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2017. T. 122. Vyp. 6.
Zaitsev V.A.
Structure of the activity center of the Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) by a prey
Shcherbakova V.D., Saynchuk A.D., Samoilov K.Y., Burmensky V.A., Pavlov S.D., Pivovarov E. A., Senchukova A.L.
The Chinese sleeper (Perccottus glenii Dybowski, 1877) in Lake Sima (Odintsovskij district, Moscow region): the first data about new population of species
Toskina I.N.
Some new species of wood-borers of the genus Tricorynus Waterhouse, 1849 from Paraguay (Coleoptera: Ptinidae: Mesocoelopodinae)
Ezhov O.N., Zmitrovich I.V.
Lignotrophic Basidiomycetes from Pioneering Microsites in Boreal Forests of the Russian European North
Vetrova M.A., Garibova L.V., Dyakov M.Yu., Shtaer O.V.
Rust and Powdery Mildew Fungi on Woody Plants of the Botanical Garden of the Lomonosov Moscow State University
Shcherbakov A.V.
New Plant Taxa for Various Regions of European Russia
Fateryga V.V., Fateryga A.V.
Allium Praescissum Rchb. (Amaryllidaceae), a Species new for the Flora of the Crimea
Kipriyanova L.M., Biryukova O.V.
Potamogeton Acutifolius Link (Potamogetonaceae) –new for Asian Russia Aquatic Plant Species
Zykova E.Yu.
New Data on Distribution of Alien Species in Altai
Tupitsyna N.N., Krivobokov L.V.
New Data on Knotweeds (Polygonum L., Polygonaceae) of the Evenk Region
Romanov R.E., Kipriyanova L.M., Charitoncev B.S.
New Species Records of Charophytes (Charales, Streptophyta) in West-Siberian Plain (Russia)
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