The description of the various biological features of individual plant species is an urgent scientific problem, which is given considerable attention in many countries. This description is usually realised in the form of articles containing information on individual species or genera of vascular plants. The “Biological Floras” published in our country and abroad with a detailed description of the “Biological Flora of the Moscow Region” are characterized. The need to include a large number of functional characteristics of plants in the description of the biology of species, the use of modern statistical methods (including meta-analysis) and numerous databases containing information on many properties of species are noted. The article introduces a new rubric “Biological flora of Russia” for the publication of species and generic essays on the ecological and biological properties of taxa of the flora of Russia in the “Bulletin MOIP, biological department” and presents an approximate plan of such a description.
2021. T. 126. Vyp. 6.
2021. T. 126. Vyp. 6.
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Russia’s biological flora: past, present and future
- Alekseev Yu.E., Vekhov V.N., Gapochka G.P., Dundin Yu.K. Travyanistye rasteniya SSSR. Tom 2. 1971. M.: Mysl’, 309 s.
- Andreeva V.N., Pokhil’ko A.A., Filippova L.N., Tsareva V.T. Biologicheskaya flora Murmanskoi oblasti. Apatity. 1984. Vyp. 1. 295 s.
- Andreeva V.N., Pokhil’ko A.A., Tsareva V.T. Biologicheskaya flora Murmanskoi oblasti. Apatity. 1987. Vyp. 2. 120 s.
- Biologicheskie osobennosti rastenii Sibiri, nuzhdayushchikhsya v okhrane. Otv. red. K.A.Sobolevskaya. 1988. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 254 s.
- Biologicheskie osnovy okhrany redkikh i ischezayushchikh rastenii Sibiri. Red. K.A. Sobolevskaya. 1990. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 235 s.
- Biologiya rastenii Sibiri, nuzhdayushchikhsya v okhrane. Red. K.A. Sobolevskoi. Novosibirsk: Nauka. 1985. 158 s.
- Bubenets V.N., Pokhil’ko A.A., Tsareva V.T. Biologicheskaya flora Murmanskoi oblasti. Apatity. 1993. Vyp. 3. 135 s.
- Golubev V. N. Biologicheskaya flora Kryma / Yalta: Gos. Nikitskii botan. Sad. 1984. 217 s. Dep. v VINITI 07.08.84, № 5770-84 Dep.
- Golubev V. N. Biologicheskaya flora Kryma. 2-e izd. Yalta: GNBS, 1996. 86 s.
- Gubanov A.I. «Lebensgeschichte der Blütenpflanzen Mitteleuropas» (bibliograficheskaya spravka) // Byulleten’ MOIP, otd. biologicheskii. 1974. t. 79. vyp. 3. S. 148–152.
- Gubanov I.A., Rabotnov T.A., Tikhomirov V.N. Podgotovka «Biologicheskoi flory Moskovskoi oblasti» // Botanicheskii zhurnal. 1970. t. 55. № 10. S. 1548–1554.
- Dudova K.V., Ataballyev G.G., Akhmetzhanova A.A., Gulov D.M., Dudov S.V., Elumeeva T.G., Klink G.V., Logvinenko O.A., Semenova R.B., Onipchenko V.G. Vysota kak funktsional’nyi priznak al’piiskikh rastenii // Byulleten’ MOIP, otd. biologicheskii, 2019. t. 124. № 1. s. 33–46.
- Zaugol’nova L.B., Khanina L.G. Opyt razrabotki i ispol’zovaniya baz dannykh v lesnoi fitotsenologii // Lesovedenie. 1996. № 1. S. 76–83.
- Kuznetsova T.V., Pryakhina N.I., Yakovlev G.P. Sotsvetiya. Morfologicheskaya klassifikatsiya. SPb.: Khimiko-farmatsevticheskii in-t, 1992. 127 s.
- Martynenko V.A., Poletaeva I.I., Teteryuk B.Yu., Teteryuk L.V. Biologiya i ekologiya redkikh rastenii Respubliki Komi. Ekaterinburg.: UrO RAN, 2003. 181 s.
