 1933. Vol. 20. P. 565–592.
  • Bharathan, G. Does the Monocot Mode of Leaf Development Characterize all Monocots? // Aliso. 1995. Vol. 14. P. 271–279.
  • Burkill, I. H. The organography and the evolution of Dioscoreaceae, the family of the Yams // J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 1960. Vol. 56, P. 319–412.
  • Conklin P.A., Strable J., Li S. et al. On the mechanisms of development in monocot and eudicot leaves // New Phytol. 2019. Vol. 221. P. 706–724.
  • Donnelly P.M., Bonetta D., Tsukaya H., et al. Cell Cycling and Cell Enlargement in Developing Leaves of Arabidopsis // Dev. Biol. 1999. Vol. 215. P. 407–419.
  • Esau K. Anatomy of Seed Plants. John Wiley & Sons, 1977.
  • Fedotov A.P., Ozerova L.V., Timonin A.C. Leaf development in Curio articulatus (L. f.) P. V. Heath (Asteraceae–Senecioneae) // Wulfenia. 2016. Vol. 23. P. 135–146.
  • Franck, D. H. The morphological interpretation of epiascidiate leaves – an historical perspective // Bot. Rev. 1976. Vol. 42. P. 345–388.
  • Hagemann, W. Studien zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Angiospermenblätter // Bot. Jb. 1970. Vol. 90. P. 297–413.
  • Ichihashi, Y. & Tsukaya, H. Behaviour of Leaf Meristems and Their Modifi cation // Front. Plant Sci. 2015. Vol. 6.
  • Jernstedt J.A., Cutter, E. G., Gifford, E. M. et al. Angle Meristem Origin and Development in Selaginella martensii // Ann. Bot. 1992. Vol. 69. P. 351–363.
  • Kaplan D.R. Comparative foliar histogenesis in Acorus calamus and its bearing on the phyllode theory of monocotyledonous leaves // Am. J. Bot. 1970. Vol. 57. P. 331–361.
  • Kaplan D.R. The Problem of Leaf Morphology and Evolution in the Monocotyledons // Q. Rev. Biol. 1973. Vol. 48. P. 437–457.
  • Kaplan D.R. Fundamental Concepts of Leaf Morphology and Morphogenesis: A Contribution to the Interpretation of Molecular Genetic Mutants // Int. J. Plant Sci. 2001. Vol. 162. P. 465–474.
  • Knoll, F. Bau, Entwicklung und morphologische Bedeutung unifazialer Vorläuferspitzen an Monokotylenblättern // Öst. Bot. 1947. Vol. 95. P. 164–193.
  • Maksymowych R., Wochok Z.S. Activity of marginal and plate meristems during leaf development of Xanthium pensylvanicum // Am. J. Bot. 1969. Vol. 56. P. 26–30.
  • Melo-de-Pinna G.F.A., Hernandes-Lopes J., Ogura A.S., et al. Growth Patterns and Different Arrangements of Vascular Tissues in Succulent Leaves // Int. J. Plant Sci. 2016. Vol. 177. P. 643–660.
  • Napp-Zinn K. Anatomie des Blattes. II. Blattanatomie der Angiospermen. A. Entwicklungsgeschichtliche und topographische Anatomie des Angiospermenblattes / Braun H. J., Carlquist S., Ozenda P. and Roth I. [Hrsg.]: Handbuch der Pfl anzenanatomie. Bd. 8, Teilband 2, Lief. 1 (Berlin & Stuttgart: Gebrüder Borntraeger).
  • Ozerova L.V., Timonin A.C. On the evidence of subunifacial and unifacial leaves: developmental studies in leaf-succulent Senecio L. species (Asteraceae) // Wulfenia. 2009. Vol. 16. P. 61–77.
  • Ozerova L.V., Schanzer, I.A., Timonin A.C. Curio alliance (Asteraceae: Senecioneae) revisited // Wulfenia. 2017. Vol. 24. P. 29–52.
