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2023. T. 128. Vyp. 5.

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Notov A.A., Zhukova L.A.

Ключевые слова:


theoretical biology, ontogenesis, modular and unitary organisms, plants, animals, fungi, population, population biology

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Notov A.A., Zhukova L.A., On some paradoxical variants of modular organisms ontogenesis // Byul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 2023. T. 128. Vyp. 5. S. 52-62

On some paradoxical variants of modular organisms ontogenesis

Several paradoxical variants of ontogenesis of the modular organisms are analyzed. Their study will be of paramount importance in the long term, taking into account the creation of a general concept of ontogenesis. The general concept in its turn will contribute to the development of various branches of modern biology and ecology. That concept is utmost important in strengthening theoretical foundations of the population biology.


  • Aleev Yu.G. Ekomorfologiya. Kiev: Nauk. dumka, 1986. 422 s.
  • Batygina T.B. Developmental biology of plants. Symphony of life. SPb.: DEAN, 2014. 764 s.
  • Beklemishev V.N. Organizm i soobshchestvo (K postanovke problemy individual’nosti v biotsenologii) // Tr. Biol. in-ta pri Permskom un-te. 1928. T. 1. Vyp. 2–3. S. 127–149.
  • Bondarenko O.B. Sootnoshenie onto-, gistero-, asto- i filogeneza u iskopaemykh kolonial’nykh korallov // Morfogenez i puti razvitiya iskopaemykh bespozvonochnykh. M.: MGU, 1982. S. 3–25.
  • Gatsuk L.E. The plant organism: an experience of constructing a hierarchical system of its structural and biological units // Sovremennye podkhody k opisaniyu struktury rasteniya. Kirov: VyatGU, 2008a. S. 26–47. (In Russian).
  • Gatsuk L.E. Unitary and modular live beings: about the history of conception // Vestn. Tversk. Gosud. Univ. Ser. Biol. Ekol. 2008b. Vyp. 9. S. 29–41. (In Russian).
  • Dyakov Yu.T. Fungi: individuals, populations, and speciation // Zhurn. Obshchei Biol. 2008. Т. 69. № 1. S. 10–18. (In Russian).
  • Zhmylev P.Y. The evolution of plant life span: facts and hypotheses // Zhurn. Obshchei Biol. 2006. Т. 67. № 2. S. 107–119. (In Russian).
  • Zhmylev P.Yu., Krivokharchenko I.S., Shcherbakov A.V. Semeistvo Ryaskovye. // Biologicheskaya flora Moskovskoi oblasti. M.: MGU; Argus. 1995. S. 20–50.
  • Zaugulnova L.B., Zhukova L.A., Shorina N.I. Features of the population life of plants // Populyatsionnye problemy v biogeotsenologii. M.: Nauka, 1988. S. 24–59. (In Russian).
  • Zhukova L.A., Shestakova E.V., Vedernikova O.P. Vvedenie // Ontogeneticheskii atlas lekarstvennykh rastenii. Ioshkar-Ola: MarGU, 2000. S. 7–17.
  • Zeleev R.M. Proportionality as a characteristic of biosystems development. A new version of biological axiomatics // Vestnik KazGU. Ser. Natur. Sci. 2011. Т. 153. № 2. S. 7–21 (In Russian).
  • Zeleev R.M. Diversity of biosystems and regular patterns of their inter-transition in the context of functional modules concept // Vestn. Tversk. Gosud. Univ. Ser. Biol. Ekol. 2018. № 3. S. 194–232. (In Russian).