- Ramenskii L.G., Tsatsenkin I.A., Chizhikov O.N., Antipin N.A. Ekologicheskaya otsenka kormovykh ugodii po rastitel’nomu pokrovu. M.: Sel’khozgiz, 1956. 471 s.
- Teteryuk L.V., Plotnikova I.A., Orlovskaya N.V. Biologiya i ekologiya redkikh rastenii Respubliki Komi. Vyp. 2. Ekaterinburg: UrO RAN, 2009. 183 s.
- Brown P. M. OLDLIST: A database of maximum tree ages. Tree rings, environment, and humanity. Radiocarbon, 1996. P. 727–731.
- Cavers P.B., Warwick S.I., Clements D.R. The Biology of Canadian Weeds. Revised Instructions and Format, Updated Lists of Accounts Published and In Preparation // Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 2003. Vol. 83. N 4. p. 661–665.
- Chytrý M., Danihelka J., Kaplan Z., et al. Pladias Database of the Czech Flora and Vegetation // Preslia 2021. Vol. 93. P. 1–87.
- Cornelissen, J.H.C., Lavorel S., Garnier E. et al. A handbook of protocols for standardised and easy measurements of plant functional traits worldwide // Aust. J. Bot. 2003. Vol. 51. N 4. P. 335–380.
- Ellenberg H. Zeigerwerte der Gefasspflanzen Mitteleuropas // Scripta Geobotanica. 1974. Bd 9. 98 S.
- Ellenberg H., Weber H. E., Düll R., Wirth V., Werner W., Paulissen D. Zeigerwerte von Pflanzen in Mitteleuropa // Scripta Geobotanika. 1991. Bd 18. Göttingen: Goltze. 248 S.
- Endress P.K. Disentangling confusions in inflorescence morphology: Patterns and diversity of reproductive shoot ramification in angiosperms // Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 2010. Vol. 48. N 4. P. 225–239.
- Fitter A.H., Peat H.J. The Ecological Flora Database // Journal of Ecology. 1994. Vol. 82. N 2. P. 415-425.
- Grime J. P., Hodgson J. G., Hunt R. Comparative plant ecology. A functional approach to common British species. Unwin Hyman. L., 1988. 679 pp.
- Kattge J., Bonisch G., Diaz S., Lavorel S. et. al. TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access // Global Change Biology, 2020. Vol. 26. N 1. P. 119–188.
- Kattge J., Diaz S., Lavorel S., Prentice I.C. et al. TRY – a global database of plant traits // Global Change Biology. 2011. Vol. 17. N 9. P. 2905–2935.
- Kleyer M., Bekker R.M, Knevel I.C. et al. The LEDA Traitbase: a database of life-history traits of the Northwest European flora // Journal of Ecology. 2008. Vol. 96. P. 1266–1274; doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2008.01430.x
- Klimešová J., Danihelka J., Chrtek J., de Bello F., Herben, T. CLO-PLA: a database of clonal and bud-bank traits of the Central European flora // Ecology. 2017. Vol. 98. Р. 1179.
- Klimešová J, Klimeš L. Bud banks and their role in vegetative regeneration – a literature review and proposal for simple classification and assessment // Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. 2007. Vol. 8 N 3. P. 115–129.
- Landolt E. Ökologische Zeigerwerte zur Schweizer Flora // Veroff. geob. Inst. ETH, 1977. H. 64. S. 1–208.
- Landolt E. et al. Flora indicativa. Ökologische Zeigerwerte und biologische Kennzeichen zur Flora der Schweiz und der Alpen. Bern, 2010. 378 S.
- Matthies D., Poschlod P. The biological flora of Central Europe – aims and concept // Flora. 2000. Vol. 195. Р. 116–122.
- Pederson N. External characteristics of old trees in the Eastern Deciduous Forest // Natural Areas Journal. 2010. Vol. 30. P. 396–407.
- Perez-Harguindeguy N., Dıaz S., Garnier E. et al. New handbook for standardised measurement of plant functional traits worldwide // Australian Journal of Botany. 2013. Vol. 61. P. 167–234.