  • Poethig R.S., Sussex I.M. The cellular parameters of leaf development in tobacco: a clonal analysis // Planta. 1985. Vol. 165. P. 170–184.
  • Roth. I. Relation between the Histogenesis of the Leaf and Its External Shape // Bot. Gaz. 1957. Vol. 118. P. 237–245.
  • Rudall P., Buzgo M. Evolutionary history of the monocot leaf / Developmental Genetics and Plant Evolution. CRC Press, 2002.
  • Ruzin S.E. Plant microtechnique and microscopy. Oxford, 1999.
  • Sharman B.C. Tannic Acid and Iron Alum with Safranin and Orange G in Studies of the Shoot Apex // Stain Technol. 1943. Vol. 18. P. 105–111.
  • Timonin A.C., Ozerova L.V., Remizova M.V. Development of unifacial leaves in Senecio L. s. lat. (Asteraceae) // Wulfenia. 2006. Vol. 13. P. 217–227.
  • Troll W., Meyer H.-J. Entwicklungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen über das Zustandekommen unifazialer blattstrukturen // Planta. 1955. Vol. 46. P. 286–360.
  • Troll W. Vergleichende Morphologie der höheren Pfl anzen. Erster Band, zweiter Teil: Vegetationsorgane. (Gebrüder Bornträger; Koenig Stein-Taunus: Otto Koeltz, 1939).
  • Tsukaya H. Leaf Development // The Arabidopsis Book. 2013.
  • Van Iterson G. Some examples of unusual orientation of vascular strands in dorsiventral leaves // Acta Bot. Neerl. 1955. Vol. 4. P. 389–397.
  • Yeung E.C.T., Stasolla C., Summer M.J., Huang B.Q. Plant Microtechniques and Protocols. Springer International Publishing, 2015. 576 p.

Список литературы

  • Timonin A.C., Ozerova L.V. Structure, origin and evolution of the terete leaves in Rowleyani C. Jeffrey section of Senecio L. genus (Asteraceae) // Izv. RAN. 1993a. Т. 3. P. 393–401 (in Russian).
  • Timonin A.C., Ozerova L.V. Pseudo-bifacial leaves in Senecio serpens // Byulleten’ GBS RAN. 1993b. N 168. P. 72–78 (in Russian).
  • Avery, G. S. Structure and development of the tobacco leaf // Am. J. Bot. 1933. Vol. 20. P. 565–592.
  • Bharathan, G. Does the Monocot Mode of Leaf Development Characterize all Monocots? // Aliso. 1995. Vol. 14. P. 271–279.
  • Burkill, I. H. The organography and the evolution of Dioscoreaceae, the family of the Yams // J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 1960. Vol. 56, P. 319–412.
  • Conklin P.A., Strable J., Li S. et al. On the mechanisms of development in monocot and eudicot leaves // New Phytol. 2019. Vol. 221. P. 706–724.
  • Donnelly P.M., Bonetta D., Tsukaya H., et al. Cell Cycling and Cell Enlargement in Developing Leaves of Arabidopsis // Dev. Biol. 1999. Vol. 215. P. 407–419.
  • Esau K. Anatomy of Seed Plants. John Wiley & Sons, 1977.
  • Fedotov A.P., Ozerova L.V., Timonin A.C. Leaf development in Curio articulatus (L. f.) P. V. Heath (Asteraceae–Senecioneae) // Wulfenia. 2016. Vol. 23. P. 135–146.
  • Franck, D. H. The morphological interpretation of epiascidiate leaves – an historical perspective // Bot. Rev. 1976. Vol. 42. P. 345–388.
  • Hagemann, W. Studien zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Angiospermenblätter // Bot. Jb. 1970. Vol. 90. P. 297–413.
  • Ichihashi, Y. & Tsukaya, H. Behaviour of Leaf Meristems and Their Modifi cation // Front. Plant Sci. 2015. Vol. 6.
  • Jernstedt J.A., Cutter, E. G., Gifford, E. M. et al. Angle Meristem Origin and Development in Selaginella martensii // Ann. Bot. 1992. Vol. 69. P. 351–363.
