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2021. T. 126. Vyp. 3.
Kupriyanova L.A., Safronova L.D., Sychyova V.B., Chekunova A.I., Osipov F.A.
Study of Oocytes in the Early Oogenesis of the Viviparous Lizard (Zootoca vivipara) in Prophase of the 1st Meiosis
Krasutsky B.V., Pekin V.P.
Materials for the Stady of Animals in the Red Book of the Tula Region on the Territory of the Projected National Park “Tula Zaseki”
Tolpysheva T.Yu., Varlygina T.I.
To Study the Lichens of Iturup Island (Kuril islands)
Belechov A.A.
Rare Alien Species of Vascular Plants in St. Petersburg
Mayorov S.R., Reshetnikova N.M.
Additions to the Flora of Middle Russia from Kaluga Province (Based on the Records of 2020)
Krylov A.V., Voronkina N.V. Reshetnikova N.M.
Additions to the Flora of Kaluga Region (Based on the Records of 2020)
Bochkov D.A.
Floristic Records of Alien Species from the Moscow Region
Reshetnikova N.M., Panasenko N.N., Shcherbakov A.V.
Additions to the Flora of Brynsk Province (Based on the Records of 2020)
Reshetnikova N.M., Kiseleva L.L.
Additions to the Flora of Orel Province (Based on the Records of 2020)
Tokhtar V.K., Zelenkova V.N., Kurskoy A.Yu., Tretyakov M.Yu.
New Data to the Flora of Belgorod Province (Based on the Records of 2019–2020)
Akatova T.V., Akatov V.V.
First Records and new Localities of Alien Plants in Krasnodar Krai and Republic of Adygeya
Akatova Yu.S., Abazova A.I., Zernov A.S.
On the Record of Galanthus lagodechianus Kem.-Nath. (Amaryllidaceae) in the Republic of Adygeya
Prokopenko S.V.
Records of Alien Plants in Primorsky Kray
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2021. T. 126. Vyp. 3.