- Pierce S., Negreiros D., Cerabolini B.E.L., Kattge J., Diaz S., Kleyer M., Shipley B., Wright S.J., Soudzilovskaia N.A., Onipchenko V.G., van Bodegom P.M., Frenette-Dussault C., Weicher E., Pinho B.X., Cornelissen J.H.C., Grime J.P., Thompson K., Hunt R., Wilson P.J., Buffa G., Nyakunga O.C., Reich P.B., Caccianiga M., Mangili F., Ceriani R.M., Luzzaro A., Brusa G., Siefert A., Barbosa N.P.U., Chapin F.S.III, Cornwell W.K., Fang J., Fernandes G.W., Garnier E., Le Stradic S., Penuelas J., Melo F.P.L., Slaviero A., Tabarelli M., Tampucci D. A global method for calculating plant CSR ecological strategies applied across biomes world-wide // Functional Ecology, 2017. Vol. 31. N 2. P. 444–457.
- Poisot T., Bruneau A., Gonzalez A., Gravel D., Peres-Neto P. Ecological data should not be so hard to find and reuse // Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2019. Vol. 34. N 6. P. 494–496.
- Poschlod P., Jackel A.-K,, Dannemann A., Tackenberg O. BioPop : funktionelle Merkmale von Pflanzen und ihre Anwendungsmöglichkeiten im Arten-, Biotop-, und Naturschutz : datenbank und expertensystem. 2006. Bonn-Bad Godesberg: Bundesamt für Naturschutz. 168 s.
- Poschlod P., Kleyer M., Dannemann A., Tackenberg O. // BIOPOP – a database of plant traits and internet application for nature conservation // Folia Geobotanica. 2003. Vol. 38. P. 263–271.
- Taseski G.M., Beloe C.J., Gallagher R.V., Chan J.Y., Dalrymple R.L., Cornwell W.K. A global growth-form database for 143 616 vascular plant species // Ecology, 2019. Vol. 100. N 3: e02614. 10.1002/ecy.2614.
- Xu X., Lu R., Yan L., Xia J. PlantNE: a global database of plant biomass from nitrogen-addition experiments // Ecology, 2019. Vol. 100. N 11, e02840.
- Tian D., Kattge J., Chen Y., Han W., Luo Y., He J., Hu H., Tang Z., Ma Z., Yan Z., Lin Q., Schmid B., Fang J. A global database of paired leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations of terrestrial plants // Ecology. 2019. Vol. 100. N 9, e02812.
- Warwick S.I., Cavers P.B. Darbyshire S.A. New Series – The Biology of Invasive Alien Plants in Canada. Instructions for Preparation of Accounts // Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 2003. Vol. 83. N 4. p. 655–659.
Список литературы
- Alekseev Yu.E., Vekhov V.N., Gapochka G.P., Dundin Yu.K. Travyanistye rasteniya SSSR. Tom 2. 1971. M.: Mysl’, 309 s.
- Andreeva V.N., Pokhil’ko A.A., Filippova L.N., Tsareva V.T. Biologicheskaya flora Murmanskoi oblasti. Apatity. 1984. Vyp. 1. 295 s.
- Andreeva V.N., Pokhil’ko A.A., Tsareva V.T. Biologicheskaya flora Murmanskoi oblasti. Apatity. 1987. Vyp. 2. 120 s.
- Biologicheskie osobennosti rastenii Sibiri, nuzhdayushchikhsya v okhrane. Otv. red. K.A.Sobolevskaya. 1988. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 254 s.
- Biologicheskie osnovy okhrany redkikh i ischezayushchikh rastenii Sibiri. Red. K.A. Sobolevskaya. 1990. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 235 s.
- Biologiya rastenii Sibiri, nuzhdayushchikhsya v okhrane. Red. K.A. Sobolevskoi. Novosibirsk: Nauka. 1985. 158 s.
- Bubenets V.N., Pokhil’ko A.A., Tsareva V.T. Biologicheskaya flora Murmanskoi oblasti. Apatity. 1993. Vyp. 3. 135 s.
- Golubev V. N. Biologicheskaya flora Kryma / Yalta: Gos. Nikitskii botan. Sad. 1984. 217 s. Dep. v VINITI 07.08.84, № 5770-84 Dep.
- Golubev V. N. Biologicheskaya flora Kryma. 2-e izd. Yalta: GNBS, 1996. 86 s.
