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2020. T. 125. Vyp. 4.
Nikolaev I.G.
Some Aspects of Relationships Between Manchurian Hare and Siberian Weasel in Primorsky Krai
Troshkov N.Y., Troshkova I.Y.
Fauna and Seasonal Dynamics of Activity of the Ground Beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of Marsh-forest Biotopes in the Taldomsky Area of Moscow Region
Karelina E.D., Blagoveshchenskaya E.Yu.
Study of the Severity of Powdery Mildew on Norway Maple
Reshetnikova N.M., Yagodovskaya M.P.
Additions to the Flora of Kaluga Province (Based on Records of 2018–2019 from Kaluzhskiye Zaseki Reserve)
Sokolov A.S., Sokolova L.A.
Addition to the Data on the Flora of Tambov Province. Second Report
Reshetnikova N.M.
Additions to the Flora of Belgorod Province (2017–2019)
Stepanova N.Yu., Kalmykova O.G.
Additions to the Flora of Orenburg Province
Zernov A.S., Adzhiev R.K., Filin A.N.
New Floristic Records in the Western Caucasus
Seregin A.P.
Floristic Records near Novosibirsk
Zykova E.Yu.
New Records of Alien Species in the Altai Republic
Efremov A.N.
Records Najas minor all. (Hydrocharitaceae) in Irkutsk Oblast
Volkova P.A., Bobrov A.A.
New for Alai Valley Species of Aquatic Vascular Plants in Kirgizia
Avilova K.V.
Konstantin Nikolaevitch Blagosklonov (for the hundredth and ten anniversary of his birth)
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