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2015. T. 120. Vyp. 3.
Kataev G.D.
Monitoring populations of small mammals Micromammalia North Taiga Fennoscandia
Mel’nikov Yu.I., Gagina-Skalon Т.N.
Changes in Winter Fauna of the Birds on Lake Baikal From XXto Beginning XXI оf Century
Naumova A.M., Naumova A.Y., Loginov L.S.
Protection of Nature: Purifi cation of Water and Soil in Fishponds from the Organic and Inorganic Contamination
Vlasov D.V., Nikitsky N.B.
The Fauna of Minute Tree-Fungus Beetles (Coleoptera, Tenebrionoidea, Ciidae) of Yaroslavl Region
Koldaeva M.N., Kalinkina V.A.
Plasticity of Life Form Of Trifolium gordejevii – Rare Plant Species from Rock Outcrops and Rocky Habitats in the Southern Far East of Russia
Telesnina V.M., Klimovich E.Yu.
Specific of Post-Agrogenic Vegetation Dynamic in South Taiga (Kostroma Regoin)
Golovina E.O., Makarova M.A.
Floristic Records in Arkhangelsk Province
Abramova L.A., Volkova P.A.
Floristic Notesa Record of Epipactis Helleborine (L.) Crantz (Orchidaceae) in Northern Karelia
Dudov S.V.
On Naturalization of Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco (Pinaceae) in Vladimir Oblast
Seregin A.P.
The Most Important Recent Floristic Records in Vladimir Province. Second Report
Poluyanov A.V., Sklyar E.A.
Additions and Corrections to the Flora of Kursk Province Based on Records of 2014
Reshetnikova N.M., Stepanova N.Y.
Additions to the Flora of Belgorod Province Based on Records of 2013
Zernov A.S., Onipchenko V.G.
New and Rare Species in the Flora of Teberda Reserve (Karachay-Cherkess Republic)
Volkova P.A., Bobrov A.A., Kopylov-Guskov Yu.O., Zakharchenko D.A.
Records of Aquatic Plants on the Kunashir Island (Kuril Islands, Sakhalin Province)
Korznikov K.A.
Record of Pyrola japonica Klenze ex Alef. (Ericaceae) on Sakhalin Island
Sorokin A.I.
Additions to the Moss Flora of Ivanovo Province
Urbanavichus G.P.
Lichens and Lichenicolous Fungi New for Russia and Murmansk Province from Pasvik Reserve
Urbanavichus G.P., Urbanavichene I.N.
The Second Addition to the Lichenflora of the Republic of Mordovia and Middle Russia
Romanov R.E., Shilov M.P., Belyakov E.A., Lapirov A.G., Birjukova O.V.
New Species Records of Charophytes (Charales, Streptophyta) in Central Russia
Luferov A.N.
On Some Records of Ranunculaceae in the North of Korean Peninsula
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