- Gubanov A.I. «Lebensgeschichte der Blütenpflanzen Mitteleuropas» (bibliograficheskaya spravka) // Byulleten’ MOIP, otd. biologicheskii. 1974. t. 79. vyp. 3. S. 148–152.
- Gubanov I.A., Rabotnov T.A., Tikhomirov V.N. Podgotovka «Biologicheskoi flory Moskovskoi oblasti» // Botanicheskii zhurnal. 1970. t. 55. № 10. S. 1548–1554.
- Dudova K.V., Ataballyev G.G., Akhmetzhanova A.A., Gulov D.M., Dudov S.V., Elumeeva T.G., Klink G.V., Logvinenko O.A., Semenova R.B., Onipchenko V.G. Vysota kak funktsional’nyi priznak al’piiskikh rastenii // Byulleten’ MOIP, otd. biologicheskii, 2019. t. 124. № 1. s. 33–46.
- Zaugol’nova L.B., Khanina L.G. Opyt razrabotki i ispol’zovaniya baz dannykh v lesnoi fitotsenologii // Lesovedenie. 1996. № 1. S. 76–83.
- Kuznetsova T.V., Pryakhina N.I., Yakovlev G.P. Sotsvetiya. Morfologicheskaya klassifikatsiya. SPb.: Khimiko-farmatsevticheskii in-t, 1992. 127 s.
- Martynenko V.A., Poletaeva I.I., Teteryuk B.Yu., Teteryuk L.V. Biologiya i ekologiya redkikh rastenii Respubliki Komi. Ekaterinburg.: UrO RAN, 2003. 181 s.
- Ramenskii L.G., Tsatsenkin I.A., Chizhikov O.N., Antipin N.A. Ekologicheskaya otsenka kormovykh ugodii po rastitel’nomu pokrovu. M.: Sel’khozgiz, 1956. 471 s.
- Teteryuk L.V., Plotnikova I.A., Orlovskaya N.V. Biologiya i ekologiya redkikh rastenii Respubliki Komi. Vyp. 2. Ekaterinburg: UrO RAN, 2009. 183 s.
- Brown P. M. OLDLIST: A database of maximum tree ages. Tree rings, environment, and humanity. Radiocarbon, 1996. P. 727–731.
- Cavers P.B., Warwick S.I., Clements D.R. The Biology of Canadian Weeds. Revised Instructions and Format, Updated Lists of Accounts Published and In Preparation // Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 2003. Vol. 83. N 4. p. 661–665.
- Chytrý M., Danihelka J., Kaplan Z., et al. Pladias Database of the Czech Flora and Vegetation // Preslia 2021. Vol. 93. P. 1–87.
- Cornelissen, J.H.C., Lavorel S., Garnier E. et al. A handbook of protocols for standardised and easy measurements of plant functional traits worldwide // Aust. J. Bot. 2003. Vol. 51. N 4. P. 335–380.
- Ellenberg H. Zeigerwerte der Gefasspflanzen Mitteleuropas // Scripta Geobotanica. 1974. Bd 9. 98 S.
- Ellenberg H., Weber H. E., Düll R., Wirth V., Werner W., Paulissen D. Zeigerwerte von Pflanzen in Mitteleuropa // Scripta Geobotanika. 1991. Bd 18. Göttingen: Goltze. 248 S.
- Endress P.K. Disentangling confusions in inflorescence morphology: Patterns and diversity of reproductive shoot ramification in angiosperms // Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 2010. Vol. 48. N 4. P. 225–239.
- Fitter A.H., Peat H.J. The Ecological Flora Database // Journal of Ecology. 1994. Vol. 82. N 2. P. 415-425.
- Grime J. P., Hodgson J. G., Hunt R. Comparative plant ecology. A functional approach to common British species. Unwin Hyman. L., 1988. 679 pp.
- Kattge J., Bonisch G., Diaz S., Lavorel S. et. al. TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access // Global Change Biology, 2020. Vol. 26. N 1. P. 119–188.
- Kattge J., Diaz S., Lavorel S., Prentice I.C. et al. TRY – a global database of plant traits // Global Change Biology. 2011. Vol. 17. N 9. P. 2905–2935.