  • Zmitrovich I.V. Epimorphology and tectomorphology of higher fungi. St. Petersburg: Abevega, 2010. 272 s.
  • Marfenin N.N. Decentralized organism exemplified with colonial hydroid species // Biosfera. 2016. T. 8. № 3. S. 315–337.
  • Marfenin N.N. Fenomen kolonial’nosti. M., 1993. 239 s.
  • Notov A.A., Zhukova L.A. On the issue of the need for a general concept of ontogenesis // Biomorfologiya rastenii: traditsii i sovremennost’. Kirov, 2022. S. 403–410 (In Russian).
  • Nakhimovsky E.L. Fundamentals of biomorphology of seed plants: Vol. 2. Habitus and forms of growth in the organization of biomorph.M.: Overlei, 2002. 859 s. (In Russian).
  • Provorov N.A., Tikhonovich I.A. Super-species genetic systems // Zhurnal obshchei biologii. 2014. T. 75. № 4. S. 247–260 (In Russian).
  • Savinov A.B. Autocenosis and democenosis as symbiotic systems and biological notions // Zhurnal obshchei biologii. 2012. T. 73. № 4. S. 284–301 (In Russian).
  • Ozernyuk N.D., Isaeva V.V. Evolution of ontogenesis. M., 2016. 407 p. (In Russian).
  • Serebryakov I.G. Ekologicheskaya morfologiya rastenii: Zhiznennye formy pokrytosemennykh i khvoinykh. M., 1962. 379 s.
  • Serebryakova T.I. Morfogenez pobegov i evolyutsiya zhiznennykh form zlakov. M.: Nauka, 1971. 359 s.
  • Serebryakova T.I. Once again about the concept of “life form” in plants // Byulleten’ MOIP. Otd. biologicheskii. 1980. T. 85. Vyp. 6. S. 75–86 (In Russian).
  • Serebryakova T.I. On some modes of morphological evolution of flowering plants // Zhurnal obshchei biologii. 1983. T. 44. № 5. S. 579–593 (In Russian).
  • Suetina Yu.G. Population-ontogenetic approach to the study of lichens // // Biologiya, sistematika i ekologiya gribov i lishainikov v prirodnykh ekosistemakh i agrofitotsenozakh. Minsk, 2016. S. 231–236 (In Russian).
  • Timonin A.K. Searching for the laws of morphological evolution // Priroda. 2022. № 3 (1279). S. 39–56 (In Russian).
  • Uranov A.A. Iz itogov populyatsionno-ontogeneticheskikh issledovanii (vmesto predisloviya) // Vozrastnoi sostav populyatsii tsvetkovykh rastenii v svyazi s ikh ontogenezom. M., 1974. S. 3–9.
  • Khokhryakov A.P. Intensifikatsiya ontogeneza kak osnova somaticheskoi evolyutsii rastenii // Doklady MOIP. Zoologiya i botanika. M., 1972. S. 215−217.
  • Khokhryakov A.P. Zakonomernosti evolyutsii rastenii. Novosibirsk, 1975a. 202 s.
  • Khokhryakov A.P. Somaticheskaya evolyutsiya odnodol’nykh. M., 1975b. 196 s.
  • Khokhryakov A.P. Categories of life forms in plants and their evolution // Zhurnal obshchei biologii. 1981a. T. 42. № 2. S. 169–180 (In Russian).
  • Khokhryakov A.P. Evolyutsiya biomorf rastenii. M., 1981b. 168 s.
  • Khokhryakov A.P. 1994. Aktivnaya, a ne passivnaya zhiznennaya forma // Priroda. 1994. № 6. S. 36–41.
  • Shorina N.I. Structure of bracken-fern brushes in connection with its morphology // Zhiznennye formy: struktura, spektry i evolyutsiya. M., 1981. S. 213–232 (In Russian).
