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2015. T. 120. Vyp. 6.
Kuzishchin K.V., Pavlov D.S., Kasumyan A.O., Gruzdeva M.A.
The Principles of the Database and Sample’s Deposits of the Lampreys and Fishes Management in the Framework of the MSU Bioresourses Centers Concept
Romanov A.A., Melikhova E.V.
Avifauna of the Forest Altitudinal Belt in Subarctic Mountains of Asia
Emelyanova L.G., Leonova N.B.
Forest Islands in the Agricultural District of Arkhangelsk Oblast as Habitats for Rare Animal Species
Nosova M.B., Severova E.E., Volkova O.A.
Long Term Study of Modern Pollen Spectra in Temperate Zone of European Russia
Evstigneeva I.К., Grintsov V.A., Lisitskaja Е.V., Makarov М.V., Tankovskaya I.N.
Biodiversity of Macrophytes Communities Kasachia Bay
Severova E.E., Batanova A.K., Demina O.N.
Ragweed (Ambrosia sp., Compositae) Pollination in Rostov-on-Don City on the Base of Aeropalynological Monitoring: the First Results
Kazakova M.V., Biryukova E.V., Vasilyev S.P., Vodorezov A.V., Khorun L.V.
New Additions to the Flora of Ryazan Province
Reshetnikova N.M.
Additions to the Flora of Kaluga Province Based on Records of 2014
Vargot E.V., Grishutkin O.G., Khapugin А.А.
New and Rare Plants of Tambov Province
Zolotareva N.V., Podgaevskaya E.N., Zolotarev M.P.
Records of Rare Vascular Plant Species in Sverdlovsk Province
Ismailov A.B., Urbanavichus G.P.
New Lichens and Lichenicolous Fungi for Dagestan and Caucasus
Romanova E.V.
New Records of Caloplaca suspiciosa (Nyl.) H. Magn. (Teloschistaceae, Ascomycota) in Western Siberia
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