- Kleyer M., Bekker R.M, Knevel I.C. et al. The LEDA Traitbase: a database of life-history traits of the Northwest European flora // Journal of Ecology. 2008. Vol. 96. P. 1266–1274; doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2008.01430.x
- Klimešová J., Danihelka J., Chrtek J., de Bello F., Herben, T. CLO-PLA: a database of clonal and bud-bank traits of the Central European flora // Ecology. 2017. Vol. 98. Р. 1179.
- Klimešová J, Klimeš L. Bud banks and their role in vegetative regeneration – a literature review and proposal for simple classification and assessment // Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. 2007. Vol. 8 N 3. P. 115–129.
- Landolt E. Ökologische Zeigerwerte zur Schweizer Flora // Veroff. geob. Inst. ETH, 1977. H. 64. S. 1–208.
- Landolt E. et al. Flora indicativa. Ökologische Zeigerwerte und biologische Kennzeichen zur Flora der Schweiz und der Alpen. Bern, 2010. 378 S.
- Matthies D., Poschlod P. The biological flora of Central Europe – aims and concept // Flora. 2000. Vol. 195. Р. 116–122.
- Pederson N. External characteristics of old trees in the Eastern Deciduous Forest // Natural Areas Journal. 2010. Vol. 30. P. 396–407.
- Perez-Harguindeguy N., Dıaz S., Garnier E. et al. New handbook for standardised measurement of plant functional traits worldwide // Australian Journal of Botany. 2013. Vol. 61. P. 167–234.
- Pierce S., Negreiros D., Cerabolini B.E.L., Kattge J., Diaz S., Kleyer M., Shipley B., Wright S.J., Soudzilovskaia N.A., Onipchenko V.G., van Bodegom P.M., Frenette-Dussault C., Weicher E., Pinho B.X., Cornelissen J.H.C., Grime J.P., Thompson K., Hunt R., Wilson P.J., Buffa G., Nyakunga O.C., Reich P.B., Caccianiga M., Mangili F., Ceriani R.M., Luzzaro A., Brusa G., Siefert A., Barbosa N.P.U., Chapin F.S.III, Cornwell W.K., Fang J., Fernandes G.W., Garnier E., Le Stradic S., Penuelas J., Melo F.P.L., Slaviero A., Tabarelli M., Tampucci D. A global method for calculating plant CSR ecological strategies applied across biomes world-wide // Functional Ecology, 2017. Vol. 31. N 2. P. 444–457.
- Poisot T., Bruneau A., Gonzalez A., Gravel D., Peres-Neto P. Ecological data should not be so hard to find and reuse // Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2019. Vol. 34. N 6. P. 494–496.
- Poschlod P., Jackel A.-K,, Dannemann A., Tackenberg O. BioPop : funktionelle Merkmale von Pflanzen und ihre Anwendungsmöglichkeiten im Arten-, Biotop-, und Naturschutz : datenbank und expertensystem. 2006. Bonn-Bad Godesberg: Bundesamt für Naturschutz. 168 s.
- Poschlod P., Kleyer M., Dannemann A., Tackenberg O. // BIOPOP – a database of plant traits and internet application for nature conservation // Folia Geobotanica. 2003. Vol. 38. P. 263–271.
- Taseski G.M., Beloe C.J., Gallagher R.V., Chan J.Y., Dalrymple R.L., Cornwell W.K. A global growth-form database for 143 616 vascular plant species // Ecology, 2019. Vol. 100. N 3: e02614. 10.1002/ecy.2614.
- Xu X., Lu R., Yan L., Xia J. PlantNE: a global database of plant biomass from nitrogen-addition experiments // Ecology, 2019. Vol. 100. N 11, e02840.
- Tian D., Kattge J., Chen Y., Han W., Luo Y., He J., Hu H., Tang Z., Ma Z., Yan Z., Lin Q., Schmid B., Fang J. A global database of paired leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations of terrestrial plants // Ecology. 2019. Vol. 100. N 9, e02812.
- Warwick S.I., Cavers P.B. Darbyshire S.A. New Series – The Biology of Invasive Alien Plants in Canada. Instructions for Preparation of Accounts // Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 2003. Vol. 83. N 4. p. 655–659.