  • Allen J.L., Lendemer J.C. A call to reconceptualize lichen symbioses // Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 2022. Vol. 37. N 7. Р. 582–589.
  • Anderson J.B., Bruhn J.N., Kasimer D., Wang H., Rodrigue N., Smith M.L. Clonal evolution and genome stability in a 2500-year-old fungal individual // Proc. R. Soc., B: Biol. Sci. 2018. Vol. 285. N 1893. Art. 20182233.
  • Arnaud-Haond S., Duarte C. M., Diaz-Almela E., Marbà N., Sintes T., Serrão E.A. Implications of extreme life span in clonal organisms: Millenary clones in meadows of the threatened seagrass Posidonia oceanica // PLoS ONE. 2012. Vol. 27. № 2. Art. e30454.
  • Braun A. Das Individuum in seinem Verhältnisse zur Species, Generationsfolge, Generationswechsel und Generationstheilung der Pflanze // Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften Berlin (Physikalische Klasse). 1853. S. 19–122.
  • Bar-Ness Y.D. Giant Banyans // GEO. 2012. Vol. 46. P. 84–95.
  • Bar-Ness Y.D. Conservation of Indian Heritage Trees. 2013. 29 p. (INTACT Ocassional Publication; 2).
  • Fagerstrom J.A., West R.R. Roles of clone-clone interactions in building reef frameworks: principles and examples // Facies. 2011. Vol. 57. Iss. 3. P. 375–394.
  • Notov A.A., Zhukova L.A. Modular organisms as objects of population biology // Wulfenia. 2022. Vol. 29. Р. 9–27.
  • Provorov N.A., Vorobev N.I. Coevolution of partners and integrity of symbiotic systems // Biol. Bull. Reviews. 2012. Vol. 2. № 5. Р. 400–412.
  • Rinkevich, B. Quo vadis chimerism? // Chimerism. 2011. Vol. 2. N 1. Р. 1–5.
  • Rinkevich B. Apex set-up for the major transitions in individuality // Evol. Biol. 2019a. Vol. 46. N 3. Р. 217–228.
  • Rinkevich B. The tail of the underwater phoenix // Developmental Biology. 2019b. Vol. ‏448. Iss. 2. SI. Р. 291–292.
  • Rogers P.C., Gale J.A. Restoration of the iconic Pando aspen clone: Emerging evidence of recovery // Ecosphere. 2017. Vol. 8. N 1. Art. e01661.
  • Rossi S., Bramanti L., Gori A., Orejas C. (eds.) Marine animal forests: the ecology of benthic biodiversity hotspots. Germany: Springer Int. Publ. 2017. XXXII. 1366 р.
  • Schiel D.R., Foster M.S. (eds.) The biology and ecology of giant kelp forests. Berkeley: Univ. California Press, 2015. 395 p.
  • Shefferson R.P., Jones O.R., Salguero-Gómez R. (eds.) The evolution of senescence in the tree of life. Cambridge: Univ. Press, 2017. 450 p.
  • Simpson C. Species selection and the macroevolution of coral coloniality and photosymbiosis // Evolution. 2013. Vol. 67. N 6. Р. 1607–1621.
  • Simpson C. Evolution: serving up light // Curr. Biol. 2018. Vol. 28. N 16. Р. 873–875.
  • Song H., Kim K.-T., Park S.-Y., Lee G.W., Choi J., Jeon J., Cheong K., Choi G., Hur J.-S., Lee Y.-H. A comparative genomic analysis of lichen-forming fungi reveals new insights into fungal lifestyles // Scientific Reports. 2022. Vol. 12. N 1. Art. 10724.
  • Tomlinson P.B. Chance and design in the construction of plants // Axioms and principles of plant construction. Hague etc.: M. Nijhoff, W. Junk Publ., 1982. P. 162–183. (Acta Biotheor.; 31A).

