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2023. T. 128. Vyp. 6.
Martynov V.V., Nikulina T.V.
Arion vulgaris (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Arionidae) – a new alien species in the fauna of Donbass
Pchelkin A.V.
Nitrophilic aspect of epiphytic lichenobiota of white willow (Salix alba L.) in the Astrakhan Reserve
Tremasova N.A.
Additions to the alien flora of cities of Yaroslavl Province (based on the records of 2022)
Bochkov D.A.
Floristic records of alien species from the Moscow Region. 3rd report
Reshetnikova N.M., Yagodovskaya M.P.
Additions to the flora of Kaluga Province (2021–2022)
Stepanova N.Yu., Reshetnikova N.M., Volkova E.M., Svetasheva T.Yu.
Additions to the flora of Tula Region
Anashkina A.A., Mayorov S.R., Fedorova T.A.
Rumex euxinus Klokov (Polygonaceae) — a new species for the flora of Central Russia
Vasjukov V.M., Ivanova A.V., Novikova L.A., Gorbushina T.V., Mironova A.A., Polikanin D.V., Sukholozova E.A., Kosorotov A.S., Kuptsova T.M., Pavkina E.A., Permyakova Yu.A., Shytov S.A.
New species for the flora of the Penza region
Zykova E.Yu., Zykov D.I.
New and Rare Alien Species in the Flora of the Novosibirsk Region and the Republic оf Altai
Chkalov A.V., Gamova N.S.
New for Republic of Buryatia species of Alchemilla L. (Rosaceae) found in 2022
Sinjushin A.A.
Celebrating the anniversary of Dr. Margarita Aleksandrovna Monakhova
Luferov A.N., Churikova O.A.
Rimma Pavlovna Barykina (95-year anniversary)
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