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2016. T. 121. Vyp. 4.
Sviridov A.V.
Commemorating the anniversary of the polytypic conception of one Linnaean species
Pletenev A.A.
Mechanisms of the chromosomal evolution of mole rats complex Nannospalax ehrenbergi: research results and perspectives
Tokarsky V.A., Atemasov A.A., Shakula G.V.
Menzbir Marmot (Marmota menzbieri) Population Investigation History and Current Status in Karjantau range
Semenyuk O.V., Vaganova M.A.
Haracteristics of Vegetative Cover as the Most Important Component of a Comprehensive Soil-Ecological Studies Historical Parks
Kazantseva E.S., Onipchenko V.G., Bogatyrev V.A., Kipkeev A.M., Lider E.N.
Features of Sexual Reproduction of Alpine Short-Lived Herbaceous Plants and their Comparison with Alpine Long-Lived Plants (North-West Caucasus, Russia)
Bondartseva M.A., Zmitrovich I.V.
On the Association of Hypocreopsis Lichenoides with Hymenochaete Tabacina
Timina O.O., Ionova L.G., Timin O.Yu.
Ontogenesis of some Representatives of Tulipa L. in the Embryoculture under the Conditions of the Temperature Stress
Shirokova N.G.
Combined Investigation of the Male and Female Generative Organs in Flowers of Spiraea salicifolia L. (Rosaceae, Spiraeoideae) in Connection with the Manifestations of Sexual Polymorphism
Chaika S.Yu.
Jubilee of the Scientist-Entomologist (to the 70th Anniversary of Andrei Valentinovich Sviridov)
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