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2023. T. 128. Vyp. 4.
Tischenkov A.А., Ionova L.G., Tikhonenkova L.А.
Dynamics оf Nesting Ornithofauna Structure оf Tiraspol City’s Resident Area
Golovatyuk L.V., Mikhailov R.А., Grekov I.М., Kurina Е.М.
Species Composition of the Volgograd Reservoir Basin Rivers (the Yeruslan River)
Gulov D.M., Fedorov N.I., Logvinenko O.A., Onipchenko V.G.
Composition of aboveground phytomass of subalpine fens in Teberdinsky National Park
Dzhapova V.V., Bembeeva O.G., Ayusheva E.Ch., Dzhapova R.R.
Summer diet of domestic animals in the Black lands of Kalmyki
Kazmin V.D., Laktionov A.P., Korolyuk A.Y.
Modern plant fodder resources of the steppes and meadows of the ancient Chir landscape of the “Tsimlyansky” nature reserve
Tolpysheva T.Yu., Shishkonakova E.A.
Lichens of pristine and disturbed oligotrophic bogs of the Samotlor oil field
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