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2018. T. 123. Vyp. 3.
Toskina I.N.
Key to Species of the Genus Tricorynus Waterhouse, 1849 (Coleoptera: Ptinidae: Mesocoelopodinae) from Paraguay
Toskina I.N.
New Genus and Some new Species of Wood-borer Beetles from South America (Coleoptera: Ptinidae)
Kolesnichenko K.A.
New Data on Distribution and Taxonomy of Tomares desinens Nekrutenkoet Effendi, 1980 (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) in Iran
Vlasov D.V., Nikitsky N.B.
Fauna of Handsome Fungus Beetles (Coleoptera, Endomychidae) of Yaroslavl Oblast’
Zhmylev P.Yu., Tatarenko I.V., Vakhrameeva M.G., Voronina E.Yu., Lazareva G.A., Prohorov V.P.
«Sleeping Beauties»: a Review of Diversity of Prolonged Dormancy in Plants
Goremykina E.V., Veselovskaya E.D., Desyatirkina I.A., Kosenkova A.S., Kuznetsova A.D., Chebotaryova T.A.
The Density and the Orientation of Stomata in the Epidermis of Stems in some Common Species of the Lower Volga Region
Reshetnikova N.M.
Additions to the Flora of Kaluga Province Based on Records of 2015–2016
Chkalov A.V., Kiseleva L.L., Parakhina E.A.
New Species and new Records of Alchemilla L. (Rosaceae) in the Central Part of Orel Province
Reshetnikova N.M.
Additions to the Flora of Belgorod Province and Middle Russia Based on Records of 2015–2016
Saksonov S.V., Knyazev M.S., Vasjukov V.M., Senator S.A., Ivanova A.V., Kalmykova O.G., Kin N.O., Pismarkina E.V.
New Floristic Records in Republic of Bashkortostan, Orenburg and Samara Provinces
Chkalov A.V., Pakina D.V.
Records of new and Rare Species of Alchemilla L. (Rosaceae) in Republic of Bashkortostan
Zernov A.S., Filin A.N., Adzhiev R.K.
Additions to the flora of Karachay-Cherkess Republic. Part 3
Kipriyanova L.M.
On new Localities of Little-Known and Rare for West Siberia Aquatic Plants
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2018. T. 123. Vyp. 3.