2021. T. 126. Vyp. 3.

Kupriyanova L.A., Safronova L.D., Sychyova V.B., Chekunova A.I., Osipov F.A.

Study of Oocytes in the Early Oogenesis of the Viviparous Lizard (Zootoca vivipara) in Prophase of the 1st Meiosis

Reshetnikova N.M., Panasenko N.N., Shcherbakov A.V.

Additions to the Flora of Brynsk Province (Based on the Records of 2020)

Tokhtar V.K., Zelenkova V.N., Kurskoy A.Yu., Tretyakov M.Yu.

New Data to the Flora of Belgorod Province (Based on the Records of 2019–2020)

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2021. T. 126. Vyp. 3.
Обложка 2021. T. 126. Vyp. 3. журнала Бюллетень МОИП. Отдел биологический