Список литературы

  • Aleev Yu.G. Ekomorfologiya. Kiev: Nauk. dumka, 1986. 422 s.
  • Batygina T.B. Developmental biology of plants. Symphony of life. SPb.: DEAN, 2014. 764 s.
  • Beklemishev V.N. Organizm i soobshchestvo (K postanovke problemy individual’nosti v biotsenologii) // Tr. Biol. in-ta pri Permskom un-te. 1928. T. 1. Vyp. 2–3. S. 127–149.
  • Bondarenko O.B. Sootnoshenie onto-, gistero-, asto- i filogeneza u iskopaemykh kolonial’nykh korallov // Morfogenez i puti razvitiya iskopaemykh bespozvonochnykh. M.: MGU, 1982. S. 3–25.
  • Gatsuk L.E. The plant organism: an experience of constructing a hierarchical system of its structural and biological units // Sovremennye podkhody k opisaniyu struktury rasteniya. Kirov: VyatGU, 2008a. S. 26–47. (In Russian).
  • Gatsuk L.E. Unitary and modular live beings: about the history of conception // Vestn. Tversk. Gosud. Univ. Ser. Biol. Ekol. 2008b. Vyp. 9. S. 29–41. (In Russian).
  • Dyakov Yu.T. Fungi: individuals, populations, and speciation // Zhurn. Obshchei Biol. 2008. Т. 69. № 1. S. 10–18. (In Russian).
  • Zhmylev P.Y. The evolution of plant life span: facts and hypotheses // Zhurn. Obshchei Biol. 2006. Т. 67. № 2. S. 107–119. (In Russian).
  • Zhmylev P.Yu., Krivokharchenko I.S., Shcherbakov A.V. Semeistvo Ryaskovye. // Biologicheskaya flora Moskovskoi oblasti. M.: MGU; Argus. 1995. S. 20–50.
  • Zaugulnova L.B., Zhukova L.A., Shorina N.I. Features of the population life of plants // Populyatsionnye problemy v biogeotsenologii. M.: Nauka, 1988. S. 24–59. (In Russian).
  • Zhukova L.A., Shestakova E.V., Vedernikova O.P. Vvedenie // Ontogeneticheskii atlas lekarstvennykh rastenii. Ioshkar-Ola: MarGU, 2000. S. 7–17.
  • Zeleev R.M. Proportionality as a characteristic of biosystems development. A new version of biological axiomatics // Vestnik KazGU. Ser. Natur. Sci. 2011. Т. 153. № 2. S. 7–21 (In Russian).
  • Zeleev R.M. Diversity of biosystems and regular patterns of their inter-transition in the context of functional modules concept // Vestn. Tversk. Gosud. Univ. Ser. Biol. Ekol. 2018. № 3. S. 194–232. (In Russian).
  • Zmitrovich I.V. Epimorphology and tectomorphology of higher fungi. St. Petersburg: Abevega, 2010. 272 s.
  • Marfenin N.N. Decentralized organism exemplified with colonial hydroid species // Biosfera. 2016. T. 8. № 3. S. 315–337.
  • Marfenin N.N. Fenomen kolonial’nosti. M., 1993. 239 s.
  • Notov A.A., Zhukova L.A. On the issue of the need for a general concept of ontogenesis // Biomorfologiya rastenii: traditsii i sovremennost’. Kirov, 2022. S. 403–410 (In Russian).
  • Nakhimovsky E.L. Fundamentals of biomorphology of seed plants: Vol. 2. Habitus and forms of growth in the organization of biomorph.M.: Overlei, 2002. 859 s. (In Russian).
  • Provorov N.A., Tikhonovich I.A. Super-species genetic systems // Zhurnal obshchei biologii. 2014. T. 75. № 4. S. 247–260 (In Russian).
  • Savinov A.B. Autocenosis and democenosis as symbiotic systems and biological notions // Zhurnal obshchei biologii. 2012. T. 73. № 4. S. 284–301 (In Russian).
  • Ozernyuk N.D., Isaeva V.V. Evolution of ontogenesis. M., 2016. 407 p. (In Russian).
  • Serebryakov I.G. Ekologicheskaya morfologiya rastenii: Zhiznennye formy pokrytosemennykh i khvoinykh. M., 1962. 379 s.
  • Serebryakova T.I. Morfogenez pobegov i evolyutsiya zhiznennykh form zlakov. M.: Nauka, 1971. 359 s.
  • Serebryakova T.I. Once again about the concept of “life form” in plants // Byulleten’ MOIP. Otd. biologicheskii. 1980. T. 85. Vyp. 6. S. 75–86 (In Russian).
  • Serebryakova T.I. On some modes of morphological evolution of flowering plants // Zhurnal obshchei biologii. 1983. T. 44. № 5. S. 579–593 (In Russian).
  • Suetina Yu.G. Population-ontogenetic approach to the study of lichens // // Biologiya, sistematika i ekologiya gribov i lishainikov v prirodnykh ekosistemakh i agrofitotsenozakh. Minsk, 2016. S. 231–236 (In Russian).
  • Timonin A.K. Searching for the laws of morphological evolution // Priroda. 2022. № 3 (1279). S. 39–56 (In Russian).
