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2022. T. 127. Vyp. 4.
Veselova N.A., Denisova E.V., Palkina P.O.
Evaluation of Visitior Effects on the Behavior of Lions Panthera leo (Linnaeus, 1758)
Lukin A.V., Nikitsky N.B., Ishkaeva A.F.
First Record of the Longhorn-Beetle Trichoferus campestris (Faldermann, 1835) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of the North-East Part of European Russia.
Tarasov K.L., Alexandrova E.N.
On the Position in the System of Oomycetes and Microscopic Fungi, Pathogens of Crayfish of The Subfamily Astacinae in Russia
Khomutovskiy M.I.
Influence of phytophagous insects on Fruit Formation in Orchis militaris L. (Orchidaceae Juss.) in the Upper Part of the Volga Basin
Tolpysheva T.Ju.
Lichens of Ramalina europaea in the Gerbarium of the Lomonosov State University (MW)
Zernov A.S., Filin A.N.
Book review: S.KH. Shkhagapsoev, V.A. Chadaeva, K.A. Shkhagapsoeva “Black book of the fl ora of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic”
Kalinichenko I.M.
To Creative Heritage of S.Ju. Lipschitz – Prominent Biographer, Bibliographer, Historian of Science, Editor
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