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2013. T. 118. Vyp. 6.
Podturkin A.A.
Dependence of Behaviour of Manul (Otocolobus manul) from the Degree of Environmental Enrichment
Mashkin V.I., Lavrichenkov N.S., Pushkin A.V.
Relations between Martes representatives in the Overlap Habitat
Negrobov O.P., Selivanova O.V., Maslova O.O.
New Species Rhaphium Meigen, 1803 (Dolichopodidae, Diptera) from Central Asia
Toskina I.N.
New Species of Wood-Borers of the Genus Lasioderma Stephens, 1835 (Coleoptera: Ptinidae: Xyletininae) from Turkey
Poltarukha O.P.
The barnacles (Cirripedia, Thoracica) from a hydrothermal vents, Northern Pacifi c (on materials collecte d during 22-nd voyage of R/V «Akademic Mstislav Keldysh»)
Konstantinova A.I.
The fruit structure of Notiosciadium Speg. and this genus’s possible position within Apiaceae-Apioideae system
Timofeev A.N.
Spreading Deer-Beetle Lucanus cervus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Voronezh Region and its Morpho-Ecological Variety
Melechin A.V., Davydov D.A., Shalygin S.S., Borovichev E.A.
Open information system on biodiversity cyanoprokaryotes and lichens CRIS (Cryptogamic Russian Information System
Borovichev E.A., Kostina V.A., Petrovsky M.N.
Contribution to the Vascular Flora of Murmansk Province
Alexeyev Yu.Ye.
Notes on Cultivated and Alien Flora of Middle Russia. 4
Borisova E.A., Shilov M.P.
On a Record of Trichophorum Alpinum (L.) Pers. (Cyperaceae) in Ivanovo Province
Mininzon I.L., Naumova T.A., Shilina I.N.
Three Alien Species New to the Flora of Nizhny Novgorod Province
Ufimov R.A., Seregin A.P.
Additions to the “Flora of Vladimir Oblast, Russia”. The Genus Crataegus L. (Rosaceae)
Pismarkina E.V.
Records of New and Rare Vascular Plants in the North-West of the Volga Uplands
Reshetnikova N.M., Krylov A.V.
Additions to the Flora of Kaluga Province Based on Records of 2011
Poluyanov A.V., Degtiarev N.I.
Gusev A.V.
Additions and Adjustments to the Flora of Belgorod Province
Zernov A.S., Onipchenko V.G., Polyudchenkov I.P.
Additions to the Flora of Karachay-Cherkessk Republic
Zernov A.S., Mirzoyeva Sh.N.
New and Rare Species of the Apsheron Peninsula Flora (Azerbaijan)
Lomonosova M.N., Nikolin E.G.
New Species to the Flora of Yakutia
Anenkhonov O.A., Badmaeva N.K., Tubanova D.Ya.
New Records of Some Rare and Alien Vascular Plant Species in Southern Buryatia
Prokopenko S.V.
Records of Impatiens Parviflora DC. (Balsaminaceae) in Primorsky Kray
Urbanavichus G.P., Urbanavichene I.N.
Additions to the Lichenflora of the Caucasus. Verrucariaceae Species
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