2018. T. 123. Vyp. 3.

Zhmylev P.Yu., Tatarenko I.V., Vakhrameeva M.G., Voronina E.Yu., Lazareva G.A., Prohorov V.P.

«Sleeping Beauties»: a Review of Diversity of Prolonged Dormancy in Plants

Goremykina E.V., Veselovskaya E.D., Desyatirkina I.A., Kosenkova A.S., Kuznetsova A.D., Chebotaryova T.A.

The Density and the Orientation of Stomata in the Epidermis of Stems in some Common Species of the Lower Volga Region

Saksonov S.V., Knyazev M.S., Vasjukov V.M., Senator S.A., Ivanova A.V., Kalmykova O.G., Kin N.O., Pismarkina E.V.

New Floristic Records in Republic of Bashkortostan, Orenburg and Samara Provinces

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2018. T. 123. Vyp. 3.
Обложка 2018. T. 123. Vyp. 3. журнала Бюллетень МОИП. Отдел биологический