  • Uranov A.A. Iz itogov populyatsionno-ontogeneticheskikh issledovanii (vmesto predisloviya) // Vozrastnoi sostav populyatsii tsvetkovykh rastenii v svyazi s ikh ontogenezom. M., 1974. S. 3–9.
  • Khokhryakov A.P. Intensifikatsiya ontogeneza kak osnova somaticheskoi evolyutsii rastenii // Doklady MOIP. Zoologiya i botanika. M., 1972. S. 215−217.
  • Khokhryakov A.P. Zakonomernosti evolyutsii rastenii. Novosibirsk, 1975a. 202 s.
  • Khokhryakov A.P. Somaticheskaya evolyutsiya odnodol’nykh. M., 1975b. 196 s.
  • Khokhryakov A.P. Categories of life forms in plants and their evolution // Zhurnal obshchei biologii. 1981a. T. 42. № 2. S. 169–180 (In Russian).
  • Khokhryakov A.P. Evolyutsiya biomorf rastenii. M., 1981b. 168 s.
  • Khokhryakov A.P. 1994. Aktivnaya, a ne passivnaya zhiznennaya forma // Priroda. 1994. № 6. S. 36–41.
  • Shorina N.I. Structure of bracken-fern brushes in connection with its morphology // Zhiznennye formy: struktura, spektry i evolyutsiya. M., 1981. S. 213–232 (In Russian).
  • Allen J.L., Lendemer J.C. A call to reconceptualize lichen symbioses // Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 2022. Vol. 37. N 7. Р. 582–589.
  • Anderson J.B., Bruhn J.N., Kasimer D., Wang H., Rodrigue N., Smith M.L. Clonal evolution and genome stability in a 2500-year-old fungal individual // Proc. R. Soc., B: Biol. Sci. 2018. Vol. 285. N 1893. Art. 20182233.
  • Arnaud-Haond S., Duarte C. M., Diaz-Almela E., Marbà N., Sintes T., Serrão E.A. Implications of extreme life span in clonal organisms: Millenary clones in meadows of the threatened seagrass Posidonia oceanica // PLoS ONE. 2012. Vol. 27. № 2. Art. e30454.
  • Braun A. Das Individuum in seinem Verhältnisse zur Species, Generationsfolge, Generationswechsel und Generationstheilung der Pflanze // Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften Berlin (Physikalische Klasse). 1853. S. 19–122.
  • Bar-Ness Y.D. Giant Banyans // GEO. 2012. Vol. 46. P. 84–95.
  • Bar-Ness Y.D. Conservation of Indian Heritage Trees. 2013. 29 p. (INTACT Ocassional Publication; 2).
  • Fagerstrom J.A., West R.R. Roles of clone-clone interactions in building reef frameworks: principles and examples // Facies. 2011. Vol. 57. Iss. 3. P. 375–394.
  • Notov A.A., Zhukova L.A. Modular organisms as objects of population biology // Wulfenia. 2022. Vol. 29. Р. 9–27.
  • Provorov N.A., Vorobev N.I. Coevolution of partners and integrity of symbiotic systems // Biol. Bull. Reviews. 2012. Vol. 2. № 5. Р. 400–412.
  • Rinkevich, B. Quo vadis chimerism? // Chimerism. 2011. Vol. 2. N 1. Р. 1–5.
  • Rinkevich B. Apex set-up for the major transitions in individuality // Evol. Biol. 2019a. Vol. 46. N 3. Р. 217–228.
  • Rinkevich B. The tail of the underwater phoenix // Developmental Biology. 2019b. Vol. ‏448. Iss. 2. SI. Р. 291–292.
  • Rogers P.C., Gale J.A. Restoration of the iconic Pando aspen clone: Emerging evidence of recovery // Ecosphere. 2017. Vol. 8. N 1. Art. e01661.
  • Rossi S., Bramanti L., Gori A., Orejas C. (eds.) Marine animal forests: the ecology of benthic biodiversity hotspots. Germany: Springer Int. Publ. 2017. XXXII. 1366 р.
  • Schiel D.R., Foster M.S. (eds.) The biology and ecology of giant kelp forests. Berkeley: Univ. California Press, 2015. 395 p.
  • Shefferson R.P., Jones O.R., Salguero-Gómez R. (eds.) The evolution of senescence in the tree of life. Cambridge: Univ. Press, 2017. 450 p.
  • Simpson C. Species selection and the macroevolution of coral coloniality and photosymbiosis // Evolution. 2013. Vol. 67. N 6. Р. 1607–1621.
  • Simpson C. Evolution: serving up light // Curr. Biol. 2018. Vol. 28. N 16. Р. 873–875.
  • Song H., Kim K.-T., Park S.-Y., Lee G.W., Choi J., Jeon J., Cheong K., Choi G., Hur J.-S., Lee Y.-H. A comparative genomic analysis of lichen-forming fungi reveals new insights into fungal lifestyles // Scientific Reports. 2022. Vol. 12. N 1. Art. 10724.
  • Tomlinson P.B. Chance and design in the construction of plants // Axioms and principles of plant construction. Hague etc.: M. Nijhoff, W. Junk Publ., 1982. P. 162–183. (Acta Biotheor.; 31A).