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2023. T. 128. Vyp. 1.
Danilov P.I., Panchenko D.V., Tirronen K.F.
To the History of Reindeer and Reindeer Husbandry in Eastern Fennoscandia
Shikalova E.A.
Nesting and Abundance of the Osprey on the Territory of the Sayano-Shushenskij Reserve and in Its Protected Area
Zatsepina I.V.
Cultivation and Study of Varieties, Forms of Pears and Quinces in Conditions of Artificial Fog
Matyukhin D.L.
Diversity of Phyllomorphic Branches in Conifers
Shovkun M.M., Zernov A.S.
Alien Species of Vascular Plants in the Flora of Prioksko-Terrasny Biosphere Reserve
Novitskaya G.A.
The First Congress of the Russian Association of Researchers of the Himalayas and Tibet
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