  • Kaplan D.R. Comparative foliar histogenesis in Acorus calamus and its bearing on the phyllode theory of monocotyledonous leaves // Am. J. Bot. 1970. Vol. 57. P. 331–361.
  • Kaplan D.R. The Problem of Leaf Morphology and Evolution in the Monocotyledons // Q. Rev. Biol. 1973. Vol. 48. P. 437–457.
  • Kaplan D.R. Fundamental Concepts of Leaf Morphology and Morphogenesis: A Contribution to the Interpretation of Molecular Genetic Mutants // Int. J. Plant Sci. 2001. Vol. 162. P. 465–474.
  • Knoll, F. Bau, Entwicklung und morphologische Bedeutung unifazialer Vorläuferspitzen an Monokotylenblättern // Öst. Bot. 1947. Vol. 95. P. 164–193.
  • Maksymowych R., Wochok Z.S. Activity of marginal and plate meristems during leaf development of Xanthium pensylvanicum // Am. J. Bot. 1969. Vol. 56. P. 26–30.
  • Melo-de-Pinna G.F.A., Hernandes-Lopes J., Ogura A.S., et al. Growth Patterns and Different Arrangements of Vascular Tissues in Succulent Leaves // Int. J. Plant Sci. 2016. Vol. 177. P. 643–660.
  • Napp-Zinn K. Anatomie des Blattes. II. Blattanatomie der Angiospermen. A. Entwicklungsgeschichtliche und topographische Anatomie des Angiospermenblattes / Braun H. J., Carlquist S., Ozenda P. and Roth I. [Hrsg.]: Handbuch der Pfl anzenanatomie. Bd. 8, Teilband 2, Lief. 1 (Berlin & Stuttgart: Gebrüder Borntraeger).
  • Ozerova L.V., Timonin A.C. On the evidence of subunifacial and unifacial leaves: developmental studies in leaf-succulent Senecio L. species (Asteraceae) // Wulfenia. 2009. Vol. 16. P. 61–77.
  • Ozerova L.V., Schanzer, I.A., Timonin A.C. Curio alliance (Asteraceae: Senecioneae) revisited // Wulfenia. 2017. Vol. 24. P. 29–52.
  • Poethig R.S., Sussex I.M. The cellular parameters of leaf development in tobacco: a clonal analysis // Planta. 1985. Vol. 165. P. 170–184.
  • Roth. I. Relation between the Histogenesis of the Leaf and Its External Shape // Bot. Gaz. 1957. Vol. 118. P. 237–245.
  • Rudall P., Buzgo M. Evolutionary history of the monocot leaf / Developmental Genetics and Plant Evolution. CRC Press, 2002.
  • Ruzin S.E. Plant microtechnique and microscopy. Oxford, 1999.
  • Sharman B.C. Tannic Acid and Iron Alum with Safranin and Orange G in Studies of the Shoot Apex // Stain Technol. 1943. Vol. 18. P. 105–111.
  • Timonin A.C., Ozerova L.V., Remizova M.V. Development of unifacial leaves in Senecio L. s. lat. (Asteraceae) // Wulfenia. 2006. Vol. 13. P. 217–227.
  • Troll W., Meyer H.-J. Entwicklungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen über das Zustandekommen unifazialer blattstrukturen // Planta. 1955. Vol. 46. P. 286–360.
  • Troll W. Vergleichende Morphologie der höheren Pfl anzen. Erster Band, zweiter Teil: Vegetationsorgane. (Gebrüder Bornträger; Koenig Stein-Taunus: Otto Koeltz, 1939).
  • Tsukaya H. Leaf Development // The Arabidopsis Book. 2013.
  • Van Iterson G. Some examples of unusual orientation of vascular strands in dorsiventral leaves // Acta Bot. Neerl. 1955. Vol. 4. P. 389–397.
  • Yeung E.C.T., Stasolla C., Summer M.J., Huang B.Q. Plant Microtechniques and Protocols. Springer International Publishing, 2015. 576 p.